The Sailor's Tragedy (1823)/The Dandy Frill
Come all you laſſes blyth and gay,And liſten unto me this day:I hope you will not take it ill.To tell you about your dandy frill.
For Dandy Frills they all muſt ha'e,To make them look ſo fine and gay.
Juſt in the morning when they riſe,When at the glaſs, with due surpriseThey'll thraw their Faces with good will,For to put right their Dandy Frill.
Their Dandy Frills, do caſt a ſhow,In every market town you knowThere nothing I ſee. that looks ſo ill,As a dirty ſhift and Dandy Frill.
She ſays young man tell me I pray, What makes you lefſen the laſſes the day,Tho' our thifts be black we'll uſe our skill,To hide them with our Dandy Frill.
Says I, my laſs if you want a man,I will tell you the only plan,If our ſweetheart loves you with good will,You will get him without a Dandy Frill.
Says ſhe young man I own it's true,Bat Dandy Frills are bonny to view,The lad comes t'wards us with good will,We entice them with our Dandy Frill.
To ſee our laſſes every one,Fine dreſſes every day they plan.Tho money de ſcarce, they'll have their will,They will not forget their Dandy Frill.
Our laſſes every day are ſeen,All drest as fine as any queen.Oar laſſ they will try their skill,Before they want a Dandy Frill.
So now I have ſaid all I can, About our laſſes every one.At Kirk and Market with good will,They muſt have on their Dandy Frill.