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Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Even ha-Ezer/43

From Wikisource

Paragraph 1- If a minor boy performed kiddushin or nissuin, it would be of no effect because the Rabbis did not institute marriage for a minor. One is prohibited from marrying while still a minor. If he already married, however, he does not have to divorce her and can remain married until he becomes an adult. Even if the boy sends wedding-gifts when he becomes an adult, it would be of no effect because we are not concerned he sent them for marriage purposes. If there are witnesses that he secluded with her after he became an adult, however, she would need a get because there is a presumption he had sexual relations for marriage purposes. If he remains married to her after he becomes an adult, her kesuba would be 200 and he would not need to write her another kesuba. She only receives the base 100/200 and not anything additional. If he did not write a kesubah for her while he was a minor, when he writes her the kesuba as an adult, he only writes 100 because she is not a virgin at that time.

Paragraph 2- If one marries an orphaned minor or a minor who left her father’s domain, when she can annul the marriage and all other laws of such a case will be discussed in Siman 155. See below Siman 169 with respect to who is believed as to whether the couple are minors or adults. If it is uncertain whether they are minors or adults, the marriage is uncertain and the court is able to rule that the female minor should be married, just like her mother and brother have such a right. They can make a condition that if she annuls the marriage, she will lose everything she owns. They do not have the authority to marry off a male minor, however. See below in the beginning of Siman 155.