The Selkirk Mountains/Bibliography
1831 | Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River, including narrative of six years' residence on the western side of the Rockies. Scarce. |
1847 | Simpson, Sir George. Narrative of a Journey round the World, 1841-2. London. (Chapter III. treats of his journey from the plains over Simpson Pass to the Pacific Coast. ) Scarce. |
1849 | Ross, Alexander. Adventures on the Columbia. London. Scarce. |
1855 | Ross, Alexander. The Fur-Hunters of the Far West. Scarce. |
1859 | Kane, Paul. Wanderings of an Artist. London. (Contains account of voyage down the Columbia to Fort Vancouver and the Kootenay and Boundary Passes (pp. 66-75). Scarce. |
1859 | Palliser, John. Reports of the Palliser Expedition, 1858. Very scarce. Contains also reports by Dr. James Hector. |
1860 | Palliser, John. Further papers concerning the Palliser Expedition. Also rejjort by Thomas Blackiston of his exploration of the Kootenay and Boundary Passes (p.p. 66-75). Scarce. |
1861 | Hector, James, M.D. Geology of the country between Lake Superior and the Pacific Ocean, between Latitude 48° and 54°. Scarce. |
1863 | Palliser, John. Journals of Explorations in British North America, 1857-8-9-60. Scarce. |
1865 | Milton and Cheadle. The North-West Passage by Land. London. Scarce. |
1873 | Grant, the Rev. G. M. Ocean to Ocean. Toronto and London. Scarce. |
1884 | Fleming, Sir Sandford. England and Canada: A Tour between Old and New Westminster. London. Sampson Low. Scarce. |
1888 | Caine. Trip round the World 1887-1888. Author travelled in the Selkirks. |
1889 | Fleming, Sir Sandford. Expeditions to the Pacific. Royal Society (Canada) Journals, Section II. |
1890 | St. Maur, Mrs. Algernon. Impressions of a Tenderfoot. |
1890 | Green, W. Spotswood, M.A., F.R.G.S., A.C. Among the Selkirk Glaciers. Macmillan & Co., London. (Ought to be re-issued.) |
1891 | Huber, Emil. Im Hochgebirg von British Columbia. Jahrbuch des Schweizer Alpenclub. Vol. XXVI. p.p. 258-289. Sulzer, Carl. Bergfahrten im Far West. Ibid. p.p. 290-302. |
1891 | Topham, Harold W. Notes about the Selkirks. The Alpine Journal. May 1891, pp. 418-421. |
1893 | Nichols, Harry P. Back Ranges of the Selkirks. Appalachia. Vol. VII. No. 2, pp. 101-8. |
1893 | Fay, Charles E. Up the Crags of Sir Donald. Appalachia. Vol. VII., No. 2, pp. 157-164. |
1895 | Green, W. Spotswood. Climbing in the Selkirks and Adjacent Rocky Mountains. The Alpine Journal, February 1895, pp. 289-296. |
1895 | Fay, Charles E. Our Bivouac on Eagle Peak. Appalachia, Vol. VII., No. 4, 298-308. |
1895 | Curtis, Rest F. Mount Abbott: An Introduction to the Selkirks. Appalachia Vol. VII., No. 4, pp. 292-8. |
1896 | Abbott. Philip S. Castor and the Rampart. Appalachia Vol. VIII., No. 1, pp. 1-17. Eagle Peak. Ibid pp. 101-2. |
1896 | Thompson, C. S. Mount Castor and tlie Asulkan Ridge . Appalachia. Vol. VIII, No. 1, pp. 17-25. |
1897 | Coues, Elliott. New light on Great North-West. Henry's Journal's (extracts from Thompson's). New York. |
1899 | Little, George T. The First Ascent of Rogers Peak. Appalachia Vol. VIII.. No. 3, pp. 209-16. |
1899 | Pencx. Albert. The Illecillowaet Glacier in the Selkirks. Proceedings Canadian Institute. No. 2, 1899. |
1899 | Vaux, George and William S., Jr. Observations on the Illecillewaet and Asulkan Glaciers of British Columbia. Proceedings, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, pp. 121-4. |
1899 | Fay, Charles E. The Illecillewaet Névé. Appalachia, Vol. IX.. No. 1, pp. 93-7. |
1899 | Coues, Elliot. Henry's and Thompson's Journals (mainly Henry's). Edited with Critical Commentary. |
1899 | Vaux, George, Jr., and William S., Jr. Additional Observations on Glaciers in British Columbia. Proceedings, Academy Natural Sciences. Phil. Dec. 1899. |
1900 | Baillie-Grohmanji, W. A. Fifteen Years Sport and Life in the Hunting Grounds of W. America and British Columbia. London. Chaps. X.-XIII. on Mountains. |
1900 | Vaux, William S., Jr. The Canadian Pacific Railway from Laggan to Revelstoke, B.C. Proceedings, Engineer's Club, Phil., May, 1900. |
1900 | Vaux, George and William S.. Jr. The Great Glacier of the Illecillewaet with map. Appalachia, Vol. IX., No. 2, p.p. 156-65. |
1901 | Fay, Charles E. The First Ascent of Mt. Dawson. Appalachia, Vol. IX., No. 3, pp. 257-72. The Resort to Glacier House. Ibid pp. 273-6. |
1901 | Leprince-Ringuet. F. Ascension du Sir Donald par le Green's Peak. Appalachia Vol. IX., No. 3, pp. 309-13. |
1901 | Vaux, George, Jr. Ascents of Sir Donald in 1900. Appalachia Vol. IX., Nos. 3, 4. |
1901 | Michael. Arthur. Climbs in belkirks. Appalachia Vol. IX., Nos. 3, 4. |
1903 | Wheeler. Arthur 0. Behind the Asulkan and Donkin Passes. Appalachia Vol. X., N^o. 2. pp. 123-135. |
1905 | Wheeler, Arthur O. The Selkirk Range, Ottawa. |
Tyrrell, J. B. The Life of David Thompson, Geographer and Astronomer. In preparation for the Champlain Society. | |
Thompson's Map (1813) a remarkable map, is reprinted with other maps in Vol. II. of The Selkirk Range. |