The power of affection
Calculated to promote the Interests of Religion,
Virtue, and Humanity.
No. XVI.
Illuſtrated by Examples
Parental, Filial, Fraternal,
Conjugal, & Natural
The man that wants Affection in his breaſt,
Nor is not mov'd with ſympathetic love,
Is ſit for treaſons, stratagèms, and ſpoils;
The motions of his Spirit are dark as night—
Let no ſuch man be truſted.———
Printed by G. Miller:—at whoſe Shop may be had a variety of
Pamphlets, Ballads, Children's Books, Pictures, Catechismus, &c.

Consider, thou who art a parent, the importance ⟨of⟩
thy truſt; the being thou haſt produced it is ⟨the⟩
duty to ſupport.
Upon thee alſo it dependeth, whether the child of ⟨the⟩
boſom ſhall be a bleſſing or a curſe to thyſelf; ⟨and⟩
uſeful or a worthleſs member of the community.
Prepare him early with inſtruction, and ſeaſon his ⟨mind⟩
with maxims of truth.
Watch the bent of his inclination; ſet him right in ⟨his⟩
youth and let no evil habit gain ſtrength with ⟨his⟩
So ſhall he riſe like a cedar on the mountains; his ⟨head⟩
ſhall be ſeen above the trees of the foreſt.
AS the vexations which parents ⟨receive⟩ from their children haſten the approach of age, and double the force of years, ⟨for⟩ the comforts which they reap from them are balm to all other ſorrows, and ⟨diſappoint⟩ the injuries of time. Parents repeat ⟨their⟩ lives in their offsprings; and their concern for them is ſo near, that they feel all ⟨their⟩ ſufferings, and taſte all their enjoyments as much as if they regarded their own perſons.
However ſtrong we may ſuppoſe the ⟨fondneſs⟩ of a father for his children, yet they ⟨will⟩ find more lively marks of tenderneſs in ⟨the⟩ boſom of a mother.—There are no ties ⟨of⟩ nature to compare with thoſe which ⟨unite⟩ affectionate mother to her children, when ⟨they⟩ repay her tenderneſs with obedience ⟨and⟩ love.
The beſt proof undoubtedly which ⟨parents⟩ can give of their affection to theie ⟨children⟩, is to endeavour to make them wiſe ⟨and⟩ good. The firſt claſs of duties which ⟨parents⟩ owe their children, reſpects their ⟨natural⟩ life; and this comprehends ⟨protection⟩, nurture, proviſion, introducing them ⟨into⟩ the world in a manner ſuitable to their ⟨rank⟩ and fortune, and the like. The ſecond ⟨order⟩ of duties regards the intellectual and ⟨moral⟩ life of their children, or their ⟨education⟩ in ſuch arts and accompliſhments as are ⟨neceſſary⟩ to qualify them for performing the duties they owe to themſelves and others. ⟨As⟩ this was found to be the principal deſign ⟨of⟩ the matrimonial alliance, ſo the fulfilling ⟨that⟩ deſign is the moſt important and ⟨dignified⟩ of all the parental duties. In order ⟨therefore⟩ to fit the child for acting his part ⟨wiſely⟩ and worthily as a man, as a citizen, ⟨and⟩ acreature of God, both parents ought ⟨to⟩ combine their joint wiſdom, authority, ⟨and⟩ power, and each apart to employ thoſe ⟨talents⟩ which are the peculiar excellency and ornament of their reſpective ſex. The father ought to lay out and ſuperintend their education; the mother to execute and manage the detail of which ſhe is capable. The former ſhould direct the manly exertions ⟨of⟩ the intellectual and moral powers of his child; his imagination and the manner ⟨of⟩ thoſe exertions, are the peculiar province ⟨of⟩ the latter. The former ſhould adviſe, protect, command; and by his experience, maſculine vigour, and that ſuperior authority which is commonly aſcribed to his ſex brace and ſtrengthen his pupil for active life, for gravity, integrity, and firmneſs in fuffering. The buſineſs of the latter is to bend and ſoften her male pupil by the charms ⟨of⟩ her converſation, and the ſoftneſs and decency of her manners, for ſocial life, ⟨for⟩ politeneſs of taſte, and the elegant ⟨decorum⟩ and enjoyments of humanity: and to improve and refine the tenderneſs and ⟨modeſty⟩ of her female pupil, and form her to ⟨all⟩ thoſe mild domeſtic virtues, which are ⟨the⟩ peculiar characteriſtics and ornaments of ⟨her⟩ ſex.
