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The Writings of Carl Schurz/From Grover Cleveland, February 28th, 1893

From Wikisource

Lakewood, N. J., Feb. 28, 1893.

Your letter of yesterday is at hand.

I finished my inaugural a day or two ago. I do not intend to have it put in type until I reach Washington, and it will be Friday before it is printed. My secretary will be here this afternoon and if it is possible for me to have it typewritten or copied and in your hands before that time you may rely upon its being done.

The friendly tone of your letter has caused me the greatest satisfaction and you will add to the obligations already incurred if you will put me in the way of seeing the articles in Harper's of which you speak.

I am glad to receive your suggestion touching the German mission and surely shall not lose sight of it.

I am extremely anxious and perplexed and contemplate the duties of the next four years with the greatest solicitude. I know what my purposes and aspirations are, but I do not know how well I shall carry them out.