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The Story of Mankind/Chapter 67

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The Story of Mankind
by Hendrik Willem van Loon
3243262The Story of MankindHendrik Willem van Loon

Abelard 210
Abu-Bekr 142
Achaeans 55
Acropolis 78, 81
Aegean Sea 48–53
Africa 452, 453
Age of Discovery 224–240
Age of Expression 219–223
Age of Reason 346
Akkadians 35
Alaric 127
Alba, Duke of 269
Albert of Sardinia 393
alchemy 404
Alcibiades 82
Alemanni 127
Alexander VI (Pope) 238
Alexander the Great 28, 37, 83, 84
Alexander I 355, 363–372, 386
Ali 142
American Revolution 323–333
Amerigo Vespucci 236
Amorites 35
Anne 294
Antiochus III 107–108
Antony 117
Aquinas, Thomas 194
architecture 437, 438
Aristides 77
Aristotle 83, 193–195, 216
Arkwright, Richard 406
art 433–445
Assyrians 28, 36
Athens 81, 82
Augustus 118
Bach 444
Bacon, Roger 194, 226, 429
Bagdad 142
Balance of Power 296–300
Balboa 236
Balkan States 376, 386, 453, 454
Barbarossa 166
Barrack Emperors 125
Beethoven 445
Belgium 374
Bell, Alexander Graham 411
Bentham, Jeremy 420
Bismarck 394–400
Blanc, Louis 425
Blücher 357
Boccaccio 214
Boer War 452
Bolivar, Simon 383
Bologna, University of 210
Bonaparte, Joseph 383
Bonaparte (See Napoleon)  
Boris Godunow 306
Brandenburg 312
Brazil 375
de Brienne 340–341
Buddha 241–246
Bulgaria 453, 544
Bunsen 430
Burgundians 127
Byron 388
Byzantine Empire 216
conquered by Turks 137
Byzantium 126
Cabot, John 236, 284, 326
Caesar, Julius 112–115
de Calonne 339–340
Calvin 262, 264
Canning, George 384, 388
Capo d'Istria 376
Carbonari 386
Carthage 88–104
government of 88–90
Cartwright, Edmund 406
Castlereagh 368–372
Catiline 113
Cavour 394
Chaldeans 37
Champollion 19
Chancellor, Richard 285, 301
Charlemagne 144–149, 193
crowned 146
his Empire divided 146–148
Charles I (England) 287–290
Charles II (England) 290–292
Charles V. 252, 253, 259, 267, 269, 320
Charles X (France) 389
Charles XII (Sweden) 311
Charles XXII (Sweden) 374
Charles the Bold 148
Charles Martel 143
Chartist Movement 418
Cheops 26
chivalry 159–161
Christian IV (Denmark) 274–276
Chrysoloras 216
Cicero 113
Civil War (U. S. A.) 423
Cleopatra 28, 115
Clovis 145
Cnossos 51–53
Colbert 320
College of Cardinals 164
Colonial Expansion 451–453
Columbus 226, 232–235
Committee of Public Safety 346
Confucius 247–250
Congo 452
Congress of Vienna 361–382
Conrad V 167
Constantine 126, 127, 135
Constantinople 127, 129, 137, 216
Copernicus 231
Correggio 440
cotton 405, 406
Council of Ten (Venice) 200
de Covilham, Pedro 231
Crete 51–52
Crimean War 396
Cromwell, Oliver 289–290, 320
Crusades 166–173
First 169
Second 170
Cuba 453
cuneiform inscriptions 32
Cyrus 45
Czartoryski, Adam 374
da Gama, Vasco 226, 236
Danish Parliament 189
Dante 211–213
Danton 346
Declaration of Independence 331
Declaration of Rights of Man 334
Denmark 374
Deutschland 148
Diaz, Bartholomew 230
discovery of America 235–238
Disraeli 454
Divine Right of Kings 287–289
Draco 64
Dutch East India Company 238–272
Dutch Republic becomes Kingdom 373
Dutch Republic formed 190
Dutch West India Company 273
Dynamoes 411
Edict of Nantes 277
Egypt 17–28
Captured by Alexander the Great 27
Captured by Assyrians 27
Captured by Hyksos 27
Captured by Rome 28
Electricity 410–411
Elizabeth (England) 271, 283, 285, 320
Emancipation Proclamation 423
England, conquests of 154
English Cabinet 293
English Colonies 326–329
English Revolution 279–295
Encyclopaedia (French) 336, 429
Engels, Friedrich 425
Enghien, Duc d' 351
Erasmus 208, 256, 257
Eriksen, Leif 232
Estates General (Holland) 189, 190, 270
Etruscans 93
Eugénie, Empress 399
van Eyck, Jan 439
factories 413–419
Faraday, Michael 411
Ferdinand and Isabella 235
Ferdinand II (Austria) 274
Ferdinand VII (Spain) 375
Feudalism 155–158
fire, first use of 14–15
Fitch, John 406, 407
Florence 201, 396
Fra Angelico 222
