Three Books of Occult Philosophy/Book 1/Chapter 25
What things are Saturnine, or under the power of Saturne.
SAturnine things, amongst Elements, are Earth, and also Water: amongst humors, black Choller that is moist, as well natural, as adventitious, adust Choller is excepted. Amongst tasts, soure, tart, and dead. Amongst Metals, Lead, and Gold, by reason of its weight, and the golden Marcasite. Amongst stones, the Onix, the Ziazaa, the Camonius, the Saphir, the brown Jasper, the Chalcedon, the Loadstone, and all dark, weighty, earthy things. Amongst Plants, and Trees the Daffodill, Dragon-wort, Rue, Cummin, Hellebor, the tree from whence Benzoine comes, Mandrake, Opium, and those things which stupifie, and those things which are never sown, and never bear fruit, and those which bring forth berries of a dark colour, and black fruit, as the black Fig-tree, the Pine-tree, the Cypress-tree, and a certain tree used at burials, which never springs afresh with berries, rough, of a bitter tast, of a strong smell, of a black shadow, yielding a most sharp pitch, bearing a most unprofitable fruit, never dies with age, deadly, dedicated to Pluto, as is the Hearb pas-flower, with which they were wont Anciently to strow the graves before they put the dead bodies into them, wherefore it was lawfull to make their Garlands at feasts with all Hearbs, and Flowers besides pas-flowers, because it was mournfull, and not conducing to mirth. Also all creeping Animals, living apart, and solitary, nightly, sad, contemplative, dull, covetous, fearfull, melancholly, that take much pains, slow, that feed grosly, and such as eat their young. Of these kinds therefore are the Mole, the Asses, the Wolf, the Hare, the Mule, the Cat, the Camel, the Bear, the Hog, the Ape, the Dragon, the Basilisk, the Toad, all Serpents, and creeping things, Scorpions, Pismires, and such things as proceed from putrefaction in the Earth, in Water, or in the ruines of houses, as Mice, and many sorts of Vermin. Amongst birds those are Saturnine, which have long necks, and harsh voices, as Cranes, Estriches, and Peacocks, which are dedicated to Saturn, and Juno. Also the scrich-Owle, the horn-Owle, the Bat, the Lapwing, the Crow, the Quaile, which is the most envious bird of all. Amongst fishes, the Eel, living apart from all other fish; the Lamprey, the Dog-fish, which devours her young, also the Tortoise, Oisters, Cockles, to which may be added Sea-spunges, and all such things as come of them.