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Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute/Volume 31

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(Fourteenth of New Series)





Issued June, 1899.






Art. I. On the Ornithology of New Zealand. By Sir Walter L. Buller, K.C.M.G., D.Sc, F.R.S. 1–37
II. On the Appearance of Anosia bolina in the Wellington District. By A. P. Buller. Communicated through Sir Walter Buller 38–39
III. Supplement to the Stenopelmatidæ of New Zealand. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S., Curator of the Canterbury Museum 40–43
IV. Notes on the New Zealand Acrididæ. By Captain F. W. Hutton 44–50
V. Revision of the New Zealand Phasmidæ. By Captain F. W. Hutton 50–59
VI. New Zealand Polyplacophora: Keys to Genera and Species. By Henry Suter 59–64
VII. Revision of the New Zealand Pleurotomidæ, with Descriptions of Six New Species. By Henry Suter 64–77
VIII. Notes on New Zealand Galaxida, more especially those of the Western Slopes: with Descriptions of New Species, &c. By F. E. Clarke 78–91
IX. On Exocœtus ilma: A New Species of Flying-fish. By F. E. Clarke 92–96
X. Notes on Parore (the Mangrove Fish). By F. E. Clarke 96–101
XI. Formaline in Museology. By Dr. G. Thilenius, Lecturer on Anatomy to the University of Strasburg. Communicated through Sir J. Hector 101–103
XII. On the Habits of Dermestes vulpinus. By A. T. Potter 104–105
XIII. Notice of the Occurrence of the Australian Snipe (Gallinago australis) in New Zealand. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., F.Z.S. 105–106
XIV. A Contribution to the Study of the Rotifera of New Zealand. By F. W. Hilgendorf, M.A. 107–134
XV. A List of Marine Shells found at Whangarei Heads. By Charles Cooper 134–140
XVI. Birds of the Bay of Islands. By A. T. Pycroft 141–146
XVII. Notes on the Fourth Skin of Notornis. By W. Blaxland Benham, D.Sc. Lond., M.A. Oxon., Professor of Biology in the University of Otago 146–150
XVIII. Notes on certain of the Viscera of Notornis. By Professor W. Blaxland Benham 151–156
XIX. A Re-examination of Hutton's Types of New Zealand Earthworms. By Professor W. Blaxland Benham 156–163
XX. On New Zealand Ephemeridæ: Two Species. By C. O. Lillie, M.A., B.Sc. 164–169
XXI. A Revision of the Crustacea Anomura of New Zealand. By George M. Thomson, F.L.S. 169–197
XXII. Synonymy of the New Zealand Orchestidæ. By G. M. Thomson 197–207
XXIII. The Neuroptera of New Zealand. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S., Curator of the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch 208–249
XXIV. The Life-history of the Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). By Arthur Dendy, D.Sc, Professor of Biology in the Canterbury College, University of New Zealand 249–255
XXV. List of New Zealand Mollusca described in Foreign Publications since 1890. By Henry Suter 255–261
XXVI. A Description of some Newly Discovered New Zealand Ferns. By W. Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S. (Lond.) 263–266
XXVII. Phænogams: A Description of a few more Newly Discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. By W. Colenso 266–281
XXVIII. The Fungus Flora of New Zealand. By George Massee, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., Principal Assistant (Cryptogams), Royal Herbarium, Kew. Communicated by Sir J. Hector 282–349
XXIX. On the Occurrence of Ottelia in New Zealand. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., F.Z.S. 350–351
XXX. Description of a New Species of Corysanthes. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., F.Z.S. 351–352
XXXI. Botanical Notes. By D. Petrie, M.A. 352–354
XXXII. An Inquiry into the Seedling Forms of New Zealand Phanerogams and their Development. By L. Cockayne 354–398
XXXIII. On the Burning and Reproduction of Subalpine Scrub and its Associated Plants, with Special Reference to Arthur's Pass District. By L. Cockayne 398–419
XXXIV. Descriptions of New Species of Astelia, Veronica, and Celmisia. By L. Cockayne 419–424
