The Story of Mankind/Chapter 67
A | ||
Abelard | 210 | |
Abu-Bekr | 142 | |
Achaeans | 55 | |
Acropolis | 78, 81 | |
Aegean Sea | 48–53 | |
Africa | 452, 453 | |
Age of Discovery | 224–240 | |
Age of Expression | 219–223 | |
Age of Reason | 346 | |
Akkadians | 35 | |
Alaric | 127 | |
Alba, Duke of | 269 | |
Albert of Sardinia | 393 | |
alchemy | 404 | |
Alcibiades | 82 | |
Alemanni | 127 | |
Alexander VI (Pope) | 238 | |
Alexander the Great | 28, 37, 83, 84 | |
Alexander I | 355, 363–372, 386 | |
Ali | 142 | |
American Revolution | 323–333 | |
Amerigo Vespucci | 236 | |
Amorites | 35 | |
Anne | 294 | |
Antiochus III | 107–108 | |
Antony | 117 | |
Aquinas, Thomas | 194 | |
architecture | 437, 438 | |
Aristides | 77 | |
Aristotle | 83, 193–195, 216 | |
Arkwright, Richard | 406 | |
art | 433–445 | |
Assyrians | 28, 36 | |
Athens | 81, 82 | |
Augustus | 118 | |
B | ||
Bach | 444 | |
Bacon, Roger | 194, 226, 429 | |
Bagdad | 142 | |
Balance of Power | 296–300 | |
Balboa | 236 | |
Balkan States | 376, 386, 453, 454 | |
Barbarossa | 166 | |
Barrack Emperors | 125 | |
Beethoven | 445 | |
Belgium | 374 | |
Bell, Alexander Graham | 411 | |
Bentham, Jeremy | 420 | |
Bismarck | 394–400 | |
Blanc, Louis | 425 | |
Blücher | 357 | |
Boccaccio | 214 | |
Boer War | 452 | |
Bolivar, Simon | 383 | |
Bologna, University of | 210 | |
Bonaparte, Joseph | 383 | |
Bonaparte (See Napoleon) | ||
Boris Godunow | 306 | |
Brandenburg | 312 | |
Brazil | 375 | |
de Brienne | 340–341 | |
Buddha | 241–246 | |
Bulgaria | 453, 544 | |
Bunsen | 430 | |
Burgundians | 127 | |
Byron | 388 | |
Byzantine Empire | 216 | |
conquered by Turks | 137 | |
Byzantium | 126 | |
C | ||
Cabot, John | 236, 284, 326 | |
Caesar, Julius | 112–115 | |
de Calonne | 339–340 | |
Calvin | 262, 264 | |
Canning, George | 384, 388 | |
Capo d'Istria | 376 | |
Carbonari | 386 | |
Carthage | 88–104 | |
government of | 88–90 | |
Cartwright, Edmund | 406 | |
Castlereagh | 368–372 | |
Catiline | 113 | |
Cavour | 394 | |
Chaldeans | 37 | |
Champollion | 19 | |
Chancellor, Richard | 285, 301 | |
Charlemagne | 144–149, 193 | |
crowned | 146 | |
his Empire divided | 146–148 | |
Charles I (England) | 287–290 | |
Charles II (England) | 290–292 | |
Charles V. | 252, 253, 259, 267, 269, 320 | |
Charles X (France) | 389 | |
Charles XII (Sweden) | 311 | |
Charles XXII (Sweden) | 374 | |
Charles the Bold | 148 | |
Charles Martel | 143 | |
Chartist Movement | 418 | |
Cheops | 26 | |
chivalry | 159–161 | |
Christian IV (Denmark) | 274–276 | |
Chrysoloras | 216 | |
Cicero | 113 | |
Civil War (U. S. A.) | 423 | |
Cleopatra | 28, 115 | |
Clovis | 145 | |
Cnossos | 51–53 | |
Colbert | 320 | |
College of Cardinals | 164 | |
Colonial Expansion | 451–453 | |
Columbus | 226, 232–235 | |
Committee of Public Safety | 346 | |
Confucius | 247–250 | |
Congo | 452 | |
Congress of Vienna | 361–382 | |
Conrad V | 167 | |
Constantine | 126, 127, 135 | |
Constantinople | 127, 129, 137, 216 | |
Copernicus | 231 | |
