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The Writings of Carl Schurz/To Grover Cleveland, February 27th, 1893

From Wikisource


New York, Feb. 27, 1893.

I have been asked by the Harpers to write an article for Harper's Weekly on your inaugural, which I shall be glad to do. But as the manuscript, to be in time for the next issue, should be in the hands of the printers by Saturday evening, might I ask you, as a special favor, to instruct your secretary to send me an advance copy to my city address, 210 West 57th Street, as soon as may be? You might, of course, count upon its being treated as strictly confidential until the inaugural is delivered.

I have a standing invitation from the Harpers to write for the Weekly on whatever political subject may seem important to me, my articles to appear at the head of the editorial page and thus to be laid before the quarter of a million readers of that journal. Will you permit me, when I write on anything of special consequence, to communicate the articles to you, not only as an expression of my own opinions but also of the opinions of a large class of your supporters? I shall do so with pleasure if you will signify to me that it will be agreeable to you. It may serve to keep us in touch. I intend soon to write something on the foreign policy of the United States which may be of interest.

Permit me to express the hope that the annexation of Hawaii may be avoided. All the advantages we might gain by it can be secured without irrevocably abandoning the safe, time-honored traditions of our Government.

Pardon me for suggesting as an American of foreign birth, that when the time comes for appointing a new Minister to Berlin, a man of high culture be selected who would be likely to have such standing in the best society of the German capital as George Bancroft and Andrew D. White had. It would be received as a compliment by the German-American population here.

With the warmest wishes for your health and prosperity, and for the amplest success of your Administration, I am

Faithfully yours.