Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute/Volume 34

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Trans. N.Z. Inst., Vol. XXXIV.


See p. 554.








(Seventeenth of New Series)





Issued July, 1902





Page 246, line 30. For C. Pattisson read C. Patteson.

Plate XIXa. For C. Pattisson read C. Patteson.

Page 134 and page 325. In explanation of plates add Plate XIXa Map of Chatham Islands.



Art. I. Presidential Address. By James Stewart, C.E. 1–17
II. On the Senses of Insects. By G. V. Hudson 18–31
III. Notes on the Comet of April, May, and June, 1901. By G. V. Hudson 31–33
IV. The Diversions of the Whare Tapere: Some Account o£ the various Games, Amusements, and Trials of Skill practised by the Maori in Former Times. By Elsdon Best 34–69
V. Maori Magic: Notes upon Witchcraft, Magic Rites, and various Superstitions as practised or believed in by the Old-time Maori. By Elsdon Best 69–98
VI. The Beginnings of Literature in New Zealand: Part II., the English Section—Newspapers. By Dr. T. M. Hocken, F.L.S. 99–114
VII. On the Recent Statistics of Insanity, Cancer, and Phthisis in New Zealand. By H. W. Segar, M.A., Professor of Mathematics, University College, Auckland 115–123
VIII. On some Relics of the Moriori Race. By Arthur Dendy, D.Sc, F.L.S., Professor of Biology in the Canterbury College, University of New Zealand 123–134
IX. A Philological Study in Natural History. By Taylor White 135–145
X. On the New Zealand Lamprey. By Arthur Dendy, D.Sc, Professor of Biology in the Canterbury College; and Margaret F. Olliver, M. A. 147–149
XI. Note on an Entire Egg of a Moa, now in the Museum of the University of Otago. By Professor W. B. Benham, D.Sc., M.A., F.Z.S., University of Otago 149–151
XII. An Account of the External Anatomy of a Baby Rorqual (Balænoptera rostrata). By Professor W. B. Benham 151–155
XIII. Notes on Cogia breviceps, the Lesser Sperm Whale. By Professor W. B. Benham 155–168
XIV. On a Small Collection of Diptera from the Southern pages Islands of New Zealand. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S. 169–175
XV. The Beetles of the Auckland Islands. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S., with Descriptions of New Species by Captain T. Broun, F.E.S. 175–179
XVI. Additions to the Diptera Fauna of New Zealand. By Captain F. W. Hutton 179–196
XVII. On a New Fossil Pecten from the Chatham Islands. By Captain F. W. Hutton 196
XVIII. On the Occurrence of Alepisaurus ferox on the Coast of New Zealand. By Captain F. W. Hutton 197
XIX. On a Marine Galaxias from the Auckland Islands. By Captain F. W. Hutton 198–199
XX. On Mites attacking Moths and Beetles. By W. W. Smith, F.E.S. 199–201
XXI. Notes on Coleoptera. By J. H. Lewis 201–204
XXII. On the Land Mollusca of Little Barrier Island. By Henry Suter 204–206
XXIII. List of the Species described in F. W. Hutton's Manual of the New Zealand Mollusca, with the Corresponding Names used at the Present Time. By Henry Suter 207–224
XXIV. Notice of an Electric Ray new to the Fauna of New Zealand, belonging to the Genus Astrape. By A. Hamilton 224–226
XXV. Embryology of New Zealand Lepidoptera: Part II. By Ambrose Quail, F.E.S. 226–238
XXVI. Notes on New Zealand Fishes. By Sir James Hector, F.R.S. 239–241
XXVII. On a New Polypoid. By W. Malcolm Thomson, M.A. 241–242
XXVIII. A Short Account of the Plant-covering of Chatham Island. By L. Cockayne 243–325
XXIX. On a New Zealand Isotachis new to Science. By Ernest S. Salmon. Communicated by Robert Brown 325–327
XXX. Revised List of New Zealand Seaweeds: Part II. By Robert M. Laing, B.Sc. 327–359
XXXI. On the Occurrence of Panax arboreum as an Epiphyte on the Stems of Tree Ferns in the Mauku District. By H. Carse 359–362
XXXII. On the Flora of the Mauku District. By H. Carse 362–386
XXXIII. Notes on the Growth of Indigenous and other Trees in New Zealand. By H. D. M. Haszard 386–387
XXXIV. Remarks on New Zealand Trees planted at Parawai, Thames, at and subsequent to the Year 1873. By J. W. Hall 388–389
XXXV. Descriptions of New Native Plants, and Notes. By D. Petrie, M.A. 390–396
XXXVI. The Vegetable Caterpillar (Cordiceps robertsii). By H. Hill, B.A., F.G.S. 396–401
XXXVII. On the Prothallium of Phylloglossum. By A. P. W. Thomas, M.A., F.L.S., Professor of Biology, University College, Auckland 402–408
XXXVIII. Notes on the Napier-Greenmeadows Road. By F. Hutchinson, jun. 409–414
XXXIX. On the Volcanic Grits and Ash-beds in the Waitemata Series. By E. K. Mulgan, M.A. 414–435
XL. Notes on some Andesites from Thames Goldfield. By Professor James Park, F.G.S., Director, Otago University School of Mines 435–440
XLI. On the Secular Movements of the New Zealand Coastline. By Professor James Park 440–444
XLII. Notes on some Glacier Moraines in the Leith Velley, Dunedin. By Professor James Park 444–447
XLIII. On the Septarian Boulders of Moeraki, Otago. By A. Hamilton 447–451
XLIV. Note on an Artesian Well at Aramoho. By J. T. Stewart, C.E. 451–452
XLV. The Volcanic Beds of the Waitemata Series. By C. E. Fox 452–493
V.—Chemistry and Physics.
XLVI. Studies on the Chemistry of the New Zealand Flora: Part II.—The Karaka-nut. By T. H. Easterfield, Professor of Chemistry, Victoria College, and B. C. Aston, Chemist to the Agricultural Department 495–497
XLVII. Raoult's Method for Molecular Weight Determination. By Professor Easterfield and James Bee, M.A. 497–499
XLVIII. The Vapour Densities of the Fatty Acids. By Professor Easterfield and P. W. Robertson 499–501
XLIX. The Latent Heats of Fusion of the Elements and Compounds. By P. W. Robertson, Junior Scholar in the University of New Zealand 501–507
L. Some Observations on the Fourth Dimension. By the Rev. Herbert W. Williams, M.A. 507–513
LI. The Equatorial Component of the Earth's Motion in Space. By Douglas Hector 513–514
LII. Mathematical Treatment of the Problem of Production, Rent, Interest, and Wages. By Douglas Hector 514–519
LIII. On the Phenomena of Variation and their Symbolic Expression. By Author:E. G. Brown 519–538
LIV. List of Papers on New Zealand Fishes and Fishing. By A. Hamilton 539–548


