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Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Even ha-Ezer/119

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1. One may not marry a woman who he intends to divorce. However, if he indicates to her in advance that he's marrying her for a fixed period of time, he is permitted to.

2. She may not live with him and serve him when he intends to divorce her.

3. One should not divorce his first wife unless he found something unseemly about her. hagah: Aside from this, the rabbis said: "if someone divorces his first wife, the alter cries tears upon him". This is specifically talking in their days (time of the talmud), when they frequently divorced a woman even against her will (this is when the alter cries). but if she consents it is permitted. You should try to not rush into divorcing your first wife, but the second wife, if you dislike her, you can divorce her.

4. A woman who is evil in her opinions (i.e immodest and promiscuous) and is not modest like Jewish daughters are supposed to be, it is a positive commandment to divorce her.

5. A woman who was divorced as a result of immodesty and promiscuity, a kosher man should not seek to marry her.

6. He is allowed to divorce her without her knowledge. Rem"a: And even if he cannot pay her ketubah or dowry, she cannot prevent it since this is a divorce. Rather she divorces and claims what he is obligated to her (Teshuvat HaRosh, and Rivash). And all this is the law, but Rabbeinu Gershom decreed that [a man] cannot divorce a woman without her knowledge if she has not violated religion as is explained (Siman 115). And even if he wants to give her the ketubah, he cannot divorce her nowadays without her knowledge (Smak Siman 184). Nowadays, if he violated and divorced her against her will, and she remarried, the man is not called a sinner (Kol Bo). If he divorced her with her knowledge, and the get was found to be invalid, he is able to divorce her afterwards against her will (ibid.). If she developed blemishes, see earlier Siman 117 whether he is able to forcibly divorce her, there are those who say that in the place of a mitzvah he is able to forcibly divorce his wife, or they permit him to marry two women (Moharam Padwa Siman 13). As was explained in Siman 1. Therefore, a ketana [girl younger than 12], can be divorced even though her knowledge is incomplete even if her father received her engagement, which is from the Torah. Or if she is a deaf mute, and he married her when she was well, and she became deaf. But if she became mentally unstable, and she cannot guard herself he cannot divorce her until she is well, since he cannot abandon her. Therefore he puts her aside and marries another, and feeds her from her own [property]. And he is not obligated in food, clothing, or marital relations, and he is not obligated to heal her. And some say that he is obligated to feed and heal her (Beit Yosef in the name of the Rashba and the Tur in the name of the Rimah and the Ra'avad). And this was decided earlier (70:4). And this is the main [law]. And he need not redeem her [from captivity]. And if he divorced her, she is divorced as long as she can guard her get. And some say that even in retrospect, she is not divorced (And this is implied by the Mahariv Siman 52). But if she is sometimes mentally unstable and sometimes as in a dream, and he divorces her when she is as in a dream because it appeared that she would stay that way, he did not do what was proper (Piskei Mahari Siman 215). And see later (121:3) And he takes her out of his house and is not obligated to care for her.

7. One who divorced his wife from the marriage cannot live with her in the [same] courtyard [because] maybe they will come to impropriety. And if he is a Kohen, she should not live with him in the [same] passageway. A small village has the same law as a passageway. Rem"a: And if she married someone else, even a Yisrael, she should not live with him in the [same] passageway (Tur). And all this is [talking about] a closed passageway. But in a more open passageway through which many people pass, they are permitted to dwell (Beit Yoseif in the name of the Ran who wrote it in the name of Tosaphot). If public property separates between their houses (Haghot Ashri Ketubot Ch. 2) even if they are the only Jews in the city, it is permitted (Terumat HaDeshen Siman 243). If he divorced her because she was forbidden to him, even if she did not [re]marry, he is forbidden to dwell with her, as though she married someone else (Or Zarua).

8. If she had a loan by him, she should appoint a messenger to claim it. Rem"a: specifically in such a case, but he is permitted to enter her house, even if she is married, since he does not live there and is not doing business with her (this is implicit in the Terumat HaDeshen Siman 243). And some are stringent (Beit Yoseif). It is permitted for a man to feed his divorced wife. It is a Mitzvah [to do so] more than [feeding] other poor people (Haghot Maimoni Asurei Beiah Ch. 21) as long as he has no business with her, and only feeds her through a messenger.

9. A divorced woman who comes with her divorced [husband] to judgement, they ostracize them or beat them with rebellious lashes.

10. If she was divorced from the engagement, she is permitted to claim judgement and to dwell with him. And if he was very comfortable with her, even [if she was divorced] from the engagement, it [=dwelling near her] is forbidden.

11. Who is forced away from whom? She is forced away from him. If it was her courtyard, he is forced away from her.