Correggio | 440 | |
cotton | 405, 406 | |
Council of Ten (Venice) | 200 | |
de Covilham, Pedro | 231 | |
Crete | 51–52 | |
Crimean War | 396 | |
Cromwell, Oliver | 289–290, 320 | |
Crusades | 166–173 | |
First | 169 | |
Second | 170 | |
Cuba | 453 | |
cuneiform inscriptions | 32 | |
Cyrus | 45 | |
Czartoryski, Adam | 374 | |
D | ||
da Gama, Vasco | 226, 236 | |
Danish Parliament | 189 | |
Dante | 211–213 | |
Danton | 346 | |
Declaration of Independence | 331 | |
Declaration of Rights of Man | 334 | |
Denmark | 374 | |
Deutschland | 148 | |
Diaz, Bartholomew | 230 | |
discovery of America | 235–238 | |
Disraeli | 454 | |
Divine Right of Kings | 287–289 | |
Draco | 64 | |
Dutch East India Company | 238–272 | |
Dutch Republic becomes Kingdom | 373 | |
Dutch Republic formed | 190 | |
Dutch West India Company | 273 | |
Dynamoes | 411 | |
E | ||
Edict of Nantes | 277 | |
Egypt | 17–28 | |
Captured by Alexander the Great | 27 | |
Captured by Assyrians | 27 | |
Captured by Hyksos | 27 | |
Captured by Rome | 28 | |
Electricity | 410–411 | |
Elizabeth (England) | 271, 283, 285, 320 | |
Emancipation Proclamation | 423 | |
England, conquests of | 154 | |
English Cabinet | 293 | |
English Colonies | 326–329 | |
English Revolution | 279–295 | |
Encyclopaedia (French) | 336, 429 | |
Engels, Friedrich | 425 | |
Enghien, Duc d' | 351 | |
Erasmus | 208, 256, 257 | |
Eriksen, Leif | 232 | |
Estates General (Holland) | 189, 190, 270 | |
Etruscans | 93 | |
Eugénie, Empress | 399 | |
van Eyck, Jan | 439 | |
F | ||
factories | 413–419 | |
Faraday, Michael | 411 | |
Ferdinand and Isabella | 235 | |
Ferdinand II (Austria) | 274 | |
Ferdinand VII (Spain) | 375 | |
Feudalism | 155–158 | |
fire, first use of | 14–15 | |
Fitch, John | 406, 407 | |
Florence | 201, 396 | |
Fra Angelico | 222 | |
French Colonies | 327–329 | |
French Parliament | 188 | |
French Revolution | 334–348, 415 | |
Francis Joseph | 393 | |
Franco–Prussian War | 400–401 | |
Franklin, Benjamin | 330, 410 | |
Franks | 127, 144 | |
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen | 166 | |
Frederick II of Prussia | 314–316 | |
Frederick William I | 314 | |
Frederick William IV | 393 | |
freedom of the sea | 272 | |
Fulton, Robert | 406 | |
G | ||
Galileo | 404 | |
Garibaldi | 394 | |
Genoa | 201 | |
George I | 294 | |
George II | 294 | |
George III | 294, 330 | |
German Empire | 400–401 | |
Germany after Congress of Vienna | 376–379 | |
Ghent | 203 | |
Gibel-al-tarik | 142 | |
Giotto | 222 | |
Girondists | 346 | |
Glacial Age | 13, 14 | |
Godfrey of Bouillon | 170 | |
Goths | 127 | |
Grachi | 111 | |
Grand Remonstrance | 289 | |
Grant | 423 | |
Gratian | 210 | |
Greece | 54–84, 376, 387, 388 | |
Greek art rediscovered | 214, 215 | |
Greek„ cities as states | 58–61 | |
Greek„ government | 62–65 | |
Greek„ home-life | 66–70 | |
Greek„ language in Middle-Ages | 216 | |
Greeks conquer Aegeans | 56, 57 | |
Greek slaves | 67–68 | |
Greek„ theatre | 71–73 | |
Gregory (Pope) | 136 | |
