The Spaewife, or Universal fortune-teller
Physiognomy, Palmistry, and Coffee Grounds.
A Distinct Treaties on Moles.
Judgements to be drawn from the Hair according
to the substance and (illegible text)
The hair is one of the most beautiful natural ornaments that, adorn the head of man or woman. The Apostle Paul permits women to wear long hair as an advancement to their beauty, and to be pleasing in the eyes of their husbands.
1. Hair that is soft and thick denotes a man of much mildness.
2. When the hair hangs down and is soft, it denotes the body to incline to dryness.
3. Much hair demotes a hot person, and that he is soon angry.
4. Abundance of hair in young children shows that they increase in melancholy.
5. Curled hair and black, denotes Heat; the people in the South have it most alike.
6. Hair standing upon end, like the prickles of a hedge-hog signifies a fearful person, and of ill courage.
Colour of the Hair.
1. White signifies great frigidity or cold, as may be seen in old men; but many people after much sickness, or trouble of mind, will on a sudden find their hair turn grey or white, as also after a fright or disappointment a French Officer, aged 23, on a sudden received sentence of death: the news had such an effect on him, that before morning his hair was changed to milk white.
2. Black hair shows a person very amorous, but cruel and ungenerous.
3. Hair the colour of gold shows a treacherous person, arbitrary and proud.
4. Dark hair has the same signification. The perspiration of a red haired person is disagreeable.
5. Chestnut coloured hair, or dark brown, denotes a fair, just, and liberal person.
The Beard.
1. A thin soft beard shows a person lustful, effeminate, of a tender body, fearful and inconstant.
2. A red beard denotes the person courteous and friendly, a great flatterer and soon angry.
3. A dark beard is good, yet it denotes a person to be cordial, sincere thoughtful and bold.
4. He that hath a decent beard, handsome and thick of hair, is good-natured and reasonable.
The Chin.
1. A long chin denotes the person angry, and importunate in the use of words.
2. A little chin shows inveterace and malice.
3. A round and thin chin is not manly, but womanish, and signifies boldness and much pride.
4. A square chin is manly, and denotes much courage and strength of body; and such persons are commonly given to words.
5. A round chin and dimpled shows good nature but much addicted to pleasure.
6. A lean wrinkled chin, represents a cold, impotent, and malicious person.
The Eye-brows and Eye-lids.
1. A person having much, and long hair on the eye-brows, and both join across the nose, is a very simple person, but conceited in his own opinion.
2. When the eye-brows are short and narrow, denotes the man good natured and reasonable.
The Neck
1. He or she that has a long neck, is of a simple nature, not secret, fearfully, unlearned, a glutton, a great drinker in general.
2. He that hath a neck short and small is wise, but deceitful, secret, constant, discreet, yet passionate and a genius.
5. A neck inclined to the right side, denotes prudence, generosity, and curious in studies: but inclined to left side, declares vice and impudence.
The Eyes.
1. Great eyes denotes a slothful and lying person, of a rustic and coarse mind.
2. Eyes deep in the head, denotes a great mind, yet full of doubts, but generous and friendly.
3. Little eyes, like that of a mole or pig, denotes a weak understanding, and easily imposed on.
4. Beware of squint eyes, for out of one hundred you will not find two faithful. It is very ill luck to meet a squinted person.
The Nose
1. A long nose denotes a vain mind, unruly disposition, much given to wrangling, and not to be depended on.
2. A big nose denotes a violent person, a vain liar, and extremely lascivious, easily believing another and very inconstant.
The Mouth.
1. He that hath a great and broad mouth is shameless, a great babler and liar, proud to an excess, and even abounding in quarrelsome words.
