True fortune teller, or, Universal book of fate
Containing besides other valuable information, directions by which any one may know under what planet he was born.—An account of the evil and perilous days of every month of the year.—How to choose a husband or wife by the hair, eyes, &c., &c.
Observe.-That you may either pick a number blind folded amidst the leaves of this valuable tree, or throw for them with dice ; if you pick for them and get among the branches, or in the blank leaves, it shows a speedy misfortune or disappointment at hand. The mark number of 1000 shows a great advancement in life, if you are so fortunate as to hit on it.
1 Gifts of Money |
24 Visit to a foreign land |
In ushering into the world such a performance as this, it may be necessary to give our readers some account of the life of the person who left the following little work for the benefit and instruction of the world, a person whose fame, though not recorded among the roll of those whose heroic actions have trumpeted them to the world, yet her discerning eye, and her knowledge in prescience, render her not unknown to the generality of those who devote any attention to this interesting study.
Mrs Bridget, vulgarly called Mother Bridget, lived, in her peregrinage through this life, in a kind of cave, or rather a hollow, formed by nature above ground, with the assistance of a little art, and comprising an exceeding warm shelter from the air: company of all sorts resorted to her, nobility, gentry, tradesmen, and mechanics-men, women, girls, and boys, of all degrees and classes.
Our heroine was born on the spot where she lived, and from the most juvenile part of her life betokened an early propensity to prescience, which evinced she had it instincted in her by nature. Her parents dying when she was young, left her to ramble abroad at her will; and she supported herself chiefly by begging. It was then strongly remarked in her, that she made observations on people's features and mannors; would sit up whole nights when the atmosphero was clear, and seemed as intent on considering the stars, as the greatest astrologers would be with their glasses; this gave her a great knowledge of tho weather, the alteration of the air, and the effect it had; and from her sometimes casually acquainting the neighbouring farmers of any change which generally took place, her fame began to spread when young, and she was consulted by them on almost every occasion; not a farmer would go to plough, not a sower would put the seed in the ground, without first asking the young gipsey (for so they then styled her) her opinion, and following according to her dictates.
Her fame now began to spread, and Bridget's prescience became more universal; other persons besides farmers and her neighbours came to consult her, and the truth of her perdictions made her veracity gain ground, and she became the topic of conversation of the politest circles, many of whom came in their equipages to consult her; and she never asked for any particular sum, so the unbounded generosity of those who applied to her oracles, put her in possession of more money than was sufficient to maintain her.
As she grew in years, like the generality of old folks, she became fond of dumb animals, which were her chief companions; and of these she always had numbers; people, indeed, have said hundreds, and others have declared she could call as many en the earth as sho pleased; but this is fabulous, for I never saw more than ten at a time. Dogs and cats were the principal companions of her retirement, which, being of the smallest breed, would, as she sat, creep from different parts of her garments, and not a little surpriso those that came to see her, and, indeed, frightened many; though, to do her justice, she desired her visitors not to be terrified at her domestics, as she termed them, for they were not like many that attended on the gentry, saucy, imperieus, and unfaithful, but were always attendant on the will of her whose hand fed them, nor would injure without provocation, a lesson, she used to say, she wished was learned by all mankind.
Of a pipe of tobacco our Bridget was cxceedingly fond, and, indeed, was continually whiffing; and as she indeed, humourously used to observe, she had "sent more puffs into the world, than all the quacks in the kingdom;" from a long contracted habit, likewise, when sho was smoking, of ever being seated so that her knees almost touched her visage, her limbs became so contracted, that when she became in years, sho was almost double, which, together with her enormous length of nose and chin, her pipe and the number of animals about her, made her cut a most hideous figure, and appear rather uncommonly terrifying to those who were not apprised of it.
Though this famous old woman had never been taught to write, yet by long practice she had formed to herself a kind of hieroglyphical characters, in which she decyphered her observations, knowledge, and remarks; those I found concealed within the thatch of her cave: but as they were so unintelligible, I thought it would be impossible to mako head or tale of such a heap of monsters, and other figures as were attempted to be drawn; but as I am rather of a studious turn, I thought as I had made it my business formerly to transcribe the Egyptian hieroglyphics, which, when they were as unintelligible to me as these, I might by perseverance get at the depth of this valuable manuscript, or at least it would serve to deposit in the British Museum, as the remains of a woman who was so famous, and whose name was so well known among mankind.
