The Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah/General Index
Abarbanel, commentary of, 109 ; on " And I cut off three shepherds in one month," 380, 381 ; on the "break ing of the staves," 389 ; the four horns, 46.
Abarbanel (Abrabanel), repentance and recognition of the Messiah by Israel, 440.
Aben Ezra, 191 ; on twofold nature of the Messiah, 478.
Abraham ben Ezra, Rabbi, repentance and recognition of the Messiah by Israel, 440.
Abraham, God s covenant with, anti- typical ratification of, 318.
Abraham, Isaac ben, Rabbi, of Troki, Chizztik Emunah, 438 ; on repent ance and future recognition of the Messiah by Israel, 438.
Abraham, Rabbi, of Toledo, "foolish (wicked) shepherd, 415.
Actions of the Prophets to be under stood as predictions, 390.
Alexander the Great, victories of, pro phesied, 286.
Alford (Dean), on passage in Epistle of Jude referring to "The Body of Moses," 124 ; what Israel will learn on " that day," 436, 437.
Alshech, Moses, sixteenth century, on repentance and recognition of Messiah (Messiah ben Joseph) by Israel, 441.
Angel attendants, referred to as " these that stand by," 105.
Angelic riders, the, 23, 24 ; symbolism of, 27, 28 ; their report concerning the Gentile world, 32.
Angel of Jehovah, the, His character,
23 ; answer of, to accusations of Satan, 94 ; answer to intercession of, 35 ; appearance in Temple of, 88 ; as ad vocate, 33, 34, 35, 88, 91, 95 ; as judge, 89 ; identity of interpreting Angel with the ; arguments for and against, 28-31; identity of "the man " in first vision with the ; argu ments for and against, 23, 24, 59 ; the identity of the Angel of Jehovah with the " Angel of His Face," 87.
Angels, chariots and winds in eighth vision identified with, 175 ; minis tering, 31, 32, 91.
Apocrypha, the, "The Ascension," or "Assumption of Moses," 123.
Apostasy of the people of Israel, judg ment as punishment for, causes and manner of, 379 ; judgment conse quent on, predicted, 376, 377.
Atonement, Day of, the, redeeming work of Christ prefigured by, 119, 121, 140.
Augustine, 327.
Autocratic ruler, or "Exactor," the, emblematic of the Messiah at His second coming, 355-357.
Babylon, command to flee out of, 69, 70; prophecies concerning, 167, 168.
Babylonia, recuperative power of, 169, 170.
Bagdad railway, importance of, 169, 170.
" Battle Bow," the, emblematic of the Messiah, 354, 355.
Baumgarten, Die Nachtgescichte Sack- arias, 124 ; on mountains of brass, 174 ; the stone laid before Joshua,
114 ; the vision of the Flying Roll, 146.
Benaiah, Rabbi, on meaning of word "Hadrach," 287.
Bernard, Progress of Doctrine hi (he New Testament, 112.
Bernard, St., quotation from, 250.
Bethel, deputation from, 210-211 ; answer of Jehovah to, 214, 225 ; foreign names borne by, 212, 213 ; message to, 229 ; question put by, 213, 214, 248 ; special significance of, 211, 212.
Blayney (Dr.), Benjamin, Dissertation on the Seventy Weeks of Daniel, 263 ; opinion of, with regard to authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 263, 264, 277.
Bleek, on meaning of word "Had rach," 287; view on authorship of second part of Zechariah, 395.
Body of Moses, the, contention as to connection of reference in Epistle of Jude to, with fourth vision of Zecha riah, 122-124.
Bottcher, on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 270, 273.
Bredenkamp, 182, on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 276 ; colours of horses in eighth vision, 179-181 ; reason for Zechariah men tioning Egypt, especially in reference to the Feast of Tabernacles, 530 ; woman in the ephah, 165 ; Prophet Sacharja, 157; word "Hadrach" regarded by, as scribal error, 287. Bunsen, on pre-exilic authorship of the second part of Zechariah, 395, 396.
Calvin, on colours of horses in eighth vision, 177 ; on chap. ix. 7, 297.
Candlestick, golden, belonging to Tab ernacle, not Temple, 147 ; catholic unity symbolised by, 133, 143 ; de scription of, 130, 131 ; emblematical of Israel s religious and ecclesiastical position, 131, 134.
" Captivity," the, 237-238; "a brand plucked out of the fire " as figure of,
94 9S 96> distinction between The Desolations " and, 35 ; influence and result on Jews of, 157, 158; myrtles in first vision as symbolical of, 25, 26; prophetic period termed " times of the Gentiles " inaugurated by, 96 ; uncertainty as to starting-point of, 34.
"Carpenters" or Smiths, the, four, 52-54 ; divine judgment and omni potence symbolised by, 52, 53.
"Cedars "and "firs" (or "cypresses"), referred to by Zechariah, figurative terms, 378.
Chariot, Jewish Rabbis definition of,
Chariots, the four, eighth vision, in- terpretation of, 175 ; significance of number, 175, 176; winds identified with, 175, 176, 178.
Chieftain, Philistine nation referred to as, chap. ix. 7, 296.
Christ, foundation-stone of Temple as symbol of, 115, 117 ; national rejec tion by Jews of, 76-78 ; prophetic forecast of, concerning Jerusalem, 66 ; the Messiah of Israel, 112.