To conduct the opening minds of ⟨their⟩ ſweet charge through the ſeveral periods ⟨of⟩ their progreſs, to aſſiſt them in each ⟨period⟩ in throwing out the latent ſeeds of ⟨reaſon⟩ and ingenuity, and in giving freſh acceſſion of light and virtue; and, at length, with ⟨all⟩ theſe advantages, to produce the young adventurers upon the great theatre of human ⟨life⟩, to act their ſeveral parts in the fight of ⟨their⟩ friends, of ſociety, and mankind; how ⟨gloriouſly⟩ does heaven reward the taſk, when the parents behold thoſe dear images ⟨and⟩ repreſentations of themſelves, ⟨inheritng⟩ their virtues as well as fortunes, ⟨fuſtaining⟩ their reſpective characters gracefully and worthily, and giving them the agreeable proſpect of tranſmitting their names with growing honours and advantages to a race ⟨yet⟩ unborn!
ELIZA, who, in the perfect bloom of beauty, is the mother of ſeveral children. She had a little prating girl upon her lap, who was begging to be very fine, that ſhe might go abroad; and the indulgent mother, at her little daughter's requeſt, had juſt taken the knots off her own head to adorn the hair of the pretty trifler. A ſmiling boy was at the ſame time careſſing a lap dog, which is their mother's favourite, becauſe it pleaſes the children; and ſhe, with a delight in her looks, which heightened her beauty, ſo divided her converſation with the two pretty prattlers, as to make them both equally chearful.


Zaleucus, prince of the Locrines, made ⟨a⟩ decree, that whoever was convicted of adultery ſhould be puniſhed with the loſs of both his eyes. Soon after this eſtabliſhment the legiſlator's own ſon was apprehended in the very fact, and broughr to a public trial. How could the father acquit himſelf in to tender and delicate a conjuncture? Should he execute the law in all its rigour, this would be worſe than death to the unhappy youth; ſhould he pardon ſo notorious a delinquent, this would defeat the deſign of his ſalutary inſtitution. To avoid both theſe inconveniences, he ordered one of his own eyes to be pulled out, and one of his ſon's


Adesilaus, king of Sparta, was of all mankind one of the moſt tender and indulgent fathers to his children. It is reported of him, that when they were little he would play with them, and divert himſelf and them with riding upon a ſtick: and that having been ſurpriſed by a friend in that action, he deſired him "not to tell any body of it till he himſelf was a father."


The anſwer, which Cornelia, the illuſtrious mother of the Gracchi, gave to a Campanian lady, includes in it great inſtruction for mothers.
That lady, after ſhe had diſplayed, in a viſit ſhe made, her richeſt jewels, earneſtly desired Cornelia to shew her jewels also. Cornelia, pointing to her children, said, "These are my jewels, and the only ornaments I admire."


CAMBALUS, a young gentleman of character and fortune, in the city of Mulgeatum, being one day out a-coursing, was way laid and very near being murdered by the banditti that infeſted the country. The gentleman's father happened to come by that very instant on horseback, but no sooner had he heard the melancholy tale, than he leapt from his horse, desired his son to mount, and make the best of his way into the city; but he, preferring his father's safety to his own, conjured his father to leave him, and take care of himself. The father, ſtruck with the generosity and affection of his ſon, added tears to intreaties, but all to no purpose. The conteſt between them is better conceived than described—while bathed in tears, they besought each other to preserve his own life, the banditti approached and stabbed them both.