Gregory VII | 164–166 | |
Grotius | 272 | |
Guelphs and Ghibellines | 211 | |
von Guericke, Otto | 410 | |
Gustavus Adolphus | 276 | |
Gutenberg | 223 | |
H | ||
Haiti | 383 | |
Hals, Franz | 440 | |
Hammurabi | 35 | |
Hannibal | 100–107 | |
Hanseatic League | 203 | |
Hargreaves, James | 405 | |
Hasdrubal | 102, 103 | |
Hastings, Battle of | 154 | |
van Heemskerk | 272 | |
Hegira | 140 | |
Hellenes | 55 | |
Henry IV (Germany) | 164–166 | |
Henry VII (England) | 282 | |
Henry VIII (England) | 262, 282 | |
Henry the Navigator | 228–230 | |
heresy | 265 | |
herring fisheries | 203 | |
hieroglyphics | 19–21 | |
Hittites | 36 | |
Hohenstaufen family | 166 | |
Hohenzollern, rise of | 313–314 | |
Holy Alliance | 360–372, 384–386 | |
Holy Roman Empire founded | 148 | |
Henry Hudson | 273 | |
Hundred Years' War | 281, 282 | |
Huns | 127 | |
Huss, John | 220, 369 | |
Huygens | 405 | |
Hyksos | 27 | |
I | ||
Icelandic Parliament | 189 | |
Indo–Europeans | 44–47 | |
Indulgences | 258 | |
Inquisition | 263, 264 | |
Isis | 24 | |
Italy united | 394 | |
Ivan the Terrible | 202–203, 306 | |
J | ||
Jacobins | 345, 346, 353 | |
James I | 286 | |
James II | 292 | |
Japan | 452 | |
Jefferson, Thomas | 331 | |
Jenghiz Khan | 304 | |
Jerusalem | 41 | |
captured by Crusaders | 170 | |
captured by Turks | 173 | |
Jesuits | 266–267, 379 | |
Jesus Christ | 118–123 | |
Jews | 38–41 | |
Joan of Arc | 220, 281 | |
John (England) | 186, 187 | |
Josephine, Empress | 351 | |
Justinian | 136 | |
K | ||
Karageorgevich dynasty | 376 | |
Kay, John | 405 | |
à Kempis, Thomas | 219, 221 | |
Kirchhoff | 430 | |
Knighthood | 159–161 | |
Königgrätz, battle of | 398 | |
Kossuth | 392 | |
von Krüdener, Baroness | 369–371 | |
L | ||
labor reforms | 420–426 | |
Lafayette | 388 | |
Lao-Tse | 247, 248 | |
de Laplace, Marquis | 430 | |
Lee, Richard Henry | 331 | |
Lee, Robert, General | 423 | |
van Leeuwenhoek | 430 | |
Leibnitz | 404 | |
Leipzig, battle of | 356 | |
Leonidas | 78 | |
Leopold I (Belgium) | 391 | |
Leopold II (Belgium) | 452 | |
Lincoln, Abraham | 423 | |
Locomotives | 408, 409 | |
Louis XIII | 276 | |
Louis XIV | 296–299, 320, 334–335 | |
Louis XVI | 338–346 | |
Louis XVIII | 356, 365, 389 | |
Louis Philippe | 391–392 | |
Louisiana Purchase | 358 | |
Loyola | 266 | |
Luther, Martin | 251, 257–260 | |
Lyell, Sir Charles | 430
M | |
Macchiavelli | 222 | |
Magellan | 225, 226, 236, 237 | |
Magenta, battle of | 396 | |
Magna Carta | 186–187 | |
Mammals | 7 | |
Man, first appearance | 10 | |
Marathon | 76–77 | |
Marco Polo | 224 | |
Maria Theresa | 315 | |
Marie Louise | 391 | |
Marius | 111–112 | |
Mary, Queen | 283 | |
Mary, Queen of Scots | 283 | |
Marx, Karl | 425–426 | |
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico | 399 | |
Mazzini | 394 | |
Medes | 45 | |
Mediaeval cities | 174–183 | |
Mediaeval„ cities„ obtain charters | 180–183 | |
Mediaeval„ self-government | 184–190 | |
Mediaeval„ trade | 198–205 | |