French Colonies 327–329
French Parliament 188
French Revolution 334–348, 415
Francis Joseph 393
Franco–Prussian War 400–401
Franklin, Benjamin 330, 410
Franks 127, 144
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen 166
Frederick II of Prussia 314–316
Frederick William I 314
Frederick William IV 393
freedom of the sea 272
Fulton, Robert 406
Galileo 404
Garibaldi 394
Genoa 201
George I 294
George II 294
George III 294, 330
German Empire 400–401
Germany after Congress of Vienna 376–379
Ghent 203
Gibel-al-tarik 142
Giotto 222
Girondists 346
Glacial Age 13, 14
Godfrey of Bouillon 170
Goths 127
Grachi 111
Grand Remonstrance 289
Grant 423
Gratian 210
Greece 54–84, 376, 387, 388
Greek art rediscovered 214, 215
Greek cities as states 58–61
Greek government 62–65
Greek home-life 66–70
Greek language in Middle-Ages 216
Greeks conquer Aegeans 56, 57
Greek slaves 67–68
Greek theatre 71–73
Gregory (Pope) 136
Gregory VII 164–166
Grotius 272
Guelphs and Ghibellines 211
von Guericke, Otto 410
Gustavus Adolphus 276
Gutenberg 223
Haiti 383
Hals, Franz 440
Hammurabi 35
Hannibal 100–107
Hanseatic League 203
Hargreaves, James 405
Hasdrubal 102, 103
Hastings, Battle of 154
van Heemskerk 272
Hegira 140
Hellenes 55
Henry IV (Germany) 164–166
Henry VII (England) 282
Henry VIII (England) 262, 282
Henry the Navigator 228–230
heresy 265
herring fisheries 203
hieroglyphics 19–21
Hittites 36
Hohenstaufen family 166
Hohenzollern, rise of 313–314
Holy Alliance 360–372, 384–386
Holy Roman Empire founded 148
Henry Hudson 273
Hundred Years' War 281, 282
Huns 127
Huss, John 220, 369
Huygens 405
Hyksos 27
Icelandic Parliament 189
Indo–Europeans 44–47
Indulgences 258
Inquisition 263, 264
Isis 24
Italy united 394
Ivan the Terrible 202–203, 306
Jacobins 345, 346, 353
James I 286
James II 292
Japan 452
Jefferson, Thomas 331
Jenghiz Khan 304
Jerusalem 41
captured by Crusaders 170
captured by Turks 173
Jesuits 266–267, 379
Jesus Christ 118–123
Jews 38–41
Joan of Arc 220, 281
John (England) 186, 187
Josephine, Empress 351
Justinian 136
Karageorgevich dynasty 376
Kay, John 405
à Kempis, Thomas 219, 221
Kirchhoff 430
Knighthood 159–161
Königgrätz, battle of 398
Kossuth 392
von Krüdener, Baroness 369–371
labor reforms 420–426
Lafayette 388
Lao-Tse 247, 248
de Laplace, Marquis 430
Lee, Richard Henry 331
Lee, Robert, General 423
van Leeuwenhoek 430
Leibnitz 404
Leipzig, battle of 356
Leonidas 78
Leopold I (Belgium) 391
Leopold II (Belgium) 452
Lincoln, Abraham 423
Locomotives 408, 409
Louis XIII 276
Louis XIV 296–299, 320, 334–335
Louis XVI 338–346
Louis XVIII 356, 365, 389
Louis Philippe 391–392
Louisiana Purchase 358
Loyola 266
Luther, Martin 251, 257–260
Lyell, Sir Charles 430


Macchiavelli 222
Magellan 225, 226, 236, 237
Magenta, battle of 396
Magna Carta 186–187
Mammals 7
Man, first appearance 10
Marathon 76–77
Marco Polo 224
Maria Theresa 315
Marie Louise 391
Marius 111–112
Mary, Queen 283
Mary, Queen of Scots 283
Marx, Karl 425–426
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico 399
Mazzini 394
Medes 45
Mediaeval cities 174–183
Mediaeval cities obtain charters 180–183
Mediaeval self-government 184–190
Mediaeval trade 198–205
Mediaeval world 191–197
Medici 201
de Medici, Catherine 283
Mercantile System 317–322
Merovingian kings 144–145
Mesopotamia 29–37
Metternich 363–372, 386, 389, 390–392
Mexico 399
Michelangelo 440
Microscope 430
Middle Ages 191–197
Miltiades 76
Mirabeau 345
Mohammed 138–143
Mohammedans conquer Mesopotamia and Spain 142
Monroe Doctrine 384
Montesquieu 336
Montez, Lola 393
Morse, Samuel 410
Moscow 305–306
Moscow burned by Napoleon 356
Moses 38–41
Mozart 444
Mummy 24
Music 441–445
Mycenae 50
Napier, John 403
Napoleon 149, 348–363, 374–375, 395–396
Napoleon III 400
National Assembly 343–345
Necker 338, 341–344
Nelson 354
Netherlands, war with Spain 268–271
Newcomen, Thomas 405