2. A little mouth denotes a person peaceable and faithful.
The Ear
1. Great big broad ears signify a simple man of no understanding, sluggish, slothful, and of an ill memory.
2. Small ears denotes a good understanding but very small signify nothing but mischief.
These are little marks on the skin, although they appear to be the effect of chance or accident, and might easily pass with the unthinking for things of no moment, are nevertheless of the utmost consequence, since from their colour, situation, size, and figure, may be accurately gathered, the temper of and the events that will happen to the person hearing them.
A Mole on the wrist, shows the person to be of an ingenious and industrious turn.
A Mole between the elbow and the wrist, shows a placid and cheerful disposition.
A Mole near either elbow shows a restless and unsteady disposition.
A Mole on the right or left arm, shown courageous disposition.
A Mole on the left shoulder, shows a person of a quarrelsome and unruly, disposition.
A Mole on the right shoulder, shows a person of a prudent and discreet temper.
A Mole on the, loins shows industry and honesty, an amorous disposition.
A Mole on the hip, shows that the person will have many children.
A Mole on the right thigh, shows that the person win become rich and good luck in marriage.
A Mole on the right knee, portends that the person will be rash, with an inconsiderate turn.
A Mole on each leg, shows that the person is indolent and indifferent as to what happens.
A Mole on the right eye-brow announces speedy marriage; and that the person to whom you will be married will possess many amiable qualities, and a fortune.
A Mole on either cheek, signifies that the person never shall arise above mediocrity in point of fortune, though at the same time he will never sink to real poverty.
A Mole on both cheeks denotes the person will know a deal of trouble, losses, and crosses, but last arrive to be a great tradesman, and will gain great riches, will be a very public character; and also fond of rural scenes.
A Mole on the upper or lower lip, presents the person to be fond of delicate things, and very much given to the pleasures of love, in which he or she will be successful.
A Mole on the side of the neck, shows that the person will narrowly escape suffocation, but afterwards rise to great consideration by an unexpected legacy or inheritance.
A Mole on the throat, denotes that the person will become rich by marriage.
A Mole on the bosom portends mediocrity of health and fortune.
A Mole under the left breast over the heart, foreshows the man will be of a warm disposition, unsettled in mind, fond of rambling and light in his conduct; in women, it shows sincerity in love, quick conception, and easy to travel in child birth.
A Mole on the belly denotes the person to be addicted to sloth and gluttony;
A Mole situated in the recesses which modesty conceals from view, is not to admit of being discovered but by another; and yet to have a mole so placed is the most fortunate for them.
by the
Directions to pour out the Coffee Grounds.
Pour the grounds of coffee in a white cup, shake them well about in it, so that the particles may cover the surface of the whole cup; then reverse into the saucer, that superfluous parts may be drained, and the figures required for fortune-telling be formed. The person that acts the fortune-teller, must bend their thoughts upon the one that wishes their fortune told, and upon their rank and profession, in order to give plausibility to their predictions. It is not to be expected upon taking up the cup, that the figures will be accurately represented as they are in the pack and it is quite sufficient if they bear some resemblance to any of the following em- blems.
The Roads.
Or serpentine lines, indicate ways; if they are covered with clouds, they are said to be infallible marks either of past or future reverse. If they appear clear and serene, they are a sure token of some fortunate chance near at hand: encompassed with very many dots, they signify an accidental gain of money, likewise long life.
The Ring
Signifies marriage; if a letter is near it, it denotes to the person that has his fortune told the initial of name of the party to be married.
The Leaf of Clover.
Is as well here as in common life a lucky sign. Its different position in the cup alone makes the difference; because it is on the top, it shows that the good fortune is not far distant, but it is subject to delay, if it is in the middle or at the bottom. Should clouds surround it, it shows that many disagreebles will attend the good fortune, in the clear prognosticates serene and undisturbed happiness as bright as the party wishes.
The Anchor.
This emblem of hope and commerce implies successful business carried on by sea and by land if on the bottom of the cup; at the top and in the clear part, it shows constant love, and an unshaken fidelity. In the thick and clouded part it also denotes love but, tinctured with the inconstancy of the butterfly.