Christendom, application of vision of Flying Roll to, 146 ; cruelty and oppression of Jews by, 50 ; modern crimes of, against Jews, 36, 37 ; nations of, prophetic message to, 231.
Clement of Alexandria, quotation from, 252.
Commentators, Christian, difference of opinion between Jewish and, as to term "one day," 118, 120; limited view of, with regard to promise given to Joshua, 105 ; Jewish views regard ing the number "four," 45, 46.
Commerce, characterised by Angel in seventh vision as "wickedness" or "lawlessness," 159, 161, 164 ; dis tinctive mark of England, 161-163 ; its effect upon nations, 161 ; Meso- potamian prospects with regard to, 169-170.
Corner-stone, the, emblematic of the Messiah, 140, 347, 350 ; Solomon s
Temple, corner or foundation-stone described, 349-350.
Criticism, Early English, on authorship of last six chapters of Zechariah, 262- 264 ; modern, rationalistic criticism, motives of, 264 ; rationalistic pro phecy reduced to human divination by, 264-270 ; uncertainties and con flicting results of, 270-272.
Critics, modern, elimination of super natural element from prophetic Scrip tures by, 264-267 ; misconceptions and misinterpretations of, concerning Book of Zechariah, 276-280.
Crown, iron, of Lombardy, 190.
Crowns, deposited in Temple, 203, 204 ; one crown only placed on head of Joshua, 189, 190, 192, 193 ; of silver and gold, made by Zechariah, 189, 190.
Cup of reeling or giddiness, Israel s enemies to drink from and fall, 426 ; symbol of God s judgment on man, 426.
Cyril, on the "brand out of the fire," 95; "And I cut off three shep herds in one month," 398 ; on symbolism of measure, in seventh vision, 156.
Damascus, judgment on, 288-290. Davidson, S., on authorship of second
part of Zechariah, 395, 396. Dead Sea, fresh streams of "living"
water to flow into it on " that day,"
502, 503. Delitzsch, on authorship of final chapters
of Zechariah, 268. " Desolations," the, distinction between
" the Captivity " and, 35. Disobedience, warnings of Zechariah
against, II, 16. Dispensation, the present period of the
silence of God, 81, 82. " Double," word expressing a principle
of God s dealing with His own people
(Israel), 324. Driver (Canon), Literature of the Old
Testament, 265, 381 ; opinion of, re
garding authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 265, 266, 268, 276.
Ebrard, on Jerusalem and the house of David, 427, 428.
Edersheim, on Christ s entry into Jeru salem as the fulfilment of Zechariah s prophecy, 304, 313 ; the Feast of Tabernacles, 523.
Edward (Rev.), D., on the Flying Roll, 148.
Egypt, earliest home of Israel, 49.
Eichhorn, on authorship of final chap ters of Zechariah, 268, 269, 276.
England, commerce as distinctive char acteristic of, 161-163.
Ephah, the, as emblem of trade or commerce, 162 ; close relation of, to vision of Flying Roll, 158; "going forth " used both for Flying Roll and, 157 ; Jewish measure for dry goods,
156 ; significance of talent of lead as cover to, 159; symbolism of, 156,
157 ; vision of, 155-170; woman in midst of, 155, 159.
Ephod, Holy Scripture now takes place of, 342.
Ewald, 212, 217; argument against post-exilic origin of second half of the Book of Zechariah, 368 ; Die Pro- pheten des Alien Bundts> 267, 422 ; on crowning of Joshua, 189, 190 ; Joshua, 87 ; on pre-exilic authorship of second part of Zechariah, 267, 268, 269, 395, 396.
Fasting, days of, for national calamities, 216, 217 ; mourning and, weeping as accompaniment of, 213, 216; re pudiation by God of outward acts of, 216, 219.
Fasts, Jewish traditions concerning, 248 ; observance of, negative answer as to, 209-225, 229 ; positive answer as to, 229-255 ; turned into feasts, 225, 229, 248, 249.
" Filthy garments," reference in Epistle of Jude to, 124 ; symbol of sin, 90, 97-99, 03, 129, I44v
Fire, punishment symbolised by, 97. Four, the number, significance of, 45, 46, 176, 178, 179, i So.
Ganneau, M., inscription on Court of Temple discovered by, 188.
Gentiles, post-restoration prophecies concerning Jews and, 253-255 ; solemn warnings of God to, 37, 38.
Gesenius, on signification of " Regem- melekh," 212 ; on meaning of word "Hadrach," 287; rendering by, of Hebrew word " Mah lekhim," 104.
God, symbols of the presence of, 96 ; message of, its eternal and unfailing character, 17.
Godet, Professor (the late), no.
Good Shepherd, Jehovah, in the per son of the Messiah, will act as, to Israel, 344.
Gospels, the, John ; Divine Sonship of Christ, the keynote of, no, 113; Luke ; Christ as Son of Man, the keynote of, 1 1 2, 1 1 3 ; Mark ; perfect service of Christ, the keynote of, in, 112; Matthew; kingship of Christ, the keynote of, no, ill ; twofold nature of Christ predominant alike in prophecies and, 113.
Green (Dr.), Max, The Jewish Question and the Key to its Solution, 79-
Grotius on, "And I cut off three shep herds in one month," 396 ; the woman in the ephah, 160, 161.
