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Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Even ha-Ezer

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10587Translation:Shulchan Aruch — Even ha-EzerWikisourceRabbi Yosef Karo

Laws of Procreation


Laws of Matrimony


Laws of Betrothal (Kiddushin)


Laws of Marriage Documents (Ketubot)

  • 66: A number of laws about the Ketubah
  • 67: The Ketubah of a widow, deaf-mute, idiot, and minor (whether he or she is) and a convert
  • 68: How to lodge a complain against a women's virginity and when she is forbidden (to her husband) and her Ketubah is invalid
  • 69: A person's obligation to his wife and children
  • 70 A man's obligation to provide food for his wife and if he is obligated to hire himself out (in order to feed her)
  • 71: A person's obligation to support his sons and daughters when they are minors
  • 72 One who vows against his wife from getting benefit from him
  • 73 A husband is responsible to provide his wife with clothing, a residence for dwelling, and household vessels
  • 74 A wife who vows against herself several different things
  • 75 Division of the land for the purpose of marriage and the laws of the land of Israel
  • 76 The conjugal obligation a husband towards his wife
  • 77 Laws of rebellious spouse or she says, "There is hatred upon me"
  • 78 The responsibility of a husband to redeem his wife
  • 79 The responsibility of a husband to provide medical care for his wife
  • 80: The deeds that a women is obligated toward her husband, the laws of breastfeeding, and what happens if she doesn't want to do work
  • 81 One who sanctifies the product of his wife's hands
  • 82 A woman who vow not to nurse (her child) and the law nursing woman who becomes divorced
  • 83 One who damages a married woman, who receives payment
  • 84 That which a woman finds
  • 85: Laws of Melog and Tzoan Barzel property (property that a women brings into a marriage)
  • 86 Not to accept an object to be guarded from women, slaves or children
  • 87 There is no presumed ownership with the possessions of a man's wife
  • 88 A wife no longer under the authority of her husband, either because of death, divorce or refusal, takes possessions
  • 89 A husband is responsible to bury his wife
  • 90 The law of a husband inheriting his wife and what he does not inherent
  • 91 A wife who loaned out assets from her husband to another and then cancelled the obligation of the other to pay it back
  • 92 A man who removed himself from the profits of his wife's property and her inheritance
  • 93: Law of supporting the widow
  • 94 The obligation to provide a widow with a place to live and clothing
  • 95 The handiwork produced by a widow belongs to the heirs of her deceased husband
  • 96 The oath of a widow and a divorced wife regarding her Ketubah
  • 97 A husband cannot make his wife take an oath in regards to an unsupported claim
  • 98 When a husband exempted her from an oath and or designated movable property for her, she collects it without an oath
  • 99 The appraisal of a widow's clothing [when paying out her Ketubah]
  • 100 What is used to pay the Ketubot and the remaining laws of Ketubot
  • 101 How long can she keep on collecting from her Ketubah
  • 102 The law of a widow's Ketubah when there is a creditor with a claim against her deceased husband
  • 103 When a widow sells possessions in order to collect from her Ketubah, must the sale occur under the authority of the court
  • 104 When the court or an appointed agent sold property (to pay the Ketubah) and made a mistake
  • 105 A woman who sold or forgave payment of her Ketubah
  • 106 The one who writes that all his possessions should be given to his children and wrote that his wife should be given land of any size
  • 107 One who writes all his possessions to his wife, can she acquired them and what if there are previous outstanding debts owed by the husband
  • 108: Law of a critically ill person (shechiv merah) that says "give my wife the same portion of inheritance as my sons"
  • 109 A man on his deathbed says, "Give my wife 200 gold zuz with her Ketubah"
  • 110 Writing a receipt for a wife even though her husband is no longer with her
  • 111 The law of the Ketubah in regards to the children of a wife who passed away
  • 112 Sustenance of the daughters, what and how much is provided to them
  • 113 From where do we collect the tithe from of his property
  • 114 The law of a man who married with the stipulation that he would provide for his wife's daughter or for someone else
  • 115 When a divorced wife should not receive a Ketubah and when a divorced wife forfeits her right to a Ketubah
  • 116 The laws of the Ketubah and its conditions; The law of one who married a spouse prohibited by a negative commandment
  • 117 The law of the Ketubah regarding a woman who does not experience a period or has another kind of physical defect; The law of a woman who has been widowed more than once
  • 118 The ordinance of marriage of Toledo (Spain); The laws of dowry

Laws of Divorce (Gittin)


Laws of Levirate Marriage (Yibum)


Laws of Release from Levirate Marriage (Chalitzah)
