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The Surnames of the Chinese in America/Partnership Lists

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The Surnames of the Chinese in America 旅美華人姓字 (1904)
David D. Jones 約翰大衛德
Partnership Lists 報股東册
4364112The Surnames of the Chinese in America 旅美華人姓字 — Partnership Lists 報股東册1904David D. Jones 約翰大衛德

Partnership List.

Under the Chinese Exclusion Law, the rules of the Government require that the manager of a Chinese firm shall file with the Chinese Bureau, at the place where the firm is located, a sworn statement, with his photograph attached, of the name and character of the business, the company or firm name and location, the number and names of the members, their residence, the amount of capital invested by each, and the full amount of capital.

The attorney employed must pay particular attention. to the spelling of the firm, company, and individual names in these partnership lists. Many applicants for admission have been returned to China on account of wrongly spelled names of copartnerships and of individual copartners.

File the original copartnership list with the Chinese Bureau.

File a copy with the Steamship Company for their use and convenience.

Keep a copy on file at the store.

File a new copartnership list, whenever a partner leaves or enters the firm, with the Chinese Bureau and the Steamship Company, and keep a copy at the store.

Keep all corporation lists on file for reference.

It is important that the copartnership lists contain the family and given names of all the partners properly spelled according to the David Jones System.

The name of the attorney attending to the business of the firm should be with his address entered for reference.


照依禁例美政府要各華商店或各公司之總理將其店內各股東之名塡册報關以便稽 查該總理之原照相貼在册內並將其舖或公司之名與所做之何項生意各股東本銀若干合共本銀 若干以及該店或公司之門牌住址呌代塡股東册之律師留心寫準股東姓名之英字以免混雜致令 關吏生疑最善者工商部存 一册輪船公司存一册該店 或公司自存一册倘遇有新 股東入卽要報明欲較正串 英字以寫華商名字請照依 約翰大衛德之串字法書爲 最合宜代理寫股東册之律 師亦簽名在册內更爲妥貼