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The Riverside song book/I know not what the Future hath

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The Riverside song book (1893)
I know not what the Future hath
by John Greenleaf Whittier, composed by W. Irmer
2620944The Riverside song book — I know not what the Future hathW. IrmerJohn Greenleaf Whittier


John Greenleaf Whittier. W. Irmer.

1. I know not what the fu - ture hath Of mar - vel or sur - prise,

2. And so be - side the Si - lent Sea I wait the muf-fled oar;

3. I know not where His is - lands lift Their fronded palms in air;

4. And Thou, O Lord! by Whom are seen Thy crea- tares as they be,

As - sured a - lone that life and death His mer - cy un - der - lies.

No harm from Him can come to me On o - cean or on shore.

I on - ly know I can - not drift Be - yond His love and care.

For-give me if too close I lean My hu - man heart on Thee.