The Sign Language/Chapter 8
Note.—In general it may be laid down as a rule that the sign for an action should bear some resemblance to the natural movement.
Go, Leave present place, Depart.—Make motion with finger or hand away from the body. Also, hold left open hand in front, palm toward breast; rest right hand on back of left hand, remove, and motion outward. The latter is more correctly for "send."
Leave, Retire, Withdraw oneself.—Extend open hands, palms down, out toward the left side, one farther toward the left than the other, somewhat "tandem;" draw them back toward the right side of the body and a little up, bending the fingers down from the knuckles. VIII, 158.
Leave, Lie, Let alone, Neglect.—Hold the open hands out toward the left side, palms toward each other, left hand extended farther than the other; push the hands both forward toward the side (or front), and stop with a jerk.
Give.—Bring out hand, make motion as of taking up something, and give to imaginary person.
Get, Obtain.—Reach out left "S" hand and then make a grab upon the top of it with the right.
Receive, Get (by the speaker).—Make similar motion but at the same time draw hands toward you. VIII, 159.
Catch.—Same as for "get" but make the motion more quickly. To catch a ball, represent motion of catching.
Carry, Bear from one place to another.—Reach open hands, palms up, back beyond the right side, the right hand farther out than the left; imagine something having been put in the hands and carry it to the front of the body and beyond to the left side.
Bring, Convey toward oneself.—Reach out open hands, palms up, as if to receive something; then draw them back toward you.
Climb.—Imitate climbing with the hands, lifting one above the other on imaginary tree.
Drive.—Hold imaginary lines and imitate driving.
Food, Eat.—Throw the "&" hand lightly against mouth and repeat several times.
Feed (act of feeding).—Make sign for "eat" and then make motion of giving food.
Drink.—Make motion of lifting a cup to the mouth, and tilting it as in act of drinking. To drink, in sense of habitual use of intoxicating liquor, throw the end of the thumb of the "Y" hand up against the mouth and repeat several times. The hand thus represents the bottle.
Send.—Place end of right open hand on back of left and then throw it off, motioning outward, with "G" hand. VIII, 160.
Progress, Motion forward.—Place bent hands in front of you, the fingers pointing toward each other; move the hands forward with a steady motion. To express the idea that the progress is made in successive stages, lift the hands and move forward a space, and repeat. VIII, 161.
Improve, Gradual progress upward.—Hold out left "B" hand, forefinger edge up; place the little-finger edge of "B" right hand crosswise near end of left forefinger; raise it and drop it again on left hand a little farther up, and continue motion the length of the hand, and beyond, thus measuring off spaces of advancement. VIII, 162.
Deterioration, Decline, A falling off, etc.—Make similar motion to above, but begin at about the elbow, arm inclined down, and move hand in opposite direction (down).
Advanced, Higher up.—Place bent hands in front, palms down, fingers pointing toward each other; raise the hands; if the progress upward is by stages, indicate by lifting the hands a small space at a time. VIII, 163.
Travel.—Pointing the forefinger of the "G" hand out, push it outward with a winding or slightly zig-zag motion. Or,
(2) Move the "G" hand, with the forefinger pointing down, in a semi-circle, giving the finger a circular twirling motion.
Cars.—Hold out the left "H" hand, back up; place the right "H" flatwise on the knuckle of the middle and forefinger of left, then push the right "H" along the other as on a track; repeat the last motion, drawing the right hand back and forth several times. VIII, 164.
Railroad track.—Make sign for "cars," then with hand on either side of you indicate width of a rail by opening thumb and forefinger and push the hands along at the side to represent the rails.
Ship.—The thumb and two fingers are held up representing the masts of a ship; then move hand so as to point fingers forward and give hand motion of a ship rising and falling with the waves. VIII, 165.
Walk.—Let the hands represent the feet, and with palms down, lift and move them forward alternately as if they were feet in the action of walking.
Ride.—Place the right forefinger and middle finger of one hand astride the left "B" hand held edgewise; lift the hands and let them fall, imitating motion of horse.
Wagon.—Place the "G" hands well out, fingers pointing toward each other; describe circumference of front wheels with the ends of the fingers; bring hands back and repeat for hind wheels.
Carriage.—Same as for wagon, then bring the hands, now bent, up above the height of the head and move forward to represent the carriage top.