IT may truly be said, that if perſons are undutiful to their parents, they ſeldom prove good to any other relation.
The honour which children are required to give to their father and mother, includes in it love, reverence, obedience, and relief. It is uſual with Providence to retaliate men's diſobedience to their parents in kind: commonly our own children ſhall pay us home for it.
Where ſhall we find the perſon who hath received from any one benefits ſo great, or ſo many, as children from their parents? To them it is they owe their very exiſtence, and conſequently all the pleaſures and enjoyments of life.
No one will expect a return of kindneſs. however conſiderable, from him who can ſhow himſelf unmindful of what he oweth his parents.
To ſee a father treating his ſons like an elder brother, and to ſee ſons covet their father's company and converſation, becauſe they think him the wiſeſt and moſt agreeable man of their acquaintance, is the moſt amiable picture the eye can behold; it is a tranſplanted ſelf love, as ſacred as friendſhip, as pleaſurable as religion can make it.
Ifevery father remembered his own thoughts and inclinations when he was a ſon, and every ſon remembered what he expected from his father, when he himſelf was in a ſtate of dependency; this one reflection would keep fathers from being rigid, or ſons diſſolute.
T. Manlius, the Roman dictator, having exerciſed great violence and cruelty over the citizens, was cited at the expiration of his office to anſwer for his conduct. Among other things that were laid to his charge, he was accuſed of treating with barbarity one of his own ſons. Manlius, it ſeems, had no other cauſe of complaint againſt his ſon than his having an impediment in his ſpeech. For this reaſon he was baniſhed far from the city, from his home, and the company of thoſe of his own age and fortune, and condemned to ſervile works, and a priſon like a ſlave. All were highly exaſperated againſt so ſevere a dictator, and ſo inhuman a father, except the ſon himſelf, who, moved with filial piety, and under the greateſt concern that he ſhould furniſh matter of accuſation againſt his father, reſolved upon a moſt extraordinary method to relieve him. One morning, without appriſing any body he came to the city armed with a dagger, and went directly to the houſe of the tribune Pomponius who had accuſed his father. Pomponius was yet in bed. He ſent up his name, and was immediately admitted by the tribune, who did not doubt but he was come to diſcover to him ſome new inſtances of his father's ſeverity After they had ſaluted each other, young Manlius deſired a private conference; and as ſoon as he ſaw himſelf alone with the tribune, he drew out his dagger, and preſented it to his breaſt, and declared he would ſtab him that moment, if he did not ſwear in the form he ſhould dictate, "Never to hold the aſſembly of the people for accuſing his father." Pomponius, who ſaw the dagger glittering at his breaſt, himſelf alone without arms, and attacked by a robuſt young man, full of a bold confidance in his own ſtrength, took the oath demanded of him, and afterwards confeſſed with a kind of complacency in the thing, and a ſincerity which ſufficiently argued he was not ſorry for what he had done, that it was not violence which obliged him to deſiſt from his enterpriſe.
