The Sign Language/Chapter 7
Think.—Place the end of the "G" forefinger upon the center of the forehead and move it a little with a circular motion. VI, 97.
Understand.—With the right "G" forefinger bent or crooked, bring the back of the nail against the center of the forehead, draw the end of the finger upward and out until it is straight, describing a parabola. VI, 98.
Idea.—Place the end of the little finger of the right "I" hand against the middle of the forehead; draw it away and give it the least of a circular jerk upward. VI, 99.
Imagine.—Make a sign as in "Idea," but when finger is drawn away, lift it upward in a continuous circular motion. VI, 100. Or,
(2) Place the forefinger against the forehead as in "think" and then lift the whole hand upward with the same motion two or three times. VI, 101.
Dream.—Place the end of the forefinger upon the forehead as in "think," then draw it away and upward, giving the forefinger a wiggling motion (bending and straightening alternately, rapidly). The sign for "sleep" may be prefixed. VI, 102.
Wise.—Crook the right "G" forefinger and lift the hand to the forehead; place the end of the finger at the top of the center and move it downward across the forehead. VI, 103.
Science, or to indicate deep wisdom.—Place the forefinger as in "think" or in "wise," hold the left hand out in front of you with fingers extended and loosely apart; bring the end of the right forefinger from the head and pierce it through or between the fingers of the hand, indicating that the wisdom goes down deep. VI, 104.
Invent.—With the "G" forefinger pointing upward, place the end against the middle of the forehead just above the nose so the finger almost rests on the length of the nose; push the finger upward till the length of it has crossed the forehead.
Learn.—Place the open palm of the left hand as if it were a book or printed page in front of self; with the other hand grasp imaginary knowledge from it with the fingers closing against the thumb and raise it to the forehead. VI, 105.
Believe.—Place the end of the forefinger on the forehead as in "think" (some place it on the lips); then, bringing the left hand up half way to meet it, bring the hand from the forehead and clasp both in front of you, palms together. VI, 106.
Doubt, to express incredulity.—Bring the "V" hand up in front of the face with the fore and middle fingers bent toward the end of the nose and held as if about to straddle it; bend and unbend the fingers several times. VI, 107. Or,
(2) To express distrust or suspicion of one's intentions—Place the fist well out at the side, partly in front, with the elbow bent outward; throw the fist toward imaginary person, repeating the motion several times. VI, 108.
(3) To express a wavering or a doubt as to decision—Cross one forefinger over the other and make a see-saw motion with it, like a scale beam. Or,
(4) Hold the "A" hands just out from and below the shoulders, with elbows raised and pointing outward; let the hands rise and fall alternately as if they were scale pans. VI, 109.
Mind.—Tap the head with the finger.
Know, Intelligence.—Tap the forehead with the end of the hand. VI, 110.
Don't know.—Touch the forehead as in "know," then throw it outward, turning the hand with a twist of the wrist meanwhile. VI, 111.
Ignorant.—Tap the middle of the forehead with the backs of the two fingers of the right "V" hand.
Feebleminded.—Place the ends of the two fingers of the "V" hand or fingers of the "5" hand against the forehead; push the hands so the fingers bend and unbend several times.
Crazy.—Place the forefinger of one hand on the forehead as in "think," then bring it away, at the same time bringing the other forefinger up so the two will point toward each other, up and down, and whirl them in opposite directions indicating the "wheels in the head." VI, 112.
Foolish, Silly.—Bring the "Y" hand up with the thumb toward the forehead and the little finger pointing out; in that position move it across back and forth from right to left and vice versa in front of the forehead several times. VI, 113.
Note.—This sign, made by throwing the hand rather emphatically once across, is used indiscriminately in the sense of absurd, trifling, and to indicate that something receives one's disapproval.
Memorize.—Place forefinger on forehead as in "think;" draw it away an inch or so and make grasping motion with hand, palm before face. Or, instead of touching forehead with finger, place open "C" hand before forehead and end as above. VI, 114.
Forget.—Draw the end of the hand across the forehead, turning the fingers in toward the palm as you draw it from the forehead. VI, 115.
