The Vampire (Summers)/Index
- Abbot of Montserrat, The, 278
- Abbott, G. F., 33, 92, 161, 206
- Abipones, tribe of Paraguay, 167
- Abisag the Sunamitess, 134
- Absolution of one who has died excommunicate, 101–2
- Adelhausen, Dominican convent at, 122
- Adrian, J. V., 290
- Aelian, 198
- Afra, S., 123
- Agamemnon, 158
- Agapitus I, Pope S., 101
- Agnes of Montepulciano, S., 130
- Alardus Gazaeus, 230
- Alfrida, S., 124
- Aliphera (festival of fly-catcher at), 198
- Allacci, Leone, 20, 22, 25, 29, 30–3, 90, 92, 163, 179, 206
- Alphonsus Liguori, S., 33, 79, 123, 144
- Altomari, Antonio Donato, 166–7
- Amatongo (Zulu Ancestor Worship), 12–3
- Anatomy of Melancholy, 166–7
- Andrea Avellino, S., 132
- Angela of Merici, S., 128
- Angels, 1, 7
- Angelus, Christophorus, 91
- Antidote against Atheism, 115, 179–80
- Antigone, 83
- Antonia of Florence 123
- Antoninus of Florence, O.P., S., 125
- Antony of Padua, S., 55
- Apuleius, 227, 241
- Ardisson, Victor, 70
- Aristophanes, 20, 227
- Aristotle (on suicide), 142
- Arrianus of Nicomedia, 20
- Arunta tribe, 60
- Asasabonsam (Ashanti vampire), 259
- Ashanti proverbs, 259
- Aeschylus, 141
- Athenaeus, 145–6
- Attila, 17
- Aubrey, John, 160
- Augustine of Canterbury, S., 111
- Augustine of Hippo, S., 79, 103, 142–3, 165, 202, 229
- Australian tribes (blood remedies), 17
- Avebury, Lord, 145
- Awemba tribe, 10
- Baganda tribe, 9, 147–8, 167–8
- Bagnesi, B. Maria Bartolomea, 125
- Baital (Vetala), 249–51
- Bajang, 251–52
- Baldi, Cecilia, 123
- Bandello, O. P., Matteo, 43
- Bantu tribes, ancestral worship of, 10–2
- Barbauld, Anna Letitia, 275
- Barlings, 160
- Barnaby of Pistoria, 122
- Baron Vampyr, Der, 320
- Basil I, 140
- Basil of Ostrog, S., 129
- Bat, vampire, 135–6, 267
- Ba’thory, Countess Elizabeth, 64
- Baudelaire, Charles, 327
- Bauer, Edwin, 320
- Beane, Sawney, 61
- Beelzebub, lord of flies, 198
- Belfour, Rev. Hugo John, 319–20
- Belgrade (vampire at), 176
- Bell, Mr. H. J., 265, 267
- Benadad of Syria, 62
- Benedict XIV, 23, 24, 119, 120
- Benedict, S., 102–3
- Benson, E. F., 321
- Bérard, Cyprion, 290
- Beresford, Rev. J., 276
- Bernard, S., (of Clairvaux), 33, 199
- Bernardine of Siene, S., 127–8
- Bernardo Ptolomei, S., 123
- Beroaldus, 247
- Bickel, Andréas, 65
- Billuart, O. P., Charles René, 79
- Bishop, Washington Irving, 36
- Blackwood, Algernon, 323
- Blood, offered to spirits, 10; attracts ghosts, 13; forbidden by divine commands, 13–5; shed at funerals, 17; as medicine, 17; drunk, 64; connected with sexual impulse, 133
- Blot, Henri, 68–9
- Blue eyes (a sign of vampirism), 181–2
- Blunden, Mrs., (epitaph of), 45
- Boguet, Henri, 60, 78–9, 180
- Bonney, F. (Australian traveller), 17
- Bonnefons, Jean, 186
- Boucicault, Dion, 312–5
- Boullé, Thomas, 80
- Boussakis, Dr. M . K., 46
- Braut von Korinth, Die, 274–5, 276
- Bristol (Lawford’s Gate), hauntings at, 4–5
- Brompton, John, 111
- Brontë, Emily, 7
- Browne, W. A. F., 63
- Buckthorn (contra magos), 203–4, 256
- Buddhist monks (self-immolation of), 152–3
- Bulgaria (method of destroying vampires in), 208