XXXV. On Ligusticum trifoliatum, Hook. f. By L. Cockayne 424–426
XXXVI. Some Recent Additions to the Moss-Flora of New Zealand. By T. W. Naylor Beckett, F.L.S. 426–437
XXXVII. Notes on the New Zealand Musci. By Robert Brown 437–442
XXXVIII. Notes on New Zealand Musci, and Descriptions of New Species. By Robert Brown 442–470
XXXIX. On the Future of the New Zealand Bush. By Canon Philip Walsh 471–482
XL. Corrections in the Names of some New Zealand Rocks. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S., Curator of the Canterbury Museum 483–484
XLI. On a Supposed Rib of the Kumi, or Ngarara. By Captain F. W. Hutton 485
XLII. On the Footprint of a Kiwi-like Bird from Manaroa. By Captain F. W. Hutton 486
XLIII. Notes on a West Coast Dolerite. By W. A. MacLeod, B.Sc. 487–488
XLIV. Notes on a Hvpersthene Andesite from White Island. By W. A. MacLeod 488–489
XLV. Notes on a Hornblende Trachyte from Tawhetarangi. By W. A. MacLeod 490–491
XLVI. On Occurrences of Gold in the Coromandel District. By J. M. Maclaren, B.Sc. 492–493
XLVII. On the Geology of Te Moehau. By J. M. Maclaren 494–498
XLVIII. Some Notes on the Volcanoes of the Taupo District. By Benedict Friedlaender, Ph.D., of Berlin. Communicated by T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 498–510
XLIX. The Volcanoes of the Pacific. By Coleman Phillips 510–551
L. On the Artesian Wells at Longburn. By J. Marchbanks, A.M.I.C.E. 551–554
IV.—Chemistry and Physics.
LI. An Instrument for roughly determining the Relative Thermometric Conductivities of Liquids. By Dr. W. P. Evans 555–556
LII. On the Distillation Products of the Blackball Coal. By Dr. W. P. Evans 556–557
LIII. Contact Metamorphism at the New Brockley Coalmine (Malvern Hills). By Dr. W. P. Evans 557–564
LIV. Analyses (Technical) of New Zealand Coals. By Dr. W. P. Evans 564–565
LV. On the Apparent Occlusion of Sulphuretted Hydrogen in a Bituminous Coal. By Dr. W. P. Evans 566–567
LVI. On the Interaction of Cyclones upon one another. By Major-General Schaw, C.B., R.E. 567–569
LVII. Further Light on the Circulation of the Atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere. By Major-General Schaw 570–576
LVIII. On Seasonal Time. By G. V. Hudson 577–583
LIX. The Wanganui Earthquake of the 8th December, 1897. By George Hogben, M.A., Secretary of the Seismological Committee of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science 583–590
LX. Notes on the Comparison of some Elements of Earthquake Motion as observed in New Zealand, with their Theoretic Values. By George Hogben 590–593
LXI. The Tasmanian Earthquake of the 27th January, 1892. By George Hogben 594–601
LXII. A Graphic Method of calculating Cubic Content of Excavation, as for Water-races on Uneven Ground. By George Hogben 602–603
LXIII. Inaugural Address. By Edward Tregear 605–623
LXIV. Congenital Stigmata. By Edward Tregear 623–625
LXV. The Art of the Whare Pora: Notes on the Clothing of the Ancient Maori, their Knowledge of preparing, dyeing, and weaving Various Fibres, together with some Account of Dress and Ornaments, and the Ancient Ceremonies and Superstitions of the Whare Pora. By Elsdon Best 625–658
LXVI. A Comparison of New Zealand Mortality during the Periods 1874-81 and 1881–91. By C. E. Adams, B.Sc, A.I.A., Engineering Scholar and Engineering Exhibitioner, Canterbury College, and Senior Scholar, New Zealand University; formerly Lecturer on Applied Mathematics, Canterbury Agricultural College 659–660
LXVII. A Comparison of the General Mortality in New Zealand, in Victoria and New South Wales, and in England. By C. E. Adams 661–666
LXVIII. An Account of the Fiji Fire Ceremony. By Dr. T. M. Hocken, F.L.S. 667–672
LXIX. Moa Farmers. By Richard Henry. Communicated by Sir J. Hector 673–677
LXX. Old Huts at Dusky Sound. By Richard Henry. Communicated by Sir J. Hector 677–680
LXXI. Red Cats and Disease. By Richard Henry. Communicated by Sir J. Hector 680–683
LXXII. National Pensions—a Proposed Scheme. By H. Hill, B.A., F.G.S. 683–703

