Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Avodah Zarah/Chapter 2/5

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Hebrew Text


English Translation


Rabbi Yehuda says, 'Rabbi Ishmael asked Rabbi Yehoshua, when they were walking along the road, he said to him: "Due to what is gentile cheese prohibited?" He (Rabbi Yehoshua) said to him: "Because they curdle it with rennet from carrion." He (Rabbi Ishmael) said to him "But is not the (law of) rennet of a whole offering more stringent (literal: serious, drastic) than the rennet of carrion? As it is said ________________________ *Please someone put here what כהן שדעתו יפה שורפה חייב ולא מועלין means!* (Rabbi Yehoshua) He gave as the reason: "Because they curdle it (the cheese) with rennet from calves that were used for idol worship." And he (Rabbi Ishmael) said: "If so, why is there no prohibition to benefit from it?" They redirected (the conversation) to another topic. (Rabbi Yehoshua) He said to him: "Ishmael, my brother, how do you read (Shir HaShirim 1): "For your love (Hebrew: Masculine: Dodecha) is better than wine", or "For your love (Hebrew: feminine: Dodayich) is better than wine"? (Rabbi Yishmael) Said to him (Rabbi Yehoshua) "For your love (Hebrew: feminine: Dodayich) is better than wine." He (Rabbi Yehoshua) said to him (Rabbi Ishmael) "The matter is not so. For its comrade (The following verse) teaches upon it. "For your oils (Hebrew: Masculine: Shmanecha) have a good fragrance."