- Bullet (charmed to kill vampire), 209
- Bürger, Gottfried August, 275–7
- Burial, premature, 34–48
- Burke, William (and Hare), 58–9
- Burnes, Alexander, 257
- Burton, Robert, 166–7
- Butleigh (Somerset), 160
- Butters, Mary, 257–8
- Byron, Lord, 280–1, 289–90
- C., Eva, (medium), 195
- Cadet Buteux, vampire, 305
- Caffres (dread of blood), 13
- Cain, 183
- Callaway, Canon, 12
- Callicantzaros, 163–5
- Calmet, Dom Augustin, 25–9, 112, 171–5, 193–4, 199, 283, 295
- Camargo, Diego Muñoz, 260
- Camillus de Lellis, S., 132
- Campbell Thompson, Dr. R., 217, 218, 224, 226
- Cannock Chase, hauntings at, 4
- Carmilla, 321
- Carnarvon, Lord (in Greece, 1839), 140
- Cassian, 230
- Castellinus, 119
- Cat (vampire), 169
- Catherine of Bologna, S., 55–6, 125
- Catherine of Genoa, S., 129
- Catullus, 185
- Caylus, Comte de, 237
- Cesarini, Cecilia, 123
- Ceylon, demons of, 156
- Chabot, Admiral of France, 184
- Chacu Indians, 237
- Chadkin, 152
- Chapman, George, 183
- Character of an Ugly Woman, A, (1678), 156
- Charon’s fee, 105–6
- Chariclides Comicus, 155
- Charolais, comte de, 64
- Chesnil, de la Charbonelais, 203
- Children of Judas (vampires), 183
- China (suicide in), 145
- China, vampires in, 237–49
- Chinese Ghouls and Goblins, 239
- Ch’ing Shik (Chinese vampire), 237–49
- Choephoroe, 141
- Chordewa (witch), 169
- Chorea (a sign of vampirism), 181
- Christabel, 276
- Christmas Eve, legends of, 157
- Church lands, a curse upon, 160–1
- Chuwashé (Finnish tribe), 202
- Cicero (on suicide), 142
- Ciuateteo, 261–3
- Clare of Montefalco, O.S.A., S., 125–6
- Claret, Ven. Antony, 123
- Clavigero, 260
- Clement of Alexandria, 198
- Clifford, Mr. Hugh, 255
- Codrington, Dr. R. H., 258
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 275
- Collationes (of Cassian), 230
- Columella, 155
- Compendium Theologiae Moralis (Sabetti), 38
- Contes Orientaux, 237
- Convent Spectre, The, 278
- Corey, Goodwife (of Salem), 5
- Corfu, 205
- Cosijopii, 264
- Count Magnus (Dr. M. R. James), 271–3
- Cowdray, 160
- Cranstoun, Mr., 275
- Crawford, F. Marion, 325
- Cross, made from what tree, 203
- Cross-roads, burial at, 154–6; augury at, 155; shrines at, 263
- Crowe, Catherine, 332
- Crows (omens drawn from), 246
- Croxton, 160
- Cuecuesteca, 262
- Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia (Rawlinson and Morris), 226
- Cuntius, Johannes, 179–80
- Curses, (dreaded in Greece), 161–2
- Cuthbert, S., 194
- Cutting the flesh (in mourning), 15–17
- Dacre, Charlotte, 277
- Dagger (consecrated to transfix vampires), 204
- Dalen, Charles Francis van, 23
- Darlington Station, hauntings at, 2–3
- Darwin, Charles, 135–6
- Davanzati, Archbishop Gioseppe, 23–5
- David, King of Israel, 134, 171
- De Prouerbiis Aguri et Lemuelis (Mühlau), 231
- De Daemonialitate (Sinistrari), 230
- De Ecclesiae Occidentalis atque Orientalis … consensione, 29
- De Graecorum … opinationibus, 22
- De Lancre, 265
- De Materia Medica, 256
- De Prodigiis (Julius Obsequens), 252
- De Trinitate (S. Augustine), 229
- Deans, Hamilton, 335
- Dee, Dr. John, 122
- Délégation en Perse, 226