Thirty-third Annual Report 551–553
Accounts for 1900–1901 553
In Memoriam—William Skey 554–558


Acclimatisation of Rosella Parrots in New Zealand 561–562
On Caves in the Martinborough District, and Moa-bones found therein. By H. N. McLeod 562
On the Distribution of Moa Remains in New Zealand. By Sir J. Hector 562–563
Remarks on a Specimen of Mesoplodon hectori. By Sir J. Hector 563
Remarks on New Zealand Fishes, and on a Collection of Drawings of Native Fish by the late F. E. Clarke. By Sir J. Hector 563–564
Note on an Octopus. By Sir J. Hector 564
Notes on Coleoptera. By J. H. Lewis 565
Remarks on the Whau (Entelea arborescens). By Professor Easterfield 565–566
On the Chemistry of the Karaka-nut. By Professor Easterfield 566–567
On Raoult's Method for Molecular Weight Determination. By Professor Easterfield 567
Abstract of Annual Report 568–569
Election of Officers for 1902 569
The Theory of the Polar Planimeter. By C. E. Adams, B.Sc. 569
Notes on the Sydney Chain Standard. By C. E. Adams 569–570
Natural History Notes from Dusky Sound. By Richard Henry 570–571
Notes on the Entomology of New Zealand. By Captain J. J. Walker, R.N. 572
Brain versus Muscle in the Production of Wealth. By F. G. Ewington 573
The Measurement of Time. By Professor F. D. Brown 573
Account of the Maori House formerly at Taheke, Lake Rotoiti. By J. Stewart, C.E. 573–574
Greek Painted Vases: their Importance, Form, and Design. By Professor Talbot-Tubbs 574
Exhibition of Astronomical Photographs. By A. D. Austin, F.R.A.S. 574
Ruskin's Influence on Economic Science. By E. V. Miller 575
Across the Mountains. By Professor Thomas 575
Abstract of Annual Report 577
Account of Purchase of the Mair Maori Collection 576–577
Note on the Little Barrier Reserve for Birds 577
On some Conditions of Progress. By Professor Dendy 578
On the Chatham Islands. By L. Cockayne 578
Suggestion for an Index Faunæ Novæ-Zealandiæ 578
Exhibit of Graptolites from Preservation Inlet. By Captain Hutton 579
Exhibit of a Fresh-water Shrimp (Xiphocaris compressa) from Norfolk Island. By Dr. Chilton 579
The Sense of Sight. By Professor Dendy 579
Remarks on some Schizopod Crustaceans. By Dr. Chilton 579
Evolution in Literary Types. By Professor Wall, M.A. 579
On the Learned Societies of Europe. By Dr. Chilton 579
On a New Pelagic Hydroid. By Professor Dendy 579
Notes on the Breeding Habits of the Tuatara. By James Ashley 580
Abstract of Annual Report 580–581
Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute/Volume 34/Philosophical Institute of Canterbury#ElectionElection of Officers for 1902 581
Report on the Proposed Fish-hatchery. By G. M. Thomson, F.L.S. 582
On a Collection of Stone Implements. By F. R. Chapman 582
The Relations of Mosquitos to Malarial Fever. By Dr. Colquhoun 582–583
On Charity Organizations. By Miss K. Browning 583
Proposal for an Index Faunæ Novæ Zealandiæ 583–584
The Beginnings of Literature in New Zealand. By Dr. Hocken 584
Exhibits by Professor Benham 585
Tennyson and Science. By Dr. Colquhoun 585
On Erasmus. By T. D. Pearce, M.A. 585
Exhibits by Mr. C. Brown 585
On Leaf-beds in the Kaikorai Valley. By Dr. P. Marshall 585–586
Exhibit of Ethnological Specimens from the New Hebrides. By Professor Benham 586
On the Method of Feeding by the Rorqual. By R. Henry 587
Exhibit of a Boar fish 587
Note on a Specimen of Lampris lima 587
Abstract of Annual Report 587–588
Note on the Proposed Fish-hatchery 588
Election of Officers for 1902 588
Address on the Surroundings of the City of Dunedin. By G. M. Thomson 588
Abstract of Annual Report 589
Election of Officers for 1902 589
Some Aspects of Technical Education. By W. Dinwiddie 590
Comets, with Special Reference to the Recent Comet. By T. Tanner 590
Pond Life, or Dick's Dive in a Duck-pond. By Dr. Kennedy, M.A. 590
The Wonders of Creation as revealed by the Telescope. By T. Tanner 590
Food-adulteration. By Dr. Leahy 590
Abstract of Annual Report 591
Election of Officers for 1902 591
Abstract of Annual Report 592
Election of Officers for 1902 592

