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The Riverside song book/To stay at Home is best

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For other versions of this work, see Song: "Stay, Stay at Home, my Heart, and Rest.".
2615309The Riverside song book — To stay at Home is bestA. ten CateHenry Wadsworth Longfellow

\relative c' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 6/8 \key f \major \partial 8 \autoBeamOff <f a>8^\markup { \italic pp } <f a> ~ <f a> <f a>^\markup { \italic \abs-fontsize #8 "cres. a little." } <g bes>4 <gis b>8 <a c>4 <a c>8 <a f'>4 <a c>8 <a c>^\markup { \italic pp } ~ <a c> <fis d'> <g bes>4 <e c'>8 <f a>4 <f a>8 <e g>4 <e g>16 ~ <e g> <f a>8^\markup { \italic \abs-fontsize #8 cres. } ~ <f a> <f a> <g bes> <g bes> <fis b> <a c>4 <a c>8 <a f'>4 <a f'>16^\markup { \italic f } ~ <a f'> <b f'>4 <c e>16 ~ <c e> << { d8^\markup { \italic \abs-fontsize #8 dim. } ~ d } \\ { c ~ c } >> <b d> << { c4 } \\ { c } >> <g c>8 <e c'>4 \fermata <a c>8 <a c>4^\markup { \italic p } <a c>8 <a ees'>4 <c ees>8 <c ees>4.(<bes d>4) <f a>8 <f a>4 <f a>8 << { c'8[bes] } \\ { e,4 } >> <e g>8 << { f4. ~ f4 } \\ { f4. ~ f4 } >> \bar ".." } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"1. " Stay,8 stay4 at8 home,4 my8 heart,4 and8 rest;4 \skip8 Home8 -- keep -- ing hearts4 are8 hap4 -- pi8 -- est,4 For8 those4 that8 wan -- der they know4 not8 where,4 Are8 full4 of8 trou -- ble and full4 of8 care;4 To8 stay4 at8 home4 is8 best,4. \skip4 To8 stay4 at8 home4 is8 best.4. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"3. " \skip8 Weary4 and8 home4 -- sick8 and4 dis8 -- tressed,4 They8 wan4 -- der8 east,4 they8 wan4 -- der8 west,4 And16 are baf8 -- fled and beat -- en and blown4 a8 -- bout4 By16 the winds4 of16 the wil4 -- der8 -- ness4 of8 doubt;4 To8 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"3. " Then8 stay4 at8 home,4 my8 heart,4 and8 rest;4 The8 bird4 is8 saf4 -- est8 in4 the8 nest;4 O’er8 all4 that8 flut -- ter their wings4 and8 fly4 A8 hawk4 is8 hov4 -- ’ring8 in4 the8 sky;4 To8 } \new Staff { \time 6/8 \key f \major \partial 8 \autoBeamOff f^\markup { \italic pp } f ~ f f^\markup { \italic \abs-fontsize #8 "cres. a little." } f4 f8 f4 f8 f4 f8 f^\markup { \italic pp } ~ f d g4 c,8 f4 f8 c4 c16 ~ c f8^\markup { \italic \abs-fontsize #8 cres. } ~ f f f f f f4 f8 f4 d16 ~ d d4 e16 ~ e f8^\markup { \italic \abs-fontsize #8 dim. } ~ f g c,4 c8 c4 \fermata f8 f4^\markup { \italic p } f8 f4 f8 bes,4. ~ bes4 c8 c4^\markup { \italic pp } c8 c4 c8 f4. ~ f4 } >> }