The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Auian/Fable 18
¶ The xviij fable is of the theef / and of the child whiche wepte
E is a fole that putteth his good in
jeopardy to lese it for to gete &
haue som others good / as it appereth
by this fable of a theef
whiche fond a child wepynge besyde
a welle / of whom the theef dyde aske why
he wepte / & the child answerd to hym I wepe /
by cause that I haue lete falle within this welle
a loket of gold / & thenne the theef toke of his
clothes / & sette them on the ground and wente
doune in to the welle / And as he was doune
the child toke his gowne & lefte hym within
the welle / And thus for couetyse to wynne / he
lost his gowne / For suche supposen to wynne
somtyme whiche lesen / And therfore none
ought to wysshe that / that he hath not / to
thende that he leseth not that / that he hath /
For of the thynge wrongfully and euylle goten /
the thyrd heyre shalle neuer be possessour[errata 1] of hit.