U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual/Capitalization Examples
4. Capitalization Examples
- A
- A-bomb
- abstract B, 1, etc.
- Academy:
- Air Force; the Academy
- Andover; the academy
- Coast Guard; the Academy
- Merchant Marine; the Academy
- Military; the Academy
- National Academy of Sciences; the Academy of Sciences; the academy
- Naval; the Academy
- but service academies
- accord, Paris peace (see Agreement)
- accords, Helsinki
- Act (Federal, State, or foreign), short or popular title or with number; the act:
- Appropriations
- Classification
- Clear Skies
- Economy
- Flood Control
- Military Selective Service
- No Child Left Behind
- Organic Act of Virgin Islands
- Panama Canal
- Revenue
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- Stockpiling
- Tariff
- Trademark
- Walsh-Healey Act; but Walsh-Healey law (or bill)
- act, labor-management relations
- Acting, if part of capitalized title
- Active Duty
- Adjutant General, the (see The)
- Administration, with name; capitalized standing alone if Federal unit:
- Farmers Home
- Food and Drug
- Maritime
- Transportation Security
- but Bush administration; administration bill, policy, etc.
- Administrative Law Judge Davis; Judge Davis; an administrative law judge
- Admiralty, British, etc.
- Admiralty, Lord of the
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Adviser, Legal (Department of State)
- Africa:
- east
- East Coast
- north
- South
- South-West (Territory of)
- West Coast
- African-American (see Black; Negro)
- Agency, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal unit:
- Central Intelligence; the Agency
- Chippewa (Indian); the agency
- agent orange
- Age(s):
- Age of Discovery
- Dark Ages
- Elizabethan Age
- Golden Age (of Pericles only)
- Middle Ages
- but atomic age; Cambrian age; copper age; ice age; missile age; rocket age; space age; stone age; etc.
- Agreement, with name; the agreement:
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT); the general agreement
- International Wheat Agreement; the wheat agreement; the coffee agreement
- North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- Status of Forces; but status-of-forces agreements
- United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement; the free-trade agreement
- but the Geneva agreement; the Potsdam agreement; Paris peace agreement
- Air Force:
- Air National Guard (see National)
- Base (with name); Air Force base (see Base; Station)
- Civil Air Patrol; Civil Patrol; the patrol
- Command (see Command)
- One (Presidential plane)
- Reserve
- Reserve Officers' Training Corps
- Airport: La Guardia; Reagan National; the airport
- Al Jazeera
- Alaska Native (collective term for Aleuts, Eskimos, Inuits, and Indians of Alaska):
- the Native; but Ohio native, a native of Alaska, etc.
- Alliance, Farmers', etc.; the alliance
- alliances and coalitions (see also powers):
- Allied Powers; the powers (World Wars I and II)
- Atlantic alliance
- Axis, the; Axis Powers; the powers
- Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg)
- Big Four (European); of the Pacific
- Big Three
- Central Powers; the powers (World War I)
- Coalition of the Willing
- European Economic Community
- Fritalux (France, Italy, Benelux countries)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (see Organization)
- Western Powers
- Allied (World Wars I and II):
- armies
- Governments
- Nations
- peoples
- Powers; the powers; but European powers
- Supreme Allied Commander
- Allies, the (World Wars I and II); also members of Western bloc (political entity); but our allies; weaker allies, etc.
- Al Qaeda
- Alzheimer's disease
- Ambassador:
- British, etc.; the Ambassador; the Senior Ambassador; His Excellency Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; the Ambassador; Ambassador at Large; an ambassador
- amendment:
- Baker amendment
- Social Security Amendments of 1983; 1983 amendments; the Social Security amendments; the amendments
- to the Constitution (U.S.); but First Amendment, 14th Amendment, etc.; the Amendment
- American:
- Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO); the federation
- Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Gold Star Mothers; a Mother
- Legion (see Legion)
- National Red Cross; the Red Cross
- Veterans of World War II (AMVETS)
- War Mothers; a Mother
- AmeriCorps Program
- Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
- Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; a Mason; a Freemason
- Annex, if part of name of building; the annex
- Antarctic Ocean (see Arctic; Ocean)
- appendix 1, A, II, etc.; the appendix; but Appendix II, when part of title: Appendix II:[1] Education Directory
- appropriation bill (see also bill):
- deficiency
- Department of Agriculture
- for any governmental unit
- independent offices
- aquaculture; acquiculture
- Arab States
- Arabic numerals
- Arboretum, National; the Arboretum
- Archipelago, Philippine, etc.; the archipelago
- Architect of the Capitol; the Architect
- Archivist of the United States; the Archivist
- Arctic:
- Circle
- Current (see Current)
- Ocean
- zone
- but subarctic
- arctic (descriptive adjective):
- clothing
- conditions
- fox
- grass
- night
- seas
- Area, if part of name; the area:
- Cape Hatteras Recreational
- White Pass Recreation; etc.