Remember.—Touch forehead with open right hand, bring hand down and form "A" with both hands (thumbs extended slightly further out) and then place end of right thumb upon the top end of the other as if holding it down. VI, 116.
Inform.—Place right hand as in "know," then carry it away as if carrying away information, at some time bring up left hand in similar position directly following or parallel with right. VI, 117.
Tell.—Place the forefinger of "G" hand under the lower lip, horizontally, then throw it out as if the finger were carrying words out of the mouth.
To tell on one, Telltale, Gossip, etc.—Making a bill with the thumb and forefinger bring it up with knuckle of forefinger against the mouth, slightly at one side; push it away outward, opening and closing the thumb and finger to imitate the movement of the lips in talking. VI, 118.
Secret, Don't tell, etc.—Place nail of thumb of "A" hand against mouth.
Be still, Keep quiet, etc.—Place forefinger against lips. The idea is made emphatic by throwing the finger violently against the lips, and may then be interpreted, "Shut up."
Quiet, Calm, Still, Noiseless.—Place the forefinger on the lips; bring the other extended hand up in front of you, and then bring the hand away from the mouth, extended, until it is just over the other; then move both away in opposite directions toward the sides, palms down. VI, 119.
Talk, Verbal, Speech, etc.—Place forefinger of "G" hand under lower lip; horizontally draw it away, giving it a rapid circular motion in the air. VI, 120. Or,
(2) In sense of conversation.—Hold out both "G" hands in front, forefingers pointing upward; move both hands to one side, and then to the other alternately several times or give same motion toward the front from self. VI, 121.
Word.—Make "C" with right hand but close rest of fingers; place the ends of the thumb and forefinger of the "C" hand on the forefinger of left "G" hand, as if to measure its length.
Language, Sentence, etc.—Lock the thumbs and forefingers of both hands together like the link of a chain; draw them apart, giving both hands a chain-like shaking motion, in opposite directions. VI, 122.
Explain, Tell about.—With forefingers and thumbs of both hands extended, bring their ends all together so that the ends lap over a little; draw them apart and repeat the motion two or three times.
Note.—This sign is used to mean the telling of anything, asking for an explanation, and even in asking for a story; sometimes for simply a story. VI, 123. Or,
(2) Describe.—With thumb and forefinger of both hands making "O" (other fingers extended) bring them together; move one hand out horizontally, bring it back and repeat the motion with the other hand and repeat the motion several times. VI, 124.
Sentence.—Make same sign as in language but when the hands are brought apart lift them up as if to indicate the beginning with the left hand and the ending with the right.
News.—Bring the extended hands out in front of you, pointing toward each other, and then brush the back of the right straight across (lengthwise) the palm of the left, and repeat once or twice. VI, 125.
Show.—Raise the left extended hand palm out (as if to swear); bring end of forefinger of "G" right hand up and place it against the center of the palm of the raised hand, then push both forward or around as if exhibiting to some one. VI, 126.
Teach.—Raise each of the hands to the corresponding side of the head on a level with the eyes; close ends of fingers against thumb (as in "&"); push the hands straight out from the head, and open the thumb and fingers, as if you had grasped something from the head and thrown it out toward some one else. VI, 127.
Intend, Mean, Purpose.—Touch forehead with forefinger; then bring hand down and place the ends of the fingers of the "V" hand against palm of extended left; lift "U" hand off and twist it around, bringing the ends back to the palm but with positions reversed; the left hand may be slightly twisted around in an opposite way. VI, 128.
Propose, Offer.—With extended hands close to you in front, lift them out and forward as in the act of offering something to some one.
Correct, Find fault.—Touch the tip of the forefinger of "G" hand on tip of tongue and then proceed to scratch or cross out an imaginary something on the palm of the left extended hand.
Criticise.—With the forefinger of the right "G" hand mark a cross on the left open palm.
Find fault.—Draw the forefinger and thumb of right hand out of left "O" as if picking flaws out of one's character.
Refuse.—Hold the "S" hand out with elbow at side; jerk the whole arm back with a sudden motion.
Excuse, Forgive.—Place the end of the right extended hand in palm of left extended hand and move it along the length of the hand and beyond. In asking forgiveness or one's pardon the end of the right hand is rubbed back and forth in the same motion, in palm of the left. VI, 129.