- Demon of Venice, The, 278
- Delrio, S. J., Martin, 180–1, 229
- Desmodus rufus (blood-sucking bat), 135
- Devil’s tree (silk-cotton-tree), 265
- Didacus of Alcala, S., 128
- Diphylla ecaudata (blood-sucking bat), 135
- Discorides, 256
- Dissertatio de Uampiris Seruiensibus, 1
- Dissertazione sopra I Vampiri, 23, 24–5
- Dominica of S. Mary, 123
- Donatus, S., 50
- Doolittle, Justus, 246
- Dorat, Jean, 187
- Dorset, St. John (Hugo John Belfour), 319–20
- Dorval, Madame, 291, 293, 294
- Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 323–4
- Dracula, 331, 333–7
- Dracula (dramatic version), 335–7
- Dreams and Ghosts, 4
- Dumas, Alexandre (père), 294–303
- Durandus, 121
- Dureford (Sussex), 160
- Durham, Mr. James (sees ghost), 2–3
- Ea-bani, 218
- Easter, the first, 2, 173
- Edward the Confessor, S., 125
- Egyptian ka, 231
- Ekimmu (Departed spirit), 218, 220, 222–4, 248
- Elena and Gerardo (Bandello), 43–4
- Elis (vampire tradition in), 167; (festival of god of files at), 198
- Ellenore (Lenore), 275–7
- Ellis, Havelock, 133, 184
- Empedocles, 153
- Encore un Vampire, 305
- Épaulard, Dr. A., 57
- Eskimo sorceress (suicide of), 153
- Espinosa, Cardinal Diego de, 36–7
- Etrennes d’un Vampire, Les, 305
- Eugippius, 53
- Euphorion of Chalcis, 147
- Euripides, 141
- Eustasius (and Euphrosina), 50
- Eustochium, S., 130
- Evagrius Ponticus, 49
- Excommunication, 84–90; in the Greek Church, 93–100
- Faber, Henri, 290
- Fables (Gay), 258
- Fairfax House (haunting of), 181
- Faithfull Shepherdesse, The, 204
- Falaley (Russian monk), 152
- Familiars, 251–2
- Ferrage, Blaise, 61
- Féval, Paul, 303
- Fils vampire, Le, 303
- Fiorelli, 320
- Flecker, James Elroy, 7
- Fletcher, John, 204
- Flies (evil spirits and), 198
- Flowering of the Strange Orchid, The, 322
- Fly-catcher (Zeus the), 198
- For the Blood Is the Life, 325
- Fornari, 234
- Fortis, Alberto, 203
- Foster, Anne, 81
- Four Wooden Stakes, 325–7
- Francis Caracciolo, S., 132
- Francis, Elizabeth, 251–2
- Frankenstein, 281
- Gabienus, 38
- Galland, Antoine, 237
- Gandillon, Pierre and George, 60
- Garanchacha (Son of the Sun), 238
- Garlic, shunned by vampires, 209
- Gaulminus, Gilbertus, 229
- Gautier, Théophile, 320–1
- Gay, John, 258
- Gentile of Ravenna, 123
- Gerardo and Elena (Bandello), 43–5
- Geronymo de la Madre de Dios (Gracian), 130
- Gervase of Tilbury, 227
- Ghouls, 231–7
- Giaour, The, 282–3
- Gietmann, S.J., Gerard, 121
- Giles, Molly and Dobby (of Bristol), 4–5
- Gilgamish, 217–8
- Giraldo, Mathias de, 233
- Girvan (Ayrshire), hauntings at, 3–4
- Glastonbury, 160
- Godard, S., 106–7
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 274–5
- Gow, Captain Neil, 5–6
- Grans, Hans, 190–2
- Graves, ill-omened, 148; of murderers, 149–50; pelted with stones, and why, 149–50
- Greenlanders (impregnation legends among), 238
- Gregorio de Nacianceno, 130
- Gregory I, S., 1, 32, 102, 121
- Gregory VII, S., 115
- Gregory of Langres, S., 54
- Gregory of Tours, S., 51
- Groot, Dr. T. T. M. de, 238
- Guérin, Monsignor, 51
- Gunther of Bamberg, 115
