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Three Books of Occult Philosophy/Book 1

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In the 1651 ed. the Table of Contents was originally placed as an index at the end of the book, it is place here for convenience, in the paper edition of the book chapter 1 would have begun here.

12683Three Books of Occult Philosophy — Book IJ.F.Henry Cornelius Agrippa

An Index of all the Chapters
which are contained in this Work.

Book I.

CHAP. 1.
How Magicians Collect vertues from the three-fold World, is declared in these three Books. pag.1
Chap. 2. What Magick is, what are the Parts thereof, and how the Professors thereof must be qualified. pag.2
Chap. 3. Of the four Elements, their qualities, and mutual mixtions. pag.6
Chap. 4. Of a three-fold consideration of the Elements. pag.7
Chap. 5. Of the wonderfull Natures of Fire, and Earth. pag.9
Chap. 6. Of the wonderfull Natures of Water, Aire, and Winds. pag.11
Chap. 7. Of the kinds of compounds, what relation they stand in to the Elements, and what relation there is betwixt the Elements themselves, and the soul, senses, and dispositions of men. pag.18
Chap. 8. How the Elements are in the Heavens, in Stars, in Divels, in Angels, and lastly in God himself. pag.20
Chap. 9. Of the vertues of things Naturall, depending immediatly upon Elements. pag.22
Chap. 10. Of the Occult Vertues of things. pag.24
Chap. 11. How Occult Vertues are infused into the several kinds of things by Idea's, through the help of the Soul of the World, and rayes of the Stars: and what things abound most with this Vertue. pag.26
Chap. 12. How it is that particular Vertues are infused into particular Individuals, even of the same Species. pag.27
Chap. 13. Whence the Occult Vertues of things proceed. pag.29
Chap. 14. Of the Spirit of the World, what it is, and how by way of medium it unites occult Vertues to their subjects. pag.32
Chap. 15. How we must find out, and examine the Vertues of things by way of similitude. pag.34
Chap. 16. How the operations of several Vertues pass from one thing into another, and are communicated one to the other. pag.36
Chap. 17. How by enmity and friendship the vertues of things are to be tryed, and found out. pag.37
Chap. 18. Of the Inclinations of Enmities. pag.40
Chap. 19. How the Vertues of things are to be tryed and found out, which are in them specifically, or in any one Individuall by way of speciall gift. pag.43
Chap. 20. The naturall Vertues are in some things throughout their whole substance, and inother things in certain parts, and members. pag.44
Chap. 21. Of the Vertues of things which are in them only in their life time, and such as remain in them even after their death. pag.45
Chap. 22. How inferior things are subjected to superior bodies, and how the bodies, the actions, and dispositions of men are ascribed to Stars, and Signs. pag.48
Chap. 23. How we shall know what Stars naturall things are under, and what things are under the Sun, which are called Solary. pag.50
Chap. 24. What things are Lunary, or under the power of the Moon. pag.54
Chap. 25. What things are Saturnine, or under the power of Saturn. pag.55
Chap. 26. What things are under the power of Jupiter, and are called Jovial. pag.57
Chap. 27. What things are Under the power of Mars, and are called Martial. pag.58
Chap. 28. What things are under the power of Venus, and are called Venereall. pag.59
Chap. 29. What things are under the power of Mercury, and are called Mercuriall. pag.60
Chap. 30. That the whole sublunary World, and those things which are in it, are distributed to Planets. pag.61
Chap. 31. How Provinces, and Kingdoms are distributed to Planets. pag.62
Chap. 32. What things are under the Signs, the fixed Stars, and their Images. pag.63
Chap. 33. Of the Seals, and Characters of Naturall things. pag.65
Chap. 34. How, by Naturall things, and their vertues, we may draw forth and attract the influences, and vertues of Celestial bodies. pag.69
Chap. 35. Of the Mixtions of naturall things one with another, and their Benefit. pag.70
