The Practical Designer for Women's and Misses' Underwear/Woman's Flat Collar
Lesson No. 432
The flat collar is also used on all button-up-neck garments and lays flat over the shoulders, and produces no stand. In order to produce the same use the front and back of a button-up garment and copy the neck of the back first, as shown on the diagram, from A to C, C to D, A to B and B to D. Then lap-over the front part at the shoulder seams by deducting a ½ inch at C to E and D to F and continue copying the front neck from C to G and G to H according to the edge of the front and copy from H to D all around to F and B, which will complete the width of the collar.
The width of this collar, which is from A to B and G to H, shall be about 4 inches, which will complete the collar in a 3-inch width when all seams are deducted. According to this instruction all seams are allowed.