Lead.—Grasp end of open left "B" hand, held forward, end pointing out, with the thumb and fingers of the right, and pull forward as in act of leading.
Push.—Hold the open hands up, palms out, and give an imaginary object a push.
Run away, Slip away, Leave clandestinely.—Hold out the open left hand, palm down; push the right "G" hand under it quickly as if following the motion of one getting away under cover. Or,
(2) Hold open left hand as above, but pointing upward at an angle of 45 degrees; throw the right hand across the palm, as before but pointing upward.
Meet.—Hold forefingers of both "G" hands opposite each other, pointing upward; bring them together as if they were two persons running together. VIII, 166.
Pass, Meet and pass by.—Make same sign as in foregoing, but instead of striking the fingers together let them continue beyond each other. Or,
(2) Pass an examination, Go by, etc.—Hold left "A" hand out and right "A" hand a little behind it, thumbs up; push the right hand lightly against end beyond the left in a way that the thumbs pass parallel. VIII, 167.
Run.—Hold the open left hand pointing out (edgewise); hold the open right hand back of it, pointing down; throw the right hand forward rather quickly so the palm brushes across the palm of the left. VIII, 168.
Throw.—Make feint of throwing.
Swim.—Represent action.
Fly (also wings).—Place ends of open hands on shoulders, move out and make motion of wings in flight.
Stand.—Stand "V" in palm. (Here the fingers represent the legs.)
Fall.—Place hands as above, then let the hand fall over.
Rise, Get up (from a fall or from a lying posture).—Lay "V" back down, in palm of hand, and lift it to a standing position.
Fail, To have one's work fail.—Hold open hands upon a level with the chin one above the other; let them fall, rolling over each other in the descent. VIII, 169. Or,
(2) To fail in an attempt, To have one's "pins taken from under him."—Stand "V" on the palm; suddenly throw out the ends, and let the "V" fall on the palm so the thumb strikes it. VIII, 170. Or,
(3) Throw the back of the right "V" hand against the upturned palm of the left hand and slide it along the length of the hand outward.
Succeed.—Place the forefingers of the "G" hand in front of you, one above the other and pointed in opposite directions; raise the hands, revolving the fingers around each other. VIII, 171.
Accomplish, Win out.—Same position and similar motion, but raise the hands quickly and give but one revolution of the fingers, and finish with sign for "get." Or,
(2) Indicative of a continual "getting;" make the sign for "get," and repeat it several times while you raise the hands together.
Jump.—Stand "V" in the palm; draw hand back a little, bending the fingers as the legs are bent when about to spring; throw the hand forward, bringing the fingers out straight. Observe that the fingers of "V" imitate the motion of the legs in jumping and the hand the body.
Offer.—Hold out the hands toward imaginary person as in act of offering something.
Accept.—Hold out hands as if ready to receive something; then close hands while drawing them back toward you and turn ends almost against body. VIII, 172.
Move, Motion from one place to another.—Reach hands out toward one side, pick up imaginary object with thumb and fingers, and lift it over to the other side.
Meeting, Assembly, Gathering.—Hold out the slightly bent "5" hands, well in front at the sides; draw the hands together, closing them so the ends of the fingers and thumbs all meet together in front of you.
Play, Recreation, etc.—Hold "Y" hands out in front so the "horns" of the "Y" on one hand point toward those on the other; shake both hands up and down from the wrists repeatedly, moving the forearm, but slightly. The same sign when followed by sign for "meeting" is used to signify a party. To signify a play at the theater or acting, hold "A" hands in front, perpendicular; move up and down alternately. The open hand may also be used instead of the "A" hand. VIII, 173.
Take.—Reach out the hand, grasp imaginary object and draw it toward you.
Copy.—Holding the left open hand as a slate or paper, reach out the right "5" hand, close the ends of the fingers and thumb as if taking off something from imaginary page, and then withdraw hand and place it on left palm.
Buy.—"With the right hand as if holding money between the thumb and fingers place it, back down, in the palm of the left and then reach the right hand out as if offering the money to some one. VIII, 174.
Sell.—With thumbs and fingers together, as if holding something, lift the hands up in front so the ends will bend from the wrists and point down; without moving the arms give the hands a shaking motion outward. VIII, 175.