Thirtieth Annual Report 707–710
Accounts for 1897–98 710


New Members of Council 713
Appreciation of the late Mr. Thomas Kirk, F.L.S. 713
Appreciation of the late Mr. William Miles Maskell 713
Presentations to Colonial Museum described by Sir J. Hector 713
Shore Fishes of Fiji presented by Sir W. Buller 713
Chitons from Lyall Bay presented by Miss Mestayer 713
Siphonaria obliquata presented by Miss Mestayer 714
Lemur (Galago mokoli) from South Africa 714
Congenital Stigmata, Remarks by Sir J. Hector on 714
Tipulidæ. By G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. 714
Remarks on Spider (Salticus). By R. C. Harding 714
Remarks by Sir J. Hector on Sygnathus pelagicus 714
On Rocks and Minerals from Cape Colville. By A. McKay, F.G.S. 714
On a Sea-worm (Echiurus novæ-zealandiæ). By A. Haylock 716
On Hatteria (Sphenodon) punctata. By Sir J Hector 716
Remarks on Emmelichthys nitidus, &c. By Sir J. Hector 716
Hybrid Drake presented by Mr. Taylor White 716
Nomination for Election of Governors of New Zealand Institute 718
Appreciation of the late Mr. John Buchanan, F.L.S. 718
Remarks on a Collection of Lizards. By Sir J. Hector 719
Remarks on Additions to the Colonial Museum. By Sir J. Hector 719
Remarks on the Kumi. By E. Tregear 720
Remarks on Ironsand. By W. Coubrough 720
Appreciation of the late Mr. Charles Hulke, F.C.S. 720
On the Shooting Stars of November, 1898. By Sir J. Hector 721
On Additions to the Museum. By Sir J. Hector 721–722
Abstract of Annual Report 722
Election of Officers for 1899 722
Appreciation of the late Rev. W. Colenso, F.R.S. 722–724
On the Rev. W. Colenso's New Zealand Testament. By R. C. Harding 725
On Sponges from the Chatham Islands. By Captain Cooper 725
On Stone Implements from Karaka Bay. By H. N. McLeod 725
On New Zealand Moths and Butterflies. By G. V. Hudson 725
Auckland City, Past, Present, and to come 726
The Aims of Education. By J. W. Morrell, M.A. 726
Gold: Its Occurrence and Extraction. By Dr. J. S. Maclaurin 726
Reminiscences of Forty-five Years. By the Most Rev. Dr. Cowie 727
The Mount Cook District. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 727
Social Parasites. By E. A. Mackechnie 728
Ruskin: His Life and Writings. By the Rev. Mr. Beatie 728
Appreciation of the late Mr. T. Kirk, F.L.S. 728
Appreciation of the late Mr. F. D. Fenton 728
Abstract of Annual Report 728–729
Election of Officers for 1899 729
Appreciation of the late Mr. W. M. Maskell 730
Description of the Vegetable Sheep (Raoulia mamillaris). By Professor Dendy 730
On New Zealand Lizards, with Young. By Professor Dendy 730
Exhibit of New Chemical Apparatus. By Dr. Evans 730
On a Moa-bone from Silt at Port Hills. By Captain Hutton, F.R.S. 731
Some Recent Advances in Experimental Science. By Professor Bickerton, F.C.S. 731
On Prehistoric Pottery from Japan. By Captain Hutton, F.R.S. 731
On a Volcanic Bomb. By Captain Hutton 731
On Naultinus grayi and Young. By Professor Dendy 731
Hypnotism: Its Fallacies and Facts. By R. M. Laing 731
On the Cultivation of New Zealand Alpine Plants. By L. Cockayne 731
Address on the Cell. By J. B. Mayne 732