Hadrach, former city of, discoveries pointing to its existence, 288 ; land of, threat concerning, 285, 286 ; meaning of word, Bleek on, 287 ; Gesenius on, 287 ; Hengstenberg on, 287 ; Rabbi Benaiah on (Kimchi), 287 ; symbolical or mys tical, 287 ; word, regarded by Bre- denkamp, Olshausen, and von Ortenberg as scribal error, 287.
Hamath, barden of wrath shared by, 290.
Hammond, on authorship of last six chapters of Zechariah, 263.
Hauran, Hadrach regarded as scribal error for, 287.
Hecataeus, description of Jerusalem by, 64.
Hengstenberg, 89, 94, 201 ; Christ- ology, 286, 304 ; criticism of, con cerning Messianic prophecies of Zechariah, 6 ; on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 268, 276 ; colours of horses in eighth vision, 177, 178; foolish (wicked) shepherd, 415 ; interpretation of the I4th chapter of Zechariah, 489 ; meaning of word Hadrach, 287 ; mountains of brass, 174 ; origin of Messiah, 194; "sleep" of Zechariah, 130; symbolism of stone laid before Joshua, 115; the four horns, 46; the land of Shinar, 167 ; the re tribution which fell on the Jews after their rejection of the Messiah, 385, 386 ; the vision of the Flying Roll, 146 ; triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem, 312; "two parts therein shall be cut off," 483; visions of Zechariah, 160 ; woman in the ephah, 165 ; rendering of MaKlekhim by, 104, 105 ; views of, on charge to Joshua, 104.
Herodotus, story of Glaucus recorded by, 149, 150.
Hitzig, 71 ; argument against post- exilic origin of second half of the Book of Zechariah, 368 ; on crown ing of Joshua, 189, 190; mountains of brass, 174 ; on pre-exilic author ship of final chapters of Zechariah,
395, 396. Hoffmann, von, on, "And I cut off
three shepherds in one month," 393 !
foundation-stone of Temple, 115;
mountains of brass, 174; on Zech-
ariah s reference to a future siege of
Jerusalem, 490. Holy Scriptures, oracles of God,
Homage to Jehovah at Jerusalem ; with holding of rain as punishment for neglect to render, 528.
"Horns" and the "carpenters," the, 45-54-
Horns, the four, symbolism of, 45, 46.
Horses, colours, divergence of opinion concerning, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181 ; in first vision, significance of their colours, 23, 27, 28 ; significance of number of chariots and colour of, in eighth vision, 175-181 ; symbolic mission of, in eighth vision, 179, 1 80.
Isaak ben Abraham (Rabbi) of Troki, Chizzuk Emunah, 307.
Isaiah, chief message of, 12.
Israel, affliction and scattering of, by Gentile world-powers, 45-48, 57, 127, 128, 231 ; analogy between Church of Christ and, 322, 323 : apostasy of, 484, 494 ; as a type of man, n, 12; calling and elec tion of, 530; compared with "lost sheep " and " scattered sheep," 383, 384 ; continued and marvellous pre servation of, 48-51 ; deliverance of, predicted, 388 ; desolation of land, accompanied by destructive judgment of the people predicted, 376, 377 ; dispersion of Judah and, definite prophecies concerning, 47 ; Egypt earliest home of, 49 ; enemies of, consequences to Jerusalem of their destruction, 516-518 ; enemies of, predicted punishment of kings of Assyria and Babylon, 384 ; enemies of, smitten with plagues, 431-432 ; weapons for their destruction, 516- 520 ; final national deliverance of, 299 ; gathering together of the houses of Judah and Joseph at the second coming of the Messiah, 362-368 ; Gentile world contrasted with that of, 32, 33 ; God s interposition on behalf of, on that day " ; history of, lesson taught by, 235-237 ; Ichabod period of, 232, 233 ; increase of nation, prediction as to, 364, 365- 370 ; jealousy of ancient nations with regard to, 49, 50 ; Judah and, union
of, 245, 246 ; living and prevailing power of, 50, 51 ; predictions con cerning, by early prophets, 360 ; prophetic promises as to restoration of, 232-240, 249 ; refusal of, to hear and receive law of Moses, 221, 222 ; religious and ecclesiastical position of, as typified by the golden candlestick, 131, 132 ; restoration of, Divine promises as to, 230, 231; its effect on history of world, 245, 246, 249, 250-255 ; blessed and prosperous condition of, foretold, 337 ; promise of God s covenant with, 401-402 ; wanderings to cease in restored rela tionship of Jehovah with Israel at second coming of the Messiah, 359 ; without king, prince, prophet, or priest since their rejection of the Messiah, 398 ; wretchedness of the people under Gentile rule, 385.
Israelites. See under Jews, Jewish.
Israel s Prince of Peace, His Kingdom s foundation, 314, 315 ; His mission in the world, 302-322.
Jaddua, high priest, Jerusalem, dream of, 300-301.
Jehovah, glory of, its departure from Israel, 232, 233.
Jehovah, repetition of name, reason for, n, 230.
Jeremiah, prophecy of, concerning moral purification and deliverance of Israel, 86.
Jerome, 230 ; on "And I cut off three shepherds in one month," 396, 398 ; on Jerusalem as the " burdensome stone," 428 ; on symbolism of measure in seventh vision, 156, 160.
