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Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute/Volume 21

From Wikisource








(Fourth of New Series)





Issued May, 1889.





Page  33, line 37, and page 41, line 6, for "Maruaepuke" read "Mamaepuke."
Page  34, line  7, for "Wullerstorfii" read "Wulferstorfii."
{{{1}}}  38, {{{1}}} 37, for "gladifolius" read "glastifolius."
{{{1}}}  59, {{{1}}}  1, after "C." insert "(Lophocolea)."
{{{1}}} 123, {{{1}}} 17, for "resting" read "nesting."
{{{1}}} 260, bottom line, for "Geological" read "Zoological."
{{{1}}} 343, line 11 from bottom, for "flow" read "floor."
{{{1}}} 351, {{{1}}}  3, for "microscopic" read "macroscopic."
{{{1}}} 395, {{{1}}}  8 from bottom, for "Tokomaru" read "Anaura."
{{{1}}} 415, {{{1}}} 10 from bottom, for "one" read "our."
{{{1}}} 418, {{{1}}} 13, for "Copeland" read "Coupland."
{{{1}}} 446, {{{1}}}  7 from bottom, for "/p" read "a/p"



Art. I. Further Notes on the Dcsmidiece of New Zealand, with Descriptions of New Species. By W. M. Maskell, F.R.M.S. 3–32
II. On the Botany of Te Moehau Mountain, Cape Colville. By James Adams, B.A. 32–41
III. A Description of a Species of Orobanche (supposed to be new) parasitical on a Plant of Hydrocotyle. By William Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. 41–43
IV. A Description of some newly-discovered Cryptogamic Plants; being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. By W. Colenso 43–80
V. A Description of some newly-discovered Phænogamic Plants; being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. By W. Colenso 80–108
VI. Notes on a Plant (Glossostigma elatinoides) found beside the Maungapouri Stream, Otaki. By Clement W. Lee 108–109
VII. The Fall of the Leaf. By Joshua Rutland 110–120
VIII. On some Birds from the Kermadec Islands. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 121–124
IX. Notice of the Capture of a Specimen of the Shy Albatross (Diomedea cauta) near Auckland. By T. F. Cheeseman 125–126
X. The Habits and Home of the Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans). By A. Reischek, F.L.S. 126–128
XI. On a Specimen of the Brown Gannet (Sula fusca) shot in Napier Harbour, with Notes on other New Zealand Birds. By A. Hamilton 128–134
XII. On new Species of Araneidea. By A. T. Urquhart 134–152
XIII. On a new Species of Gasteracantha from Norfolk Island. By A. T. Urquhart 152–154
XIV. Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera. By E. Meyrick, B.A., F.E.S. 154–188
XV. On the Natural History of Three Species of Micro-Lepidoptera. By G. V. Hudson 189–190
XVI. On the Varieties of a common Moth (Declana floccosa). By G. V. Hudson 190–193
XVII. A Description of a new and large Species of Orthopterous Insect of the Genus Hemideina, Walker. By W. Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. 193–194
XVIII. Notes on a peculiar Chrysalis of an unknown pages Species of Butterfly. By W. Colenso 194–196
XIX. A few Notes on the Economy and Habits of one of our largest and handsomest New Zealand Butterflies (Pyrameis gonerilla). By W. Colenso 196–199
XX. A few stray Notes on the New Zealand Owl, Athene novæ-zealandiæ, Gml.—Ruru and Koukou of the Maoris, and Morepork of the Settlers. By W. Colenso 200–205
XXI. On the Birds of Lake Brunner District. By W. W. Smith 205–224
XXII. On Apteryx bulleri. By R. Bowdler Sharpe, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Hon. Mem. N.Z. Inst. 224
XXIII. Notes on the Decrease of Pheasants on the West Coast of the North Island. By Edward N. Liffiton 225–226
