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Translation:The Book of the Holy Places/2

From Wikisource
The Book of the Holy Places
by Bede, translated from Latin by Goolge translation by D. Izzo and Wikisource
Chapter 2 : THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter II of the formula SAME round church, built over the tomb
968172The Book of the Holy Places — Chapter 2 : THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter II of the formula SAME round church, built over the tomb
Goolge translation by D. Izzo and WikisourceBede

Chapter II of the formula SAME round church, built over the tomb of.

Touching such things as we asked Arculf with stricter sanctions, especially about the tomb of the Lord and the church, being framed together on the text, of which the to me in the table of the form of wax salve, he, she shadowed her. , Which is indeed a very great and wonderful the whole Church and one of stone, out of every part of the spherical in shape arranged, with the three from the foundations in rising up the walls, between the every one of the other side of the wall, and [Al. The proposal was submitted], having a space of the way; three things also altars at three different points of the middle wall, fashioned by a craftsman . A round shape, and the summit of this the church of the above-mentioned, having the altars, one to the south, looking back at the other in the north, and the third a westerly direction, 12 of stone, of marvelous height, support of the column. This twice quaternales It has a harbor, that is, the four entrances through the three ways, interjected from the region of the stability of the walls of the spaces: of whom four pertain exit to the East wind, who also called wind Calcio; and others, four to the East [Al., The West] "concern. In the midst of the inner space of this round of the house of is present in the round the rock, hewn out of one and the same tegorium [et al., Tegurium], in whom there may three times three men to stand and pray, and from the top of the stature of not short of any one of a man standing up to the cabin, the little houses of that [Al ., chamber] HALF A FOOT measure against foot and is extended out into the deep. Tegorioli of this entry to the east, looking back: the outside of the springtime of the whole of which is covered with marble, of which the crown and summit of the outward adorned with gold, the golden sustains not a small cross. In the tegorii the north part of this the Lord's tomb in the same we find in the rock, hewn out of the inner, but the humbler view of the same tegorii is in place of the floor of the tomb. For as far as from the floor of his to the tombs of the margin of the side as if of three palms high and the measure of a et al., As it were from the thumb of the measuring even to the ear, whose height was three of palm trees.] Is known to be had. Thus I myself Arculf, which is often the tomb of of the Lord used to frequent, without any doubt has been traversed in he announced. In this connection a property or a discrepancy of the names and points must be noted among the tombs, the tomb of. For one thing often above tegorium wel known, by a round, by another name, they call the tomb of an evangelist; to whom will she fell at the door of its mouth, and from the Resurrection of the Lord, the stone rolled back pronounce it. The tomb, however, properly speaking, is called that for a place in tegorio, that is, in the north part of the monument, in which the linen clothes, wrapped up the body of the Lord 's, founded was quiet: the length of whose Arculf in the seven feet in the measure of his own he measured the hand. To wit, that the tomb of not (as some falsely imagine) there is a twofold, of the same, and a certain Peter, having a maceriola hewn from rock, two legs and the thighs, and through the intercession of the two apart, but from the whole is simple to the top of the plants, bed [et al., Broad ] of one man capable of affording a of one lying on the back with [Al. Add. the space of] of the cave, in the manner of, by the side of the entrance of the south side of having the monument, looking from the region of, from above, higher than the low culmenque wrought: in any case the tomb in the lamps according to the number twelve with 12 of the holy apostles he was always day and night burning shine, from which the four at the bottom of that bed 'SEPULCHRAL placed below the place, but the others twice his quaternales upon the margin of the above at the side of the right laid on with the oil of gleams forth, and in feeding.