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Translation:The Book of the Holy Places/4

From Wikisource
The Book of the Holy Places
by Bede, translated from Latin by Wikisource
Chapter 4 : THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter IV the very stone, that shall he rolled to the door of the tomb
968174The Book of the Holy Places — Chapter 4 : THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter IV the very stone, that shall he rolled to the door of the tomb

Chapter IV the very stone, that shall he rolled to the door of the tomb is.

Now, among the things about him mentioned above in the stone, when, who to the door of the Sunday after the interment of a crucifix of our Lord himself were given by many grovelled at the men, we must briefly seems to be: whom Arculf was cut off and divided into two parts makes a difference, part of which is less than the planks of iron tools, and the square of the altar of as written above, in the round before the door of the church of the aforesaid tegorii Often when he was, that is, the Lord 's the monument, standing, has been established is seen: greater than the In truth, his equally circumdolata of the stone is a part of, and in the east of the same place of the church, four square, another altar established under the linen clothes available. For out of those, therefore, the colors of the rocks, in which it [does he often has been said tegorium hewn tools, then the inner Dominicumque the tomb of the hollow on the north it has of the in place of the one and the same, hewn out of the rock and the monuments of which, this is the very tegorium, Arculf being asked from me he said: the monument to our Lord s tegorium no inward, dressed this day in a the roof of the hollow iron utensils, the whole of his, he shows the steps of, to whom or dolatores excisores And they used in the same deed: the color of truth, his of the same monument and tomb of the rock does not mean one, but two seem to intermingled, red and white of course, from which two colors and the same is shown a rock. But of these these are sufficient