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Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Even ha-Ezer/48

From Wikisource
Shulchan Aruch
by Yosef Karo, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
601753Shulchan AruchEven ha-Ezer 1
WikisourceYosef Karo

If he says to her "become betrothed to me" and she said no or the opposite


(Contains 7 paragraphs)

1. One who says to a women, "I am betrothed to you" and she says "You are not betrothed to me", he is forbidden to marry her relatives and she is permitted to his

2. If she says "Become betrothed to me" and he says "I am not betrothed to you," she is permitted to her relatives and she is forbidden to his.

3. He says "I am betrothed to you" and she says "you are not betrothed to me, rather you are betrothed to my daughter" he is forbidden to the mother's relatives and the mother is permitted to his and he is permitted to the relatives of the daughter and the daughter is permitted to his relatives.

4. "I am betrothed to your daughter" and she says "you are not betrothed to her, rather to me," he is forbidden to the daughters relatives and the daughter is permitted to his and he his permitted to the relatives of the mother but she is forbidden to his.

5. All of the above applies when he claims that betrothal happened, when they claim that there were two witnesses there but they went abroad or died but if they acknowledge that they became betrothed without two witnesses there is no betrothal here.

