Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Avodah Zarah/Chapter 2/7

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Hebrew Text


English Translation


These are the things (of gentiles) that are allowed to be eaten: Milk that was milked with a Jew watching, the honey, their honeycombs, even though they drip, they do not constitute an unclean liquid, stewed and pickled vegetables in which it is not a custom (for gentiles) to put wine and vinegar inside of them, unminced (literal: unmixed) fish (literal: sardines), and brine that has fish inside of it, (whole) asafoetida leaves, rolled olive buns, Rabbi Yose says, 'Those that are moist are prohibited, locusts from the basket (shopkeeper's) are forbidden but those from the stock (of his shop) are allowed, and so it is for the priestly tithe.