- but area 2; free trade area; Metropolitan Washington area; bay area; nonsmoking area
- Arlington:
- Memorial Amphitheater; the Memorial Amphitheater; the amphitheater
- Memorial Bridge (see Bridge)
- National Cemetery (see Cemetery)
- Arm, Infantry, etc. (military); the arm
- Armed Forces (synonym for overall Military Establishment):
- British
- Retirement Home (AFRT)
- of the United States
- armed services
- armistice
- Armory, Springfield, etc.; the armory
- Army, American or foreign, if part of name;
- capitalized standing alone only if referring to U.S. Army:
- Active; Active-Duty
- Adjutant General, the
- All-Volunteer
- Band (see Band)
- branches; Gordon Highlanders; Royal Guards; etc.
- Brigade, 1st, etc.; the brigade; Robinson's brigade
- Command (see Command)
- Command and General Staff College (see College)
- Company A; A Company; the company
- Confederate (referring to Southern Confederacy); the Confederates
- Continental; Continentals
- Corps, Reserve (see Corps)
- District of Washington (military); the district
- Division, 1st, etc.; the division
- Engineers (the Corps of Engineers); the Engineers; but Army engineer
- Establishment
- Field Establishment
- Field Forces (see Forces)
- Finance Department; the Department 1st, etc.
- General of the Army; but the general General Staff; the Staff
- Headquarters, 1st Regiment
- Headquarters of the; the headquarters
- Regiment, 1st, etc.; the regiment
- Regular Army officer; a Regular
- Revolutionary (American, British, French, etc.)
- service
- Surgeon General, the (see Surgeon General)
- Volunteer; the Volunteers; a Volunteer
- army:
- Lee's army; but Clark's 5th Army
- mobile
- mule, shoe, etc.
- of occupation; occupation army
- Red
- Arsenal, Rock Island, etc.; the arsenal
- article 15; but Article 15, when part of title: Article 15: Uniform Code of Military Justice
- Articles:
- of Confederation (U.S.)
- of Impeachment; the articles
- Asian (see Orient, the oriental)
- Assembly (see United Nations)
- Assembly of New York; the assembly (see also Legislative Assembly)
- Assistant, if part of capitalized title; the assistant
- assistant, Presidential (see Presidential)
- Assistant Secretary (see Secretary)
- Associate Justice (see Supreme Court)
- Association, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal unit:
- American Association for the Advancement of Science; the association
- Federal National Mortgage (Fannie Mae); the Association
- Young Women's Christian; the association
- Astrophysical Observatory (see Observatory)
- Atlantic (see also Pacific):
- Charter (see Charter)
- coast
- Coast States
- community
- Destroyer Flotilla; the destroyer flotilla; the flotilla
- Fleet (see Fleet)
- mid-Atlantic
- North
- seaboard
- slope
- South
- time, standard time (see time)
- but cisatlantic; transatlantic
- Attorney General (U.S. or foreign country); but attorney general of Maine, etc.
- attorney, U.S.
- Authority, capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal unit:
- National Shipping; the Authority
- Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; the port authority; the authority
- St. Lawrence Seaway Authority of Canada; the authority
- Tennessee Valley; the Authority
- Auto Train (Amtrak)
- autumn
- Avenue, Constitution, etc.; the avenue
- Award:
- Academy
- Distinguished Service
- Merit
- Mother of the Year
- the award (see also decorations, etc.)
- Axis, the (see alliances)
- Ayatollah; an ayatollah
- B
- Badlands (SD and NE)
- Balkan States (see States)
- Baltic States (see States)
- Band, if part of name; the band:
- Army, Marine, Navy
- Eastern, etc. (of Cherokee Indians)
- Bank, if part of name; the bank; capitalized standing alone if referring to international bank:
- Export-Import Bank of the United States; Ex-Im Bank; the Bank
- Farm Loan Bank of Dallas; Dallas Farm Loan Bank; farm loan bank; farm loan bank at Dallas
- Farmers & Mechanics, etc.