Jerusalem, blessed condition of in habitants on and after "that day," 513-515; chosen by Jehovah as city of His sanctuary, 432 ; divine protection promised for, 62, 434- 436 ; earthly kingdom of, reasons for supposition that reference in third vision is to a literal, 62, 63, 64, 65, 240, 241 ; fountain of living water to flow
out of, in " that day," 502, 503 ; ful filment of prophecy by Zechariah con cerning, 64, 65-68 ; nations gathered against in " that day," predicted judg ment, 428 ; prophecy as to future condition of, 426, 427 ; peace and prosperity of, 63, 65 ; prophetic forecast by Christ concerning, 66 ; restoration and enlargement of, foretold, 58, 59, 60, 85, 234, 235, 249 ; siege of, 434, 435 ; enemies success culminates in their destruc tion, 493-495 ; Judah s part in, 427, 428, 433, 434 ; significance of vision of Ezekiel concerning departure of glory of Jehovah from, 66, 67, 68 ; to be physically exalted above the hills surrounding and overshadowing her, 510-512 ; used as term to repre sent city and people, 88 ; views of allegorising commentators as to whether heavenly or literal, 240.
Jewish Family Bible, translation in, of Zech. xii. 10, 440.
Jews, fate of nations, as affected by treatment of, 37, 38 ; intercession and compassion of Messiah for sufferings of, 33, 34 ; and Israelites, final union of, 51 ; modern crimes of Christendom against, 36, 37 ; national rejection of Christ by, 67, 78 ; oppressed condition of, under foreign yoke, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38; post-restoration prophecies concern ing Gentiles and, 253-255 ; statistics of increase in number from sixteenth century to 1918, 365, 366 ; sufferings of, 36, 37-
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, xi. 8. 3, 302 ; courts of the temple as described by, 188, 189 ; Jewish Antiquities, 64 ; Jewish Wars, 64.
Joshua, the high priest, as type and representative of Jewish nation, 87- 88, 95, 104, 106, 118, 129; before the Angel of Jehovah, 87-108 ; civil and ecclesiastical powers represented )V > !35i I 3^ ) 1 66 ; crowning of, 99,
100, 189-204 ; its symbolism, 189- 190; "filthy garments," replaced by sacred and symbolical attire, 97- 99, 103, 107 ; message delivered to, by Zechariah, 190-205 ; solemn charge and promises given to, 103- 108.
"Jubilee," year of, as prefiguring national deliverance and rest of people of Israel, 121.
Judah, dispersion of Israel and, definite prophecies concerning, 47 ; Israel and, union of, 244, 245 ; Jehovah will save the tents of, before saving Jerusalem, reason for, 433, 434.
Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem, unusual designation of chosen people as, 51, 128.
Judgments, Divine "Carpenters" or Smiths, the four, as symbols of, 52, 53-
Kalmet, on " And I cut off three shepherds in one month," 396.
Kautzsch, Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments, 271.
Keil, 22, 71, 95, 104, 205, 240, 245, 247, 284 ; Commentary on Zechariaii, 264 ; extract from writings of, 473 ; Judah s recognition of the strength of Jerusalem, 432 ; on " And I cut off three shepherds in one month," 393 ; authorship of final chapters of Zech ariah, 268 ; colours of horses in eighth vision, 177 ; crowning of Joshua, 189 ; deputation from Bethel, 212 ; fulfilment of prophecies pre dicting return of Israel to the pro mised land, 371 ; Jewish measures, 156 ; meaning of " Israel " in last sec tion of the Book of Zechariah, 489 ; means employed by God to wipe away the sins of Israel, 530-532 ; reason for Zechariah mentioning Egypt especially in reference to the Feast of Tabernacles, 530 ; symbol ism of measure in seventh vision, 156 ; symbolism of stone laid before Joshua, 1 14 ; the angelic messengers,
32 ; the coming of the Messiah as "poor," "afflicted," riding upon an ass, 309, 310 ; the continual work of Jehovah, 425 ; the Flying Roll, 147 ; the land of Shinar, 166 ; woman in the ephah, 165 ; opinions of, with regard to Biblical prophecies, 264 ; Tyre, growth of, as capital of Phoenicia, 291, 292; views of, on charge to Joshua, 107.
Kidder, on authorship of last six chap ters of Zechariah, 264.
Kimchi, 95, 138, 149, 191, 247; Commentary on Zechariah, 16, 24, 53 ; interpretation of ephah, 157, 158 ; on " And I cut off three shep herds in one month," 396 ; chariot and horses, 173; colours of horses in eighth vision, 177 ; Judah s relation to Jerusalem in opposition to the nations, 427 ; other words for bondsman, 467 ; prophet s wounds " between the hands," 469 ; redemp tion of Israel from bondage, 320 ; the four horns, 46 ; the olive trees in fifth vision, 130 ; titles of the Messiah, 108 ; Talmudic tradition quoted by, in relation to punishment of apostasy, 378, 379.