The Serpent
always the emblem of falsehood and emmity, is likwise here a general sign of an enemy. On the top, or in the middle of the cup; it promises to the consulting party the triumph which he desires over his enemy; but he will not attain it so easily if the serpent be in the thick or cloudy parts. By the letters which frequently appear near the emblem, the enemy may easily be guessed, it makes the initial of his name.
The Letter
By letters we communicate to our friends either pleasant or unpleasant news, and such is the case here; if this emblem is in the clear parts it denotes the speedy arrival of welcome news; surrounded with dots, it announces the arrival of a considerable remittance of money but hemmed in by clouds it is quite the contrary, and forebodes some melancholy or bad tidings of a loss, or some other sinister accident.
The Coffin
The emblem of death, prognosticates the same thing here or at least a long and tedious illness, if it be in the thick or turbid. In the clear it denotes long life. In the thick, at the top of the cup it signifies a considerable estate left to the party by some rich relation; in the same manner at the bottom, it shows that the deceased is not so nearly related to 'the consulting party.
The Star
Denotes happiness if in the clear, and at the top of the cup; clouded, or in the thick, it signifies long life, though exposed to various vicissitudes and troubles. If dots are above it it foretells good fortune, wealth, high respectability, &c. Several stars denotes so many good and happy children will cause you gref and vexation in your old age, and that you ought to prevent it by giving them a good education in time.
The Dog.
Being at all times the emblem of fidelity or envy, has also a two-fold meaning here. At the top, in the clear, it signifies true and faithful friends; but if his image be surrounded with clouds and dashes, it shows that those whom you take for your friends, are not to be depended on; but if the dog be at the bottom of the cup, you have to dread the effects of extreme envy or jealousy.
The Lily.
If this emblem be at the top, or in the middle of the cup, it signifies that the consulting party either has or will have a a virtuous spouse, if it be at the bottom it denotes quite the reverse. In the clear the lily further betokens a long and happy life; if clouded, or in the thick, it portends trouble and vexation, especially on the part of one’s relations.
The Cross.
Be it one or more, it generally predicts adversities. Its position varies, and so the circumstances. If it be in the top, and in the clear, shows that the misfortunes of the party will soon be at an end, or that he will easily get over them; but if it appear in the middle, or at the bottom in the thick, the party must expect many severe trials; if it appear with dots, either in the clear or in the thick, it promises a speedy change of one’s sorrow.
The Clouds.
If they he more light than dark, you may expect a good result from your hopes but if they are black, you may give it up. Surrounded with dots they imply success in trade, and in all your undertakings; but the brighter they are, the greater will be your happiness.
The Sun.
The emblem of the greatest luck and happiness, if in the clear; but in the thick it bodes a great deal of sadness; surrounded by dots or dashes, denotes that an alteration will easily take place.
The Moon.
If it appears in the clear, it denotes high honours, in the dark, or thick part, it implies sadness, which will, however, pass without great prejudice. But if it be at the bottom of the cup, the consulting party will be fortunate both by water and land.
If it represents only one mountain, it indicates the favour of people of high rank, but several of them, especially in the thick, are signs of powerful enemies; in the clear they signify the contrary, or friends in high life, who are endeavouring to promote the consulting party.
The Tree.
One tree only, be it in the clear or thick part, points but lasting health; several trees denotes that your wish will be accomplished.
The Child.
In the clear part it bespeaks innocent intercourse between the consultor and another person; in the thick part, excesses in love matters, attended with great expences; at the bottom of the cup, it denotes the consequence of libidinous amours, and a very destructive end.
D R E A M S.
Children.—To dream you have children is a sign that you Will be happy in your family; if one or more of them die you will meet with some misfortune.
Cherries.—To dream of cherries betokens disappointments in life, vexations in marriage, falsehood in love, and deceitful pleasure, but if you climb the tree, a sure, speedy, and unexpected advancement in life is certain to happen to you.
