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Translation:The Book of the Holy Places/1

From Wikisource
The Book of the Holy Places
by Bede, translated from Latin by Wikisource
Chapter I: Book I THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter of Jerusalem, the situation in the first place
968170The Book of the Holy Places — Chapter I: Book I THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter of Jerusalem, the situation in the first place

The Book of the Holy Places by the Venerable Doctor Bede (673 A.D.–735 A.D.) And speaking of places sanctis (Latin, Patrologia, vol. 88. From the manuscripts. Codices. The Vatican edition. And Corbis. And afterwards published. Gretseri, at Mabel. The Act. SS. Ben. Century. 3.) The prologue of the author's. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, to weave away from the places the book, I begin to be saints. Arculf the holy bishop, people of the Gauls of many and different experience will far distant objects of the places, let the true index, is also quite fitted, the Jerusalem in the nine months the city by the hospitality, and places having passed through the daily visitations, I, Adamnan: All these things below the burrow are more carefully scrutinizing thoroughly the experiments, and in the first in the tablet, and, doubted the account of, faithful, and told them to, which is now in parchment a short time the text are written.

Chapter I Book 1

Chapter of Jerusalem, the situation in the first place. Of the situation of Jerusalem, that now certain to be written are a few things from the things that told them to me the holy Arculf; while that which is in the books of other authors from the same position of the city are found by us may be ignored. In testimony of which walls are broken down with a great Arculf the same 84 numbered of the towers and the gates of twice three, of which the order of the cities round about thus we have. 1. David 's gate at the west part of the mountain of Sion, is counted as the first. 2. The fuller 's port of the Towne. 3. The gate of S. Stephen. 4. The gate of Benjamin. 5. The postern gate, that is, from this little gate by the degrees by [Al., Degree] to the valley of Josaphat: it can descend. 6. The gate of Tecuitis. Here, then, by the sake of retaining the order of the gates and of the towers from the gate of an interval of David, the above-mentioned round about, towards the North, from then on to the east, at this moment. But any of the gate on the walls of the six are to be numbered, The most celebrated of them, however, often an entrance of the gates, one from the west, the other, on the north, and the third from the east of. On the other hand part of the walls, with the interposing the towers, collectively from the above-described David 's gate the north by the brow of Mount Sion, which is above the city from the south, as far as to her, the front of the same mountain, is directed, which respects the steep rock to the eastern side, have had no gates it is proved. But another fact must not be passed over it would seem that to be us, O holy Arculf of this out of the city, in the honor of Christ the aforesaid he told, saying: 'of divers nations on every side, near an innumerable multitude of September 15 anniversary of the day of the month in the customs of Jerusalem, is wont to come together to trade with each other [Al., The motion], and a sale of making purchases must be accomplished. Hence, it is necessary to be made that for some days in the same house for the city of diverse welcomed multitude of people, of whom very many of the horses for camels, and asses the number of mules, and oxen, as well as [et al., Of oxen, bos] passengers, males of different things, by reason of those politanas the streets of the dung of the abominations of their own strikes down the string in all directions: to whose citizens no small degree to the flavor of imports into trouble, which is also entangling of walking for them. It is strange to tell! after the day of the withdrawal has been said above with the different of the companies with beasts, and the following night, of infinite abundance of rain to the earth out of the clouds poured out upon the same he went down the city, which are abominable to the wiping away his whole out of the filth of the streets, washed from the uncleanness of made her to. For he himself the position of the Jerusalem from the northern brow of Mount Sion at the outset, it is so soft by the Creator of God disposed declivio way to the lower of the walls of the northern and eastern place, to the exuberance that the rain in no way in the streets, in the likeness of the stagnant waters, to decline a can, but like the rivers to the lower parts, concerning the former was obtained. Which, of course The multitude of the heavenly bodies of water through the eastern interfluens [et al., Flowing in] the gates, and taking away with him his all EXCREMENTAL ABOMINATION, entering in from the valley of Josaphat, the torrent of Kidron, augmented, and the Jerusalem after such a baptism of a fluminalis exuberatio the constant the same ceases to exist. Here then we will be very carefully noted how much these things or the sort of chosen one of honor and predicable in the sight of the eternal city of the Father 'to those who are mourning it does not allow to remain any longer, but who for more swiftly than the honor of the only begotten of his cleanses it, that is within the compass of the walls thereof of the holy cross and resurrection of has the honor to the of the places. Moreover, in that famous [et al., Handsome] the place where he built a magnificent temple to the deceased had been in the vicinity of the wall, on the one placed the east, the Saracens have now it square of prayer house which he had with flying planks and large beams, over some of ruins the remains of constructing the work of a cheap and make them up, they crowd the : The house, which is indeed three thousand men were at the same time (as it is said) can take. Arculf therefore, out of the dwellings of the city itself being asked from us, answering, said: I remember that I frequented, and seen one, and a number of states of the same buildings, the houses of very many great throughout the whole of stone, within the walls of large city surrounded by, there was wonderful made by the art of, more often considered it. All of which is now by us are passed over lightly, as I think, with the exception of those which structures of buildings in the holy places, of the cross, namely, and of the resurrection, are made by the wonderfully.