XXIV. The Takahe (Notornis mantelli) in Western Otago. By James Park, F.G.S., of the Geological Survey Department 226–230
XXV. Notes on some New Zealand Birds. By T. W. Kirk, F.R.M.S. 230–233
XXVI. The Mole-cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris) in New Zealand. By T. W. Kirk 233–235
XXVII. On the Cause of the Disappearance of Young Trout from our Streams. By Alexander Ferguson: communicated by T. W. Kirk 235–237
XXVIII. The Distribution and Varieties of the Freshwater Crayfish of New Zealand. By Charles Chilton, M.A., B.Sc. 237–252
XXIX. Note on the Parasite (Temnocephala) found on the Freshwater Crayfish of New Zealand. By Charles Chilton 252–253
XXX. On some Gall-producing Insects in New Zealand. By W. M. Maskell, F.R.M.S. 253–258
XXXI. Notes on, and recent Additions to, the New Zealand Crustacean Fauna. By George M. Thomson, F.L.S. 259–268
XXXII. The Earthquake in the Amuri. By Professor Hutton 269–293
XXXIII. On the Fossil Marine Diatomaceous Deposit near Oamaru. By Harry A. de Lautour, M.R.C.S. 293–311
XXXIV. Notes on a Deposit of Moa-bones in the Te Aute Swamp, Hawke's Bay. By A. Hamilton 311–318
XXXV. Discovery of Fossil Moa-feathers in Rocks of Pliocene Age. By H. Hill, B.A., F.G.S. 318–320
XXXVI. The Oil Prospects of Poverty Bay and District. By H. Hill 320–325
XXXVII. On the Extent and Duration of Workable Coal in New Zealand. By James Park, F.G.S., of the Geological Survey Department 325–331
XXXVIII. The Alluvial Deposits of Otago. By L. O. Beal 332–334
XXXIX. Note on Rock collected by the Rev. W. S. Green from near the Summit of Mount Cook. By Professor T. G. Bonney, F.R.S.: communicated by Professor F. W. Hutton 334–335
XL. On a Striated Rock-surface from Boatman's, near Reefton. By G. J. Binns, F.G.S. 335-336
XLI. On the Neighbourhood of Te Aoroa, Northern Wairoa. By John Harding, of Mount Vernon 336–338
XLII. Notes on the Geology of Tongariro and the Taupo District. By Professor A. P. W. Thomas, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S. 338–353
XLIII. On the Manganese Deposits of the Auckland District. By J. A. Pond, Colonial Analyst 355–358
XLIV. On the Occurrence of Tellurium in the Thames Lodes. By J. A. Pond 358–359
XLV. On the Preparation of Artificial Chromes for Ornamental Purposes. By William Skey, Analyst to the Geological Survey Department 359–363
XLVI. On the Fallacy of the Electro-capillary Theory. By William Skey 363–367
XLVII. On the Occurrence of Native Lead at Collingwood, and its Association with Gold. By William Skey 367–368
XLVIII. Sanitary Sewerage. By H. P. Higginson, M.I.C.E. 369–378
XLIX. Notes on the Islands to the South of New Zealand. By A. Reischek, F.L.S. 378–389
L. On the Visit of Captain Cook to Poverty Bay and Tolaga Bay. By Archdeacon W. L. Williams 389–397
LI. On the Relics of Captain Cook's Last Voyage. By Taylor White 397–398
LII. Snow Scenes on the Southern Alps. By Taylor White 398–401
LIII. Notes on Coloured Sheep. By Taylor White 402–406
LIV. Notes on the Waikato River Basins. By L. Cussen 406–416
LV. A Local Tradition of Raukawa—a Legend of Maungatahi. By T. Pine 416–418
LVI. On the Mental Effects of certain Vowel-sounds. By R. Coupland Harding 418–428
LVII. Rabbit Disease in the Wairarapa. By Coleman Phillips 429–438
LVIII. The Ancient Moa-hunters at Waingongoro. By Lieut.-Colonel McDonnell: communicated by James Park, F.G.S. 438–441
LIX. On the Mechanical Description of a Straight Line by means of Link-work. By W. Steadman Aldis 441–446
LX. The Knowledge of Cattle amongst the ancient Polynesians. By Edward Tregear, F.R.G.S. 447–476

