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Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute/Volume 26

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(Ninth of New Series)





Issued May, 1894.





Page 397, line 23: for Island Bay read Lyall Bay.

Art. LIII.: throughout, for Nova Auriga read Nova Aurigæ.



Art. I. Contribution to the Osteology of the Aborigines of pages New Zealand and of the Chatham Islands. By John H. Scott, M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Otago 1–64
II. Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of several New Species, and Discussion of various Points of Interest. By W. M. Maskell, Registrar of the University of New Zealand, Corr. Mem. Royal Society of South Australia 65–105
III. Notes on New Zealand Neuroptera. By G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. 105–106
IV. Description of a Large Species of Iulus. By W. Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S. (Lond.), &c. 106
V. Notes on Spiders. By Major-General Schaw, C.B., R.E. 107–108
VI. Description of a New Species of Ophiuridæ. By H. Farquhar 109–111
VII. On the Anatomy of the Pig-fish (Agriopus leucopæcilus). By Andrew Stenhouse, M.A. (from the Biological Laboratory of the University of Otago): communicated by Professor T. J. Parker 111–120
VIII. Further Contributions to the Knowledge of the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand, with Descriptions of Eight New Species. By Henry Suter: communicated by Professor Hutton 121–138
IX. Check-list of the New Zealand Land and Freshwater Mollusca. By Henry Suter: communicated by Professor Hutton 139–154
X. Further Notes on New Zealand Earthworms. By W. W. Smith: communicated by A. Hamilton 155–175
XI. Contribution to a Knowledge of the New Zealand Sponges. By H. B. Kirk, M.A. 175–179
XII. On a New Rail from the Auckland Islands. By the Hon. Walter Rothschild: communicated by Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S. 180
XIII. Brief Ornithological Notes. By T. W. Kirk, F.L.S. 181
XIV. On the Birds observed during a Voyage from New Zealand to England, and Notes made on the Return Voyage from Plymouth to Auckland by way of the Cape of Good Hope. By Sir Walter L. Buller, K.C.M.G., D.Sc., F.R.S. 182–199
XV. On the Importance of New Zealand Biological Collections. By G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. 199–203
XVI. Descriptions of New Species of Araneæ. By A. T. Urquhart, Corr. Mem. Roy. Soc. of Tasmania 204–218
XVII. Notes on the New Zealand Bats. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 218–222
XVIII. Note on the Occurrence of Lophotes in New Zealand Waters. By T. Jeffery Parker, D.Sc, F.R.S. 223
XIX. Notes on Three Moa-skulls, probably referable to the Genus Pachyornis. By Professor T. Jeffery Parker 223-225
XX. Result of a Further Exploration of the Bone-fissure at the Castle Rocks, Southland. By A. Hamilton 226–229
XXI. Materials for a Bibliography of the Dinornithidæ, the Great Extinct Birds of New Zealand, usually called Moas. By A. Hamilton 229–257
XXII. Description of a New Species of Pimelea. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 259–260
XXIII. Description of New Cyperaceous Plants, chiefly from the Nelson Provincial District. By T. Kirk 260–263
XXIV. Remarks on the New Zealand Sow-thistles, with Description of a New Species. By T. Kirk 263–266
XXV. Descriptions of New Native Plants, &c. By D. Petrie, M.A., F.L.S. 266–274
XXVI. On Four New Species of New Zealand Musci. By T. W. Naylor Beckett, F.L.S. 274–277
XXVII. On some Little-known New Zealand Mosses. By T. W. Naylor Beckett 277–288
XXVIII. Notes on New Zealand Mosses: Genus Pottia. By R. Brown 288–296
XXIX. Musci: Notes on the Genus Gymnostonium, with Descriptions of New Species. By R. Brown 296–301
XXX. Notes on some New Species of New Zealand Musci: Genus Phascum. By R. Brown 302–304
XXXI. On Lessonia variegata, J. Ag., Mscr. By Robert M. Laing, B.Sc. 304–310
XXXII. On the Occurrence of Xanthium strumarium, Linn., in New Zealand. By T. W. Kirk, F.L.S. 310–313