- Haarmann, Fritz., 188–93
- Hag of the Mountains, The, 278
- Haida Indians, 60
- Hamilton, Miss M., 278
- Hanover, the Vampire of, 188–93
- Hare (and Burke), 58–9
- Harenberg, John Christian, 23
- Hartmann, Dr. Franz, 39, 134
- Hayti (obeah in), 267
- Hedwige, S., 130
- Helme, Mrs., 278
- Hemans, Felicia, 203
- Henderson, William, 257
- Herbert, William, 278
- Herero tribe (ancestral worship), 10–11
- Hermontinus, 37
- Herodotus, 66–7
- Hertel, John, 23
- Hilary, S. (and Pelagia), 243–5
- Hildebrand, Theodor, 320
- Hinton-on-Mendip, 160
- Hirsch, Franz, 320
- Histoire curieuse … des sorciers (Giraldo-Fornari), 233–6
- Historia Francorum, 51
- Historia Naturalis (Pliny), 37–8, 198
- History of Witchcraft (Montague Summers), 195
- Hodder, Reginald, 325
- Horace, 153, 185, 227
- Horrid Mysteries, 278
- Horse-shoes (to bring luck), 257
- Horseleach (Proverbs xxx, 15), 230–1
- Horseley Curties, T. J., 278
- Horst, Georg Conrad, 2
- Host, Sacred, put in tombs, 104–5
- Hours of Idleness, 277
- Hugh of Lincoln, S., 125
- Humbert, Cardinal, 105
- Hunt, Ales (of St. Osyth), 252
- Huysmans, J.-K., 77
- Ibo (Nigerian tribe), 222
- Icard, Dr. (of Marseilles), 46
- Ida of Louvain, 123
- Impregnation (by sun and moon), 237–8
- In a Glass Darkly, 321
- In Court and Kampong (Clifford), 255
- Incorruption of bodies, 124–8
- Incubi (procreation by), 228–30
- Ingiald, 167
- Injurieux, S., 51
- Innocent III, 1
- Irradiation, mystic, 121–4
- Jack the Ripper, 65
- James, Dr. M. R., 271–3, 280
- Jamguillaume, Clauda, 61
- Januarius of Naples, S., 126
- Jeremias, 15, 16
- Jerome, S., 16
- Jerusalem, Siege of (under Joram) 62–3; (by Titus), 63, 116
- Jew of Malta, The, 246
- Jews (refrain from blood), 14
- Joannes Secundus, 186–7
- Johannes Diaconus, 121
- Johannes Moschus, 49
- John Capistran, S., 128
- John of the Cross, S., 123
- John the Almsgiver, 49
- Johnson, Dr., 22
- Joram, king of Judah, 62–3
- Jordanes, 17
- Judas Iscariot, 183
- Juliette, or, les Prospérités du Vice, 60, 64, 280
- Julius Obsequens, 252
- Julius Solinus, 198
- Jumbie-tree (in West Indies), 265
- Jusk (god of Shilluk), 9
- Justine, ou les Malheurs de la Vertu, 280
- Juvencus, C. Vettius Aquilinus, 51
- Juventius and Maximus, SS., 124
- Kalunga (god of Ovambo), 11
- Kama Sutra, 187
- Karens (Burmese tribe), 249, 255
- Karpathos (Scarpanto), 223
- Kelley, Isabella, 278
- Kiss, the, 185–8
- Kiziba, natives of, 9
- Knill Court (Herefordshire), 246
- Knox, Dr. Robert (of Edinburgh), 59
- König, Ewald August, 320
- Kunigunde, S., 124
- Kwakiutl Indians, 60
- Labat, Père, 267
- Lacassagne, Dr., 64
- Laius, the sin of, 158
- Lambertini, Cardinal, see Benedict XIV
- Lamia, 226–8
- Lamia, L., 37
- Lang, Andrew, 4
- Langsuir, 251, 253–4
- Lanuza, Giovanni-Battistade, 123
- Lapps (finger-ring custom of), 223
- (familiars among the), 252
- Larat, Jean, 303
- Last of the Vampires, The, 330–1
- Lateran Council, Fourth (1215), 1
- Lathom, Francis, 278
- Lauda, Diego, 123
- Launay, Gabrielle de, 40–3
- Lawson, J. C., 19, 184, 230
- Le Fanu, Sheridan, 280, 321
- Lenore, 275–7
- Leo IX, S., 105, 114
