The Sailor's Tragedy (1823)/The Sailor's Tragedy
For other versions of this work, see The Sailor's Tragedy.
I am a Sailor, and home I write,
And in the ſeas took great delight;
The female ſex I did beguile,
At length two were by me with child:
And in the ſeas took great delight;
The female ſex I did beguile,
At length two were by me with child:
I promis'd to be true to both,
And bound myſelf, under an oath,
To marry them, if I had life;
And one of them I made my wife.
And bound myſelf, under an oath,
To marry them, if I had life;
And one of them I made my wife.
The other being left alone,
Crying. You falſe deluding man,
With me you've done a wicked thing,
Wnich public ſhame' will on me bring.
Crying. You falſe deluding man,
With me you've done a wicked thing,
Wnich public ſhame' will on me bring.
Then to the ſilent ſhade ſhe went,
Her present ſhame for to prevent;
And ſoon ſhe finiſh'd up the ſtrife,
And cut her tender thread of life.
Her present ſhame for to prevent;
And ſoon ſhe finiſh'd up the ſtrife,
And cut her tender thread of life.
She hung herſelf upon a tree,
Two men a hunting did her foe;
Her fleſh by beasts was baſely tore,
Which made the young men weep fullfore.
Two men a hunting did her foe;
Her fleſh by beasts was baſely tore,
Which made the young men weep fullfore.
Straight they went and cut her down,
And in her breaſt a note was found;
This, note was written out at large,
"Bury 'me not, I do you charge;
And in her breaſt a note was found;
This, note was written out at large,
"Bury 'me not, I do you charge;
But on the ground here let me lie,
For every one that paſſes by,
That they by me may warning take,
And ſee what follows ere too late.
For every one that paſſes by,
That they by me may warning take,
And ſee what follows ere too late.
As he is falſe, I do proteſt:
That he on earth ſhall find no reſt."
And it is ſaid, she plagu'd him ſo,
That to the seas he's forc'd to go.
That he on earth ſhall find no reſt."
And it is ſaid, she plagu'd him ſo,
That to the seas he's forc'd to go.
As he was on the main-maft high,
A little boat he did eſpy,
In it there was a Ghoſt fo grim.
That made him tremblé ev'r, limb!
A little boat he did eſpy,
In it there was a Ghoſt fo grim.
That made him tremblé ev'r, limb!
Down to the deck the young man goes,
To the Captain his mind for to diſcloſe:
Here is a Spirit coming hence,
O Captain ſtand in my defence.
To the Captain his mind for to diſcloſe:
Here is a Spirit coming hence,
O Captain ſtand in my defence.
Upon the deck the Captain goes,
Where ſoon he ſpy'd the fatal Ghoſt!
Captain, said ſhe you muſt and can,
With ſpeed help me to ſuch a man.
Where ſoon he ſpy'd the fatal Ghoſt!
Captain, said ſhe you muſt and can,
With ſpeed help me to ſuch a man.
In St. Helens this young man died,
And in St. Helens is his body laid.
Captain, ſaid ſhe, do not ſay ſo,
For he is in your ſhip below.
And in St. Helens is his body laid.
Captain, ſaid ſhe, do not ſay ſo,
For he is in your ſhip below.
And if you ſtand in his defence,
A mighty ſtorm I will ſend hence,
Will cauſe you and your men to weep.
And leave you ſleeping in the deep.
A mighty ſtorm I will ſend hence,
Will cauſe you and your men to weep.
And leave you ſleeping in the deep.
From the deck did the Captain go,
And brought this young man to his foe:
O him ſhe fix'd' her eyes ſo grim,
Which made him tremble every limb:
And brought this young man to his foe:
O him ſhe fix'd' her eyes ſo grim,
Which made him tremble every limb:
It was well known I was a maid,
When first by you I was betray'd,
I am a spirit come for you,
You beguil'd me once but I have you how.
When first by you I was betray'd,
I am a spirit come for you,
You beguil'd me once but I have you how.
For to preſerve both ſhip and men,
Into the boat they forced him;
The boat funk in a flaſh of fire!
Which made the ſailors all admire!
Into the boat they forced him;
The boat funk in a flaſh of fire!
Which made the ſailors all admire!
All you that know what to love belong,
Now you have heard my mournful ſong;
Be true to one, whate'er you mind,
And don't delude poor woman kind.
Now you have heard my mournful ſong;
Be true to one, whate'er you mind,
And don't delude poor woman kind.