Duty.—Hold the left "S" hand with back up and strike right "D" upon it two or three times.
"Have to," indicating Obligation.—Place both "S" hands with wrists one above the other as if bound; press them both downward together. VI, 130.
Must, indicating Necessity and Need.—Crook the forefinger of "G" hand, then turn it so the end points down; push the hand downward; the downward motion is often repeated several times.
Blame.—Place the "A" hand upon the back of the extended left thumb end up. To express the idea of accuse, while making the sign extend both hands toward the person who is blamed. To acknowledge oneself to blame, bring the sign toward you, placing the hands almost against the breast. Innocence is expressed by making the sign for "blame" and "not;" or, as usual, opening the hands and dropping them away from the position of the sign. VI, 131.
Ridicule, Make fun of, etc.—Extend the little and forefinger of each hand; hold the left hand in front toward the side; bring the end of the forefinger of the other hand up to the corner of the mouth and draw it back a little way as if following the mouth in a smile; bring the hand away and down, somewhat "tandem" to the other, then throw the hands, with the forefingers and little fingers pointing, toward the imaginary object or person; repeat the last part of the sign several times. VI, 132.
Praise, Commend, Congratulate, Express approbation, etc.—Extend left open hand out in front, palm up; and clap it with the open right. The sign for "good" sometimes precedes the sign.
Glory.—Make similar sign as for "praise," then draw the right hand away and upward from the left, the while working the fingers (of the right only) up and down as if they were throwing off scintillating beams of light.
Can, indicating Ability, Power.—Extend "S" hands forward from the sides, thumb ends up with elbows against sides; bring both hands down with a jerking motion.
The sign for "strong" is very similar. The difference lies in the way the hands are moved. For "strength" they are moved somewhat sidewise with a slight circular motion.
Can't.—Extend forefinger of left "G" hand and strike it crosswise with a downward stroke of the forefinger of right "G" hand, carrying the right hand beyond as if cutting off left. I, 4. Or, "can" and "not."
Note.—The first is colloquial and more commonly used.
Try.—Hands in same position as for "can" ("S" hands extended from sides) then push them forward. VII, 133.
See, Sight.—Straddle nose with "V" hand held parallel to it, placing the ends of fingers under the eye; push the hand away so the ends of the fingers will follow a straight line from the eyes. IV, 53.
Look, Observe.—Hands in same position as for "see;" bring the hand away, turning the fingers so that the ends point toward the object. IV, 54.
Appear, Seem, Look like.—Bring the open right hand up in front toward one side with the thumb edge toward self; turn the hand so as to present the palm toward self and fix the eyes upon it. VII, 134.
Write.—Imitate motion of writing with right hand on left extended palm.
Letter.—Close right hand and extend thumb; wet the palm end of thumb on tongue and then throw it against the open left hand as if sticking on the stamp. (With end of thumb representing a stamp, wet on tongue and stick it on open left hand as on a letter). VII, 135.
Judge, Weigh a thing, Consider, etc.—Place end of finger in center of forehead as in "think," then with hands assuming "F" position, balance them on either side as if they were the two sides of a pair of scales. VII, 136.
Decide, Determine, Render judgment, Make up one's Mind, etc.—After balancing hands as in preceding sign, bring them to an abrupt stop exactly opposite. Or touch forehead with forefingers, then bring the extended "O" hands down quickly, opposite and on the same level.
Read.—Hold up the open left hand as the page of a book; point right "V" finger at the top and then move hand down as if following the page with the eyes.
Study.—Hold open left hand as the page of a book; point all fingers of right hand at it; push fingers toward and draw away several times the while they are worked with a vibrating motion. VII, 137.
Dunce.—Knock the joints of the fingers of right "A" hand against the forehead.
Don't.—Hold up the extended right hand, palm outward; with arm quiet give hand a vibrating motion from side to side several times.
Postpone, Put off, Procrastinate, etc.—Hold out extended "O" hand in front from side; lift slightly, push forward and bring down; repeat the motion several times. This sign may be made with both hands at the same time. VII, 138.