Coach.—To dream of riding in a coach de- notes that you will love idleness, and be given to pride; to dream of coming out of a coach signifies that disgrace threatens you and great caution is necessary.
Corn.—To dream you are gathering ripe corn denotes success in your enterprise, but if it is blighted or mildewed, you Will be a great loser.
Comets:—To dream you see a comet is ominous of war, plague, famine, and death, to the lover it forebodes an entire frustration of his hopes, to the farmer, failure of crops, and for the seaman, storms and shipwreck.
Death.—To dream you are dead denotes a speedy marriage and success in all your un- dertakings, to the married it promises young children, who will be dutiful and give great comfort, to dream you see another person dead denotes ill usage from friends, if you are in love, your sweetheart will prove false, if you are in trade, sharpers will take you in, if a farmer, you will lose money by horses, and he waylaid as you return from market.
Debt.—To dream you are in debt and pur- sued by officers, denotes that you will fall into some unexpected difficulties, or great danger. Devil.—To dream you see the devil without fear foretells you will get the better of your adversary, if you are frightened you will be under some danger.
Dogs.—To dream of dogs that belong to us signifies success in our pursuits, but if we dream of those belonging to others, dangerous enemies.
Fruit.—Almonds indicate difficulties, loss of liberty, and deceit in love.
Fortune.—To dream you make a sudden fortune is a bad omen; to tradesmen, it fore- bodes losses in trade, quarrelling with his cre- ditors, and loss of liberty.
Funeral.—To dream you are busily em- ployed in burying a person denotes a very speedy marriage, and that, ere long you will hear of the death or imprisonment of some near relation or estemed friend.
Fields.— To dream you are in green fields is a very favourable sign; in love, it denotes success and happiness; to the tradesman, success and riches, and to the farmer, plenty; if you are soliciting a favour, it portends you will obtain it.
Fighting.—To dream that you are fighting denotes much opposition to your wishes, with loss of character and property.
Fishing.—To dream you are fishing is a sign of sorrow and trouble; if you catch fish, you will be successful in love and business; if they slip out of your hand after you have caught them, it is a sign some pretended friend will deceive you.
Flowers.—To dream you are gathering flowers is a very favourable omen, and is a sign, you will thrive in every thing you may undertake; that you will be successful in love, marry happily, and have beautiful children.
Garden.—To dream you are walking in a garden denotes your advancement to fortune; if you are gathering the produce of it, you will be happy in marriage, and have a large family, it betokens great success to the lover, and increase of business to the tradesman.
Geese.—To dream of geese is a sure sign of good; you may expect to see an absent friend soon; to the dreamer, they denote success and riches.
Gifts.—To dream to have any thing given to you is a sign that some good is about to happen to you.
Glass.—To dream of glass denotes bad suc- cess in various undertakings; if you break it, it warns you of some unforseen misfortune, the death of your wife, or husband, or chil- dren.
Gold.—If you dream of gold, it is a very good omen; it denotes success in your pres- ent undertakings, after encountering num- erous difficulties.
Gooseberries.—If you dream of gooseber- ries growing on the bush, they denote that you will have a numerous family and great success in your present undertakings; but if they are baked, great trouble is near at hand, so prepare for a sick-bed.
Grapes.—To dream of white grapes beto- kens felicity in marriage and success in trade; but if they are purple, it denotes great misery to the matrimonial state; to the tradesman great distress and loss of business.
Grave.—To dream of being buried is a sign that you shall die very poor.
Guns.—To dream you see or hear guns firing foretells much misery; if you fire them, you will have quarrel; if they are discharged at yon, you will be exposed to many dangers.
Hail.—To dream of hail denotes sorrow and much grief.
Hair—To dream that you are brushing or combing your hair portends success in love, trade, or some other pursuit. It also signifies riches; to dream that you hair has grown so long that it hangs very loose over your shoulders, denotes that one superior to you adores you; but if the hair is red, it denotes that you have enemies.