Among the incredible number of perſons who were procribed under the ſecond triumvirate of Rome, were the celebrated orator Cicero, and his brother Quintus. When the news of the proſcription was brought to them, they endeavoured to make their eſcape to Brutus in Macedon. They travelled together ſometime, mutually condoling their bad fortune; but as their departure had been very precipitate, and they were not furniſhed with money and other neceſſaries for their voyage, it was agreed that Cicero ſhould make what haſte he could to the ſea-ſide to ſecure their paſſage, and Quintus returned home to make more ample proviſion. But as in moſt houſes there were as many informers as domeſtics, his return was immediately known, and the houſe of courſe filled with ſoldiers and aſſaſſins. Quintus concealed himſelſ ſo effectually, that the ſoldiers could not find him; enraged at their diſappointment, they put his ſon to the torture, in order to make him diſcover the place of his father's concealment; but filial affection was proof in the young Roman againſt the moſt exquiſite torments. An involuntary ſigh, and ſometimes a deep groan was all that could be extorted from the generous youth. His agonies were increaſed; but with amazing fortitude he ſtill perſiſted in his reſolution of not betraying his father. Quintus was not far off, and the reader may imagine better than can be expreſſed, how the heart of a father muſt have been affected with the ſighs and groans of a ſon expiring to ſave his life. He could bear it no longer; but quitting the place of his concealment, he preſented himſelf to the aſſaſſins, begging with a flood of tears to put him to death, and diſmiſs the innocent child, whoſe generous behaviour the triumvirate themſelves, if informed of the fact, would jndge worthy of the higheſt approbation and reward. But the inhuman monſters, without being the leaſt affected with the tears either of the father or of the ſon, anſwered, that they both muſt die; the father becauſe he was proſcribed, and the ſon becauſe he had concealed his father. Then a new conteſt of tenderneſs aroſe who ſhould die firſt; but this the aſſaſſins ſoon decided, by beheading them both at the ſame time.


A woman of illuſtrious birth had been condemned to be ſtrangled. The Roman prætor delivered her up to the triumvir, who canſed her to be carried to prison, in order to her being put to death. The goaler, ſtruck with compaſſion, could not resolve to kill her. He chose therefore to let her die of hunger. Beſides which, he suffered her daughter to see her in prison, taking care, however, that ſhe brought nothing to eat. As this continued many days, he was surprised that the prisoner lived so long without eating; and suspecting the daughter, upon watching her, he discovered that ſhe nouriſhed her mother with her own milk. Amazed at so pious and at the same time so ingenious an invention, he told the fact to the triumvir and the trumvir to the prætor, who believed the thing merited relating in the aſſembly of the people. The criminal was pardoned; a decree was paſſed that the mother and daughter ſhould be maintained for the reſt of their lives at the publick expence, and that a temple ſacred to piety ſhould be erected near the priſon.


Olympias, Alexander's own mother, was of ſuch an unhappy diſpoſition, that he would never let her have any concern in the affairs of government. She uſed frequently to make very ſevere complaints on that account; but he always ſubmitted to her ill-humour with great mildneſs and patience. Antipater, one of his friends, having one day wrote a long letter againſt her, the king, after reading it, replied. 'Antipater does not know that one ſingle tear ſhed by a mother will obliterate ten thouſand ſuch letters as this.'

THOUGH all mankind ſpring from the ſame head, and are bound to cultivate a mutual good-will to each other; yet this duty is not ſo obvious and ſtriking as that which is incumbent on thoſe who belong to the ſame family.
Nothing can approach nearer to ſelf-love than fraternal affection; and there is but a ſhort remove from our own concerns and happineſs to theirs who come from the ſame ſtock, and are partakers of the ſame blood. Nothing, therefore, can be more horrible than diſcord and animoſity among members ſo allied; and nothing ſo beautiful as harmony and love.
In the begining of the ſixteenth century, the Portuguese carracks ſailed from Liſbon to Goa, a very great, rich, and flouriſhing colony of that nation in the Eaſt-Indies. Tnere were no leſs then twelve hundred ſouls, mariners, paſſengers, prieſts, and friars, on board one of theſe veſſels. The beginning of their voyage was proſperous; they had doubled the Cape of Good Hope, and were ſteering their courſe north-eaſt to the great continent of India, when ſome gentlemen on board, found in the latitude in which they were then ſailing, a large ridge of rocks laid down in their ſea-charts. They no ſooner made this diſcovery, than they acquainted the captain of the ſhip with the affair, deſiring him to communicate the ſame to the pilot; which requeſt he immediately granted, recommending him to lie by in the night, and ſlacken ſail by day, untill they should be paſt the danger.