I was therefore immediately determined on renewing my labours with redoubled ardour and unwearied application; and at length, as perseverance and resolution will conquer difficulties, I found it, and the whole mystery was opened unto me. Think of my joy: not the miser who has found a treasure he supposed lost; not a maiden who finds her lover returned after a long voyage, whom she thought perished in the waves, but finds restored to her arms with love and fidelity; not—but a truce with metaphors—it is enough to tell the reader that I was at length enabled to read this valuable work, and found by experience, that the maxims and remarks, her observations and judgement, have been extensive, are true, strongly characteristic, and would do honour to the most experiencod astrologers.
Naturo sometimes in her roughest coat drops her brightest jewel, which for a long time lies hid till developed by somo experienced adept. So we may observe of our authoress, that though clothed in the meanest garb, nature showed herself in her abilities, and left it for me to land down to posterity what otherwise would be lost in oblivion.
Thinking, therefore, so precious a jewel should not remain long hid, but shed its lustre to all eyes, I immediately set about putting it into English; which at length I have accomplished, and usher it into the world, requesting the gentlo reader to excuse my literal errors; and if he reaps any benefit from this production, I shall not think my labour all bestowed, though all the merit is due to the deceased authoress.
The Equinoctial circle, Equator, or Equinox, is a great circlo or line, oqually distant from the two poles of the world, dividing the sphere in the midst.
Zodiac is a broad oblique circle, crossing the equinoctial in two opposite places, viz., in the boginning of Aries and that of Libra, so that one half declines towards the south; and in this circle is comprehended the twelve constellations or signs, every sign containing thirty degrees in length, and twelve in breadth. Noto also, that the first six are northern signs, and tho last six southern signs.
The Ecliptic lino, is a line imagined to go along in tho midst of the Zodiac as a girdle, out of which the sun never goes; but the moon and othcr planets are sometimes on the one side, and sometimes on tho other side, which is callcd thcir latitudcs, only the fixed stars alter not their latitudes, whether great or small; but the longtitude of a star is the arch, or parts of the ecliptic in degrees, betweon the beginning of Aries, and the circle which passeth through tho body of the stars; where note, that all tho circles of the sphere, or heavens, whether they aro large or small, have 360 degrees allowed to each of them.
Colours are said to be two great moveable circles, crossing each other at tho poles of the world, one cutting the equinox at the beginning of Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn, and so dividing the globo into four equal parts.
Horizon is a great circle which divideth the upper hemisphere, that is, the upper part of the world, from the lower, we always being supposed to bo between.
Moridian is a great circlo passing through the polo of tho world, and the poles of the horizon, called the Zenith and Nadir, (which are two points, ono directly over our heads, the other directly under our feet) on which tho sun is always just at noon, and to go directly north and south, the meridian is changed; but to go to east and west, it is changed to sixty miles, either way makes one degree, or four minutes of time difference under the equinox, viz. 60 miles eastward, it is noon four minutes sooner, and sixty miles westward, four minutes later.
Tropics aro supposed to be two lesser circles, parallol with the equinoctial, and distant from it on either sido 23 degrees 31 minutes each; tho eclipic lino touches the tropics of Cancer on tho north sido of the equinoctial, and it touches tho tropics of Capricorn on the south side thereof, so that the sun hath his motion botween these two circles.
The Arctic circle is equally distant from tho north pole, as the tropics are distant from tho equinox-23 degrees 31 minutes.
The Antarctic circle is the same distance from the south pole.
Zones, so called, are five in number, two cold, two temporate, and one hot, which are divided by the tropies and polar circles from each other, the hot zone is counted between the two tropics that aro extended from one to the other, being about 47 degrees 2 minutes broad; the temperate zones are extended from the tropics, on either side, to abont 42 degrees 58 minutes, that is northward to the article eircle, aud southward to the antarctic eircle and tho two cold zones are each within thoso two small circles, having the poles for their centre.