Kliefoth, 71, 107; on "And I cut off three shepherds in one month," 394 ; authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 276 ; Jerusalem and the house of David being the unbelieving portion of Israel, 427, 428 ; symbol ism of measure in seventh vision, 156,
Koehler, 201, 212, 217; on "And I cut off three shepherds in one month," 392 ; authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 268, 276 ; colours of horses in eighth vision, 177 ; Gentile World- Conqueror and Israel s Prince of Peace, 302 ; the blessed condition of inhabitants of Jerusalem, 513 ; the stone laid before Joshua, 115; triumphal entry of Christ into Jeru salem, 312, Zechariah s reference to future siege of Jerusalem, 490.
Land of Israel, blessings on, to be dis pensed in " that day," 502.
" Land of the North," Babylon referred to as, 69.
Lange, J. P., 71, 230 ; Bibelwerk, 158 ; on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 276 ; on deputation from Bethel, 211.
Lebanon, identified by Rabbis with the Temple, 378, 379.
Leprosy, as a type of sin, 150.
Lowe, W. H., Hebrew Sttidenfs Com mentary on Zechariah, 16, 273, 282.
" Mah lekhim," various translations and interpretations of, 104, 105.
Maimonides, 214.
Martini, Jews accused by, of corruption of text, 442, 443.
" Massa," use of word by Isaiah, 286 ; in Nahum, 286 ; various translations of word, 286.
Maurer, 217.
McCaul(Dr. ), Alexander, Observations on the gth chapter of his (Kimchi s) Commentary, 304 ; on casting the thirty shekels on the potter s field, 411 ; titles of the Messiah, 108.
Mclntyre, D. M., The Spirit in the Word, 112, 113.
" Measuring," symbolism of act, 58.
Measuring line, man with the, 55-82; identity of " the man," 58, 59; in terpretation of, 58-61 ; reasons for identifying "the man" with Angel of Jehovah, 59, 60; summary of, 58.
Mede, Joseph, Claris Aporaliptica, 262 ; on authorship of last six chapters of Zechariah, 262, 263.
Mesopotamia, commercial prospects of, 1 68, 169, 170.
Message, consolatory, 40, 45, 57, 60, 65, 85, 229, 230, 231, 232.
Messiah, the, as priest and king, 106- 109; as "the Branch," 107, 108, 109, 190, 194; character and mission of, 71-79; coming of, spoken of in Old Testament as the coming of Jehovah, 380 ; establishment of His
righteous and beneficent rule on earth, 506-510 ; four aspects of, in Old Testament, 109, 194, 305, 306 ; ful ness of promise to Jews only fulfilled with return of, 38, 39 ; intercession and compassion of, for suffering Israel, 33, 34 ; mission extends to whole world, 314, 315 ; offices of Priest and King combined in person of, 199-201 ; origin and dignity of, 194 ; person and mission of, as pictured by Zechariah, 190-206, 314-316; predicted as the ideal King, 109 ; predictions concern ing, 107-119; prophetic picture of fulfilment of, in the Christ of history, 310-314 ; rejection of, by the Jews : retribution which followed, 387 ; return of, as predicted by Zechariah, 231-233 ; return of Glory of Jehovah in Person of, 85 ; riding upon an ass : signification of, 309 ; second coming of, at place whence He was carried up to heaven, 496 ; Israel s transformed condition at, 357, 358 ; slaying of, the great crime of the Jews, 473, 474 ; titles of, different aspects of character portrayed by, 107-115, 194; two advents of, 305; twofold nature of, 477, 478 ; work of, I94-I99-
Messiahs, Jewish belief as to two, 76. Messianic Kingdom, establishment on
earth of, 67.
Messianic prophecies of Zechariah. See Zechariah, Messianic prophecies of.
Michelet, M., The Life of Ltither, 93. Midrashim, Jewish, legends in, 123 ; J traditions from, concerning founda- 3n-stone of Second Temple, 115. : desiium, forecast of conditions on Anttj., S^-S^. 5 28 -53 2 - 64. ificance of, 99, 100. Joshua, thof, refusal of Israel to hear representai22O, 221, 222. 88, 95, 104," or copper, in eighth the Angel of jt probable reference and ecclesiastical 1 Olivet, 173, 174 ; by, 135, 136, 166 ;
Mount Zion, prophecy concerning, 233,
" My house," God the shield and pro tector of, 298 ; refers to the Temple, 298.
Myrtle trees, in first vision, symbolic meaning of, 23, 24-27, 38.
" Naar," application of term to Zechariah, probable reason for, 7, 60, 6 1 ; meaning of, 7, 8 ; term in applicable to angels, 60.
Nail in the sure place, the, emblematic of the Messiah, 351-354.
Nations, ancient, attitude of, in relation to Israel, 48-50.
Newcombe, Archbishop William, on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 262, 263 ; Twelve Minor Prophets, by, 263.
Newton, B. W., Babylon and Egypt, by, 163 ; nations represented in the gathering against Israel by their armies, 520 ; on the gathering of "all nations of the earth" against Jerusalem, 429 ; the peace and harmony that will reign on earth at the millennium, 505; "there shall be light at evening time," 501-502 ; Thoughts on the Apocalypse, 133.
Old Testament prophecies : reading New Testament into ; Jewish and rationalistic writers objection to.
Olive trees, in fifth vision, Joshua the priest, and Zerubbabel the prince represented by, 135, 136 ; symbol ism of, 130-131.
Olshausen, word " Hadrach" regarded by, as scribal error, 287.