The pilot being one of thoſe ſelf-ſufficient men who think every hint given them from others, in the way of their profeſſion, derogatory from their underſtanding, took it as an affront to be taught his art, and inſtead of complying with the captain's requeſt, actually crowded more ſail than the veſſel had carried before. They had not ſailed many hours, but juſt about the dawn of day, a terrible diſaſter befel them, which would have been prevented if they had lain by. The ſhip ſtruck upon a rock. I leave to the reader's imagination, what a ſcene of horror this dreadful accident muſt occaſion among twelve hundred perlons, all in the same inevitable danger; beholding with fearful aſtoniſhment, that inſtantaneous death which now ſtared them in the face!
In this diſtress the captain ordered the pinnace to be launched, into which having toſſed a small quantity of biscuit, and some boxes of marmalade, he jumped in himself with nineteen others, who, with their swords, prevented the coming in of any more, leaſt the boat ſhould ſink. In this condition they put of into the great Indian ocean, without a compass to ſteer by, or any freſh water but what might happen to fall from the heavens, whose mercy alone could deliver them. After they had rowed to and fro four days in this miserable condition, the captain, who had been for some time very ſick and weak, died; this added, if poſſible, to their misery; for as they now fell into confuſion, every one would govern and none would obey. This obliged them to elect one of their own company to command them, whose orders they implicitly agreed to follow. This person proposed to the company to draw lots, and to caſt every fourth man over board; as their small ſtock of provifions was so far spent, as not to be able at a very ſhort allowance to suſtain life above three days longer. In the boat were a friar and a carpenter, who, with their new captain, they exempted, as their lives were of much consequence.
The three firſt, after having confeſſed and received absolution, submitted to their fate. The fourth, whom fortune condemned, was a Portuguese gentleman that had a younger brother in the boat, who seeing him about to be thrown over-board, moſt tenderly embraced him, and with tears in his eyes besought him to let him die in his room, enforcing his arguments by telling him that he was a married man, and had a wife and children at Goa, beſides the care of three ſiſters, who absolutely depended upon him; that as for himself, he was ſingle, and his life of no great importance: he therefore conjured him to suffer him to supply his place. The elder brother, aſtoniſhed, and melting with this generoſity, replied, that ſince the divine Providence had appointed him to suffer, it would be wicked and unjuſt to permit any other to die for him, especially a brother, to whom he was infinitely obliged. The younger, perſiſting in his purpose, would take no denial; but throwing himself on his knees, held his brother so faſt that the company could not disengage them. Thus they disputed for a while, the elder brother bidding him to be a father to his children, and recommended his wife to his protection, and as he would inherit his eſtate, to take care of their common ſiſters: but all he could say could not make the younger deſiſt. This was a scene of tenderness that muſt fill every breaſt susceptible ⟨of⟩ generous impreſſions with pity. At laſt the conſtancy of the elder brother, yielded to the piety of the other. He acquiesced, and suffered the gallant youth to supply his place, who being caſt into the sea, and a good swimmer, soon got to the ſtern of the pinnace, and laid hold of the rudder with his right hand, which being perceived by one of the ſailors, he cut off the hand with his ſword, then droping into the ſea, he preſently caught hold again with his left, which received the ſame fate by a ſecond blow; thus diſmembered of both hands, he made a ſhift notwithſtanding to keep himſelf above water with his feet and two ſtumps, which he held bleeding upwards.
This moving ſpectacle ſo raiſed the pity of the whole company, that they cried out, he is but one man, let us endeavour to ſave his life; and he was accordingly taken into the boat, where he had his hands bound up as well as the place and circumſtances could permit. They rowed all that night and the next morning, when the ſun aroſe, as if heaven would reward the gallantry and piety of this young man, they diſcried land, which proved to be the mountains Mozambique, in Africa, not far from a Portugueſe colony. Thither they all ſafe arrived, where they remained untill the next ſhip from Liſbon paſſed by and carried them to Goa.
—( )( )—
OF all the pleaſures that endear human life, there are none more worthy the ⟨attention⟩ of a rational creature than thoſe ⟨that⟩ flow from the mutual return of conjugal ⟨love⟩.