Begin, Commence, etc.—Extend left "H" hand palm slightly toward you; with a twisting or boring motion force forefinger of right "G" hand through the "H" between the two fingers. VII, 139.
Habit, "Mental slavery."—Forefinger at forehead as in "think," then bring "S" hands down, wrists one above the other, expressing the idea of the mind or will being bound. VII, 140.
Resemble, Look alike.—Make sign for "appear" and then bring forefingers of "G" hands down together, striking their sides one against the other as in "same."
Whisper, Speak privately.—Hold up the open hand, thumb edge against one side of the mouth, and incline head slightly toward one side.
Choose, Select.—Hold up left "V" hand and with right thumb and forefinger make a motion of picking off first one, then the other finger. To indicate that the choice is made, indicate by the decisive motion that one of the fingers has been selected.
Volunteer, Apply (for a place), Run for office, etc.—Catch the lapel of the coat (or imaginary lapel) with thumb and forefinger or fingers against the palm, and lift up as if selecting and offering oneself for service.
Trouble, Annoyance, etc.—Raise the right arm at the side, hand above head, then bring in a semi-circle down before the face; follow this with similar movement by left hand the other way and repeat it with each arm alternately.
Interrupt, Interfere with, Come between.—Bring left "C" hand up with the opening of "C" toward self; throw the right open hand edgewise between the thumb and forefinger, repeating several times.
Answer, Reply, Make response.—Place forefinger of left "G" hand perpendicularly in front of you and end of forefinger of right "G" hand on lips; keeping them parallel, or in same relative position one higher than the other, throw them toward an imaginary colloquist, keeping the arms at rest, or only slightly moved from elbow.
Suspect, Suspicion, Spy, etc.—Place end of forefinger of "V" hand held perpendicularly under and against the front teeth; without moving the arms throw the ends of the fingers outward, letting the forefinger slip away from the teeth. VII, 141, or
(2) Held the crooked forefinger of "G" right hand against the forehead and make a scratching motion of the finger against the forehead, drawing the finger away from the head slightly; repeat several times.
School.—Clap the hands together several times as a teacher would in calling the attention of his pupils.
College.—Place the open right hand against the open left one held palm up, then lift it up a few inches and, holding it flatwise, describe a circle above the left hand held quietly where it is.
Ask, prefer a request.—Place hands together in front, palms together and ends pointing outward; draw hands toward self and partly down, giving hands a more perpendicular position. VII, 142.
Pray.—Position of hands same as in preceding, but pointed upward in usual attitude of prayer; draw toward self twice or thrice.
Supplication.—Clasp fingers of right hand over "A" left; extend upward toward heaven and draw earnestly toward you. The same idea is expressed by clasping the hands, fingers locked, and making same motion.
Question, To ask a question, To "quiz," etc.—With forefinger of "G" hand, palm side down, move toward imaginary person and crook and uncrook it (imitating the motion of a worm), repeating the motion several times. VII, 143.
Examination is sometimes expressed by making sign with both hands and all the fingers extended, and hands thrown forward as if "charging."
Call, Attract the attention of.—Hold open left hand out in front, palm down and back slightly toward self; strike the back with the open right hand and then beckon toward self. VII, 144.
Warn.—Sign for "call" and then hold up finger in warning attitude.
Name.—Extend "H" or "G" hands, throwing the right hand fingers crosswise against the left, lifting them and letting fall several times. To indicate the action of naming any one, or to express that he is called so and so, place the fingers crosswise as described, then keeping them in that position, raise both hands and extend toward object or person named.
Promise.—Place forefinger of right "G" hand perpendicularly against mouth; bring hand down and strike it (open) against palm of left. Or,
(2) In nature of an oath—Place forefinger of "G" hand held perpendicularly against lips and then bring hand up as in taking an oath. VII, 145.
Advise, Advice, etc.—Place end of right "&" hand on back of left open hand held up in front of you; lift it away as if taking up something with thumb and fingers, and move toward imaginary person and open the hand as if throwing what it might contain toward the person. VII, 146.
Mistake.—Throw the middle joints of "Y" hand once or twice against chin, so the chin is between the thumb and little finger. VII, 147.
Discuss.—Throw the forefinger of right "G" hand on palm of open left (as one often emphasizes his points) and repeat several times.