On Veronica armstrongii. By L. Cockayne 732
On Scale-insects presented by the late Mr. Maskell. By Professor Dendy 732
Resolution on Antarctic Exploration 732
On an Albino Skylark. By Captain Hutton, F.R.S. 732
The Microscope in Geology. By R. Speight 733
Appreciation of the late Rev. W. Colenso, F.R.S. 734
Abstract of Annual Report 734–735
Election of Officers for 1899 735
Electricity in the Service of Technical Chemistry. By Dr. W. P. Evans 735
Appreciation of the late Mr. Thomas Kirk, F.L.S. 736
On some Peculiar Attachment-discs developed in some Species of Loranthus. By G. M. Thomson, F.L.S. 736–737
On New Zealand Fungi. By G. M. Thomson 737
A List of Described Genera and Species of New Zealand Flowering Plants. By A. Hamilton 737
Remarks on a Curious Nest. By Dr. T. M. Hocken 737
On Additions to the Museum. By Professor Benham 738
Notice of the Discovery of a Live Notornis. By Professor Benham 738
Notice of Discovery of a Moa Eggshell. By Professor Benham 738
On Relics of the Old Native Population on the Upper Molyneux. By Dr. T. M. Hocken 738
On Rare Maori Weapons and Implements. By Dr. T. M. Hocken 738
On Nitrogenous Nodules from the Roots of Leguminous Plants. By J. S. Tennant 738
On a Kiwi-feather Mat. By A. Hamilton 738–739
Remarks on Mr. A. Hamilton's Work on Maori Art. By A. Bathgate 739
On the Distribution of Notornis, and General Notes on the Genus. By A. Hamilton 739–740
On the Study of Natural History. By G. M. Thomson 740–743
On the Palolo, a Marine Worm from Fiji. By Dr. T. M. Hocken 743
The Art of War as practised in Old New Zealand. By A. Hamilton 743
On a New Nudibranch. By Professor Benham 743
On a Maori Chert Quarry. By A. Hamilton 743
On Specimens of Native Spring Flowers. By A. Hamilton 743
Remarks on the Recent Discovery of a Notornis. By A. Hamilton 743–744
Appreciation of the late Mr. John Buchanan, F.L.S. 744
Abstract of Annual Report 745
Notice of the late Right Hon. Sir G. Grey, K.C.B. 745
Remarks on the Proposed Fish-hatchery at Purakanui 745
Election of Officers for 1899 745–746
Address by the President, Mr. F. R. Chapman 746–747
List of Plants supplementary to the Dunedin Field Club's Catalogue of Dunedin Plants. By B. C. Aston 747
List of Freshwater Algæ collected by Mr. J. S. Tennant, B.Sc. 748
The State in Relation to Public Health. By the President 749
The Comic in Art. By W. Dinwiddie 749
Exhibits. By H. Hill 749
The Rivers of the Hawke's Bay Plains. By F. A. Tregelles 749
The Geological History of the World. By T. Tanner 749
A Graphic Method of determining the Azimuth Altitude and Hour Angle of a Star when at its Greatest Altitude. By C. E. Adams, B.Sc, F.I.A. 750
Phrenology. By W. Dinwiddle 750
Vaccination. By Dr. Leahy 750
A Maori Earthwork Fortification. By Taylor White 750
A Maori Stronghold. By Taylor White 750
Are they Old Kumera-pits? By Taylor White 750
Prehistoric Man and Evolution. By T. Tanner 750
Abstract of Annual Report 750
Election of Officers for 1899 750
Abstract of Annual Report 751
Election of Officers for 1899 751
Abstract of Annual Report 752
Election of Officers for 1899 752