The Poles of the world-two points exaetly opposite to each other in the heavens, one in the north, the other in the south, the earth being in the midst, so that it seems to turn about as if it were borne np by them; therefore by some it is termed the axle-trce of the world, as if there was a line supposed to be drawn from one pole through the centre of the earth to the other, and the earth turning thereon: though Holy Writ tells us-"The Lord hangeth the earth upon nothing, it being upheld by his mighty power." The pole arctic, or north pole, is elevated above our horizon about 51 degrees, and the stars within that distance from it never set with us, but keep their course round it daily: so likewise those that are that distance from the south pole never rise with us, but perform their course in the like order.
Azimuths are supposed lines, or circles of distance from the meridian, drawn from the xenith to any degree, or two degrees of the horizon, or according to the 32 points of the mariner's compass, so that in travelling or sailing any way, supposing a circle to go from our zenith directly before us to the horizon, is the azimuth, called the vertical point, as well as the zenith.
Ahnicantharats, or Almadarats, or circles of Altitude, are imagined lines passing through the meridian parallel with the horizon.
The Sphere is a round body representing the frame of the whole world, as the eirele of the heaven and the earth. This is sometimes called a martial sphere, for the orbs of the planets are called their spheres, that is, the circles in which they move.
Aseension is the risiug of any star, or any part of the ecliptie above the horizon-Desceusion is its going down.
Right ascension of a star, is that part of the equinox that riseth or setteth with a star in the right sphere; but an oblique sphere, is that part of the equiuoctial in degrees, containing between the first point of Aries, and that part of the equinoctial whieh passeth by the meridian with the centre of the star.
Oblique ascenison is a part of the equinoctial in degrees eontaining between the beginning of Aries and that of tho equinox, which rises with any star or part of the eeliptic in an oblique sphere.
Esseutial difference is the difference between the right and oblique aseension, or the number of degrees contained between that place and the equinox that riseth with the centre of a star, and that plaee of the equinox that cometh to the meridian with tho same star.
Solstico is in the summer when the sun is in the begiuning of Caneer; and in the winter when the sun enters into Capricorn: because then the days seem to stand still, and seem neither to increase or deerease above two minutes in teu or twelve days.
Constellation is a certain number of stars supposed to be limited within some form or likeness; as Aries the Ram is said to have thirteen stars:-Taurus the Ball, thirty-three; Arcturus, Orion; and the Pleiades, mentioned in Job, ix. 9, are said to be constellatiads.
Planets are the seven eratique, or wandering stars, called Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Sol, and Luna. These planets have also their several motions, as-
Direct, is a planet moving in its natural course, which is forward.
Retrograde, is their moving backward, contrary to their direct motion.
Combust is their being under tho sun's beams, or within eight degrees of it.
Oriental, is when a planet riseth before tho sun,-Occidental, after him.
Latitude of the earth is the distance or breadth on either sido of the equinox towards tho pole, and they that are under the equinox have no latitude, but the poles of the world are in the horizon. This is a right sphere, and overy 60 minutes directly north and south, aro said to make a degree of latitude in an oblique sphere; as London is counted to be in 51 degrees 32 minutes, the pole thereof being exalted as much. The like is to be observed in any other place or region.
Longitude of the earth is the outsido thereof, extending from west to east, crossing the latitude at right angles; the beginning of which (according to some astronomers) is the Canary Isles, so going eastward quite round the world, unto the same place again, which is 360 degrees: and under the equinoctial is reputed to be 29,600 miles, reckoning 60 miles to a degrec; but the farther off the equinoctial the fewer miles in a degreo; for at Lendon about 37 make a degree of longitude, so these degrees grow less and less, until they meet at the latitude of 90, that is under the poles.
Parallels—the lines straight and circular, equally distant from each other, as the equinox, tropics, degrees of latitude, &c.
Climate, or clime, is such a space of earth comprehended between two parallels, in which space there is half an hour difference in the sun dials and length of the days.
Antipodes are those whose feet are direetly against ours; as if a line were drawn from one through the eentre of the earth to tho other.
And this shall suffiee for an explanation of things, whieh I have dono as briefly as I could for tho advantago of the reader; to whom possibly, these things so neeessary to be known, may havo hitherto been concealed.
Of the Planetary Days and Hours, and how to know what Planet a Man is born under.
Tho planetary hours are thoso hours in which each planet reigns, and has tho ehief dominion; of whieh the ancients gave the following account.