XXXIII. Phænogams: A Description of a few Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. By William Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S. (Lond.), &c. 313–320
XXXIV. A List of Fungi recently collected in the Bush District, County of Waipawa; being a Further Contribution to the Indigenous Flora of New Zealand. By W. Colenso 320–323
XXXV. Notes, Remarks, and Reminiscences of Two Peculiar Introduced and Naturalised South American Plants. By W. Colenso 323–332
XXXVI. On Four Notable Foreign Plants. By W. Colenso 333–346
XXXVII. The Nelson Earthquake of the 12th February, 1893. By George Hogben 347-354
XXXVIII. On a New Plesiosaur from the Waipara River. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S., Curator of the Canterbury Museum 354–358
XXXIX. On Conchothyra parasitica. By Captain F. W. Hutton 358–359
XL. Notes on the Geology of Kuaotunu Goldfields. By James Park, F.G.S., Lecturer, Thames School of Mines 360–364
XLI. On the Occurrence of some Rare Minerals in New Zealand. By James Park 365–367
XLII. Tridymito-Trachyte of Lyttelton. By P. Marshall, M.A., B.Sc, Lecturer on Natural Science, Lincoln Agricultural College 368–387
XLIII. The Volcanic Outburst at Te Mari, Tongariro, in November, 1892. By H. Hill, F.G.S. 388–392
XLIV. Notes on the Geology of the Country between Dannevirke and Wainui, Hawke's Bay. By H. Hill 392–396
XLV. Pebbles and Drifting Sand. By E. W. Andrews 397
XLVI. Notes on the Piako and Waikato River-basins. By Lawrence Cusson 398–407
XLVII. On a Doleritic Dyke at Dyer's Pass. By R. Speight, M.A. 408–414
XLVIII. Geology of Nelson. By W. F. Worley 414–421
XLIX. Maori Implements and Weapons. By T. H. Smith 423–452
L. Why should School-teaching provide only for the Counter or the Desk? By James Adams, B.A. 452–460
LI. Description of a Compound Seismograph. By W. Alx Carew 461–462
LII. The Effect of Current Electricity on Plant-growth: Further Experiments. By H. N. McLeod 463–464
LIII. Some Recent Evidence in favour of Impact. By A. W. Bickerton 464–476
LIV. A New and Simple Graphic Method of projecting Occultations and Solar Eclipses not hitherto published. By T. B. Harding: communicated by R. C. Harding 477–480
LV. A Further Note on Rainbows. By T. B. Harding: communicated by R. C. Harding 481–483
LVI. "More Last Words": being an Appendix to several Papers read here during Past Sessions on the Volcanic Mountain-range of Tongariro and Ruapehu, with its adjoining District. By W. Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S. (Lond.), &c. 483–498
LVII. Notes and Observations on M. A. de Quatrefages' Paper "On Moas and Moa-hunters," republished in Vol. XXV. of Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. By W. Colenso 498–513
LVIII. A Maori Pa at Lake Te Anau. By Taylor White 513–515
LIX. Note on the supposed Fire-drill found in the Cave at Moa-bone Point, Sumner. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S., Curator of the Canterbury Museum 516–517
LX. The Disposal of Sewage by Application to the Soil (Sewage Farming). By Dr. Chapple 517–526
LXI. Tuberculosis in Man and Animals. By Dr. Chappie 526–533
LXII. Old Maori Civilisation. By E. Tregear 533–543
LXIII. Skeleton revealed by Dew. By Major-General Schaw, C.B., R.E. 544
LXIV. On a Remarkable Appearance of Two Triple Bows, seen at Invercargill. By Major-General Schaw 545–548
LXV. Tennyson and Browning: A Retrospect of Victorian Poetry. By Professor C. A. M. Pond 548–559
LXVI. The Date of the Extinction of the Moa. By H. C. Field 560–568
LXVII. Note on a curious Maori Flute in the Collection of the late Dr. Shortland. By Sir Walter L. Buller, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. 568–569
LXVIII. Note on a Remarkable Maori Implement in the Hunterian Museum at Glasgow. By Sir Walter L. Buller 570–572
LXIX. The Story of Papaitonga; or, A Page of Maori History. By Sir Walter L. Buller 572–584
LXX. Te Kuri maori (the Dog of New Zealand): A Reply to the Rev. W. Colenso. By Taylor White 585–600
LXXI. Spiders as Engineers. By Coleman Phillips 600–603
LXXII. On a Common Vital Force. By Coleman Phillips 604–619
LXXIII. Public Ferneries: A Suggestion. By the Rev. Philip Walsh 619–623