- Leo X, 85
- Leontius of Cyprus, 49
- Leopold (and Loeb), 70
- Lettres Juives, 229
- Lewis, Matthew Gregory, 277
- Lexicon (of Photius), 257
- Leza (god of Bantu tribe), 10
- Liddell, Hon. Henry, 329
- Liebava (vampire at), 172–3
- Lilith, 226–9
- Lindpaintner, P. von, 312
- Lombard Code, 228
- Londe, Dr. Charles, 47
- Loogaroo, 265–7
- Lorenzo Guistiniani, S., 128
- Louviers (witchcraft at), 80
- Loves of Paris, The, 303
- Lucas, Paul, 205
- Lusitanus, Dr. Zacutus, 46
- Lutgarde, S., 130
- Lycanthropia, 166–7
- Macarius, S., 50–1
- Macedonia, 20
- Macedonian Folklore, 33, 206–7
- MacGregor, Major C. G. (and ghosts), 3
- Machen, Arthur, 77
- Macrobius, 155
- Macuilxochitl, 260
- Mahomet II, 141
- Maidstone (witches hanged at), 81
- Maina (local tradition in), 140–1
- Malay Magic (Skeat), 255
- Malleus Maleficarum, 25, 32, 165, 174, 180, 202, 229
- Mammone, Gaetano, 64
- Mandeville, Sir John, 203
- Mandrakes, 155–6
- Manetho, 182
- Maniac Father, The, 332
- Manriquez, Don Alphonso, 208
- Maraves, African tribe, 148
- Marcellus, Sidetes, 166
- Marguerite Van Valkenissen, 130
- Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi, S., 56, 125, 130
- Marlowe, Christopher, 246
- Masticatione Mortuorum, De, 23
- Masticatione Mortuorum, De (Ranft), 201
- Mathia de’ Nazzarei, B., 130
- Maturin, Charles Robert, 277
- Mauriceau, Dr., 58
- Maxwell, James Clerk, 328–9
- Maxwell, Sir William, 254
- Mayo, Dr. Herbert, 175–9
- Meeke, Mrs., 278
- Meifsner, Christian Karl, 290
- Melanesians, The, 258
- Melchior of Zwettl, Abbot, 112
- Melor, S., 52
- Ménard, Nicholas-Hugues, 105
- Mendieta, Fray, 264
- Menology (Symeon Metaphrastes), 49
- Metaphrastes, Symeon, 49
- Michael Caerularius, 105
- Michan’s Church, S. (Dublin), 117–8
- Miotecaciuatl, 263
- Mietlampa, 263
- Middleton, Charles, 277
- Middleton, Jessie Adelaide, 12
- Midland Daily Telegraph, 47
- Midnight Groan, The, 278
- Minski, 60
- Miracles in causes for canonization, 120
- Miss Kitty (parody), 276
- Mist (vampire as a ), 198
- Mitylene, 208
- Moabites, 17
- Modern Spiritism (Raupert), 175
- Moderne Vampyr, 320
- Moderner Vampyr, Ein, 320
- Montague, Edward, 278
- Monte-Cristo, 296–7
- More, Dr. Henry, 115–6, 180
- Moreau, Dr. Oaul, 68, 70
- Morgano, 312
- Mormo, 20
- Morte, Amoureuse, La, 320–1
- Morley, Henry, 312–4
- Mort réelle et la Mort apparente, La (Icard), 46
- Mourning practises (laws to regulate), 16
- Mühlau, 231
- Muret, Marc-Antoine, 36
- Mussimo, Fabrizio (raised to life), 53–4
- Mysteries of London, The (G. W. M. Reynolds), 58
- Narni (apparitions before), 114–5
- Naxos, (local custom in), 105
- Necromancer, The, 331
- Necrophagy, 60–6
- Necrophilia, 66–71
- Nergal, 217
- New Guinea (blood feared in), 13
- Newstead, 160
- Newton (Travels in Levant), 208
- Nicholas V, 127
- Nicolas of Myra, S., 130
- Nicolas of Tolentino, O.S.A., S., 126, 128
- Nimbus in art, 121
- Nordier, Charles, 290–1, 294
- Notes on the Folk-lore of the Northern Counties of England, 257
- Nott, Dr. John, 187
- Nouveaux voyages aux Isles d’ Amérique, 267
- Nyakang (deified hero), 9
