Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Even ha-Ezer/22
Paragraph 1- One is prohibited from secluding with any of the prohibited relations, whether the woman is old or young, because it is something that will lead to illicit sexual relations, which the exception of a mother with her son, a father with his daughter and a husband with his nidah wife. A groom whose wife saw nidah blood before consummating the marriage may not seclude with his wife. Rather, she will sleep with the women and he will sleep with the men. If he had the initial intercourse with her and she then became impure, he may seclude with her. See Yoreh Deah Siman 192.
Paragraph 2- When the incident of Amnon and Tamar occurred, David and his court decreed against the seclusion of a single girl. Although a single girl is not a prohibited relation, she is included in the restriction on seclusion with prohibited relations. Shammai and Hillel decreed against seclusion with a gentile. The result of these decrees are that if anyone secludes with a woman he is prohibited from secluding with, whether she is Jewish or not, both the man and woman would receive mardus lashes and we would make a public declaration about them. This is only where we know he secluded with her. She is not believed on this, however. Even a solo witness is not believed. Nevertheless, in a situation where it seems to the court that there is a reason to suspect a prohibition is taking place, the court must separate them. The exception to this is a married woman, who although one is prohibited from secluding with her, we do not give lashes if she secludes, so as not to spread a false rumor that she had an affair, which would then spread a false rumor that her children are illegitimate.
Paragraph 3- In any case where a man is prohibited from secluding with a woman, if the man’s wife is there, he may seclude because his wife will guard him. A Jewish woman should not seclude with an idolater, even if his wife was with him.
Paragraph 4- One may not give over a Jewish child to an idolater to be his schoolteacher or to teach him a trade.
Paragraph 5- One woman cannot even seclude with numerous men unless one of their wives were present. Likewise, a man cannot even seclude with many women. There are those who say that one woman can seclude with two valid men if it is in the city. A default man is considered valid. If they are inappropriate men, however, she would not even be allowed to seclude with 10 of them. This is all where they are in the city. If they are in the field, or even if they are in the city but it is at night, however, we would need three men, even if they are valid. There are those who permit one man to seclude with many women if his business is not one that primarily involves women.
Paragraph 6- In a case of numerous women with numerous men, we are not concerned about seclusion. If the men were outside and the women were inside, or the men were inside and the women were outside, and one woman separated from the women and went to the men, or one man separated and went to the women, that is a prohibited seclusion.
Paragraph 7- Even a man whose primary work is with women may not seclude with women. What should he do? He should work with them with his wife present or he should switch jobs.
Paragraph 8- There is no concern with secluding with a woman whose husband is in the city because she has the fear of her husband. If it is someone she is comfortable with, such as where she grew up with him or she is related to him or if her husband warned her about him, he may not seclude with her, even if her husband is in the city.
Paragraph 9- There is no concern of seclusion with a forbidden relation in a house whose entrance is open to the public domain.
Paragraph 10- One is permitted to seclude with two women married to two brothers, two rival wives, a woman and her mother-in-law, a woman and her step-daughter or a woman and her mother-in-law’s daughter, because they despise each other and will not cover up for the other. Likewise, one may seclude with a woman who has a young girl with her who is familiar with the concept of sexual relations and the mother would not have sexual relations with her in her presence because she would reveal her secret.
Paragraph 11- One is permitted to seclude with a girl under the age of three or a boy under the age of nine, because they only made a decree against seclusion with men and women that are capable of sexual relations.
Paragraph 12- A hermaphrodite cannot seclude with women. If he does, we would not give him lashes because his status is uncertain. A man, however, may seclude with hermaphrodites and those lacking genitalia.
Paragraph 13- The Rabbis instituted that women should talk to each other while in the bathroom so that a man does not enter and seclude with them. There are those who say this only applies in those days where their bathrooms were in the field. Today, however, where they are in the city, there is no concern.
Paragraph 14- A woman should not go in the market with her son behind her, because they may seize her son and she will follow the kidnappers to get him back, and the wicked people who seized the child will take advantage of her.
Paragraph 15- We would not even appoint a valid and trustworthy man to be a guard for courtyard that has women, even if he is standing outside, because there is no guardianship when it comes to illicit sexual relations.
Paragraph 16- A person should not appoint a guardian over his household so that the guardian does not lead the owner’s wife to a sinful act.
Paragraph 17- A Torah scholar is prohibited from living in a courtyard with a widow, even if he does not seclude with her, because of suspicions that will arise, unless his wife is with him.
Paragraph 18- A widow is prohibited from raising a dog because of suspicions that will arise.
Paragraph 19- A woman may not purchase male slaves because of suspicions that will arise, even if they are minors.
Paragraph 20- One who does not have a wife may not teach children, because the boys’ mothers will come to the school for their sons, resulting in him interacting with the women. Likewise, a woman should not teach young children because their fathers will come because of them and end up secluding with them. A teacher does not have to have his wife with him in school. Rather, she can be home and he will teach in his place.