Meteorology of New Zealand—
Comparative Abstract for 1989 and Previous Years 755
Average Temperature of Seasons compared with those of the Previous Year 755
Remarks on the Weather during 1898 756
Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1898 757
New Zealand Institute, Honorary Members 758
New Zealand Institute, Ordinary Members 759–766
List of Institutions and Persons to whom this Volume is presented by the Governors of the New Zealand Institute 767–771
Index 773–777

Corrigenda in Vol. xxx Separate slip.
Contents v.–xi.
List of Plates xiii.–xiv.
Board of Governors and Officers of the New Zealand Institute xv.
Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xv.–xvii.
Roll of Incorporated Societies xviii.
Officers of Incorporated Societies, and Extracts from the Rules xviii.–xxi.


Note.—These are placed together at the end of the volume.

Plate To
I. Buller.Notornis I.
II. Hutton.— Stenopelmatidæ
III. Suter.Pleurotomidæ VII.
IV. Clarke.Galaxidæ VIII.
V. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} VIII.
VI. {{{1}}}Flying-fish IX.
VII. {{{1}}}Girella multilineata X.
VIII. Hilgendorf.—Rotifera XIV.
IX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XIV.
X. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XIV.
XI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XIV.
XII. Benham.—Viscera of Notornis XVIII.
XIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XVIII.
XIV. Lillie.—Ephemeridæ XX.
XV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XX.
XVI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XX.
XVII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XX.
XVIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XX.
XIX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XX.
XX. Thomson.—Crustacea Anomura XXI.
XXI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXI.
XXII. Massee.—Diagrams of Types of Structure in Agarics XXVIII.
XXIII. {{{1}}}Generic Types of Agaricinæ XXVIII.
XXIV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXVIII.
XXV. Petrie.Ranunculus kirkii XXXI.
XXVI. {{{1}}}Ranunculus berggreni XXXI.
XXVII. {{{1}}}Haloragis spicata XXXI.
XXVIII. Cockayne.Veronica armstrongii XXXII.
XXIX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXII.
XXX. {{{1}}}Seedling Forms of Phænerogams XXXII.
XXXI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXII.
XXXII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXII.
XXXIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXII.
XXXIV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXII.
XXXV. {{{1}}}Unburnt Subalpine Scrub XXXIII.
XXXVI. {{{1}}}Regrowth of Subalpine Plants after Fire XXXIII.
XXXVII. {{{1}}}Burnt and Living Subalpine Scrub XXXIII.
XXXVIII. Brown.—New Zealand Mosses XXXVII & XXXVIII.
XXXIX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXVIII.
XL. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXVIII.
XLI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXVIII.
XLII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXVIII.
XLIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXVIII.
XLIV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXVIII.
XLV. Hutton.—Kiwi-like Footprint. XLII.
XLVI. MacLeod.—Dolerite XLIII.
XLVII. {{{1}}}Hypersthene Andesite XLIV.
XLVIII. {{{1}}}Hornblende Trachyte XLV.
XLIX. Maclaren.—Crystallized Gold XLVI.
L. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XLVI.
LI. Phillips.—Vulcan Island, New Guinea XLIX.
LII. Marchbanks.—Artesian Wells at Longburr L.
LIII. Schaw.—Cyclonic Chart LVI.
LIV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} LVI.
LV. {{{1}}}Circulation of the Atmosphere LVII.
LVI. Hogben.—Wanganui Earthquake LIX.
LVII. {{{1}}}Calculating Excavations LXII.
LVIII. Tregear.—Congenital Scigmata LXIV.
LIX. Adams.—New Zealand Mortality LXVI.
LX. {{{1}}}Comparative Mortality LXVII.
LXI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} LXVII.
LXII. Hogben.—Tasmanian Earthquake LXI.