- Federal Land Bank of Louisville; Louisville Federal Land Bank; land bank at Louisville; Federal land bank
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Richmond Federal Reserve Bank; but Reserve bank at Richmond; Federal Reserve bank; Reserve bank; Reserve city
- First National, etc.
- German Central; the Bank
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; the Bank
- but blood bank, central reserve, soil bank
- Bar, if part of name; Maryland (State) Bar Association; Maryland (State) bar; the State bar; the bar association
- Barracks, if part of name; the barracks:
- Carlisle
- Disciplinary (Leavenworth)
- Marine (District of Columbia)
- but A barracks; barracks A; etc.
- Base, Andrews Air Force; Air Force base; the base (see also Naval); but Sandia Base
- Basin (see geographic terms)
- Battery, the (New York City)
- Battle, if part of name; the battle:
- of Gettysburg; but battle at Gettysburg; etc.
- of the Bulge; of the Marne; of the Wilderness; of Waterloo; etc.
- battlefield, Bull Run, etc.
- battleground, Manassas, etc.
- Bay, San Francisco Bay area; the bay area
- Belt, if part of name; the belt:
- Bible
- Farm
- Rust
- Sun
- but money belt
- Beltway, capitalized with name; the beltway
- Bench (see Supreme Bench)
- Benelux (see alliances)
- Bible; Biblical; Scriptures; Ten Commandments; etc. (see also book)
- bicentennial
- bill, Kiess; Senate bill 217; House bill 31 (see also appropriation bill)
- Bill of Rights (historic document); but GI bill of rights
- Bizonia; bizonal; bizone
- Black (see African-American; Negro)
- Black Caucus (see Congressional)
- bloc (see Western)
- block (grants)
- Bluegrass region, etc.
- B'nai B'rith
- Board, if part of name; capitalized standing alone only if referring to Federal or international board:
- Employees' Compensation Appeals
- Federal Reserve (see Federal)
- Military Production and Supply (NATO)
- National Labor Relations
- of Directors (Federal unit); but board of directors (nongovernmental)
- of Health of Montgomery County; Montgomery County Board of Health; the board of health; the board
- of Regents (Smithsonian)
- of Visitors (Military and Naval Academies)
- on Geographic Names
- Railroad Retirement
- bond:
- Government
- savings
- series EE
- Treasury
- book:
- books of the Bible
- First Book of Samuel; etc.
- Good Book (synonym for Bible)
- book 1, 1, etc.; but Book 1, when part of title: Book 1: The Golden Legend
- Boolean:
- logic
- operator
- search
- border, United States-Mexican
- Borough, if part of name: Borough of the Bronx; the borough
- Botanic Garden (National); the garden (not Botanical Gardens)
- Bowl, Dust, Rose, Super, etc.; the bowl
- Boy Scouts (the organization); a Boy Scout; a Scout; Scouting; Eagle Scout; Explorer Scout
- Branch, if part of name; capitalized standing alone only if referring to a Federal unit:
- Accounts
- Public Buildings
- but executive, judicial, or legislative branch
- Bridge, if part of name; the bridge:
- Arlington Memorial; Memorial;
- Francis Scott Key; Key
- but Baltimore & Ohio Railroad bridge
- Brother(s) (adherent of religious order)
- budget:
- department
- estimate
- Federal
- message
- performance-type
- President's
- Budget of the United States Government, the Budget (publication)
- Building, if part of name; the building:
- Capitol (see Capitol Building)
- Colorado
- House (or Senate) Office
- Investment
- New House (or Senate) Office
- Old House Office
- Pentagon
- the National Archives; the Archives
- Treasury; Treasury Annex
- Bulletin 420; Farmers' Bulletin No. 420
- Bureau, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal or international unit:
- of Customs (name changed to U.S. Customs and Border Protection)
- of Engraving and Printing
- of Indian Affairs
- C
- Cabinet, American or foreign, if part of name or standing alone (see also foreign cabinets):
- British Cabinet; the Cabinet
- the President's Cabinet; the Cabinet; Cabinet officer, member
- Calendar, if part of name; the calendar:
- Consent; etc.
- House
- No. 99; Calendars Nos. 1 and 2
- of Bills and Resolutions
- Private
- Senate
- Unanimous Consent
- Union
- Wednesday (legislative)
- Cambrian age (see Ages)
- Camp Lejeune; David, etc.; the camp
- Canal, with name; the canal:
- Cross-Florida Barge
- Isthmian
- Panama
- Cape (see geographic terms)
- Capital, Capital City, National Capital (Washington, DC); but the capital (State)
- Capitol Building (with State name); the capital
- Capitol, the (Washington, DC):
- Architect of
- Building
- caucus room
- Chamber
- Cloakroom
- dome
- Grounds
- Halls (House and Senate)
- Halls of Congress
- Hill; the Hill
- Police (see Police)
- Power Plant
- Prayer Room
- Press Gallery, etc.