Newton, Isaac 404, 429
Nicholas I (Russia) 391
Nieuw Amsterdam 273
Nile Valley 17, 22, 26, 27
Ninwegen, peace of 299
Norman conquest of England 280
Normandy 151
Norse discoverers 232–233
Norsemen 150–154
North German Confederacy 399
Norway 374
Novgorod 202–203
Obrenovitch dynasty 376
Octavian 117
Odoacer 127
Oldenbarneveldt, John of 278
Osiris 24
Otto the Great 148, 163, 193
Owen, Robert 425
Oxford University 210
Pacific Ocean, discovery of 236
Paine, Thomas 246
painting 439–440
Palestine 41
Papin 405
Paris, University of 210
Paul 119–123
Paul I (Russia) 355, 367, 368
Peloponnesian war 81–82
Pepin 145
Pericles 81–82
Persia 45, 46, 47
Persian wars with Greece 74–80
Peter the Great 307–311
Peter the Hermit 169
Petrarca 213–214
Piano 443–444
Pilgrims 329
Pius VII 353
Platea, battle of 80
Pharaoh 27
Pharnaces 115
Philip II (Spain) 283, 288, 267–270
Philip of Macedon 83
Philippe Egalité 392
Philippine Islands 237
Phoenicians 42–43
Phoenician alphabet 43
Poitiers, battle of 142, 144
Poland 374
Pompey 113, 114
Pontius Pilate 121–123
Pope 123–137
Pope vs. Emperor 162–167
Portugal 375
Prester, John 229–231
Priests, first mention of 24
Printing 223
Protestants and Catholics 262–278
Prussia 313–316
Ptolomean system of the universe 231
Ptolomy 28
Punic Wars—1st war 97–98
Punic Wars—2nd war 98–103
Punic Wars—3d war 103–104
Puritans 289, 326–327
Pyramids 25–26
Quintus Fabius Maximus 100–102
Rafael 222
Ravenna 127, 211
Reformation 251–278
Reform Bill 418
Reichstadt, Duke of 360
Religion, origin of 23–24
Rembrandt 440
Renaissance 206–223
Richard the Lion Hearted 186, 187
Richelieu 276
Robespierre 346, 347
Roland 146
Rollo 151
Roman Church 131–137, 253–255
Roman Church in England 279
Roman conquest of England 279
Roman Empire 117–130
Roman Slaves 109–110
Rome 88–130
conquers Greece 106–107
conquers Syria 107–108
earliest history 91–96
fall of 124–130
Romulus Augustulus 127
Rosetta Stone 18–19
Roumania 387
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 336
Rudolph of Hapsburg 167
Rumford, Count 410
Rump Parliament 289
Runnymede 186
Rurik 302
Russia 301–312, 380
Russo–Japanese War 464
Ryswick, Peace of 299
Sabines 93
St. Helena 359
Salamis 79
Salerno, University of 210
Sarajevo 455
Savonarola 217
Schliemann, Heinrich 48–50
Scientific Progress 427–432
Scipio, Lucius 108
Scipio, Publius 103, 106
Serbia 454
Serfs 306
Shakespeare 286, 441
Sicily 393
Slavery abolished 422
Socialism 425–426
Solferino, battle of 396
Solon 64
Spain 375
Spanish Armada 271, 284
Spanish Succession, war of 299–300
Sparta 77–82
Star Chamber 282
Steamboat 406–408
Steam Engine 404–405
Stephenson, George 408
Stuarts 286–292
Sulla 111–113
Sumerians 32–37
Sweden 311, 374
Swedish Parliament 188
Swiss Assemblies 189
Talleyrand 363–365, 368, 371, 373
Taoism 247
Ta' Rifa 228
Tartar Invasion 304–306
Telegraph 410–411
Telephone 411
Ten Commandments 40
Teutoburg Woods 118
Theatre 71–73, 441
Thebes 28
Themistocles 77
Theodoric 127
Thermopylae 78
Third Estate 342–345
Thirty Years' War 273–278
Tilly 274–276
Tory 292–293
Toussaint l'Ouverture 383
Trafalgar 354
Triple Alliance of 1664 298
Troy 48–49
Turgot 388, 417
Universities, origin of 208–211
Vandals 127
Varro 102
Varrus 118
Vatican 396
de Vega, Lope 441
Velasquez 440
Venizuela 383–384
Venice 172, 198–202
Vermeer 440
Verrazano 326
Victor Emanuel 393
Vikings 151
da Vinci, Leonardo 222
Voltaire 336
Wallenstein 274–276
Washington, George 330
Waterloo, battle of 357–358
Watt, James 405
Wellington, Duke of 357
Westphalia, treaty of 273, 277
Whigs 291–293
Whitney, Eli 405
William I (Germany) 400
William III (England) 292–295, 299
William the Conqueror 154
William of Orange (the Silent) 269–270
William of Orange 390
Wilberforce, William 422
de Witt, Jan 298–299
Worms, Diet of 259
writing, invention of 18–21
Wycliffe, John 220
Xerxes 79
Ypsilanti, Prince Alexander 387
Zarathustra 45