Argue, Debate.—Repeat preceding motion first with one hand, then the other, to indicate that there are two parties to the discussion.
Agree.—Place end of right "G" hand against center of forehead; bring finger down in front pointing out, and bring the other forefinger up alongside parallel to it but not touching. VII, 148.
Honor.—Point "H" toward imaginary person; draw hand back toward you, lifting the end so that it describes a small curve. VII, 149.
Respect.—Motion similar to above but use letter "R."
Admire.—Same as "like" but make more slowly and deliberately and add sign of honor.
Announce, Make known.—Place the forefingers of "G" hands held horizontally under the lip, ends toward each other; throw hands out, letting them separate so the ends of the fingers describe semi-circles outward. To indicate something is published and announced in a newspaper, press hands palm upon palm, horizontally to indicate motion of printing, and then proceed as above. VII, 150.
Telegram, Telegraph.—Along the edge of the forefinger of "G" hand held in front of you, imitate, with a crooked right forefinger, the action of a sender in a telegraph instrument and "shoot" along. VII, 151.
Telephone.—Raise "O" hand to the ear and then move to the mouth; or, with the other hand, hold imaginary mouthpiece at the mouth and make motion of ringing with right.
Confess.—Place ends of open hands at breast pointing downward, palms in; draw up palms and turn them outward, as if turning the hands wrong side out. VII, 152.
Deny.—Hold ends of thumbs of "A" hands up almost touching the mouth, and then draw them down and outward with emphasis. VII, 153.
Book.—Open and shut the hands held together as the backs of a book.
Song, Poem.—Hold open left hand out, palm toward you; with open right hand pointing toward and at right angles to it, wave it back and forth several times. VII, 154.
Music.—Raise right forefinger to ear; move both hands, palm down, out toward one side, with vibrating motion; wave right open hand back and forth before palm of left hand.
Picture.—Draw "C" or crooked forefinger downward against the face, and then for Photograph, the same, holding open left hand up, place "C" against the palm, or just touch the bridge of the nose with "C" hand and place on palm as before. VII, 155.
Incline, Disposed to.—Touch the heart with the bent finger of the right "5" hand (as in "feel"), then extend the left open hand toward the left and bring the right open hand just back of it also pointing toward the left; carry both hands toward the left, thus indicating the inclination of one's feelings.
Reason.—Place the right "R" hand against the center of the forehead and give it a twisting turn without moving it from its position.
Religion.—Place the right "R" hand against the heart, then raise heavenward.
Character.—Place the right "C" hand against the heart and draw it out a little; or, make the sign for "spirit" and then with the two "A" hands indicate the outlines of the human form.
Fool, Hoax.—Place the crooked forefinger of the right "G" hand on the nose and give it a pull downward, bringing the head down a little. VII, 156.
History.—Begin making the sign for "happen" over the right shoulder and continue making it while the hands are brought down from the shoulder to the front of the body. The sign for "happen" is made as follows: Place the "G" hands parallel in front, thumb up, and twist both at the same time inward, bringing the thumb down. In carrying the hands up to the shoulder to make the sign they will not be exactly in this position, as they will point back and gradually be brought down and into the position as described.
Scold.—Hold the forefinger of the right "G" hand up warningly and, resting the right forearm near the elbow on the left hand, shake it at the imaginary culprit.
Evade, Get around, Avoid.—Holding the left "A" hand in front, thumb up, place the right "A" hand in similar position, behind it and nearer self; throw the right hand to one side and then the other, giving it a twisting motion from the wrist.
Dumfounded, Confused, At a loss.—Hold the "5" hands out pointing down, and then lower them a little with a jerk, bringing the body and hands somewhat rigid.
Exaggerate.—Push the forefinger of the right "G" hand upward across the forehead, straight up from the nose, the length of the finger; then bring down the "&" hand and let the end strike against the end of the left "&" hand pointing up; give both hands a turn, reversing their position, and drawing them apart now strike the right (which is now pointing up) with the left (which points down).
Bless.—Hold the "A" hands elevated in front, thumb to thumb, but not touching; gradually open the hands to "5," drawing them to the sides and downward a little. VII, 157.