- rotunda
- Senate wing
- stationery room
- Statuary Hall
- the well (House or Senate)
- west front
- catch-22
- Caucasian (see White)
- caucus: Republican; but Congressional Black Caucus (incorporated name); Sun Belt Caucus
- Cemetery, if part of name: Arlington National; the cemetery
- Census:
- Twenty-third Decennial (title); Twenty-third (title); the census
- 2000 census
- 2000 Census of Agriculture; the census of agriculture; the census
- the 23d and subsequent decennial censuses
- Center, if part of name; the Center (Federal); the center (non-Federal):
- Agricultural Research, etc.; the Center (Federal)
- Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; the Kennedy Center; the Center (Federal)
- the Lincoln Center; the center (non-Federal)
- central Asia, etc.
- Central America
- Central Europe
- Central States
- central time (see time)
- century, first, 21st, etc.
- Chair, the, if personified
- Chairman, Chairwoman, Chair:
- of the Board of Directors; the Chairman (Federal); but chairman of the board of directors (non-Federal)
- of the Committee of the Whole House; the Chairman
- of the Federal Trade Commission; the Chairman
- Vice
- chairman, chairwoman, chair (congressional):
- of the Appropriations Committee
- of the Subcommittee on Banking
- but Chairman Davis, Chairwoman Landrieu
- Chamber of Commerce; the chamber:
- of Ada; Ada Chamber of Commerce; the chamber of commerce
- of the United States; U.S. Chamber of Commerce; the chamber of commerce; national chamber
- Chamber, the (Senate or House)
- channel 3 (TV); the channel
- Chaplain (House or Senate); but Navy chaplain
- chapter 5, II, etc.; but Chapter 5, when part of title: Chapter 5: Research and Development; Washington chapter, Red Cross
- Chargé d'Affaires, British, etc.; the Chargé d'Affaires; the Chargé
- chart 2, A, II, etc.; but Chart 2, when part of legend: Chart 2.—Army strength
- Charter, capitalized with name; the charter:
- Atlantic
- United Nations
- cheese: Camembert, Cheddar, Parmesan, Provolone, Roquefort, etc.
- Chief, if referring to head of Federal unit; the Chief:
- Clerk
- Forester (see Forester)
- Intelligence Office
- Judge
- Justice (U.S. Supreme Court); but chief justice (of a State)
Magistrate (the President)
- of Division of Publications
- of Engineers (Army)
- of Naval Operations
- of Staff
- Christian; Christendom; Christianity; Christianize; but christen
- church and state
- church calendar:
- Christmas
- Easter
- Lent
- Pentecost (Whitsuntide)
- Church, if part of name of organization or building
- Circle, if part of name; the circle:
- Arctic
- Logan
- but great circle
- Circular 420
- cities, sections of, official or popular names:
- East Side
- French Quarter (New Orleans)
- Latin Quarter (Paris)
- North End
- Northwest Washington, etc. (District of Columbia); the Northwest; but northwest (directional)
- the Loop (Chicago)
- City, if part of corporate or popular name; the city:
- Kansas City; the two Kansas Citys
- Mexico City
- New York City; but city of New York
- Twin Cities
- Washington City; but city of Washington
- Windy City (Chicago)
- but Reserve city (see Bank)
- civil action No. 46
- civil defense
- Civil War (see War)
- Clan, if part of tribal name; Clan MacArthur; the clan
- class 2, A, II, etc.; but Class 2 when part of title: Class 2: Leather Products
- Clerk, the, of the House of Representatives;
- of the Supreme Court of the United States
- clerk, the, of the Senate
- client
- client/server
- coal sizes: pea, barley, buckwheat, stove, etc.
- coalition; coalition force; coalition members, etc.
- coast: Atlantic, east, gulf, west, etc.
- Coast Guard, U.S.; the Coast Guard; Coastguardsman Smith; but a
coastguardsman; a guardsman; Reserve
- Coastal Plain (Atlantic and Gulf)
- Code (in shortened title of a publication); the code:
- District
- Federal Criminal
- Internal Revenue (also Tax Code)
- International (signal)
- of Federal Regulations
- Penal; Criminal; etc.
