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Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute/Volume 33

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William Miles Maskell
William Miles Maskell

William Miles Maskell

See Volume XXXI , pp. 707 and 708.








(Sixteenth of New Series)





Issued July, 1901





Page 303, line 13. After Miriam insert Tarawau.
{{{1}}} line 27. For true varieties read tree varieties.



Art. I. Synopsis of the Diptera brachycera of New Zealand. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S. 1–95
II. Note on Chrysophanus feredayi. By Captain F. W. Hutton 96–97
III. Note on the Distribution of some Australasian Collembola. By Arthur Dendy, D.Sc, Professor of Biology in the Canterbury College, University of New Zealand 97–98
IV. On a New Zealand Fresh-water Leech (Glossiphonia (Clepsine) novæ-zealandiæ, n. sp.). By Arthur Dendy, D.Sc., and Margaret F. Olliver, M.A., Senior Scholar in Zoology, University of New Zealand 99–103
V. On a Collection of Hymenoptera made in the Neighbourhood of Wellington by Mr. G. V. Hudson, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species. By P. Cameron, of Stockport, Cheshire. Communicated by Captain F. W. Hutton 104–120
VI. On the New Zealand Lancelet. By W. B. Benham, D.Sc, M.A., F.Z.S., Professor of Biology in the University of Otago 120–122
VII. An Account of Acanthodrilus uliginosus, Hutton. By W. Blaxland Benham 122–129
VIII. On some Earthworms from the Islands around New Zealand. By W. Blaxland Benham 129–144
IX. Life-history of Plutella cruciferarum, Zeller. By F. W. Hilgendorf, M.A., B.Sc, Canterbury Agricultural College 145–146
X. Description of the Caterpillar of Epirranthis alectoraria. By George R. Marriner. Communicated by Professor Dendy 147–148
XI. Notes on New Zealand Ephemeridæ. By C. O. Lillie, M. A., B.Sc. 149–150
XII. Further Contributions to the Geographical Distribution of the New Zealand Non-marine Mollusca. By Henry Suter 151–152
XIII. Hymenopterous Parasite of Ovum of Vanessa gonerilla. By Ambrose Quail, F.E.S. 153–154
XIV. On Lysiphragma howesii, sp. nov. By Ambrose Quail. Communicated by Captain F. W. Hutton 154–158
XV. Embryological Structure of New Zealand Lepidoptera: Part I. By Ambrose Quail 159–166
XVI. On "Sugaring" for Lepidoptera in Southland. By Alfred Philpott. Communicated by G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. 166–167
XVII. A Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Southland. By Alfred Philpott. Communicated by G. V. Hudson. F.E.S. 167–185
XVIII. Lepidoptera of Mount Ida. By J. H. Lewis. Communicated by G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. 186–187
XIX. On the Occurrence of Metacrias strategica at Invercargill. By George Howes, F.E.S. Communicated by G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. 188–190
XX. Breeding Black Sheep: a Study in Colour. By Taylor White 191–199
XXI. On Hybridism. By Taylor White 199–206
XXII. On the Freshwater Shells of Rissington, Hawke's Bay. By F. Hutchinson, jun. 207–213
XXIII. Scinde Island, from a Naturalist's Point of View. By F. Hutchinson, jun. 213–221
XXIV. Notes on New Zealand Land Planarians: Part IV. By Arthur Dendy, D.Sc., F.L.S., Professor of Biology in the Canterbury College, University of New Zealand 222–210
XXV. Notes on Salmonidæ and their New Home in the South Pacific. By A. J. Rutherfurd, Chairman of the Wellington Acclimatisation Society 210–219
XXVI. Description of a New Ophiurid. By H. Farquhar. Communicated by the Secretary of the Wellington Philosophical Society 250
XXVII. Our Migratory Birds. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S. 251–261
XXVIII. An Inquiry into the Seedling Forms of New Zealand Phanerogams and their Development. By L. Cockayne 265–298
XXIX. Note on the Occurrence of the Genera Gunnera and Myosotis in Chatham Islands. By L. Cockayne 298–299
XXX. A List of the Seaweeds of Norfolk Island. By R. M. Laing, B.Sc. 299–301
XXXI. On the Occurrence of Cordyline terminalis in New Zealand. By the Rev. Canon Walsh 301–306
XXXII. Notes on the Cultivated Food plants of the Polynesians, with Special Reference to the Ti Pore (Cordyline terminalis). By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 306–311
XXXIII. Some Recent Additions to the New Zealand Flora. By T. F. Cheeseman 312–313
XXXIV. Plant-acclimatisation in New Zealand. By George M. Thomson, F.L.S. 313–323
XXXV. On the Regrowth of the Totara. By Joshua Rutland 324–327
XXXVI. Descriptions of New Native Plants. By D. Petrie, M.A. 328–329
XXXVII. Notes on the New Zealand Musci. By Robert Brown 330–333
XXXVIII. Notes on an Artesian-well System at the Base of the Port Hills. By S. Page, with Analyses by E. B. R. Prideaux, B.A. 335–336
XXXIX. On the Occurrence of Crystallized Native Copper on Mine timbers at Kawau Island. By W. H. Baker, B.Sc. 336–339
XL. Notes on a Quartz Mica diorite from Western Flanks of Moehau. By James Park, F.G.S. 339–341
XLI. Notes on a Hypersthene Andesite from Waihi Mine, Waihi. By James Park 342–343
XLII. Notes on the Cave at Papatu, Ormondville, Hawke's Bay. By H. N. McLeod 343–344
IV.—Chemistry and Physics.
XLIII. Studies on the Chemistry of the New Zealand Flora. By T. H. Easterfield, Professor of Chemistry in Victoria College, and B. C. Aston, Chemist to the Department of Agriculture 345–355
XLIV. Researches into the Action of Fusible Cutouts. By E. G. Brown, A.I.E.E. 356–367
XLV. Investigation into Kauri resin. By E. B. R. Prideaux, B.A. 368–376
XLVI. Facts discovered in his Investigation of the Motions of the Atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere. By Major-General H. Schaw, C.B., R.E. 376–380
XLVII. Note on the Fog in Wellington on the Morning of the 19th June, 1900. By H. N. McLeod 380–381
XLVIII. Note on the Vapour-density of Mercury. By Douglas Hector. Communicated by Professor Easterfield 382
XLIX. On Entomological Field-work in New Zealand. By G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. 383–395
L. The Extension of University and Science Work in New Zealand. By H. Hill, B.A., F.G.S. 395–406
LI. The Early Days of Printing in New Zealand: a Chapter of Interesting History. By H. Hill 407–426
LII. On Ancient Maori Relics from Canterbury, New Zealand. By W. W. Smith, F.E.S. 426–433
LIII. An Optical Illusion. By G. W. Tiffen 434–436
LIV. The Bite of the Katipo. By Dr. Fyffe 436–438
LV. Seals as Navigators. By R. Henry 439–443
LVI. Rats and Plague. By H. C. Field 443–445
LVII. The Population of New Zealand. By H. W. Segar, M.A., Professor of Mathematics, University College, Auckland 445–467
LVIII. Maori Origins: Part II. By Elsdon Best 467–471
LIX. Some Account of the Beginnings of Literature in New Zealand: Part I, the Maori Section. By Dr. T. M. Hocken, F.L.S. 472–490
LX. "Giotto's Circle" and Writing. By H. N. McLeod 491–492
LXI. Survey: Practical and Precise. By the Honourable G. F. Richardson 492–498
LXII. On the Tracks of Captain Cook. By Professor E. E. Morris, M.A., Litt.D., Melbourne University. Communicated by Sir James Hector 499–514
LXIII. Handlist of certain Papers relating more or less directly to the Maori Race, and published in various Publications. By A. Hamilton 515–537
Thirty-second Annual Report 541–545
Accounts for 1899–1900 545