Chap. 36. Of the Union of mixt things, and the introduction of a more noble form, and the senses of life. pag.72
Chap. 37. How, by some certain naturall, and artificiall preparations we may attract certain Celestiall, and vitall gifts. pag.73
Chap. 38. How we may draw not only Celestial, and vital, but also certain Intellectual, and divine gifts from above. pag.75
Chap. 39. That we may by some certain matters of the world stir up the Gods of the world, and their ministring spirits. pag.77
Chap. 40. Of bindings, what sort they are of, and in what wayes they are wont to be done. pag.78
Chap. 41. Of Sorceries, and their power. pag.79
Chap. 42. Of the wonderfull vertues of some kinds of Sorceries. pag.81
Chap. 43. Of perfumes, or Suffumigations, their manner, and power. pag.85
Chap. 44. The composition of some fumes appropriated to the Planets. pag.88
Chap. 45. Of Collyries, Unctions, Love-Medicines, and their vertues. pag.90
Chap. 46. Of naturall alligations, and suspensions. pag.92
Chap. 47. Of Rings, and their compositions. pag.94
Chap. 48. Of the vertue of places, and what places are sutable to every Star. pag.95
Chap. 49. Of Light, Colours, Candles, and Lamps, and to what Stars, Houses, and Elements severall colours are ascribed. pag.97
Chap. 50. Of Fascination, and the Art thereof. pag.101
Chap. 51. Of certain observations producing wonderfull Vertues. pag.102
Chap. 52. Of the Countenance, and Gesture, the Habit, and Figure of the Body, and to what Stars any of these do answer; whence Physiognomy, and Metoposcopy, and Chiromancy, Arts of divination, have their grounds. pag.105
Chap. 53. Of Divination, and its kinds. pag.108
Chap. 54. Of divers certain Animals, and other things which have a signification in Auguria's. pag.110
Chap. 55. How Auspica's are verified by the light of Naturall instinct, and of some rules of finding of it out. pag.117
Chap. 56. Of the Soothsayings of Flashes, and Lightnings, and how monstrous and prodigious things are to be interpreted. pag.123
Chap. 57. Of Geomancy, Hydromancy, Aeromancy, and Pyromancy, four Divinations of Elements. pag.125
Chap. 58. Of the reviving of the dead, and of sleeping, and wanting victuals Many Years together. pag.127
Chap. 59. Of divination by dreams. pag.131
Chap. 60. Of Madness, and Divinations which are made when men are awake, and of the power of a Melancholy humor, by which Spirits are sometimes induced into mens bodies. pag.132
Chap. 61. Of the forming of Man of the external Senses, and also the Inward, and the mind: of the threefold appetite of the Soul, and passions of the Will. pag.136
Chap. 62. Of the Passions of the Mind, their Original, difference, and kinds. pag.139
Chap. 63. How the passions of the mind change the proper body, by changing the Accidents, and moving the spirit. pag.141
Chap. 64. How the passions of the mind change the body by way of imitation from some resemblance; Also of the transforming, and translating of men, and what force the imaginative power hath not only over the body, but the soul. pag.142
Chap. 65. How the Passions of the Mind can work out of themselves upon anothers Body. pag.145
Chap. 66. That the Passions of the Mind are helped by a Celestiall season, and how necessary the Constancy of the mind is in every work. pag.147
Chap. 67. How mans mind may be joyned with the mind and Intelligences of the Celestials, and, together with them, impress certain wonderfull vertues upon inferiour things. pag.149
Chap. 68. How our mind can change, and bind inferior things to that which it desires. pag.150
Chap. 69. Of Speech, and the vertue of Words. pag.151
Chap. 70. Of the vertue of proper names. pag.153
Chap. 71. Of many words joyned together, as in sentences, and verses; and of the vertues, and astrictions of charms. pag.155
Chap. 72. Of the wonderful power of Inchantments. pag.157
Chap. 73. Of the vertue of writing, and of making imprecations, and inscriptions. pag.159
Chap. 74. Of the proportion, correspondency, reduction of Letters to the Celestiall Signs, and Planets, according to various tongues, with a Table shewing this. pag.160