Owe, To indicate something is due another.—Place the end of forefinger of right "G" hand in palm of the left held upward; in this position move both hands forward toward imaginary person. To indicate the debt is due to oneself, with hands in similar position draw them toward you. VIII, 176.
Demand, Require of some one.—Same motion as in last sign, but hold the hand well out and throw the end of the finger somewhat forcibly on palm, drawing the hand back quickly. Some add motion of forefinger, pointed down and drawn forcibly toward self.
Hesitate.—Hold "G" hand with forefinger pointing upward; move forward, stop suddenly, and repeat motion in a halting manner. Some make sign as in "doubt."
Become.—Hold open hands out, one a few inches above the other, palms toward each other; turn both hands at same time so as to reverse their positions. VIII, 177.
Keep, Take care, Be careful with.—Hold left "V" hand with ends of fingers pointing outward, forefinger up. With right hand in similar position place it on the other so that the little-finger edge of right hand rests on forefinger edge of left and all four fingers extend out one above the other (or crosswise); raise the right hand a little and throw it down again; repeat several times. To indicate great care, move the hands together slowly up and down, or giving them a circular motion; throwing the hands together in this position warningly at one is to indicate the idea one had better look out. VIII, 178.
Find.—Reach out "5" hand; draw ends of forefinger and thumb together as if picking up something, and raise hand.
Lose.—Place finger nails of bent hands together, back to back, so the ends of the fingers point upward; swing the hands down and separate till the fingers come straight. VIII, 179.
Change.—Hold the "A" hands out opposite one another, thumb side up, several inches apart, with a kind of twisting motion; change the position of the hands so the left will come over toward the right and the right under toward the left. VIII, 180.
Pick.—Merely represent action of picking something off an imaginary bush.
Select, Pick out.—Reach out the right hand over left open hand and with the thumb and forefinger pick out an imaginary object.
Chase, Follow.—Place the "A" left hand out in front, and the right "A" hand directly behind it, thumbs pointed up; move both forward tandem fashion. It is usual to give the following hand a peculiar twisting motion from the wrist to indicate, probably, that it is the one pursuing. To indicate a chase more or less hard and long drawn out, indicate by emphatic motion or repeating the sign and twisting both hands. VIII, 181.
Work.—Throw right "A" hand down against the left "A" hand two or three times so that the lower side of right wrist strikes the top side of left wrist. (With both hands in position of "A" throw wrists together.) Same sign followed by "much" signifies "busy." VIII, 182.
Wait on, Serve, etc.—Hold out open hands, palms up, as if holding a tray; move hands from side to side simultaneously, first in one direction, then the other.
Distribute.—Bring the closed hands with ends quietly touching each other before body; throw them outward so each describes a semi-circle in opposite directions, opening the hands, palms up.
Contribute.—Drop into an imaginary receptacle an imaginary coin, first with one hand and then with the other.
Happen.—Bring the "G" hands in front held parallel and pointing out with "G" up; turn the hands with a quick motion so that the forefingers twist inward, bringing the backs of the hands up. The same sign also signifies "accident." IX, 183.
Make.—Hammer the top of one fist with the other two or three times, giving both hands a twisting motion. IX, 184.
Arrange, Put in order.—Bring the open hands out toward the front side, palms toward each other, several inches apart, and ends pointing out; keeping them in same relative position move them along in front of you to the other side, giving them a slight up and down motion. IX, 185.
Ready.—Same as above; then sign for "finished."
Prepare, Get ready.—Express by making sign for "make" and "ready;" or, "arrange" and "before."
Introduce.—Extend one open hand out (palm up) toward the front side and the other hand toward the other side and then bring the hands toward each other. (Each hand represents a person introduced.) The idea of a simple introduction may be expressed by using simply one hand.
Invite.—First touching the left forearm or back of left hand with right palm, the hand is extended out toward an imaginary person, palm up, and then drawn toward you.
Attend, Give attention to.—Place the hands at either side of the head like blinders on a bridle; move the hands forward to indicate that the sight is to be confined within those limits.
Appoint.—Reach out the hand toward the side and pick out an imaginary person with the thumb and forefinger and lift him over to a position in front of you.