Mediaeval„ world | 191–197 | |
Medici | 201 | |
de Medici, Catherine | 283 | |
Mercantile System | 317–322 | |
Merovingian kings | 144–145 | |
Mesopotamia | 29–37 | |
Metternich | 363–372, 386, 389, 390–392 | |
Mexico | 399 | |
Michelangelo | 440 | |
Microscope | 430 | |
Middle Ages | 191–197 | |
Miltiades | 76 | |
Mirabeau | 345 | |
Mohammed | 138–143 | |
Mohammedans conquer Mesopotamia and Spain | 142 | |
Monroe Doctrine | 384 | |
Montesquieu | 336 | |
Montez, Lola | 393 | |
Morse, Samuel | 410 | |
Moscow | 305–306 | |
Moscow„ burned by Napoleon | 356 | |
Moses | 38–41 | |
Mozart | 444 | |
Mummy | 24 | |
Music | 441–445 | |
Mycenae | 50 | |
N | ||
Napier, John | 403 | |
Napoleon | 149, 348–363, 374–375, 395–396 | |
Napoleon III | 400 | |
National Assembly | 343–345 | |
Necker | 338, 341–344 | |
Nelson | 354 | |
Netherlands, war with Spain | 268–271 | |
Newcomen, Thomas | 405 | |
Newton, Isaac | 404, 429 | |
Nicholas I (Russia) | 391 | |
Nieuw Amsterdam | 273 | |
Nile Valley | 17, 22, 26, 27 | |
Ninwegen, peace of | 299 | |
Norman conquest of England | 280 | |
Normandy | 151 | |
Norse discoverers | 232–233 | |
Norsemen | 150–154 | |
North German Confederacy | 399 | |
Norway | 374 | |
Novgorod | 202–203 | |
O | ||
Obrenovitch dynasty | 376 | |
Octavian | 117 | |
Odoacer | 127 | |
Oldenbarneveldt, John of | 278 | |
Osiris | 24 | |
Otto the Great | 148, 163, 193 | |
Owen, Robert | 425 | |
Oxford University | 210 | |
P | ||
Pacific Ocean, discovery of | 236 | |
Paine, Thomas | 246 | |
painting | 439–440 | |
Palestine | 41 | |
Papin | 405 | |
Paris, University of | 210 | |
Paul | 119–123 | |
Paul I (Russia) | 355, 367, 368 | |
Peloponnesian war | 81–82 | |
Pepin | 145 | |
Pericles | 81–82 | |
Persia | 45, 46, 47 | |
Persian wars with Greece | 74–80 | |
Peter the Great | 307–311 | |
Peter the Hermit | 169 | |
Petrarca | 213–214 | |
Piano | 443–444 | |
Pilgrims | 329 | |
Pius VII | 353 | |
Platea, battle of | 80 | |
Pharaoh | 27 | |
Pharnaces | 115 | |
Philip II (Spain) | 283, 288, 267–270 | |
Philip of Macedon | 83 | |
Philippe Egalité | 392 | |
Philippine Islands | 237 | |
Phoenicians | 42–43 | |
Phoenician alphabet | 43 | |
Poitiers, battle of | 142, 144 | |
Poland | 374 | |
Pompey | 113, 114 | |
Pontius Pilate | 121–123 | |
Pope | 123–137 | |
Pope vs. Emperor | 162–167 | |
Portugal | 375 | |
Prester, John | 229–231 | |
Priests, first mention of | 24 | |
Printing | 223 | |
Protestants and Catholics | 262–278 | |
Prussia | 313–316 | |
Ptolomean system of the universe | 231 | |
Ptolomy | 28 | |
Punic Wars—1st war | 97–98 | |
Punic Wars—2nd war | 98–103 | |
Punic Wars—3d war | 103–104 | |
Puritans | 289, 326–327 | |
Pyramids | 25–26 | |
Q | ||
Quintus Fabius Maximus | 100–102 | |
R | ||
Rafael | 222 | |
Ravenna | 127, 211 | |
Reformation | 251–278 | |
Reform Bill | 418 | |
Reichstadt, Duke of | 360 | |
Religion, origin of | 23–24 | |
Rembrandt | 440 | |
Renaissance | 206–223 | |
Richard the Lion Hearted | 186, 187 | |
Richelieu | 276 | |
