Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Orach Chaim/52
52: Law of one who does not arrive in synagogue until "Yishtabach". Contains one seif.
1 If one came to synagogue and found the congregation at the end of the P'sukei D'zimra, he says "Barukh She'amar" until "M'hulal Batishbahot", and afterwards, "T'hillah L'David" until "Me-atah v'ad olam halleluyah". And afterwards, "Hal'lu et Hashem min hashamayim" until "Livnei Yisrael am k'rovo hallelulyah". And afterwards, "Hallelu El b'kodsho" until "Kol han'shamah t'hallel Yah". Gloss: And if he has more time, he should say "Hodu lashem kir'u" until "V'Hu rahum" and skip to "V'Hu rahum" which is before Ashrei because in between are simply gathered verses [Hagahot Miyymonei, Chapter 7 from Hilkhot T'fillah]. And afterwards, Yishtabah, and afterwards, Yotzer and the reading of Sh'ma and its blessings, and he should pray with the congregation. And if he doesn't have that much time, he should also skip the psalm "Hal'lu et Hashem min Hashamayim." Gloss: If there is still not enough time, he should only recite Barukh She'amar and T'hillah L'David and Yishtabah [The Rosh and the Ri, Chapter "Ein Omdin"]. And if the congregation has already started Yozer and there is no time to recite P'sukei D'zimra even with skipping, he should recite the reading of Sh'ma and its blessings with the congregation and pray with them, and afterwards recite all of P'sukei D'zimra without the blessing from before them and without the one from after them.
Gloss: And in any case, he should say all of the blessings required of him to bless in the morning ["Kol Bo" and "Beit Yosef" in the name of Mahari Aboab] as was explained in Siman 46 and 47.