When minds are thus engaged by the ties bf reciprocal ſincerity, each alternately receives and communicates a tranſport that is ⟨inconceivable⟩ to all but thoſe who are in ⟨this⟩ ſituation: hence ariſes that heart-ennobling ſolicitude for one another's welfare; that tender ſympathy which alleviates affliction, and that participated pleaſure which heightens proſperity and joy itſelf.
A good wife makes the cares of the ⟨world⟩ ſit eaſy, and adds a ſweetneſs to its pleaſures, ſhe is a man's beſt companion in proſperity and his only friend in adverſity; the carefuleſt preſerver of his health, and the kindeſt attendant on his ſickneſs; a faithful adviſer in diſtreſs, a comforter in affliction, ⟨and⟩ a prudent manager of all his domeſtic affairs.
Good-nature and evenneſs of temper ⟨will⟩ give you an eaſy companion for life; ⟨virtue⟩ and good ſenſe an agreeable friend; love and conſtancy, a good wife or huſband.
A married woman ſhould not be ⟨deſirous⟩ of attracting the eyes of any man but ⟨thoſe⟩ of her huſband.
He that allows himſelf to taſte thoſe pleaſures which he denies his wife, acts like a man who would enjoy his wife to oppoſe thoſe enemies to whom he has already ſurrendered.


Leonidas king of Sparta, ſuſpecting a conſpiracy was formed againſt him, fled to ⟨the⟩ temple of Minerva for ſhelter, whereupon Cleombrutus, his ſon-in-law, ſeized the government. When Leonidas was informed of this, he made his eſcape, taking his daughter along with him, who choſe rather to fly with her father than reign with her huſband. Somc time after Leonidas being reſtored to the throne, he advanced at the head of a band of ſoldiers to the temple where Cleombrutus, upon this change of affairs, had ⟨himself⟩ fled for refuge. He there reproached ⟨them⟩ with great warmth for aſſuming the re(illegible text)l power, in violation of the ties of affinity ⟨between⟩ them, and for expelling him from ⟨his⟩ own country in ſo ignominious a ⟨manner⟩. Cleombrutus, who had nothing to ⟨anſwer⟩ to theſe reproaches, continued ſeated ⟨in⟩ a profound ſilence, and with an aſpect ⟨which⟩ ſufficiently teſtified his confufion. His wife Chelonida ſtood near with her two ⟨children⟩ at her feet. She had been equally ⟨unfortunate⟩ as a wife and a daughter; but ⟨was⟩ equally faithful in each of thoſe ⟨capacities⟩, and had always adhered to the ⟨unfortunate⟩ ſide. All thoſe who were then preſent ⟨melted⟩ into tears at ſo moving a fight, and were ſtruck with admiration at the virtue ⟨and⟩ tenderneſs of Chelonida, and the ⟨amiable⟩ force of conjugal love. The ⟨unfortunate⟩ princeſs, pointing to her mourning habit ⟨and⟩ diſhevelled treſſes, "Believe me, O my ⟨father⟩!" ſaid ſhe, "this habit of woe which ⟨I⟩ now wear, this dejection which now appears in my countenance, and theſe ſorrows ⟨into⟩ which you ſee me ſink, are not the ⟨effects⟩ of that compaſſion I entertain for Cleombrutus; but the ſad remains of my ⟨affliction⟩ for the calamities you ſuſtained in our flight from Sparta. On what, alas! ſhall I now reſolve? While you reign for the future in Sparta, and triumph over the enemies who oppoſed you, ſhall I continue to live in the deſolate ſtate to which you ſee me reduced? Or, it is my duty to array ⟨myſelf⟩ in robes of royalty and ⟨magnificence⟩ when I behold the huſband I received ⟨from⟩ you in the flower of my youth, on the ⟨point⟩ of periſhing by your dagger? Should he ⟨be⟩ unable to diſarm your reſentment, and ⟨move⟩ your ſoul to compaſſion by the tears of ⟨his⟩ wife and children, permit, me to aſſure ⟨you⟩ that he will be puniſhed with more ⟨ſeverity⟩ for his imprudence, then was even ⟨intended⟩ by yourſelf, when he ſhould ſee a wife ⟨who⟩ is ſo deer to him, expiring at his feet; ſo you are not to think, that in my preſent condition, I will ever conſent to out-live him" Chelonida, at the coneluſion of theſe words, reclined her cheek on that of Cloombrutus; while with her eyes, that ſpoke her ſorrow in in her tears, ſhe caſt a languid look on thoſe who were preſent.