Saturn is lord on Saturday-Jupiter lord on Thursday—Mars is lord on Tuesday-Sol is lord on Sunday—Mercury on Wednesday-Venus on Friday-and Luna on Monday.
On Saturday, tho first hour after midnight, Saturn reigns, the seeond Jupiter, the third Mars, the fourth Sol, the fifth Venus, the sixth Mercury, and the seventh Luna; and then again Saturn the eight, and so on to Mars tho 24th; and then Sol beginneth the first hour after midnight on Sunday, Venus the 2d, and so on; Luna the first on Monday, and Saturn the 2d; Mars the first on Tuesday, Sol the 2d, and so forward, planet by planet, according to their order, by whieh every planet reigns the first hour of his own day; and so likewise the eighth, fifteenth, and twenty-second; as for instanee Saturn reigns the first hour, the eighth, fifteenth, and twenty-seeond, on Saturday, Sol the same hours on Sunday, Luna the samo on Monday, Mars the samo on Tuesday, Mereury the same on Wednesday, Jupiter the same on Thursday, and so Venus on Friday, which I have thus set.
Of the Planetary Hour of ever Day in the Week.
Sunday. | Monday. | Tuesday. | Wednesday. | Thursday. | Friday. | Saturday. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Saturn | 5 | 12 | 19 | 2 | 9 | 16 | 23 | 6 | 13 | 20 | 3 | 10 | 17 | 24 | 7 | 14 | 21 | 4 | 11 | 18 | 1 | 8 | 15 | 22 | ||||
Jupiter | 6 | 13 | 20 | 3 | 10 | 17 | 24 | 7 | 14 | 21 | 4 | 11 | 18 | 1 | 8 | 15 | 22 | 5 | 12 | 19 | 2 | 9 | 16 | 23 | ||||
Mars | 7 | 14 | 21 | 4 | 11 | 18 | 1 | 8 | 15 | 22 | 5 | 12 | 19 | 2 | 9 | 16 | 6 | 13 | 20 | 3 | 10 | 17 | 24 | |||||
Sol | 1 | 8 | 15 | 22 | 5 | 12 | 19 | 2 | 9 | 16 | 23 | 6 | 13 | 20 | 3 | 10 | 17 | 24 | 7 | 14 | 21 | 4 | 11 | 18 | ||||
Venus | 2 | 9 | 16 | 23 | 6 | 13 | 20 | 3 | 10 | 17 | 24 | 7 | 14 | 21 | 4 | 11 | 18 | 1 | 8 | 15 | 22 | 5 | 12 | 19 | ||||
Mercury | 3 | 10 | 17 | 24 | 7 | 14 | 21 | 4 | 11 | 18 | 1 | 8 | 15 | 22 | 5 | 12 | 19 | 2 | 9 | 16 | 23 | 6 | 13 | 20 | ||||
Luna | 4 | 11 | 18 | 1 | 8 | 15 | 22 | 5 | 12 | 19 | 2 | 9 | 16 | 23 | 6 | 13 | 20 | 3 | 10 | 17 | 24 | 7 | 14 | 21 |
This is so easy it needs little explanation: its use is to find what planet rules any hour of the day and every day in the week. As for example-I desire to know what planet rules on Weduesday, at 8 o'clock at night: under Wednesday I look for 20, which answers to 8 o'clock at night; for the natural day, consisting of 21 hours begins at midnight, so that from 12 at noon you begin to reckon 13, 14, 15, 16, &c. you find that the 20th hour from midnight answers to 8 o'clock at night, over against which, on the left hand, you find Sol, which shows that to be the hour of the sun. And if you would know what planet rules at 7 in the morning of that day, you will find it against 7, which shows you that Venus rules that hour ; and so of any hour in the day
But I shall now come to speak of the signification of the planetary hour of each planet, and what it portends to them that are born in them.
The hour of Saturn is strong, is good to do all things that require strengths; such as fighting, bearing burdens, and the liko; but for those things it is very evil. He that is born in the hour of Saturn is slow, dull, and melancholy, of dogged temper and disposition, black and swarthy complexion, being quarrelsome, wrathful, and very malieious.
The hour of Jupiter is in all things good, and denotes peaee, love, and concord. He that is born in the hour of Jupiter is of a ruddy and sandy complexion, fair hair, well-proportioned body, and of a lovely countenanee; his face rather broad than long. He is also courteous, of a very affable carriage, moral, and religious.