Vote.—With ends of the thumb and forefinger together, put them in "O" of other hand. Elect is indicated by making sign for "vote" and then "appoint" to indicate the appointment was by ballot.
Graduate.—Hold left open hand out, palm up, and circle it with the fist and bring fist on palm (indicating paper with seal) and add sign for "retire."
Steal.—Hold out left hand pointing out edge down; reach right hand (or left "A" hand) under wrist, grasp imaginary object and draw it back. IX, 187.
Help, Aid, Benefit, Give assistance.—Place the right open hand under left "A" hand and lift it up.
Support, Uphold.—Similar motion but use the right fist; place it under the left forearm and lift as in position of a pillar.
Sit.—Extend open hands, palms down; push downward. Or, place the right "U" hand over the edge of the left extended hand, bending the fingers as a bird's claws when it is perched.
Rule, Control, Govern, Exercise authority over.—Place left "A" hand in front of you is grasping attitude, with back up and thumb pointing toward the body; reach out right "A" hand from side, open it and extend out and around in semi-circle toward left, palm down. IX, 188.
Stay.—Bring both "A" hands in front and place ends of thumbs together, one above the other, and give downward pressure of hands together.
Plant.—Drop imaginary seeds from hand as it is moved along. Usually make sign for "seed" first, by closing the right forefinger and thumb; strike ends several times along the extended left forefinger.
Sow:—Merely imitate the motion of sowing.
Grow.—Hold the right "&" hand with finger ends up; bring the left hand and close around it so the ends of the fingers will be just below the "O;" push right hand up through the "O" as if plant was coming above the ground, and spread out the fingers, making "5" hand as they come up through. IX, 189.
Harvest.—Reach out left hand and grasp imaginary stalks of grain and with the forefinger of right crooked like a sickle make motion of cutting stalks.
Mow.—Place right '5" hand on left and imitate motion of sickle in mowing.
Ornament, Adorn, etc.—Place closed hands together so the ends of the fingers all meet; separate and put them together again, giving both hands a twisting motion, and raising them at the same time; repeat several times.
Punish.—Holding the left hand out as if holding imaginary culprit, bring the right 'G" hand down as if using a switch on him.
Come.—Make motion as if motioning for some one to come to you, using both hands. Or, draw both "G" hands from side toward self, fingers pointing toward each other.
Continue.—Same position as in "stay," but let the motion be outward instead of downward, thus showing idea of continuity.
Disappear.—Place the right "5" hand with the fingers brought slightly together pointing up so the back rests in "C" of the other hand, let the hand slip down through the "C" and as it does so close it till when the right hand is gone the left hand will be making "O." IX, 190.
Melt, Fade, Die out, Dissolve, etc.—Hold up both "5" hands, fingers pointing up, palms toward you; let the hands drop gradually, drawing the ends of the fingers to position of "&." IX, 191.
Live.—Place both "5" hands against the body at waist one toward either side, thumbs up; draw hands upward, remaining against the body. IX, 192.
Breathe.—Place hands on chest, move them out and back against body, imitating action of lungs in breathing.
Die.—Hold out the open right hand in front from the side, palm down; give the hand an outward turn, bringing the palm up. IX, 193.
Dead.—Is indicated by "die" and "finished."
Bury.—Make motion of digging, one hand as a spade; then bring the top edges of the hands together, with them forming the mound on a grave.
Destroy.—Hold out both "5" hands, one above the other in front, palms facing; bring the hands together, closing them as if grasping something, so when they come together they meet closed fingers against fingers; rub the top hand across the lower as if grinding or mashing whatever was between to atoms, bring hand back across and finally open both hands directly.
Burn, Fire, Indicating flames.—Hold out the bent hands, backs down, raise them alternately, working the fingers to represent the motion of the rising and falling flames. IX, 194.
Decrease, Gradually grow smaller.—Hold the open hands out, one down and the other quite a distance above it, palms facing; gradually draw the hands toward each other, giving them a bellows-like motion. IX, 195.
Borrow.—Make sign for "Give to me to keep."
Lend.—"Give you, keep."
Tease, Persecute.—Push fingers of right "A" hand over (lengthwise) the top of thumb in left "A" hand.
Seek, Look for.—Move "C" in front before the breast or face, describing a circle from right to left. IX, 196.