Orelli, von (Professor), of Basel, argu ments against unity of Book of Zechariah, 272, 275, 276, 279 ; Comm. on the Twelve Minor Prophets, 272 ; judgments of God, leading to universal homage to the universal ruler, 520.
Origen, 123.
Ortenberg, von, word " Hadrach " regarded by, as scribal error, 287.
Paulus, H. E. G., on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 270, 276.
Pesikta Rabbathai, Yalkut Shimoni, in, 255.
Philistia, cities included in predicted conquest, chap. ix. 8, 294, 295.
Philistines, humbling, mode of, Dr. Wright on, 296.
" Poor of the flock," interpretation of, 402-403.
Pressel, Commentar su Haggai, Sacharja, und Maleachi, 158; on mountains of brass, 174; the talent of lead, 159.
Priesthood, significance of, IOO ; Aaronic, as type of perfect Atone ment of Christ, 106, 107 ; as type of true priesthood yet to come, 106, 193, 200.
Promised land, the extent of, 369.
Prophecies, breaking of the staves, 388-390 ; interpretation of, 412-413 ; rupture between shepherd and sheep signified by, 401-402 ; cleansing of the people and land of Israel, exposition of, 459-469 ; deliverance of Israel, exposition of, 444-454 ; deliverance of the " poor of the flock " of the people of Israel, 388 ; desolation of the land of Israel and judgment on its people, 377, 378, 385; de tails frequently given by prophets after speaking of final results of an event, 492 ; fore-announcements of great and solemn events contained in, 261, 262, 266 ; Gentile World-Con queror and Israel s Prince of Peace, 302, 303 ; Old Testament, absence of perspective in, 316 ; rejection of the True Shepherd and rule of the False one, fulfilment of, in our Lord Jesus, 407 ; summary of chief points of, 407 ; Zechariah, of. See Zechariah, prophecies of.
Prophecy, cessation of, in Old Testa
ment, 13 ; twofold nature of Christ predominant alike in the Gospels and, 113, 114.
Prophets, accusation of being a false prophet denied, 467 ; comparison between messages of former and later," 11-12, 13; many-sided and comprehensive mission of "former," ii ; post-exilic, announcements con cerning "latter days" by, 250; "hairy mantle," sign of strict life, also symbol of mourning, 466 ; the authenticating formula used by, 229, 230, 235.
Pusey, 29, 104, 107, 149, 155, 181,
182, 199, 201, 217, 221, 224, 235, 240, 245, 250, 252 ; extract from writ ings of, 474; "Israel," meaning of name in last section of the Book of Zechariah, 489 ; on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 267, 268, 270, 271, 273, 274 ; benefits bestowed on Israel by Alexander the Great, 300-302 ; captivity of the Jewish nation by the Romans, 387 ; causes leading to slaying of the Messiah, 474 ; crowning of Joshua, 190 ; interpretation of "Burden of the Word of God," 428 ; Jerusalem, 62, 63; mountains of brass, 174; the coming of the Messiah, 306 ; the condition of the enemies of Israel at the second coming of the Messiah, 357> 35 8 5 the Flying Roll, 146 ; the land of Shinar, 166, 167 ; the rejec tion of the Messiah by Israel, 399 ; St. Gregory quoted by, 116; The Minor Prophets, 288, 304 ; views of, on charge to Joshua, 104 ; with re gard to term " naar," 60.
Rain, Hebrew words for various kinds f 3395 "latter rain," symbol of spiritual gifts and blessings, 339, 340.
Rashi, 95, 149, 191 ; interpretation of ephah as given by, 157 ; on other words for bondsman, 467 ; titles of the Messiah, 108, 109; "wounds between thy hands, 11 on a prophet,
468 ; Rabbi Solomon Bar Isaac, misinterpretation of Scripture by, to evade claims of Jesus of Nazareth,
Rawlinson, Professor George, account of siege of Tyre by Alexander, 294.
Rawlinson, Sir Henry, on former city of Hadrach, 288 ; translation of the Behistun inscription by, 70.
Redeemer of Israel, character and mission of, 345, 346.
Remnant of Israel, flight into the mountains, 497.
Repentance, a call to, 5-17, 21, 215, 216, 220, 229 ; preaching of, a distinguishing mark of God s mes sengers, 14, 15 ; need for present- day, 15, 16.
Return of Jewish nation to Palestine, alleged impossibility of, 491 ; manner of, 492-493-
" River of God," symbol of the world wide flow of the Messiah s teachings, 504-506.
Roll, Flying, 155,157, 158, 160 ; close relation of, to vision of Ephah, 158 ; opinions of Keil, Kliefoth, and others as to dimensions of, 147, 148 ; significance of its dimensions, 147, 148; vision of the Flying, 143-151 ; as typical of swift judgment of God, 146, 147, 148, 149 ; emblematic meaning of, 145 ; resemblance be tween Tables of the Law and, 145, 146.
Rosenmuller, arguments against unity of Book of Zechariah, 273 ; on symbolism of seventh vision, 160.
Sanctuary, measure of the, 147, 148.
Saphir, Adolph, lectures on the Lord s Prayer, 509 ; on belief in literal fulfilment of prophecies, 491 ; our ideas of Kingship, 507-508 ; on what Israel will learn on " that day,"
Satan, as accuser, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94 ; author of oppression of Jews, 36 ; Hebrew and Greek meaning of
word, 89 ; position of, in heaven and earth, 89 ; unceasing malice and hatred of, 90, 91.