The hour of Mars is evil, and denotes the person born in it to be of a choleric disposition, and of a robust strong body, soon angry, and hard to be reconeiled; his face red, and his eyes sparkling and fiery, much addicted to fighting, and ready to quarrel with every man he meets, which often brings him to an untimely end.
The hour of the Sun signifies great strength, very fortunate for kings and princes. He that is born in this hour has sharp eyes, brown hair, and a round faee, denotes one that is a great projector, aims at great things, but is often disappointed, and seldom brings his design to pass
The hour of Venus is very propitious and fortunate, but it is better by night than by day, espeeially mid-day, for the sun eovers it. He that is born in this hour has fair hair, soft eyes, a little forehead, and a round beard, very complaisant in his earriage, mighty amorous, a great admirer of women, much addicted to singing and gaming, and spends his money in courting and treating the fair sex.
The hour of Mercury is very good, but chiefly from the beginning to the middle. He that is born in this hour, has stature inclining to tallness, a sharp long face, large eyes, a long noso, his forehead narrow, a long beard, and thin hair, long arm and fingers, of a good disposition, and obliging temper, much given to reading, and very desirous of knowlodge, delighting to be among books, very eloquent in his speech, and yet addicted to lying, and if he is poor, he is commonly light fingored.
The hour of the moon is both good and evil, according to the day; for from the fourth to the seventeenth it is good to thoso that aro born under it; but from the seventeenth to tho twentieth it is counted unfortunato to be born under it; and from the twentieth to tho twenty-seventh very happy. He that is born in tho hour of the moon (especially upon her own day) shall bo palo faced, of a thin meagre visage, with hollow oyes, and of a middling staturo; he appears very courteous and obliging, but is very crafty and deceitful, variablo in his humour, malicious, and his constitution phlegmatic.
Thus have I given tho reader tho judgment of ancients upon tho planctary hours, and what thoy portend to those that are born under thom, by which a person, comparing himself to what is here set down, may easily know under what planet he was born.
Of the Birth of Children with respect to the Age of the Moon.
To be born the first day of tho new moon, is very fortunate, for to such all things shall succeed well; their sleep will bo swect, and their dreams pleasant; thev shall have long life and increase of riches.
A child born the second day of the new moon shall grow apace; but it will be much inclined to lust, whether it be male or female. On this day also, all thy dreams shall quickly come to pass, whether they be good or bad. It is also good on this day to open a vein if there be occasion.
A child born on the third day of the moon shall die soon, or at least short-lived; on this day to begin any work of moment is unfortunate, for it seldom comes to a good conclusion.
On the fourth day of the moon the child that is born shall prosper in the world, and be of good repute. On this day it is good to begin any enterprise, provided it be done with good advice, and with dependence on Heaven for a blessing.
The fifth day of the moon is unfortunate; and the child that is born therein shall die in its infancy. He that is in danger, and thinks to escape this day shall certainly bo mistaken. If good counsel be given thee to-day take it, but execute it to-morrow. This day thou may let blood with good success.
Tho sixth day of the moon the child that is born shall bo of long life, but very sickly. To send children to school on this day is very fortunate, and denotes they shall increase in learning.
On the seventh day tho child that is born may live many years; on this day it is good to shave the head, to tame wild beasts, and buy hogs, for he that doth so shall gain much by them, he that takes physic this day is like to recover.
On the eighth day a child born shall be in danger of dying young; but if he survives his first sickness, he shall live long and arrive at a great estate. He that dreams a dream shall quickly have it come to pass. Any thing that is lost shall be found.
On tho ninth day the child that shall be born shall be very fortunate, enjoying long life, and arriving to great riches. What thou undertakest this day shall come to a good issue; he that pursued shall escape; and he that groans under the burden of oppression, shall be opportunely relieved. Do not let blood on this day, for it is dangerous.
On the tenth day a child that is born shall be a great traveller, pass through many kingdoms and regions, and at last die at home in his old age. Do nothing on this day but what you would have known, for all secrets shall be brought to light
On the eleventh day of the moon the child that is born shall be of a good coustitution, and be mightily devoted to religion, shall be long-lived, and of a lovely countenance; and if it be a female, sho shall be endowed with wisdom and learning. On this day it is good to marry, for the married couple shall bo happy all their lives, and be blessed with many children.