Collide, "Run up against it."—Hold the hands in front on opposite sides, the thumbs and middle fingers bent at the joint and held toward each other; bring the hands quickly together so that the fingers come violently together.
Struggle, Indicating trying to overcome obstacles.—Position of hands as they come together as above; then rub them across one way and then the other in effort to push each beyond the other.
Cry.—Place the ends of the forefingers on the face below the eyes and rub down as if tracing tears.
Cry out, Yell.—Place the "C" hand at the mouth as if receiving the sound; draw away the hand, continuing the motion as if drawing the sound out of the mouth.
Sign, To make signs.—Place the "G" hands in front, one higher than the other, pointing them upward at an angle of 45 degrees; move the upper hand from front to back and the lower from back to front, bringing each then to original position; the motion of both hands is similar to a braiding motion.
Sign (to sign a document).—Make sign for write, then slap the end of the open right hand down in one corner of the palm of the other in the place where the name is usually signed. IX, 197.
Stop.—Strike the upward turned palm of the left open hand with the lower edge of the right open hand. IX, 198.
Intercept, Prevent, Check motion or advance.—Hold the open hand up, palm toward self, or turn the back toward the direction from whence the motion is supposed to proceed, and then moving it toward self strike and stop it with the lower edge of the right open hand.
Procession, etc.—Hold the "V" hands front, ends up, one behind the other; push them forward, keeping them tandem, and repeat the motion several times.
March.—Place the "4" hands with fingers pointing down, one before the other; move the fingers forward, bending them in unison from the knuckles and moving the hands but slightly forward. The idea is the fingers represent legs keeping time together.
Hurry.—Push "H" hand rapidly forward, giving the "H" an up-and-down motion all the time.
Fast, Quick, Indicating rapidity of motion.—Place the thumb and forefinger as if ready to shoot off a marble; hold up the left "B" hand pointing upward; making motion of shooting a marble and pass the hand while doing so quickly against and across the palm of the other; sometimes merely the marble-shooting motion is made in the air.
Strike.—Merely strike the palm of one hand with the fist of the other. Or,
(2) To indicate the striking of a clock tap the forefinger against palm, imitating motion of striker.
North, South, East and West are indicated by moving "N" hand toward the north for north, the "E" hand eastward for east, and so on for the other directions.
Deflect, Go off the track, Deviate.—Hold the forefingers together parallel, pointing outward, then suddenly turn one away and push it out from the other.
Approach, Motion toward.—Place the partly bent left hand in front rather toward the left side, forefinger edge up; place the bent right hand same position, pointing other way, behind it but several inches back toward right side, and gradually let it approach the one in front. IX, 199.
Arrive, Reach.—Begin motion as above and next let the hands go forward and one fall into the palm of the other, and then hold the hands forward, palms up.
Discharge, Expel, Remove from employment.—Hold up the forefinger of left "G" hand and with the forefinger of other hand knock it down. Or, hold up left hand similarly and knock down. The former sign carries a suggestion of malice or vindictiveness. IX, 200.
Subtract, Take away from, also denoting Absence or Deficiency.—Hold open left hand with palm toward self; throw the ends of the fingers of the other hand with a scratching motion downward against the palm of left, drawing it down and away from the hand as if taking off something.
Add, Increase.—Place the "&" hands, one on other, fingers meeting; let the right hand rise and fall against the left, lifting both up meanwhile.
Cause, Effect, Produce.—Hold the "A" hands up toward the right shoulder, thumbs pointing outward; carry the hands diagonally across in front of you and open fingers to make a motion of emptying the hands. IX, 201.
To bear, Bring forth, Be born.—Place the open hands near the body, one palm against back of the other, palms toward self and slightly upward; push the hands outward. To indicate bearing fruit, push right "5" hand up through left, closed over it, and let it then drop on the left hand.
Power, Strength.—Hold out the fists in front from the sides, elbows at sides; lift the fists toward the right, and throw them over the left with a circular or swinging motion and bring them down; keep them in the same relative position as to distance and direction of motion all the time.
Weakness.—Place ends of "V" standing in palm of hand; bend the fingers so the hand falls toward the palm.
Influence, Cause, Effect by force or persuasion.—Place the "A" hands out a little, thumbs pointing upward, one well in front and the other behind but off at one side; turn the hands so that the thumbs finally point outward, moving both hands simultaneously. IX, 202.
