The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Auian/Fable 17
¶ The xvij fable is of phebus / of the Auarycious / and of the enuyous
One oughte to doo harme or dommage to somme other for to receyue or doo his owne dommage / As hit appereth by this fable / Of Jupiter whiche sent phebus in to therthe for to haue al the knowlege of the thouȝt of men ¶ This phebus thenne mette with two men / of whiche the one was moche enuyous / And the other ryght couetous / Phebus demaunded of them what theyr thought was / We thynke said they to demaunde and aske of the grete yeftes / To the which phebus ansuerd / Now demaunde that ye wylle / For all that that ye shalle demaunde of me / I shalle graunte hit / And of that / that the fyrst of yow shalle aske / the second haue the dowble parte / or as moche more ageyne / And thenne the auarycious sayd / I wyl that my felawe aske what he wyll fyrst wherof the enuyous was wel content / whiche sayd to Phebus Fayre syre I praye the that I maye lese one of myn eyen / to thende that my felawe may lese al bothe his eyen / wherfor phebus beganne to lawhe whiche departed and wente ageyne vnto Jupiter / and told hym the grete malyce of the enuyous / whiche was Joyeful and glad of the harme and dommage of an other / & how he was wel content to suffre payne for to haue adommaged somme other