- Obeah, 265–7
- Ocean of Story, 249–50
- Odolric of Conques, 107
- Odyssey, 15
- Oedipus, the saga of, 158–60
- Oliphant, Laurence, 134
- Oraons (tribe of Bengal), 169
- Orestes (and blood-guilt), 141
- Ortiz, Diego, 123
- Ossenfelder, Heinrich August, 274
- Oswald, Dr. John, 47
- Othmar, S., 104
- Otia Imperialia, 227
- Ovambo tribe, 11–2
- Ovid, 186, 228
- Owl, regarded as sacred, 182
- Paladino, Eusapia, 194–5
- Palmer, Mr. Clapham, 6
- Pantaleone, S. (Relics of blood of), 127
- Parasite, The, 323–4
- Paré, Ambroise, 117
- Parsons, Mrs. Eliza, 278
- Pascal Babylon, S., 132
- Pashley, Robert, 19
- Passerat, 247
- Patrick, S., 52
- Patroclus (demands funeral rites), 81–2
- Paul, Arnold, 280, 282
- Pausanias, 83, 198
- Pawang (Malay wizard), 252
- Pelesit, 251
- Penanggalan, 251, 255–6
- Penzer, Mr. N. M., 249–50
- Percy, George (Deputy Governor of Virginia), 62
- Peregrinus, 153
- Perfumed Garden, The, 187
- Periander of Corinth, 67
- Petroff, 152
- Peter I., S., (the Vladika), 129
- Phaedo, 142
- Phantom, The, 314–8
- Philinnion and Machates, 229
- Philip Neri, S., 53–4, 132
- Philippe, Mons., 291, 293, 294
- Philistines, 17
- Phlegon of Tralles, 229, 274
- Phœnicians, 17
- Pichot, Amédée, 290
- Pierart, Z. T., 195
- Pilgrimages to Palestine, 115
- Pittadro, Lady (witch), 80
- Pius VI, 85
- Planché, J. R., 306–8, 311–2
- Plato, 20, 142
- Plautus, 185
- Pliny senior, 37–8, 198
- Plumröder, 133
- Polichinel Vampire, 305
- Polidori, Dr. John William, 280–90
- Polong, 251
- Pontianak, 251, 253
- Present State of Greek and Armenian Churches, 1678, 23
- Prest, Thomas Preskett, 61, 332
- Preta, 249
- Prodigies seen in the air, 116
- Propertius, 247
- Psellus, Michael, 229
- Pseudolus, 185
- Physical Research, Proceeding of National Laboratory of, 5–6
- Purgstall, Countess, 275
- Purple Terror, The, 322–3
- Putanisme d’Amsterdam, le, 257
- Pye, H. J., 276
- Quashee (West Indian native), 265–7
- Rachel, Mlle., 39–40
- Ranft, Michael, 201
- Ralston, W. R. S., 19, 206
- Rattray, Mr. R. Sunderland, 259
- Raupert, T. Godfrey, 175
- Ravachol, 58
- Ravello of Ferrara, S., 122
- Real Ghost Stories (W. T. Stead), 3
- Red hair (regarded as sign of vampirism), 182–3
- Redi, Francesco, 183
- Rees, Mrs. (of Cardiff), 47
- Regnault, Jean, 58
- Rélation de ce qui est passé a Sant-Erini, 22
- Relics, potent against vampires, 208
- Religious System of China (de Groot), 238
- Renaud, Pierre, 58
- Researches in the Highlands of Turkey (Tozer), 205
- Reste arabische Heiderstums (Wellhausen), 231
- Resurrection Men, 58–59
- Revue d’Assyriologie, 228
- Reynolds, G. W. M., 331
- Rheticus, S., 51
- Rhodes (vampire exorcized in), 207
- Ricaut, Paul, 23, 93
- Richard, S. J., Father François, 22, 32
- Richard of Saint-Vannes, 115
- Rings, magic properties ascribed to, 223
- Rita of Cascia, O.S.A., S., 128
- Rochtaillée, Mlle. de, 58
- Roche, Mrs. Regina Maria, 278
- Rohl, John Christopher, 23
- Rohr, Philip, 23
- Roman, Victor, 325–7
- Romeo and Juliet (similar themes in literature), 310–1
- Rooks (omens drawn from), 246
- Room in the Tower, The, 321
