The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Poge/Tale 5
Here was in a certayne towne a
wydower wowed a wydowe for
to haue and Wedde her to his
wyf / And at the last they were
agreed and sured to gyder / ¶ And
whan a yonge woman beynge seruaunt with the
wydowe herd therof / she came to her maystresse /
and sayd to her / Allas maystresse what haue ye
doo / why sayd Ihe / I haue herd say sayd the
mayde / that ye be assured and shalle wedde
suche a man / And what thenne sayd the
wydowe / Allas sayd the mayde I am sory for
yow / by cause I haue herd saye that he is a
peryllous man / For he laye so ofte and knewe
so moch his other wyf that she deyde therof /
And I am sory therof / that yf ye shold falle in
lyke caas / to whome the wydowe answerd and
sayd / Forsothe I wold be dede / For ther is but
sorowe and care in this world / This was a
curteys excuse of a wydowe