Hanging—Dreaming you see one handed, or that you are to be executed yourself, is a sign you will, by marriage, rise above your present condition, or a favour will he asked from you by one in needy circumstances.
Hate.—Dreaming of being hated by friends or foes is a bad omen.
Iron.—To dream you are hurt with iron, shews you will receive some injury.
Key.—To dream of losing your key denotes displeasure; to find one, an addition to your family; to give one, is marriage; to receive one, the birth of a child.
King or Queen.—To dream about the King or Queen, or any of the royal family betokens disappointment, excepting the months in which there is not an R, when it is a sign of great honour and prosperity.
Kissing. To dream yon kiss a pretty maid indicates good; if she consents without any resistance, she will be true to her lover; to dream you kiss a married woman and she consents is a sign of sorrow and poverty, and that you will be unsuccessful in your present undertakings; it usually means deceit.
Knife.—To dream you give a knife to your intended, shows you will lose him or her.
Ladder.—To dream you climb a ladder, denotes that you will arrive at great honour; it betokens also a happy marriage and many children.
Laurel.—A: wife to dream she smells a laurel tree shows she will have children; if a maid, she will soon be married to him whom she loves.
Letter.—To dream of receiving a letter betokens a present; if-you send one, you will relieve a person in bad circumstances.
Marriage.—To dream you are married, signifies the death of yourself or some near relation; to dream you assist at a wedding denotes pleasing news and great success; to dream of lying with your husband or wife threatens sudden misfortunes and great dangers.
Mice. To dream of mice denotes success in love, and a happy marriage.
Milk. If you dream of milk, it promises great news; if you see it flowing from a woman’s breast, foretells happiness in children and in trade.
Money. To dream of getting money denotes great success in all your undertakings.
Mulberries. To dream of mulberries is constancy and affection in the married state; to travellers and salors prosprous journeys and voyages; to the lover it denotes a speedy union with his sweetheart.
Music To dream you hear delicious music denotes joyful news from a friend who has been long absent.
Myrtle. To dream of the myrtle denotes a wanton woman; beware then with whom you keep company.
Nakedness. To dream of nakedness denotes scandal; if you see a naked female, it is lucky, it denotes that honours await yon at no very distant period.
Night. To dream yon are travelling by night foretells great vexation.
Nosegays. To dream of gathering and making nosegays is unlucky, showing that our best hopes shall wither as flowers do in a nosegay.
Nuts. Dreaming of gathering nuts denotes that you will spend your time in pursuit of a trifling object, when you might employ it to better advantage.
Oak. To dream that you see the stately oak is a sign of long life, riches, and great fe- licity.
Oranges. To dream you are eating oranges implies that your feelings will be wounded, and may expect great grief from a quarter you little expect it.
Oxen. If you dream that you see white oxen, it shows virtuous inclinations; to see fat or lean oxen signifies presents, gain or misfortunes.
Oysters. To dream of eating oysters fore- tells prosperity and that you will be married to a lady who is really a virgin and who will love you; but if you should let them fall, you will lose the affections of the lady, for she is betrothed to another, and will speedly be mar- ried.
Path. To dream you are walking in a easy path shows that you will be successful in love, or if you are married, you will obtain what you now wish for.
Peacock. To dream you see a peacock is a sign you will be married to a beautiful lady, and that you will be very rich.
Pears. To dream of pears betokens eleva- tion in life, great honour and riches, love that knows no termination, and success in every pursuit you may embark in.
Play To dream you are at play betokens, happiness in the married state, and increase of business.
Plums. There cannot be a worse dream than that of plums; they are the forerunner of ill-luck to the husbandman, the sportsman, and the lovers who were under promise of marriage.
Purse. To dream yon find a purse betokens great and unexpected prosperity; if you lose your purse, you will assist at a friends funeral.