Scholars, modern, views of, in regard to "seven eyes" on foundation- stone of Temple, 116, 117, 118.
Schottgen, 304.
Septuagint, the, on colours of horses in eighth vision, 177; "this is the wickedness," as rendered by, 159.
"Seven eyes of Jehovah," as symbol of Divine watchful care and protec tion, 115, 117.
Seven, the number, symbolism of, in fifth vision, 132, 133.
"Sheep of slaughter," commentators different opinions as to meaning of phrase, 383; "Poor of the flock" interpreted as, 391 ; scattering of, emblem of flight of Jesus disciples, 482 ; emblematic of dispersion of Jews after their rejection of the Messiah, 484 ; to be scattered as punishment for apostasy, 479.
Shepherd, foolish, emblem of the personal Antichrist, 417; raising up as a scourge upon a godless generation forecasted, 415 ; variously interpreted, 415-418.
Shepherd, instruments of a foolish, Jehovah s command to prophet to "take again"; what implied by, 414 ; smiting the, rationalistic writers attempt to identify with the "foolish shepherd," 476.
Shepherd?, "three cut off," various interpretations of expression, 393- 400.
Shinar, the land of, 166, 167, 170, 182.
Sin, " filthy garments " as a symbol of, 90, 97-99, 103, 124, 129, 144; leprosy as a type of, 150.
Sinaitic covenant, ratification of, Zechariah s reference to, 319.
Sleep, ordinary and spiritual conditions of, compared, 130.
Smith (Principal), George Adam, on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 268, 270, 271, 274, 275,
276 ; The Book of the Twelve Prophets,
268, 270. Sorrow and mourning of Israel, their
rejection of the Messiah causing
spread to whole world of, 498-499. Stade, Bernard, on authorship of final
chapters of Zechariah, 270, 276. Stahelin, Einleitung in die
Biicher des Alien Testaments, 27 1 . St. Gregory, quoted by Pusey, 116. Svedberg, Jasper, on mountains of
brass, 174.
Tabernacle, the, candlestick in. See Candlestick.
Tabernacles, feast of, celebration of, at Jerusalem by those left from the enemies of Israel, 520 ; ceremonial service, features of, and symbolic significance attached to, 521-527 ; Egypt especially threatened if absent from, 529 ; historical and prophetic character of, 5 2I ~5 22>
Tables of the Law, duty of man to God and his neighbour contained in third and eighth commandment of, 146 ; resemblance between Flying Roll and, 145.
Talent, significance of, as cover to ephah, 159.
Talmud, the, 16, 78, 117, 123, 148; legends in, 123; quotation from, 122 ; tradition from, concerning foundation-stone of Second Temple, 115, 117.
Targum of Jonathan, the, 191 ; titles of the Messiah as interpreted by, 109.
Targum, the Jewish, 95, 138 ; on colours of horses in eighth vision, 177 ; view of, with regard to promise made to Joshua, 105.
Temple, the, building of, 40, 88, 95, 209 ; building of second, 191, 192 ; completion of, 40 ; courts of, as de scribed by Josephus, 188, 189 ; foundation-laying of, 242 ; founda tion of second, probable allusion to, 115, 117 ; rebuilding of, 9, 21 ; as a visible proof and symbol, 137 ;
commenced, 243 ; hindrances with regard to, 138, 242 ; sacred letters "graven" on foundation-stone of, 116, 117 ; symbolic meaning of, 195- 198.
Ten, the number, different use of, in Scripture, 253, 254.
Teraphim, the, 280 ; modern Chris tian, 343 ; nature of, 341 ; passages of Scripture in which referred to, 341, 342.
Tertullian, quotation from, 252.
" That day," blessed issues of the great and solemn events of, foretold, 502- 532 ; day of the manifestation of the Messiah in His glory, 423 ; light at evening time after dark and gloomy day foretold, 501 ; natural phenomena and physical characteristics foretold, 499-501 ; on which the names of idols, prophets, and unclean spirits will be put out of the land of Israel, 463-464 ; prophecies shall be dis credited and prophets "thrust out" of the land of Israel, 465 ; prophets will then become ashamed of telling their visions, 465 ; reference to, in Ps. cxviii., 430 ; the great day of Israel s national atonement, 119-122,
Theodoret (423-457 A.D.), on " And I cut off three shepherds in one month," 398.
"Third part," remnant of Israel, " re fining " " trying " " testing " of,
485- Thomson (Dr.), The Land and the
Book, 392.
Trypho, quotation from, 252. Tyre, conquest of, by Alexander the
Great, 293-294 ; siege of, by
Nebuchadnezzar, 292 ; wisdom of,
how shown, 291.
Unity of God the Father and God the Son, Jews unable to grasp idea, 443.
Vatke, on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 270, 276.
Visions, prophetic, use of perfect or preterite tense in, 47, 48 ; use of, by God, 22, 29 ; prophecies and, glorious goal and climax of, 530.
Vitringa on triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem, 312.
Wages asked for by shepherd, symbolic
of spiritual fruit of labours of the
Good Shepherd, 403.