Meteorology of New Zealand—
Comparative Abstract for 1901 and Previous Years 595
Average Temperature of Seasons compared with those of the Previous Year 595
Remarks on the Weather during 1901 596
Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1901 597
Records of Milne Seismograph No. 20 at Wellington, 1900–1901 598–606
Records of Milne Seismograph No. 16 at Christchurch, 1901 607
New Zealand Institute, Honorary Members 608
New Zealand Institute, Ordinary Members 609–616
List of Institutions and Persons to whom this Volume is presented by the Governors of the New Zealand Institute 617–622
Index 623–627

Corrigenda Back of title.
Contents v.–x.
List of Plates xi.
Board of Governors and Officers of the New Zealand Institute xiii.
Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xiii.–xv.
Roll of Incorporated Societies xvi.
Officers of Incorporated Societies, and Extracts from the Rules xvi.–xix.


Portrait of the late William Skey Frontispiece.
[Note.—These are placed together at the end of the volume.]
Plate To
I. Hudson.—Comet of April, 1901 III.
II. Segar.—Diagram of Health Statistics VII.
III. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} VII.
IV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} VII.
V. Dendy.—Moriori Relics VIII.
VI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} VIII.
VII. Benham.—Moa's Egg XI.
VIII. Hutton.Pecten dendyi, n.s. XVII.
IX. {{{1}}} Alepisaurus ferox XVIII.
X. Hamilton.Astrape aysoni, n.s XXIV.
XI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXIV.
XII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXIV.
XIII. Quail.—Embryology of Lepidoptera XXV.
XIV. Hector.Chimæra and Callorhynchus XXVI.
XV. {{{1}}}Auchenopterus aysoni, n.s. XXVI.
XVI. Cockayne.—Chatham Island Plants XXVIII.
XVII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXVIII.
XVIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXVIII.
XIX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXVIII.
XIXa. Cockayne and Dendy.—Map of Chatham Islands VIII. & XXVIII.
XX. Salmon.Isotachys stephanii, n.s. XXIX.
XXI. Hill.Cordiceps robertsii XXXVI.
XXII. Mulgan.—Rock Sections, Waitemata Series XXXIX.
XXIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXIX.
XXIV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXIX.
XXV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXIX.
XXVI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXXIX.
XXVII. Park.—Moraine, Leith Valley, Dunedin XLII.
XXVIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}{{{1}}}{{{1}}} XLII.
XXIX. Hamilton.—Moeraki Boulders XLIII.
XXX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XLIII.
XXXI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XLIII.
XXXII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XLIII.
XXXIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XLIII.
XXXIV. {{{1}}}Cone-in-cone Limestone XLIII.
XXXV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XLIII.
XXXVI. Brown.—Diagrams of Phenomena of Variation LIII.
XXXVII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} LIII.
XXXVIII. Fox.—Sections of Waitemata Series XLV.
XXXIX. {{{1}}} Lava Sections {{{1}}} XLV.
XL. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}{{{1}}} XLV.
XLI. Hogben.—Records of Milne Seismograph No. 20 pp. 598–606
XLII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} {{{1}}}