The Tribes of Burma/Bibliographical notes/Kadus
Serial No. |
Head. | Brief description. | Authority. | Page. |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | Present habitat. | Katha and Upper Chindwin Districts of Upper Burma. | Burma Census Report, 1901, Part I. Katha Settlement Report, 1906. |
127 8 |
2 | Origin ... | Probably hybrid, composed of Burmese, Shan, Kachin and Chin elements. Two stocks—Chingyan and Mahamyaing. | Burma Census Report, 1901, Part I Burma Census Report, 1891, Vol. I. Katha Settlement Report, 1906. Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. |
127 198 8 569 |
3 | Political and social divisions. | Apwa and Ama of Ganan. Chingyans and Mahamyaings, six septs referred to. | Burma Census Report, 1901, Part I. Katha Settlement Report, 1906. Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Parti. |
127 8 570 |
4 | Allied tribes | Shans, Kachins, Chins. Possibly connected with the Tamans of the Upper Chindwin District. | Burma Census Report, 1901, Part I. | 128 |
5 | Language and dialects. | Mixture of Burmese, Shan, Kachin and Chin. Connection witl the language of the Saks or Thets. | Burma Census Report, 1901, Part I. Burma Census Report, 1891, Vol. I. Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. |
127 147 571, 691 |
6 | Religion ... | Buddhism. Also nat worship. Veneration of great nat of Maingthon mountain. | Katha Settlement Report, 1906. Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part 1. |
9 571 |
7 | Marriage customs and ceremonies. | Bride demanded from nat of the house. Pickled fish hung on the king-post, etc. | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. | 571 |
8 | Position of women. | Low position of women | Katha Settlement Report, 1906. | 8 |
9 | Clothing ... | Men wear Burmese costume. Women wear dark blue or black jacket, petticoat and head cloth. | Burma Census Report, 1901, Part I. Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I Part I. |
127 570 |
10 | Painting and tattooing. | Teeth-staining | Burma Census Report, 1901, Part I. | 128 |
11 | Agriculture... | Paddy, tea, etc. | Katha Settlement Report, 1906. Upper Burma Gazetteer. Vol. I, Part I. |
24 571 |
12 | Habitations... | Villages built on spurs of hills above cultivation. | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. | 571 |
13 | Government... | Insignia of headman's office; method (ancient) of selecting headman. | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. | 574 |
14 | Morals and character, | Hard-working and energetic, stubborn. | Katha Settlement Report, 1906. Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. |
8 571 |
15 | Property ... | Communal tenures of land. | Katha Settlement Report, 1906. | 16 |
16 | Trade ... | Paddy trade ... | Katha Settlement Report, 1906. | 8 |