Influence, by example.—Hold "A" (left) in front, thumb up; place end of "&" hand on end of thumb, then push it out and away, diverging the fingers at the same time. IX, 203.
Urge.—Hold out the "A" hands, thumbs pointing out and the crook in forefinger pushing out somewhat; push the hands out and draw back quickly, repeating the motion several times.
Trade, Substitute, Exchange for.—Place the "A" hands in front, one directly behind the other, thumbs pointing up, one hand down and under the other, then up on the other side, at the same time changing the other hand in the opposite direction so that the hands change relative positions. IX, 204.
Use, Useful.—Hold the left open hand out, palm up, but hand slanting 45 degrees; place the palm of the right open hand against the lower edge of left, so that the fingers touch the back of it; bring the right hand around and let palms touch palms, but do not move left hand; repeat several times. IX, 205.
Try, Effort put forth.—Hold "A" hands out in front; push them both forward with an apparent effort.
Act, Conduct, Deed.—Place bent hands in front from the side, fingers bent and pointing down; move them apart and then toward each other quite actively and give them a shaking motion. Some move hands in same direction all the time from side to side. This is more particularly mere conduct, while the former indicates activity.
Mix, Mingle in confused mass, Confusion.—Bend the fingers of "5" hands into claws, and hold them, one above the other, fingers toward each other, and turn them in a circular motion, but in opposite directions, mixing the fingers. IX, 206.
Revenge, Retaliate, Pay one back.—With thumb and forefingers in pinching position, throw them together so the fingers (closed) strike at the same time the thumbs and forefingers touch. IX, 207. Or,
(2) More specifically Retaliation, or to make return.—Hold the "O" hands one behind the other, the fingers of the "O" up; change their relative positions by drawing one down, under and up beyond the other. The sign is frequently made in the air by right hand alone, merely throwing it down with a jerk.
Complete, Finish, Bring an end to anything.—Place right "B" hand with lower edge at right angles across the top edge of left "B" near the wrist; push it along the edge of the hand till it reaches the end, then "chop" it off. I, 9.
Beat, Defeat, Win over.—Hold out left "A" hand, thumb pointing up; holding the other hand in similar position somewhat back, bring it forward against the other and push them both over, indicating the one had overcome the other. X, 208.
Scold, Reprove.—Hold up the right "G" hand and shake the finger at; the left hand is sometimes held down at the elbow or against forearm of the right while the shaking is in progress.
Wage war.—Hold out both "4" hands with fingers pointing toward each other, back of fingers up, push the hands to one side, the right following the left, then to the other side and vice versa.
Fight.—Knock the fists against the sides of the face, or before the face.
Command.—Holding up the left open hand, pointing upward, throw the forefinger of right "G" hand against it crosswise so the finger will point outward, and throw out forefinger forward as in sign for "tell." X, 209.
Order (to give a command).—Hold the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand at the mouth, under the lower lip, give it a slight twist outward as in "speak," then elevate toward the right side, carrying the hand as far out as the shoulder, and as high as the head, then turn the hand so the palm is out and throw the hand forward and down. The hand stops before it goes clear down and the forefinger bends forward.
Contest (between opponents, more or less bitter).—Hold the "G" hands in front, palms toward self, end to end, a foot apart; move both together toward left side, then toward the right side, keeping their relative positions. Repeat motion several times. X, 210.
Contest, Rivalry, Race.—Hold the "A" hands out in front, thumbs up, and side by side; push the right hand outward to front and at the same time draw the left back; then the left forward and right back; and so on, repeating the motion several times. X, 211.
Persevere, Persist, Continue in action.—Draw the "B" hands up from the sides, palms down, and let the forefingers strike together, side by side, with ends of the hands pointing outward; separate and strike together again while the hands continue to be moved outward.
Note.—The same idea could be expressed by signing for "suffer" or "bear" and "continue," but the latter would indicate more a mental action.
Give up, Lose hope, Discouraged.—Hold the "A" hands in front, thumb toward thumb; lift the hands slowly, open them to position of "5" and simultaneously with the action draw the head and shoulders back somewhat. X, 212.
Surrender.—Hold hands same as above, but drop them and open to "5."
