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The Selkirk Mountains/Park Regulations

From Wikisource
3226926The Selkirk MountainsArthur Oliver Wheeler

Park Regulations

No person shall, without permission from the Minister of the Interior, reside permanently within other portions of the Parks than those sold or leased.

There shall be a reservation for the use of the public of one hundred feet in width along the shore of each lake, river, or stream within the Parks, and any grant, lease or other disposal of lands within the Parks shall be subject to such reservation.

Every person entering or passing into, across or through any of the Parks, shall, when requested to do so by the Superintendent, or any Forest Ranger, Game-guardian or any other officer having charge of or jurisdiction within such Parks, truthfully answer any enquiries made to him by such Superintendent, Ranger, Guardian or officer as to his name, his post office address, the duration or the proposed duration of his stay in the Park and the portion thereof he intends to visit or has visited, and shall give such other information of a similar nature as such Superintendent, Ranger, Guardian or other officer may ask him.


The defacement of any object at any of the hot springs, of any of the natural rock formations, or of trees, timber, bridges, seats or other structures by cutting, written inscription or otherwise, and the throwing of any stones, sticks or other substances whatsoever into any of the springs or streams in the Parks are strictly forbidden.

No person shall cut, remove, or injure any trees or timber, growing or dead, or remove or displace any mineral deposits or natural curiosities except by written permission of the Superintendent.


No person shall at any time set out or cause to be set out or started, any fire in the open air within the limits of the Parks, except for the purpose of cooking, obtaining warmth, or for some industrial purpose permitted by the Minister of the Interior to be carried on; and every person who makes or starts a fire in the open air for cooking or camping purposes shall:—

Select a bare rock whereon to kindle such a fire wherever possible, and if there be no bare rock in the neighborhood, then a site on which there is the smallest quantity of vegetable matter, dead wood, branches, brushwood, dry leaves or resinous trees;

Clear the place in which he i? about to light the fire by removing all vegetable matter, dead trees, branches, brushwood and dry leaves from the soil within a radius of ten feet from the fire;

Exercise and observe every possible precaution to prevent such fire from spreading, and carefully extinguish the same before quitting the place:

Any peraon who throws or drops any burning match, ashes from a pipe, lighted cigar or any other burning substance within the Parks shall completely extinguish before leaving the spot the fire of such match, ashes from a pipe, cigar or other burning substance.

Any person who shall directly or indirectly, personally or through any servant, employee or agent, kindle a fire or let it run at large on any land not his own property; permit any fire to pass from his own land, or allow any fire under his charge, custody or control, or under the charge, custody or control of any servant, employee or agent, to run at large, with the result that such fire shall pass into any of the Parks, shall be liable, in addition to any penalty imposed by the Provincial Act, to the penalty imposed for any breach of these Regulations.


Any person camping within the Parks shall carefully clear up the ground on which his camp was located before his departure therefrom, and shall restore it as nearly as possible to its natural condition.

All refuse shall be destroyed or buried.


The Minister of the Interior may issue licences of occupation for the working of mines and the development of mining interests within the limits of the Parks, subject, however, to the approval by the Governor in Council as to the terms, conditions and duration of such licences of occupation.


Annual licences may be issued by the Superintendent to guides, and no person shall be permitted to act in any such capacity within the Parks without such a licence in good standing. No licence to act as a guide shall be granted to any person under eighteen years of age. Each such licence shall expire on the thirty-first day of March next after the date of its issue. The fee to be charged for such licence shall be five dollars.

No guide shall be entitled to charge for his services more than fifty cents per hour.

The Minister of the Interior may issue a licence good for one year from 1st May in each year to any person or persons undertaking to place on any waters within the Parks a steam yacht or other vessel or vessels suitable for the conveyance of passengers, upon such person or persons paying the fee fixed by the Minister therefor and in all respects complying with the .Steamboat, Inspection Act or Acts regulating steam and other vessels. The maximum fare which may be charged for the conveyance of passengers in such boats shall not exceed, when running on regular trips, up to eight miles, fifty cents; above eight and up to twelve miles, seventy-five cents; over twelve miles, one dollar.


Every person who keeps a livery stable or provides outfits for parties travelling through any of the Parks shall keep a record of the parties outfitted by him, the number of persons, their names and addresses, the guides accompanying them, the date of departure, their destination and route of travel, the time they propose to remain in such Park, and the firearms carried by the party. Such record shall be open at any time to inspection by the Superintendent, Ranger, Guardian or other officer having jurisdiction in the Parks.


No person shall hunt, take, kill, wound, injure or destroy, or pursue with such intent, any wild animal or bird within the Parks.

No person shall fish for, take, catch or kill, from or in any of the waters of the Parks any fish that inhabit such waters, or attempt so to do, with any kind of net, seine or snare, rack, trap or weir, or night line, or set line, or in any other way than by hook and line.

No person shall use dynamite or any other explosive, or any poison, for the purpose of killing, destroying, injuring, or taking fish in or from the said waters.

Fishing for the purpose, or with the object of selling, bartering or trafficking in the fish so taken is hereby prohibited.

No person shall, in or from the waters of the Parks, kill or retain or carry away any fish less than six inches in length, and when any fish of a length less than six inches is taken or caught the same shall forthwith be returned to the water by the person taking or catching the same without unnecessary injury.

No person shall, in or from the waters of the Parks, retain or carry away, more than fifteen fish in one day.

No fish shall be taken between the fifteenth day of September and the fifteenth day of May. Fishing may be prohibited in any of the waters of the Parks, or limited therein to any specified season of the year by the order of the Minister of the Interior.

The illegal possession of each and every head of game shall be a separate offence.

No person residing in or visiting or travelling through the Parks, except a duly authorized game guardian, shall have in his possession or carry any rifle, shot gun or other firearm, unless such rifle, shot gun or other firearm shall have been sealed by the Superintendent or other officer authorized by the Superintendent; and no such seal shall be broken within the limits of the Parks except as hereinafter provided.

Any unsealed rifle, shot gun or other firearm found within any of the Parks may be confiscated by the Superintendent, ranger, guardian or other officer.


Each head guide shall have the authority of a game guardian for the enforcement of the laws and regulations relating to the protection of game and fish and the prevention of fire.


The use of automobiles of every kind is prohibited on any road or elsewhere within the limits of the Parks.

Any person who violates any the provisions of any of these Regulations, shall, except as hereinafter specially provided, be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars and costs, and in default of payment thereof, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months.

A printed copy of these Regulations to be furnished by the Department of the Interior for that purpose, shall be posted and kept in a conspicuous place in every Government office and in every hotel, boarding-house, bath-house and livery stable within the Parks.

Wherever in these Regulations the expression "The Superintendent of the Park" or "the Superintendent" is used it shall mean the officer holding that office at the present time under appointment by the Governor in Council, or any person who may be hereafter so appointed to the said office in connection with any of the Dominion Parks.