Robespierre | 346, 347 | |
Roland | 146 | |
Rollo | 151 | |
Roman Church | 131–137, 253–255 | |
Roman„ Church„ in England | 279 | |
Roman„ conquest of England | 279 | |
Roman„ Empire | 117–130 | |
Roman„ Slaves | 109–110 | |
Rome | 88–130 | |
conquers Greece | 106–107 | |
conquers Syria | 107–108 | |
earliest history | 91–96 | |
fall of | 124–130 | |
Romulus Augustulus | 127 | |
Rosetta Stone | 18–19 | |
Roumania | 387 | |
Rousseau, Jean Jacques | 336 | |
Rudolph of Hapsburg | 167 | |
Rumford, Count | 410 | |
Rump Parliament | 289 | |
Runnymede | 186 | |
Rurik | 302 | |
Russia | 301–312, 380 | |
Russo–Japanese War | 464 | |
Ryswick, Peace of | 299 | |
S | ||
Sabines | 93 | |
St. Helena | 359 | |
Salamis | 79 | |
Salerno, University of | 210 | |
Sarajevo | 455 | |
Savonarola | 217 | |
Schliemann, Heinrich | 48–50 | |
Scientific Progress | 427–432 | |
Scipio, Lucius | 108 | |
Scipio, Publius | 103, 106 | |
Serbia | 454 | |
Serfs | 306 | |
Shakespeare | 286, 441 | |
Sicily | 393 | |
Slavery abolished | 422 | |
Socialism | 425–426 | |
Solferino, battle of | 396 | |
Solon | 64 | |
Spain | 375 | |
Spanish Armada | 271, 284 | |
Spanish Succession, war of | 299–300 | |
Sparta | 77–82 | |
Star Chamber | 282 | |
Steamboat | 406–408 | |
Steam Engine | 404–405 | |
Stephenson, George | 408 | |
Stuarts | 286–292 | |
Sulla | 111–113 | |
Sumerians | 32–37 | |
Sweden | 311, 374 | |
Swedish Parliament | 188 | |
Swiss Assemblies | 189 | |
T | ||
Talleyrand | 363–365, 368, 371, 373 | |
Taoism | 247 | |
Ta' Rifa | 228 | |
Tartar Invasion | 304–306 | |
Telegraph | 410–411 | |
Telephone | 411 | |
Ten Commandments | 40 | |
Teutoburg Woods | 118 | |
Theatre | 71–73, 441 | |
Thebes | 28 | |
Themistocles | 77 | |
Theodoric | 127 | |
Thermopylae | 78 | |
Third Estate | 342–345 | |
Thirty Years' War | 273–278 | |
Tilly | 274–276 | |
Tory | 292–293 | |
Toussaint l'Ouverture | 383 | |
Trafalgar | 354 | |
Triple Alliance of 1664 | 298 | |
Troy | 48–49 | |
Turgot | 388, 417 | |
U | ||
Universities, origin of | 208–211 | |
V | ||
Vandals | 127 | |
Varro | 102 | |
Varrus | 118 | |
Vatican | 396 | |
de Vega, Lope | 441 | |
Velasquez | 440 | |
Venizuela | 383–384 | |
Venice | 172, 198–202 | |
Vermeer | 440 | |
Verrazano | 326 | |
Victor Emanuel | 393 | |
Vikings | 151 | |
da Vinci, Leonardo | 222 | |
Voltaire | 336 | |
W | ||
Wallenstein | 274–276 | |
Washington, George | 330 | |
Waterloo, battle of | 357–358 | |
Watt, James | 405 | |
Wellington, Duke of | 357 | |
Westphalia, treaty of | 273, 277 | |
Whigs | 291–293 | |
Whitney, Eli | 405 | |
William I (Germany) | 400 | |
William III (England) | 292–295, 299 | |
William the Conqueror | 154 | |
William of Orange (the Silent) | 269–270 | |
William of Orange | 390 | |
Wilberforce, William | 422 | |
de Witt, Jan | 298–299 | |
Worms, Diet of | 259 | |
writing, invention of | 18–21 | |
Wycliffe, John | 220 | |
X | ||
Xerxes | 79 | |
Y | ||
Ypsilanti, Prince Alexander | 387 | |
Z | ||
Zarathustra | 45 |