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The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Auian/Fable 11

From Wikisource

Numbered 364 in the Perry Index. Click here to create an annotated version of this text.

3929974The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs), The Fables of Avian — Fable 11: The Ape and his SoneAvianus

¶ The xi fable is of the Ape and of his sone

No fowler a thyng is to the man / than with his mouth to preyse hym self / As this fable reherceth to vs / Of Jupiter kynge of alle the world whiche made alle the beestes and alle the byrdes to be assembled to gyder for to knowe theyr bounte / and also theyr kynd / Emonge alle the whiche came the Ape / whiche presented his sone to Jupiter / sayenge thus / Fayre syre and myghty god / loke and see here the fairest beest that euer thow createst in this world / And Jupiter thenne beganne to lawhe / and after sayd to hym / thow arte wel a fowle beest to preyse soo thy self / For none oughte to preyse hym self / but oughte to doo good and vertuous werkes / wherof other may preyse hym / for it is a shameful thyng to preyse hym self