- Roscoe, Rev. J., 13
- Rose of Lima, S., 122, 228
- Rose of Viterbo, S., 130
- Rothe, Friedel, 190
- Russia, outbreaks of murderous fanaticism in, 150–2
- Sabbatarians, those born on a Saturday, 33, 163
- Sabetti, S.J., Aloysius, 38, 143–4
- Sade, Marquis de, 60–1, 280
- St. Irvyne, 277
- Salem witchcraft, 5
- Sanna, Elizabeth (serva Dei), 120
- Santorini, isle of, 23, 205
- Saturday, why holy, 33
- Saulle, Dr. Legrande du, 64
- Scacchus, 119
- Scatcherd, Miss Felicia, 197
- Scheffer, J., 252
- Scholastica, wife of S. Injurieux, 51
- Schomburg, Sir Robert, 135
- Schrattembach, Cardinal, 25
- Scott, Sir Walter, 275–6
- Scribe, Eugène, 303–4
- Scripandi, S.J., Father, 56
- Second Maiden’s Tragedy, The, 308–10
- Selbtsmond, Der (Marsaryk), 144
- Seltzam, Dr., 320
- Semitic Magic (Campbell-Thompson), 224
- Serres, Maurice de, 404–3
- Seven Spirits, the, 224
- Severinus, S., 53
- Seyé (Blaise Ferrage), 61
- Shaw, Dr. T. Claye, 133
- Shelley, Mary, 281
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 276–7, 281, 289
- Shilluk tribe (hero worship), 9
- Shirley, James, 183
- Siamese (cutting of hair among), 223
- Siméon, Alexandre, 68
- Sinistrari, Ludovico Maria, 79, 180, 230
- Skeat, Dr. W. W., 254, 255
- Social Life of the Chinese (Doolittle), 246
- Solon, code of, 16
- Somaglia, Cardinal della, 37
- Songs of the Russian People, 19
- Souchkoff, 152
- Southey, Robert, 278–9
- Souvestre, Pierre, 319
- Spared Hours of a Soldier (1623), 183
- Spencer, W. R., 276
- Spinola, Cardinal, 37
- Stanislaus of Cracow, S., 55
- Stanley, J. T., 276
- Stenbock, Stanislaus Eric, Count, 324
- Stewart, Dugald, 275
- Sting (vampires with a), 179
- Stock, John Christian, 23
- Stoker, Bram, 333, 335
- Strix, 228, 230
- Studies of Death, 324
- Suicide (ethics of), 142–4
- Suicides (graves of), 154
- Sunday, child born on, 162
- Suore Morte, 102–3
- Survival (ed. Sir James Marchant), 197
- Sweeny Todd, 61–2, 332
- Swettenham, Sir Frank, 252–3
- Syriac exorcism, 225
- Taboo (among the Ibo), 222–3
- Taglioni, Paul, 312
- Taylor, William (of Norwich), 275–6
- Ten Tables, laws of the, 16
- Teresa of Avila, S., 129–32
- Terry, Edward, 318–9
- Tertullian, 48, 49, 56, 84, 227
- Tezcatlipocâ, 261–2
- Thalaba the Destroyer, 278–9, 283
- Theodore of Petra, 54
- Theodosius of Alexandria, 100
- Theodosius the Cenobite, S., 54
- Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus, S. (The Little Flower), 7
- Thévenot, Jean de, 232
- Thomas, Jean, 57
- Thomas (the Anchorite), 49
- Thomas Aquinas, S., 119, 160, 174
- Thomas Lombard, 122
- Thouret, Dr., 39
- Thousand and One Nights (Burton), 204; (Mardrus), 232; (Forster), 233
- Tiberius, Dr. (of Athens), 69
- Tibullus, 185
- Tintern, 160
- Tlazolteotl, 262
- Tonatiuh, 260
- Tornaeus, 252
- Torquatus, S., 53
- Tournefort, M. Pittonde, 280, 283
- Tozer, H. F., 205
- Transcendental Physics (Zoellner), 175
- Transfer, The, 323
- Travels and Discoveries in the Levant (Newton), 208
- Travels in Bokhara, 257
- Travels into Dalmatia (Fortis), 202–3
- Travels into the Levant (Thévenot), 232