Abandon (throw aside).—Same position of hands, but throw them at the side as if casting something away.
Assume (to take hold of a project or business).—Reaching out both hands at the same time, make a grasping motion as if taking up something and lift the hands somewhat. At first the hands are open and they assume the "S" position as they are lifted. Add motion of lifting the burden upon the shoulders to indicate taking the responsibility.
Accuse (to "call," as when we "throw it at" one that one is so and so).—Pointing the "G" hand out, push it toward imaginary person with a "digging" or thrusting motion.
Note.—If the speaker is accused, the finger is turned toward self.
Connect with, Join to.—Holding the bent "5" hands out, draw them together joining the thumbs and forefingers like the link of a chain.
Disconnect, Part from.—With hands in position as at close of above sign, drop the hands apart.
Defend, Protect.—Hold the "S" hands out in front so the left shall be near the body with the thumb inside and the elbow elevated to the same level as the hand, the right in similar position but just beyond it on the outside; as soon as the hands are brought into position they are given a slight resisting motion outward. Sometimes the sign is completed by changing the right hand to open, and with palm out both hands, the right on outside, moved from left to right as if warding off danger. X, 213.
Rise (from a low to a high estate or condition.)—Hold the right "A" hand out rather low, thumb up, and gradually elevate it, giving it a shaking motion from the wrist without giving the arm any motion from side to side. X, 214.
Sink (to fall from a high to a low estate).—Reverse the motion above.
Rise, Appear (come up unexpectedly).—Holding the left open hand out in front, bring the right "G" hand under it and thrust the forefinger up between the middle and third fingers of the left hand rather suddenly.
Shut, Close.—Strike the open hands together, forefinger to forefinger, their entire length.
Open.—With hands in position closed as above, draw them apart.
Note.—To open or close a window, place the hands, the left pointing toward the right, and the right toward the left, then strike the little finger edge of the right against the forefinger of the left, for "shut." For "open" or "raise," place the hands together as above and then raise the right away from it.
Injure, Harm.—Hold out the left 'A" hand and across the thumb strike the right "A" hand outward so the backs of the fingers and knuckles rub against the thumb rather forcibly. A slight injury may be indicated by making the motion easier and repeating it once or twice. X, 215.
Kill.—Holding the left open hand out, pointing upward, and palm toward the right, thrust the right "G" hand outward, so the side of the forefinger strikes against the palm as the finger passes it and continues across the palm; give the forefinger a twisting motion. Note that the motion is one of stabbing. Some follow with the sign for "die," turning the open hand, palm up, off toward the side. X, 216.
Expand.—Holding the bent "5" hands near together and palm to palm draw them apart toward the side in a way to indicate increasing size.
Condense, Make brief.—Hold the "C" hands out and bring them together so the right comes just above the top of the left and when they touch (the little finger of the right along the forefinger of the left), close the hands to "S."
Separate, Draw apart.—Place the bent "B" hands with backs of the fingers together and draw apart toward the sides.
Fish.—Sign for the animal "fish," place the end of the left open hand against the right forearm with the right hand extended outward, move the right hand from side to side like the tail of a fish in swimming; then make motion as if lifting a fish-pole in the hands.
Hunt.—Make motion as if holding a gun in the hand and pulling the trigger, repeating the motion and moving the imaginary gun from side to side.
Earn.—Holding the left open hand out, palm up, place the right "C" hand upon it and scrape it across the palm toward self. X, 217.
Save.—Hold hands somewhat close to self, repeat the motion above, then while turning palm of left hand toward self and making a pocket with it and the body, thrust the right "&" hand into it.
Spend.—Lay the back of the right "&" hand in the open left; push the right out across the left into position of "5."
Lie, Recline.—Lay the back of the right "V" hand in the palm of the open left. Sometimes the right hand is also drawn a little toward self.
Rest.—Fold the arms across the breast.
Aspire, Aim toward securing an object.—Place the end of the forefinger of the right hand at the side of the forehead just above the eye, and hold the left "G" hand out, forefinger pointing upward; bring the right forefinger away from the forehead and carry it to and strike the end of the left forefinger with its end. This also indicates purpose.
Fine, Charge.—Place the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand against the open left hand, palm up; draw the right hand away, crook the finger, and strike the end of the joint downward against the palm of the open left hand, now turned toward self, allowing the right hand to pass down past the left.