Notes on Additions to the Museum. By Sir James Hector 549
Description of Great Spider-crab (Paramicippa grandis). By Sir J. Hector 550
Remarks on the Chemistry of Tutu 550
Remarks on the Fog of 19th June 551
Remarks on the Papatu Cave, Ormondville 551
Remarks on Rats and Plague 552
Notes on Recent Additions to the Museum. By Sir J. Hector 551
Early Explorations and Colonisation of Western Canada. By Sir J. Hector 552–554
On a Remarkable Lycopodium. By Sir J. Hector 554
Appreciation of the late William Skey 555
Motions of the Atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere 555
The Regrowth of Totara 555
Notes on Natural-history Exhibits 555–556
On "Giotto's Circle" and Writing 556
On the Bite of the Katipo 556–557
Remarks on Hydridæ and other Sea-snakes. By Sir J. Hector 557
Remarks on Exhibits 557–558
On Sponges from the Chatham Islands. By Sir J. Hector 558
On the Conservation of Native Birds: a Letter from Professor Newton, of Cambridge 559
Abstract of Annual Report 560
Election of Officers for 1901 560
On Seismograms of Distant Earthquakes. By G. Hogben, M.A. 560–562
Description of Exhibits. By Sir J. Hector 562
Remarks on a Supposed Specimen of Salmo salar. By Sir J. Hector 562–563
Remarks on Photographs taken by R. Henry, of the Reserve at Dusky Sound 563
The Rotomahana of To-day. By J. A. Pond 564
Notes on the Ti Pore 564
A Nation's Ingratitude. By E. A. Mackechnie 564
The Sexual Theory in Plants. By Professor H. W. Segar 565
On the Geology of the Auckland Domain. By P. Marshall, D.Sc. 565
On Democracy and Popular Government. By Dr. H. Macarthur 565
The Relation between Light and Electric Force. By E. V. Miller 565
On the Waitakerei Ranges. By Professor A. P. W. Thomas 565
Why not prepare Students for Technical Schools. By James Adams 566
The Surface of a Liquid. By Professor F. D. Brown 566
On a Hot Spring in the Rotomahana Rift. By J. A. Pond 566
Abstract of Annual Report 566–568
Election of Officers for 1901 568
The Geological Structure of Lyttelton Harbour. By R. M. Laing 569
Some Modern Applications of Electricity. By J. L. Scott 569
Exhibit of Instruments used in Investigations in Vegetable Physiology, by Professor Dendy 569
List of Exhibits 570
On Bacteria. By Professor Dendy 571
Appreciation of the late Mr. H. R. Webb, F.R.M.S. 571
On a Lygosoma from Pitt Island. By Professor Dendy 571
Abstract of Annual Report 572
Election of Officers for 1901 572
Account of Recent Excavations at Olympia. By A. Wilson 573
Account of Dr. Berggren's Researches in New Zealand. By Dr. Hocken 573
Exhibits, by Professor Benham 573
Remarks on some of the Lower Forms of Animal Life in New Zealand. By Professor Benham 573–574
Account of Government Trawling Operations. By G. M. Thomson 574
Remarks on Proposed Fish-hatchery. By G. M. Thomson 574
Exhibit of Metacrias strategica, by A. Hamilton 574
Account of a New Track to the West Coast. By C. W. Chamberlain 575
On a Young Whale caught near Otago Heads. By Professor Benham 575
The Marine Annelids of the New Zealand Shores. By Professor Benham 575
The Knowledge of Animals in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By T. D. Pearce 575
On a Large Spider-crab (Prionorhynchus edwardsii). By Professor Benham 576
On the Condition of Forestry in New Zealand. By H. T. Matthews 576
On the Undue Weight attached to the Training of certain Intellectual Faculties. By Dr. Truby King 576
List of Scientific Papers and Addresses by the late Sir Julius von Haast. By A. Hamilton 576
Abstract of Annual Report 577
Election of Officers for 1901 577
On Cremation. By E. Melland 577
The Science of the Nineteenth Century. By the President 578
Bacteria: Benevolent and Malevolent, with Special Reference to the Plague and to the Treatment of Sewage. By Dr. Leahy 578
Mars and its Canals. By the Rev. W. G. Parsonson 578
The House-fly and other Common Insects. By the Rev. Dr. Kennedy, M.A. 578
Vivisection. By T. C. Moore, M.D. 579
Abstract of Annual Report 579
Election of Officers for 1901 579
Abstract of Annual Report 580
Election of Officers for 1901 580
Resolutions as to Amalgamation with the Nelson Institute 581
Election of Officers for 1901 581