Leonidas, after a few moments diſcourſe with his friends, ordered Cleombrutus to rise, and immediately to puit Sparta; but earneſtly importuned his daughter to continue there, and not forsake a father who gave her such a peculiar proof of tendernass as to spare the life of her huſband. His solicitations were, however, ineffectual; and the moment Cleombrutus rose from his seat ſhe placed one of her children in his arms, and clasped the other in her own; and when ſhe had offered up her prayers to the goddess, and kiſſed the altar, ſhe beceme a voluntary exile with her huſband.
⟨From⟩ the creatures of God let man learn wiſdom, and apply himſelf to the inſtruction they give.
(illegible text) to the deſart, my ſon; obſerve the young ſtork in ⟨the⟩ wilderneſs; let him ſpeak to thy heart. He ⟨beareſh⟩ on his wing his aged fire; he lodgeth him in ⟨ſafety⟩, and ſupplieth him with food.
AFFECTION is not merely confined to the rational part of creation, but is univerſal law of Nature; and, from the ⟨instance⟩ that follows, extends to a great degree the irrational creation alſo. Mr Bruce, deſcribing the manner of hunting the ⟨elemnant⟩ in Abyſſinia, mentions a ſingular ⟨instance⟩ of affection in a young one:
"There now remained but two ⟨elephants⟩ of thoſe that had been diſcovered, ⟨which⟩ were a ſhe one with a calf. The ⟨people⟩ having obſerved the place of her retreat ⟨thither⟩ we haſtily followed. She was very ⟨ſoon⟩ found, and as ſoon lamed; but when ⟨they⟩ came to wound her with the darts, as ⟨every⟩ one did in their turn, to our very great ⟨surpriſe⟩, the young one, which had been ⟨suffered⟩ to eſcape unheeded and unpurſued, ⟨came⟩ out from the thicket, apparently in ⟨great⟩ anger, running upon the horſes and ⟨men⟩ with all the violence it was maſter of. I was amazed; and as much as ever I ⟨was⟩ upon ſuch an occafion, afflicted, at ſeeing ⟨the⟩ great affection of the little animal ⟨defending⟩ its wounded mother, heedleſs of its ⟨own⟩ life or ſafety. I therefore cried to them, ⟨to⟩ ſpare the mother, though it was then too late; and the calf had made ſeveral rude ⟨attacks⟩ upou me, which I avoided ⟨without⟩ difficulty; but I am happy, to this day, ⟨in⟩ the reflection that I did not ſtrike it. ⟨At⟩ laſt, making one of its attacks upon a gentleman, it hurt him a little on the leg; upon which he thurſt it through with his lance as others did after, and it then fell dead before its wounded mother, whom it had ⟨ſo⟩ affectionately defended. It was about ⟨the⟩ ſize of an aſs, but round, big bellied, ⟨and⟩ heavily made; and was ſo furious, and unruly, that it would eaſily have broken ⟨the⟩ the leg either of man or horſe, could it ⟨have⟩ overtaken them and joſtled againſt them properly.
Here is an example of a beaſt (a young one too) poſſeſſing abſtracted ſentiments to a very high degree. By its flight on ⟨the⟩ firſt appearance of the hunters, it is plain ⟨in⟩ apprehended danger to itſelf, it alſo reflected upon that of its mother, which was ⟨the⟩ cauſe of its return to her aſſiſtance."
F I N I S.
Printed by G Miller, Dunbar.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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