Tax.—Strike the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand in the upward turned palm of the open left several times.
Revive, Bring up something from the past.—Reach the hands back over the right shoulder and grasp imaginary object and drag it forward.
Hide.—Place the thumb of the right "A" hand against the mouth, then bring it down and place it under the left bent hand held in front, palm down; the left hand rests on the right at the end of the sign.
Seek, Investigate.—Move the right "C" hand in front of the face in a circle from right to left, keeping the "C" side toward the face; keep the motion continuous for a little while.
Depend.—Suspend the right "G" hand by the forefinger upon the edge of the left open hand, palm held toward self.
Suspend, Hang.—Crook the forefinger of the right "G" hand and make motion of hanging it on an imaginary nail.
Sleep.—Draw the right "5" hand down across the length of the face, touching the palm against it.
Wake.—Place the closed "O" hands at the side of the eyes (one on either side) and quickly open the thumb and forefinger thus representing the opening of the eyelids.
Scatter.—Draw the "&" hands up against the breast, end to end, then throw them both outward toward the side, opening the hands to "5".
Beg, Ask Alms.—Hold out the right hand as a beggar does and draw it toward self several times, bending the fingers toward you at the same time. Repeat several times.
Wash.—Rub the "A" hands, fingers across fingers, as one does in rubbing clothes in the wash. If it is to wash the hands or face simply imitate these actions in natural signs.
Accompany.—Make the sign for "with" and move it forward indicating motion forward. To express the idea of wandering around with move the hands forward in a sort of zigzag manner.
Compare.—Holding the open hands outward and lifted at an angle of 45 degrees, breast high, palms opposite, bring them inward and up before you side by side as if looking at and comparing the palms.
Found, Establish.—Holding out the left hand, palm down, carefully lift the right "A" hand and set it upon the back of the left as if placing something there firmly.
Foundation.—Make the sign for building upward and then place the right "A" hand as above.
Cut.—With the right "H" hand as a pair of scissors imitate the action of cutting, using the end of the left hand to represent what is cut. Or with the right "H" hand representing the blade of a knife make a motion downward with it as if cutting off something.
Scissors.—Open and close the two fingers of the right "H" hand imitating the action of scissors blades.
Weigh.—Hold the two "F" hands out breast high, as if balancing them and then raise and lower them alternately as if they were the balances of a pair of scales. Or, place the forefinger of the right "G" hand across that of the left "G" hand and let it bend, first on one side and then on the other as if balancing it.
Temptation, Tempt.—Holding the left forearm toward, but not quite against, the body just above the waist, tap the forearm well over near the elbow with the end of the finger or the right "G" hand. To emphasize the verb form after the sign above hold out the right hand and motion with the finger as if calling some one to come.
Ascend.—Make the natural motion of lifting the right hand upward, bringing the ends of the fingers pointing upward at the conclusion.
Shave, Razor.—With the right "Y" hand representing the razor and the thumb the blade, draw it down one side of the face as in the act of shaving.
Beard.—Draw the hand, (fingers on one side and thumb on the other) down the sides of the face.
Sew.—Imitate the action of sewing in natural signs.
Thread, String.—Grasp the end of the little finger of the horizontal "I" hand with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and then draw it away as if drawing thread from a spool.
Rope.—Grasp the little finger as above but with the fingers of the right "R" hand and continue the right hand as "R" in bringing it away.
Needle.—Place the end of the thumb of the right hand at the knuckle of the left and the ends of the forefingers together so that the thumb and forefinger of the right hand forms an arch along the edge of the left forefinger. Draw the right thumb and forefinger together along the edge of the left till they come together.
Button.—Push the end of the right thumb up through or between the first two fingers of the left hand with a twist and continue twisting the thumb.
Automobile.—Make motion of steering an auto. There are variations of this sign according to locality. Some make simply the sign for "machine" that is, with the fingers of the hands locked together in a position of the cogs of a wheel, they are given several half turns together up and down.
Tent.—Illustrate the shape of a tent with the two "V" hands with ends of fingers together as the apex. With an outward and downward motion represent an extension of the sides of the tent.
Camp.—Make the sign for "tent" several times to indicate a number of camps.