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The Saxon Cathedral at Canterbury and The Saxon Saints Buried Therein/Bibliography

From Wikisource


Archæologia, issued by the Soc. of Antiquaries.

Archæologia Cantiana.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Ingram's Edition.

Bede's Ecclesiastical History.

Baldwin Brown's Arts of Early England.

Bindley, T. H., The Epistle of the Gallican Churches.

Butler's Lives of the Saints.

Bollandists, Acta Sanctorum.

Boggis, R. J. E., History of St. Augustine's Abbey.

Capgrave's Chronicles of England. Rolls Series.

Dictionary of National Biography.

Elmham, Thos. of, Historia Monasterii Augustini Cant. Rolls Series.

Feltoe, C., Three Canterbury Kalendars.

Florence of Worcester's Chronicle. Bohn.

Flores Historiarum. Rolls Series.

Facsimilies of Anglo-Saxon MSS., J. Cameron and W. Basevi Sanders.

Gervase in Decem Scriptores.

Godwin, F., De Praesulibus Angliae.

—— Catalogue of Bishops.

Gentleman's Magazine.

Hadden, A. W. T., and Stubbs, Bp., Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents.

Henry Bradshaw Society. The Bobbio Missal.

—— Canterbury Benedictional.

Henry of Huntington's Chronicle. Bohn.

Hook, Dean, Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury.

Hope, Sir W. St. J., Proceedings of the Soc. of Antiquaries. 2nd Series, Vol. XXX, p. 140.

Hunt, Rev. W., History of the English Church, 597-1066.

Historians of York. Rolls Series.

Injunctions of Edward VI., 1547.

Journal of Theological Studies.

Kerslake, T., Vestiges of the Supremacy of Mercia, Bristol and Gloucestershire Archæological Soc. Trans. iii.

Kemble, J., The Saxons in England.

Leland, Itinerary, 1909 Edition. Vol. IV.

Legg and Hope, Inventories of Christ Church, Canterbury.

Mabillon, J., Acta Sanctorum Ordinis S. Benedicti.

Malmesbury, William of, Gesta Regum.

Mason, A. J., Guide to the Ancient Glass in Canterbury Cathedral.

Matthew Paris, Historia Anglorum. Rolls Series.

MSS. Christ Church, Canterbury.

—— British Museum.

—— Lambeth.

—— Corpus Christi College, Cambridge,

Pedrick, G., Monastic Seals of the Thirteenth Century.

Robinson, Dean Armitage, Ford Lectures, 1922.

Searle, W. G., Chronicle of John Stone.

Stubbs, Bp., Memorials of St. Dunstan.

—— Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum.

Somner's Canterbury, 1640.

Simeon of Durham's Chronicle.

Thorne's Chronicle in Decem Scriptores.

Thorpe's Diplomaterinm Anglicum Ævi Saxonici.

Warren, F. E., Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church.

Willis, Prof. R., Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral.

Wharton, H., Anglia Sacra.

Weever, Funeral Monuments.

Wistwood, Palæographia Sacra Pictoria.

Wilkin's Concilia.