The twelfth day of the moon's age, in allusion to the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, betokeneth nothing but sorrow and woes and the child born this day shall be given to wrathfulness, and subject to many afflictions.
On the thirteenth day the child that is born shall be of a short life, and by reason of peovish erossness never be pleased. To wed a wife on this day is good, for she shall be both loving and obedient to her husband.
On the fourteenth day the child that is born shall be an enemy to his country, and seek the destruction of his prince, which shall bring him to his doserved end. On this day if you givo to a sick man physic, it shall restoro him to his former health.
On the fifteenth day the child that is born shall quickly die. On this day begin to work for it is fortunate. That which was lost yesterday will be found this day.
On the sixteenth day the child born shall be of ill manners, and very unfortunate, insomuch that though he may live long, yet his life will be a burden to him. It is not good to dream on this day for they aro commonly hurtful, and such as como to pass a long time after.
On the seventeenth day the child that shall bo born will be foolish to that degree, that it shall be almost a natural, and thereby become a great affliction to its parents; yet to contract matrimouy, compound physical preparations, and take physic is very good; but by no means let blood.
On the eighteenth day the child that shall be born, if male, will be violent, courageous, and eloquent; and if female, chaste, industrious, and beautiful, and shall como to honour in her old age.
On the nineteenth day the child then born, if a male, shall be renowned for wisdom and virtue, and thereby arrive to great honour; but if a female, she will bo of a weak and sickly constitution, yet she will live to bo married.
On the twentieth day the child that shall be born shall be stubborn, quarrelsome, and a great fighter, yet he shall arrive to riches and a great store of money.
On the one and twentieth day the child that is born will be unhappy, and though he will be witty and ingenious, yet he shall be addicted to stealing. He that is minded to keep his money, ought on this day to abstain from gaming, else he may chance to lose all. Abstain from bleeding this day.
On the twenty-second day the child born shall be fortunate and purchase a good estate; he shall also be of a cheerful countenance, comely, and religious, and shall be well loved.
On the three and twentieth day the child born shall be of an ungovernable temper, and will give himself up to wandering abroad in the world, and seeking his fortune in foreign parts, and in the end shall be mistaken. This is a good day to wed a wife; for he that can meet with a good wife ought to marry her while he can have her.
On tho Twenty-fourth day the child then born shall be a prodigy in the world, and make all men admire his surprising wonderful actions, which shall exceed those of the ordinary sort of men.
On the five and twentieth day the child then born shall be wicked, he shall encounter with many dangers and at last will perish by them. This is an unfortunate day to those who begin any enterprize of moment thereon.
On the six and twentieth day the child that shall be then born shall be very beautiful and amiable; but yet of an indifferent state in the world, if it be a male; but if it bo a female, a rich man marries her for her beauty.
The twenty-seventh day the child that shall be born shall be of that sweet and affable temper and disposition, that it will contract the love of every ono with whom it shall converso: and yet if a male shall never rise to any great height in the world; but if a maiden, tho sweetness of her disposition may advance her, for such a temper is to be esteemed abovo riches.
On the twenty-eighth day the child that is born shall be the delight of his parents, but yet subject to much sickness and many distempers, which shall take it away before it is at perfect age.
On the twenty-ninth day the child that shall be born shall be fortunate and happy, blessed with long life, and attain to an eminent degree of holiness, wisdom, and virtue. To marry a good wife is a good fortune, and such shall be his that shall marry on this day.
On the thirtieth day the child that shall be born will be fortunate and happy, and well skilled in arts and sciences
These, and divers other like things, happen to mankind according to tho different ages and coursos of the moon, which has a great influence upon all human bodies.
I will, therefore, for the advantage and benefit of my readers, treat a littlo moro distinctly of the powers and influences of the heavenly bodios, as they aro laid down by ancient and modern astrologers, who have written upon that subject more largely.
A brief Prognostication concerning Children born on any day of the Week.
The child born on Sunday shall be of a long life and obtain riches.
On Monday. Weak and of an effeminate temper, which seldom brings a man to honour.