- Travels of Three English Gentlemen (c. 1734), 22
- Trois Vampires, Les, 303, 304–5
- True Story of a Vampire, The, 324
- Truths Contained in Popular Superstitions, On the (Mayo), 175–9
- Turco-Graecia, 207
- Tuschelin, O. S. D., Christina Mechthild, 122
- Two Lovers, The, 51
- Typhon, 182–3
- Tyrol (a wedding ring custom of the), 223
- Upton, Smyth, 330–1
- Utukku (a phantom), 217–8
- Vacher, Joseph, 64–5
- Vacher l’éventreur (Lacassagne), 64
- Vampir, Der (Ossenfelder), 274
- Vampire, Le (Baudelaire), 327–8
- Vampire, Le (burlesque, 1820), 305
- Vampire, Le (Charles Nodier, Jouffroy and Carmouche), 290–6
- Vampire, Le (Dumas and Maquet), 297–303, 317
- Vampire, Le (Mengals), 306
- Vampire, Le (Scribe and Mélesville), 303–4
- Vampire, The (Boucicault), 312–4
- Vampire, The (Hodder), 325
- Vampire, The (José G. Levy), 319
- Vampire, The (Planché), 306–8
- Vampire, The (Reece; burlesque), 318–9
- Vampire, The (St. John Dorset), 319–20
- Vampire Bride, The, 329–30
- Vampire Bats, 135–6
- Vampire-killers (dervishes), 210
- Vampire of Souls, A, 331
- Vampires, definition, 1–2; derivation and discussion of word, 18–22; early treatises upon, 22–3; precautions to prevent return of persons as, 202–10; attacking animals, 209–10; earliest representation of, 225
- Vampiri, I (di Palma), 311
- Vampirisme, le, defined by Dr. Épaulard, 57
- Vampiro, Il (Rotta), 312
- Vampyr, Der (Fiorelli), 320
- Vampyr, Der (Hildebrand), 320
- Vampyr, Der (Wohlbrück and Marschner), 311
- Vampyr, Ein (Ulrich Franks), 312
- Vampyr und Seine Braut, Der, 320
- Vampyre, The (By the Wife of a Medical Man), 331
- Vampyre, The (Maxwell), 328–9
- Vampyre, The (Polidori), 280–90; (translated), 290
- Vampyre der Residenz, Die (Seltzam), 320
- Vampyrus Spectrum (bat), 135
- Varney the Vampire, 331–3
- Varro (De Lingua Latina), 155
- Vendetta (in Greece), 141
- Veronica Giuliani, S., 132
- Verzeni, Vincenzo, 66
- Vetala (Indian vampire), 249–51
- Viehe, Rev. G., 11
- Vikram and the Vampire (Burton), 250–1
- Villani, Maria, 124
- Vincent, Ferrer, O.P., S., 122
- Vitalian, S., 130
- Vollum, M.D., Colonel E. P., 39
- Von Vampyren (Harenberg), 23
- Voodoo, 265–7
- Voyage au Levant (Lucas), 205
- Vylars, Mme. C. le, 219
- Wajagga tribe, 147
- Walburga, S., 130
- Walpurgis Night, 257
- Walsham, Sir John, 246
- Walter, C. R. P., Bl., 124
- Wassilko-Serecki, Countess, 5
- Water, vampires unable to cross, 208
- Waverley, 160
- Wedding-ring (traditions connected with the), 223
- Wells, H. G., 322
- Wellhausen, 231
- Werewolf, connected with vampires, 21; actual change denied, 165–7
- Weyer, Johann, 228
- White, Fred M., 322–3
- Whitney, Constance, 40
- Wicks, Ernest, 46
- Wieland, Christoph Martin, 274
- Wilfred, S., 124
- William of Newbury, 207
- Willibrord, S., 130
- Willoughby-Meade, Mr. G., 239
- Winslow, Dr. Forbes, 47
- Xipilli, 260
- Xochilhuitl, 260
- Xochiquetzal, 260
- Zauber-bibliothek (Horst), 2
- Zephyr, or the Stratagem, 22
- Zoellner, Professor, 175
- Zofloya: or, the Moor, 277
- Zopfius, John Heinrich, 1–2, 23
- Zschokke, 320
- Zügun, Eleonore, 5–6
- Zumárraga, Juan de, 264