Twentieth Annual Report 479–480
Accounts 480

Inaugural Address by the President, W. M. Maskell, F.R.M.S. 483–484
Two Suggestions for the Consideration of the Governors of the New Zealand Institute. By A. de B. Brandon 485–486
On the Limestones and other Rocks of the Rimutaka and Tararua Mountains. By A. McKay, F.G.S. 486–487
On the Supposed Occurrence of Two Sets of Greensand-beds at Waihao Forks, South Canterbury. By A. McKay 488–489
On a Discovery of Manganese near Wellington. By J. Wallace 489
On the Oil-bearing Strata of the North Island. By J. Park, F.G.S. 489–492
On the Earthquake of 1st September, 1888, and its Bearing upon the Architecture of Wellington. By W. M. Maskell, F.R.M.S. 492–498
On Earthquakes and Architecture. By T. Turnbull, F.R.I.B. A., M.I.G.A., and A.C.A. 498–502
Exhibit of Minerals from Richmond Hill, Collingwood 502
Notes on Lasioptera cerealis. By G. V. Hudson 507–508
Notes on Te Karamea Bluff. By Captain G. Mair 508
Remarks on Earthquakes in the Amuri District, South Island. By A. McKay, F.G.S. 508–509
Remarks on Alumite from Australia. By Sir J. Hector 509
Note in reference to a Paper in Vol. xx. of the "Transactions." By T. Wakelin, M.A. 510
Abstract of Annual Report and Accounts 512
Scheme for Encouragement of Research 512
Remarks on Insect-pests and their Cure. By W. M. Maskell 513
Election of Officers for 1889 513
On the Electro-magnetism of Atmospheric Oxygen; its Causes, and some of its Effects. By the Hon. R. Hart, M.L.C. 513
Anniversary Address by the President, S. P. Smith, F.R.G.S. 514
Remarks on Ethnological Specimens from the Islands. By S. P. Smith 514
The Realms of Imagination. By the Rev. E. H. Gulliver 514
Poor-relief. By the Rev. W. Tebbs 514
Electrolysis. By Professor F. D. Brown 514
On new Beetles collected by Mr. Urquhart at Te Aroha. By Captain T. Broun 515
The Chemistry of Agriculture. By J. A. Pond 515
Darwinism tested by Logic. By R. H. Bakewell, M.D. 515
Micro-organisms, and their Power in Every-day Life. By Professor Thomas 515
On Optics. By Dr. C. Purchas 516
On the School of Agriculture at Lincoln. By A. Gray 516
On Scientific Methods of Modern Pharmacology. By Dr. T. G. Davy 516
Abstract of Annual Report and Accounts 516–517
Election of Officers for 1889517
Address to Mr. S. P. Smith, ex-President 517
Address to Mr. Reischek 517
On the Metallurgy of the Economic Minerals. By J. B. Stansell 518
Resolution regarding the late Mr. T. H. Potts 518
On the Goldfields of New Zealand. By Professor Hutton 518
Abstract of Annual Report and Accounts 519
Election of Officers for 1889 519
The Restoration of Philosophy. By Professor Haslam 519
On the Economic Position of New Zealand. By Professor J. Mainwaring Brown 520
Additions to the Museum 521
Remarks on Election of Professor Parker as F.R.S. 521
On the Early History of Otago. By Dr. Hocken 521
On Methods of mounting Animals. By Professor Parker 522
On the Conservation and Extension of the Amenities of Dunedin and its Neighbourhood. By Alexander Bathgate 522
On some Nepheline-bearing Rocks (Nepheline-Phonolites) from the Neighbourhood of Dunedin. By Professor Ulrich 522
On the Early History of Otago. By Dr. Hocken 522
Description of New Zealand Plants. By D. Petrie, M.A. 523
Descriptions of new Species of New Zealand Araneæ. By P. Goyen 523
On Gasteracantha ocellata. By P. Goyen 523
On Specimens of Birds mounted for the Museum. By Professor Parker 523
On a Specimen of Dinornis casuarinus. By Professor Parker 523
Abstract of Annual Report and Accounts 523
Election of Officers for 1889 523–524
On an Ancient Cosmogony. By A. Wilson, M.A. 524
Abstract of Annual Report and Accounts 525
Election of Officers 525
Remarks on Exhibits 526–527
The Moa and its Hunters. By L. Moore 527
Pope, the English Poet. By W. Colenso, F.R.S. 527
Exhibits of Specimens from the Kermadec Islands 527
On Experiments in Fish-hatching. By Mr. Balfour 527
Remarks on Exhibits 529
The Royston Cave, Hertfordshire, its History, Origin, and Use, by R. J. Kingsley 529
Abstract of Annual Report and Accounts 529
Election of Officers for 1889 529
On Germs, their Baneful and Beneficent Influence on the Human Organism. By the Bishop of Nelson 529
Remarks on Exhibits 529–530


Meteorological Statistics for 1888 533
Notes on the Weather for 1888 534
Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1888 535
Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute 536
Ordinary Members of the New Zealand Institute 537–549
Institutions and Individuals to whom this Volume is presented 550–553
Alphabetical Index 555–559

Errata et Addendum v
Contents vii–xii
List of Plates xiii
Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute xv
Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xv–xvii
Officers of Incorporated Societies, and Extracts from the Rules xviii–xxi


Author TO FACE
I. Maskell.Desmidieæ 10
II. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} 18
III. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
IV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} 30
V. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
VI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
VII. Urquhart.Gasteracantha ocellatum 154
VIII. Hudson.Micro-Lepidoptera 190
IX. {{{1}}}Declana floccosa 192
X. Chilton.—Freshwater Crayfish 242
XI. Maskell.—Eurytoma oleariæ 258
XII. {{{1}}}Cecidomyia oleariæ
XIII. Thomson.—Crustacea 266
XIV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XV. Hutton.—Map of Glynn Wye District 274
XVI. {{{1}}}Map showing Distribution of Earthquake 282
XVII. {{{1}}}Reflection and Refraction of Earth-waves 290
XVIII. De Lautour.—Map of Oamaru District 294
XIX. {{{1}}}Sections 298
XX. {{{1}}}Diatoms, magnified
XXI. {{{1}}}Diatoms 306
XXII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXIV. Hill.—Section of South Pacific Company's Oil-well 322
XXV. Binns.—Striated Rock-surface 336
XXVI. Thomas.—Lake Taupo, showing Volcanic Mountains 342
XXVII. {{{1}}}Cone of Ngauruhoe
XXVIII. {{{1}}}Tongariro 346
XXIX. {{{1}}}Map of Tongariro Summit
XXX. {{{1}}}North Crater, Tongariro 350
XXXI. {{{1}}}Lakes on Summit of Tongariro
XXXII. {{{1}}}Lake Taupo, showing Lake Terrace
XXXIII. Williams.—Maps of Poverty Bay and Tolaga Bay 394
XXXIV. Cussen.—Map of Waikato River Basin 410
XXXV. {{{1}}}Section of Walker's Gully
XXXVI. Tregear.—Rafts made of Skins, &c. 462