On Tuesday. Worse, though he may with cxtraordinary violcnce, conquer the inordinate dcsires to which he will be subject, still he will be in danger of dying by violence, if he has not great precaution.
On Wednesday. Shall bo given to the study of learning, and shall profit thereby.
On Thursday. He shall arrive at great honour and dignity.
On Friday. He shall be of a strong constitution, and perhaps lecherous.
On Saturday. This is another bad day, nevertheless the child may come to good, though it be but seldom; but most children born on this day are of a heavy, dull, and dogged disposition.
Of the evil and perilous Days of every Month of the Year.
There are certain days in the year which it concerns all persons to know, because they are so perilous and dangerous; for on these days if a man or woman let blood, they shall die within twenty-one days following: and whosoever falleth sick on any of these days shall certainly die; and whosoever beginneth any journey on any of these days ho shall be in danger of death before he returns. Also he that marrieth a wife on any of these days thoy shall either be quickly parted, or else live together with sorrow and discontent. And lastly, whosoever on any of these days beginneth any great business, it will never prosper or come to the desired perfection.
Now, since these days are so unfortunate, it highly concerns overy one, both to know and take notice of them; which that the reader may do, I havo set down in the following order:-
In January are eight days, that is to say, the 1st, 2d, 4th, 5th, 10th, 15th, 17th, and 19th.
In February are three days, that is, the 8th, 17th and 21st.
In March are three days, that is, tho 13th, 16th, and 21st.
In April are two, the 15th and 21st.
In May three, the 15th, 17th, and 20th
In June two, the 4th, and 5th.
July two, the 15th, and 20th.
In August two, the 10th, and 25th.
In September two, the 6th, and 7th.
In October one, the 19th.
In November two, the 5th and 7th.
In December three, the 6th, 7th, and 11th.
But besides there, there are also the canicular, or dog days, which are those of the greatest danger and peril; they begin the 19th day of July, and end the 27th of August, during which time it is very dangerous to fall sick, take physic, or to let blood; but if necessity call for it, it is best to be done before the middle of tho day.
They who have their nails broad, aro of a gentle disposition, bashful, and afraid of speaking beforo their superiors, or indeed to any without hesitation and a downcast eye.
If round the nails there is usually any excoriation, or sprouting of the skin, the person is luxurious, fearful, and an epicure, loving enjoyment, provided it is to be obtained without danger.
When there are certain white marks at the end, it testifies that the person is improvident, soon ruining their fortune through negligence.
Narrow Nails. The person with such nails is desirous of attaining knowledge in the sciences; but is never at peace long with his neighbours.
When to narrowness they add some degree of length, the person is led away by ambitious desires, aiming at things ho cannot obtain; one who, having formed notions of grandeur, grasps at the shadow while he loses the substance.
If at both ends there is a redness, or mixture of several colours, the person is choleric, and delights in fighting.
When the end is black, the man loves agriculture; ho places happiness in mediocrity, and from thence avoids tho cares attendant on either extreme of fortune.
Round nails dcclare a hasty person, yet good-natured, and very forgiving, a lover of knowledge, honest in mind, doing no one any harm, and acting according to his own imagination, being rathor too proud of his own abilities.
Long Nails. When tho nails are long tho person is good-natured, but placing confidence in no man, being from his youth conversant in deceit, yet not practising it, from the goodness of his naturo and a love of virtue.
Fleshy Nails. A calm person and idler, loving to sleep, eat, and drink ; not delighting in bustle and & busy life.
Littlo Nails. Little round nails discover a person to bo obstinate, seldom pleasod, inclining to hate overy one, as conceiving himself superior to others, though without any foundation for such conception
Pale or Lead-coloured Nails. A melancholy person, ono who through choice leads a sedentary life, and would willingly give up all things for the sako of study.
Red and Spotted Nails. Choleric and martial, delighting in cruelty and war; his chief pleasure being in plundering of towns, where every ferocious particle in human nature is glutted to satiety.
When upon the nails you find any black spots they always signify evil, as white ones are a token of good.
White Nails. When the nails are white and long, tho person is subject to great sickness; he is well-made and comely, but much inclined to women, who deceive him through false pretences, and shortly bring him to ruin.
If upon the white there appear pale load-coloured spots, a short life and addicted to melancholy.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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