Meteorology of New Zealand—
Comparative Abstract for 1900 and Previous Years 585
Average Temperature of Seasons compared with those of the Previous Year 585
Remarks on the Weather during 1900 586
Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1900 587
New Zealand Institute, Honorary Members 588
New Zealand Institute, Ordinary Members 589–596
List of Institutions and Persons to whom this Volume is presented by the Governors of the New Zealand Institute 597–601
Index 603–608

Corrigenda Back of title.
Contents v.–x.
List of Plates xi.
Board of Governors and Officers of the New Zealand Institute xiii.
Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xiii.–xv.
Roll of Incorporated Societies xvi.
Officers of Incorporated Societies, and Extracts from the Rules xvi.–xix.


[Note.—These are placed together at the end of the volume.]

Plate To
I. Benham.—New Zealand Lancelet VI.
II. {{{1}}}New Zealand Earthworms VIII.
III. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} VIII.
IV. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} VIII.
V. {{{1}}}Acanthodrilus uliginosus VII.
VI. Marriner.—Caterpillar of Epirranthis alectoraria X.
VII. Lillie.—Ephemerid Nymph XI.
VIII. Quail. Hymenopterous Parasite of Ovum of Vanessa gonerilla XIII.
Lysiphragma howesii, n.s. XIV.
IX. {{{1}}}New Zealand Lepidoptera XV.
X. Cockayne.—Seedlings XXVIII.
XI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXVIII.
XII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} XXVIII.
XIII. R. Brown.—New Zealand Mosses XXXVII.
XIV. E. G. Brown.—Emissivity Diagram XLIV.
XV. Schaw.—Isobars XLVI.
XVI. W. Smith.—Maori Relics LII.
XVII. Prideaux.—Apparatus for Investigation of Kauri-gum XLV.
XVIII. Henry.—View in Dusky Sound page 563
XIX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} {{{1}}}
XX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} {{{1}}}
XXI. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} {{{1}}}
XXII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} {{{1}}}
XXIII. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}showing stumps of trees cut down by Captain Cook {{{1}}}