Wages of shepherd cast unto the potter,
interpretation of words, 404-406,
409 ; prophecies in Jeremiah and
Zechariah compared, 411-412; St.
Matthew s allusion to, as a prophecy
by Jeremiah, 407-412.
Willcocks, K.C.M.G., Sir William,
lecture by, 169, 170. Winds, the, four chariots in eighth
vision, compared to, 175, 178- Woman, reason for introduction of, into seventh vision, 160, 161 ; in the ephah, divergent views as to Jewish people being symbolised by, 159 ; moral pollution as signified by, 1 60, 161 ; punishment of, its symbolic meaning, 164, 165 ; with talent weight, 155, 159. Women, stork-winged, 155, 156, 165;
typifying systems of evil, 165, 166. World-power, overthrow of, and estab lishment of Messiah s Kingdom, 285. World-powers, ancient, disappearance of, 231 ; and -Christian, final over throw of, 182, 183 ; Gentile, gradual and final overthrow of, 5> 5 r > 5 2 , 53, 54, 57, 85, 173, 179; Israel afflicted and scattered by, 45-48, 57, 127, 128, 231 ; overthrow of Baby lonian, 182, 183 ; sin of, against Israel, 33, 35, 36, 37; "strength" the outstanding feature of, 181. Wright (Dr.), C. H. H., 71, 107, 148, 149, 2OI, 2O2, 211, 221, 232, 240, 245, 250, 378, 482 ; on " And I cut off three shepherds in one month," 393) 399 5 authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 273 ; casting to the potter the shepherd s wages, 406 ;
colours of horses in eighth vision, 177; deputation from Bethel, 211; fulfilment of prophecies predicting return of Israel to promised land, 371 ; "I will turn My hand upon the little ones," 480, 482 ; denial of literal interpretation of prophecy as to Feast of Tabernacles, 521 ; meaning of name " Israel " in last section of the Book of Zechariah, 489 ; mountains of brass, 174 ; origin and dignity of Messiah, 194 ; prophets ashamed of their visions, 465, 466 ; stork-winged women in seventh vision, 165 ; the angelic messengers, 32 ; the " Blood Accusation," 329, 330 ; " the body of Moses," 123; the land of Shinar, 167; "the man" with the measur ing line, 59; the " scattering of the sheep," 482 ; the talent of lead, 159 ; Zeckariah and his Prophecies, 23, 63, 124, 504.
Writers, modern critical, opinions of, with regard to spiritual value of divine oracles, 261.
Wiinsche, Die Leiden des Messias, pp. 66, 103, etc., 304.
Zechariah, connection between gth and loth chapters of, 317, 318; Haggai and, known as " the prophets," 241, 242 ; messages of " former prophets " summarised by, 247 ; note to Chapter III., 122-124, I2 8; previous Mes sianic prophecies summed up by, 107, 114.
Zechariah, Book of, arguments against unity of, 272-276 ; internal marks of its unity, 280-282 ; pre-exilic origin of, arguments against, 269, 270 ; second part, character of, 422 ; dis puted authorship of, 262 ; modern criticism on, 261-282 ; predictions refer to a distant future, 422 ; proof of pre-exilic origin of, 313; theory of pre-exilic origin of, 303 ; varying style of, reasons for, 273.
Zechariah, Messianic prophecies of, criticism of Hengstenberg concern-
ing, 6 ; final events clearly foretold in, 7, 8 ; opinion of Luther with regard to, 5 ; reasons for their special value to Christians, 5, 6, 7 ; their vivid and detailed nature, 5, 6.
Zechariah, prophecies of, compared with those of Haggai, 9, 10 ; fulfilment of, concerning Jerusalem, 64, 65, 66, 68 ; peace and prosperity for Jeru salem, foretold in, 63-65, 234-235 ; post-exilic, 238-240 ; return of Messiah as predicted by, 232-234 ; their special characteristic, 46 ; their structure and division, 9, 10 ; their symbolic nature, 85, 86.
Zechariah, the prophet, crowning of Joshua by, significance of, 21 ; descent of, 7 ; final messages of, 21 ; Haggai as contemporary and fellow- labourer of, 8 ; introductory address, 10-17, 21 ; Jeremiah and Ezekiel compared with, 7, 8; " Naar," probable reason for application of term to, 7, 60, 61 ; outburst of prayer by, 99 ; personality of, 7.
Zechariah, visions of, first vision, the
Angel of Jehovah among the myrtle trees, 21-41 ; second vision, the horns and carpenters, 45-54 ; third vision, the man with the measuring line, 57-82 ; fourth vision, Joshua before the Angel of Jehovah, 85-122 ; fifth vision, " The Candlestick," 130-140 ; sixth vision, the Flying Roll, 143- 151 ; seventh vision, the ephah, 155- 170 ; eighth vision, the four chariots, 173-183; climax of, crowning of Joshua, 187-206 ; connection be tween fourth and fifth visions, 135, 136; consolatory message conveyed in three first visions, 40, 45, 57, 59, 62, 85, 127-129, 229, 230, 231, 232; reference to recapitulation of, 375 ; striking connection between first and last, 175; symbolical significance of details in the, 165.
Zerubbabel, civil and ecclesiastical powers, represented by, 166 ; crown ing of, no justification for interpreta tion as to, 189-190, 192.
Zohar, on the coming of the Messiah, 306.