Quarrel. If you dream you are quarrelling, it shows great happiness and contentment.
Rain. If you behold rain in your dream, it promises success in a love affair; in all other respects it betokens trouble and vexation.
Ribbon. To dream you wear ribbons, shows an entanglement in love, to the single, and extravagant children to the married.
Rings. To dream that you have a ring on your finger denotes marriage with the person you love; but if the ring drops off, it betokens death to a near friend.
River. Dreaming that you see river-water clear indicates good; but to dream of swimming in the sea when it is muddy signifies great peril and danger.
Rocks. A good dream for those going into business, as it shows stability therein.
Sea. To dream you are walking on the sea is good to him that would take a wife, for he shall enjoy her.
Silk. To dream you are clothed in silk signifies honour. To dream that you trade with a stranger denotes profit and joy.
Singing. To dream that you are singing betokens some melancholy news; if you are unwell, it shows a speedy recovery; if in prison, you will soon be set free.
Soldiers. To dream of soldiers shows trouble, persecutions, and law-suits: if they pursue you, it shews that you will be disliked by your rich neighbours
Sprats. To dream of sprats denotes you will have a large family of children. If you dream of cooking them, your children, will give you great deal of trouble.
Stars. To dream you behold the stars shinning very bright is success to the lover, and glad news from a far country, if they fall it denotes health and happiness.
Sun. To dream you see the sun shining de- notes accumulation of wealth and filling posts of honour, in the state.
Tavern. To dream yon are feasting with friends in a tavern signifies great joy, and comfort to you and yours.
Teeth. To dream of losing your teeth shows the loss of some friend by death, and that great trouble is about to accompany you.
Tempest. To dream you are overtaken by a storm denotes that you will, after num- berless hardships, arrive at happiness, and that you will become rich and marry a good natured lady.
Thirst. If any one dreams his thirst is quenched when thirsty, and that he has drank his fill of water; if the water appeared clear and acceptable to him he will live very jovially and become very wealthy; but if the water be troubled, luke-warm, stinking, and dirty, he will end his days in sickness and affliction.
Thunder and Lighting. To dream of thunder or lightning denotes gain in our bus- iness; but if it hurts us, it is a sign of some calamity.
Toad. To dream we destroy a toad denotes that we will discover a thief in whom we placed great trust.
Trees. To dream of cutting down trees betokens serious losses in trade; but if we climb them it denotes advancement to honour.
Trumpet. To dream we hear the sound of a trumpet denotes troubles and misfortunes; to the lover, inconstancy in the object of his affections.
Urns. To dream of urns in a church-yard is the sign of the death of a sailor or soldier belonging to your family.
Venus—To dream you see this goddess, or a statue or picture, denotes an intrigue in which you will be engaged and the more im- portant will this affair prove, if the planet Venus appears to you in a mortal form and speaks to you, for it is a token of a happy mar- riage to either sex.
Walking.—To dream of walking in a dirty place fortells sickness and vexation to the lover; it also denotes your sweetheart to be of a bad temper and inconstant.
Walls. If you dream you are walking on weak and narrow walls, you are sure to un- dertake some bold and dangerous enterprize; if you come down without hurt you, will suc- ceed; if the walls fall after you, you will be disappointed.
Water. To dream, of drinking water shows trouble and adversity to the lover it denotes that the pretension of your sweetheart are false; and will never wed you.
Wedding. To dream of a wedding is very unfavourable to lovers; it denotes sickness or death to some friend or relation.
Wood. If you dream of cutting or chop- piug wood, it shows you will be very happy in your family circle, and attain to much honour and riches in life. To dream we are carrying wood on our back, shows we will rise to affluence by industry and perseverance.
Wool. To dream we are buying or selling wool foretells gain in business by means of industry and perseverance; to to the lover, it is a sign their sweetheart is of an amiable disposition, very constant and deeply in love with them.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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