Twenty-fifth Annual Report 627–628
Accounts for 1892–93 628
Memorandum regarding the New Zealand Institute: being an addition to the Annual Report presented 19th July, 1893 629–631


Address by the President, Major-General Schaw, C.B., R.E. 635–649
Remarks on a Fiji Snake imported with Bananas. By Sir J. Hector 650
Remarks on a Tame Kea. By A. McKay 652
On Peripatus nova-zealandiæ. By Sir J. Hector 653
On Ossiferous Clay found at Queen Charlotte Sound. By E. Tregear 654
Remarks on Apteryx maxima. By E. O'H. Canavan 654–655
Exhibits described 655
Description of Rock-paintings at Albury. By F. Huddleston 657–658
On Mental Operations in Sleep. By R. C. Harding[1] 658–659
Exhibit of Minerals from Cheviot. By Sir J. Hector 659
Note on Phytomyza affinis, Fallen. By W. M. Maskell 663
Exhibits collected by Sir J. Hector in Tasmania 665
Abstract of Annual Report 665
Election of Officers for 1894 665
On a Puka (Meryta sinclairii) gnawed by Rats. By Professor F. D. Brown 667
On the Necessity for a good Maori Lexicon. By F. D. Fenton 667–668
On the Liquefaction of Gases. By Professor F. D. Brown 668
Notes on the Crater of White Island. By Captain Fairchild 668–669
On the Persistence of Savagery. By the Rev. J. Bates 669
On the British Empire in India. By the Right Rev. W. G. Cowie, D.D. 669
Note on the Nesting Habits of the Matuku or Bittern. By P. E. Cheal 670
Abstract of Annual Report 670–672
Election of Officers for 1894 672
Resolution as to securing Little Barrier Island as a Preserve for Native Birds 672
Chlorine a Cure for Consumption. By Professor Bickerton 673
A Simple System of Graphic Formulæ as applied to Organic Chemistry. By Professor Bickerton 673
On Nova Aurigæ in connection with the Theory of Cosmic Impact. By Professor Bickerton 674
Our Immortal Cosmos. By Professor Bickerton 675
Stability of Cosmic Spheres. By Professor Bickerton 675
Theory of Hail. By Professor Bickerton 675
Abstract of Annual Report 675
Election of Officers for 1894 675
Exhibits described 676
On Dredgings from the Bounty Islands. By A. Hamilton 677
Presentations and Additions to the Library 677
Exhibits described 677
On the Modes of Burial of the Maoris. By A. Hamilton 677
Models of Specimens of Natural Objects described by Professor Parker 677, 678
Observations on local Avifauna. By A. Wilson, M.A. 678
On the Development of the Chicken. By Professor Parker 678
On the Early History of New Zealand. By Dr. T. M. Hocken 678
Exhibit of Local Orchids. By A. Hamilton 679
On the Cultivation of the Auckland Islands Antherium. By F. R. Chapman 679
Abstract of Annual Report 679–680
Election of Officers for 1894 680
Abstract of Annual Report and Balance-sheet 681
Election of Officers for 1894 681
Annual Address: On the New Mesmerism. By the President, Dr. Moore 682
A humble Precursor of Darwin: the Rev. Ezekiel Blomfield. By W. Dinwiddie 682
Forms of Burial: a Plea for Cremation. By P. S. McLean 683
Mohammedanism and its Present Relations with Christianity. By the Bishop of Waiapu 683
Some Difficulties of a Self-taught Student of Chemistry. By C. J. Cooke 683
How Spiders walk on Water. By Taylor White 683
Remarks on the Anniversary of Cook's Arrival at Hawke's Bay. By the Rev. W. Colenso, F.R.S. 683
Abstract of Annual Report 683–684
Election of Officers for 1894 684
List of Presentations 685
Abstract of Annual Report 685
Election of Officers for 1894 685
List of Presentations 686
The Massacre of St. Bartholomew. By R. T. Kingsley 686

Addendum to Proceedings of Wellington Philosophical Society 687–688


Meteorological Statistics for 1893 689
Notes on the Weather for 1893 690
Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1893 691
Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute 692
Ordinary Members of the New Zealand Institute 693–701
Institutions and Individuals to whom this Volume is presented 702–706
Alphabetical Index 707–711

Corrigenda iv.
Contents v.–x.
List of Plates xi.–xii.
Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute xiii.
Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xiii.–xv.
Roll of Incorporated Societies xvi.
Officers of Incorporated Societies, and Extracts from the Rules xvi.–xix.


Author TO FACE
I. Scott.— Diagram of Human Skull, and Explanation 16
II. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
III. Maskell.—Coccids 104
IV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
V. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
VI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
VII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
VIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
IX. Farquhar.—Amphiura rosea 110
X. Stenhouse.—Agriopus leucopœcilus 120
XI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XIV. Suter.—New Zealand Mollusca 136
XV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XVI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XVII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XVIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XIX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXII. H. B. Kirk.—New Zealand Sponges 176
XXIII. Hamilton.—Harpagornis Remains 276
XXIV. {{{1}}} Anomalopteryx Remains
XXV. Beckett.—New Zealand Mosses 276
XXVI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXVII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXVIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXIX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} 288
XXX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXa. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXb. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXc. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXI. Brown.—New Zealand Mosses 296
XXXII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXIV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} 300
XXXVI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXVII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXVIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XXXIX. Laing.—Lessonia variegata 310
XL. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XLI. Hogben.—Diagram of Nelson Earthquake of 12th February, 1893 352
XLII. Hutton.—Cimoliosaurus caudalis 356
XLIII. {{{1}}} Conchothyra parasitica 358
XLIV. Marshall.—Chart of Lyttelton Harbour 368
XLV. {{{1}}} Rock-sections 384
XLVI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XLVII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XLVIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
XLIX. Speight.—Rock-crystals 414
XLIXa. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}
L. {{{1}}} Map of Dyer's Pass Road 408
LI. Buller.—Maori Implement 570
LII. Bickerton.—To illustrate the Theory of Impact 476
LIII. Harding.—To illustrate a Method of projecting Occultations and Solar Eclipses 480
LIV. {{{1}}} Double Rainbow 482

  1. See also pages 687–688.