- Pennsylvania State
- Radio
- Television
- Uniform Code of Military Justice
- United States
- ZIP Code (copyrighted)
- but civil code; flag code; Morse code
- codel (congressional delegation)
- collection, Brady, etc.; the collection
- collector of customs
- College, if part of name; the college:
- Armed Forces Staff
- Command and General Staff
- Gettysburg
- National War
- of Bishops
- but electoral college
- college degrees: bachelor of arts, master's, etc.
- Colonials (American Colonial Army); but colonial times, etc.
- Colonies, the:
- Thirteen
- Thirteen American
- Thirteen Original
- but 13 separate Colonies
- colonists, the
- Command, capitalize with name; the command:
- Air Force Materiel
- Army
- Central (CENCOM)
- Naval Space
- Zone of Interior
- Commandant, the (Coast Guard or Marine Corps only)
- Commandos, the; Commando raid; a commando
- Commission (if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal or international commission):
- International Boundary, United States and Canada
- of Fine Arts
- Public Buildings
- Commissioner, if referring to Federal or international commission; the Commissioner:
- Land Bank; but land bank commissioner loans
- of Customs and Border Protection
- U.S. (International Boundary Commission, etc.)
- but a U.S. commissioner
- Committee (or Subcommittee) (if part of name; the Committee, if referring to international or noncongressional Federal committee or to the Committee of the Whole, the Committee of the Whole House, or the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union):
- American Medical Association Committee on Education; the committee on education; the committee
- Appropriations, etc.; the committee; Subcommittee on Appropriations; the subcommittee; subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee
- Democratic National; the national committee; the committee; Democratic national committeeman
- Democratic policy committee; the committee
- Joint Committee on Printing; the Joint Committee; the committee; but a joint committee
- of Defense Ministers (NATO); the Committee (see also Organization, North Atlantic Treaty)
- of One Hundred, etc.; the committee on Finance; the committee
- President's Advisory Committee on Management; the Committee
- Republican National; the national committee; the committee; Republican national committeeman
- Republican policy committee; the committee
- Senate policy committee
- Subcommittee on Immigration; the subcommittee
- but Baker committee
- ad hoc committee
- conference committee
- Committee Print No. 32; Committee Prints Nos. 8 and 9; committee print
- Common Cause
- Commonwealth:
- British Commonwealth; the Commonwealth
- of Australia
- of Kentucky
- of Massachusetts
- of Pennsylvania
- of Virginia
- Communist Party; a Communist
- compact, U.S. marine fisheries, etc.; the compact
- Company, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to unit of Federal Government:
- Panama Canal Railway Company; the Company
- Procter & Gamble Co.; the company
- Comptroller of the Currency; the Comptroller
- Comptroller General (U.S.); the Comptroller
- Comsat
- Concord
- Confederacy (of the South)
- Confederate:
- Army
- flag
- Government
- soldier
- States
- Confederation, Articles of
- Conference, if referring to governmental (U.S.) or international conference:
- Bretton Woods; the Conference
- Judicial Conference of the United States; U.S. Judicial Conference; Judicial Conference; the Conference
- Tenth Annual Conference of the United Methodist Churches; the conference
- Congress (convention), if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to international congress:
- Library of
- of Industrial Organizations
- of Parents and Teachers, National; the congress
- Congress (legislature), if referring to national congress:
- of Bolivia, etc.; the Congress
- of the United States; First, Second, 10th, 103d, etc.; the Congress
- Congressional:
- Black Caucus; the Black Caucus; the caucus
- Directory, the directory
- District, First, 10th, etc.; the First District; the congressional district; the district
- Medal of Honor (see decorations)
- but congressional action, committee, etc.
- Congressman; Congresswoman; Congressman at Large; Member of Congress; Member; membership
- Conservative Party; a Conservative
- Constitution, with name of country; capitalized standing alone when referring to a specific national constitution; but New York State Constitution; the constitution
- constitutional
- consul, British, general, etc.
- consulate, British, etc.
- Consumer Price Index (official title); the price index; the index; but a consumers' price index (descriptive)
- Continent, only if following name; North American Continent; the continent; but the Continent (continental Europe)
- Continental:
- Army; the Army
- Congress; the Congress
- Divide (see Divide)
- Outer Continental Shelf
- Shelf; the shelf; a continental shelf
- continental Europe, United States, etc.
- Continentals (Revolutionary soldiers)
- Convention, governmental (U.S.), international, or national political; the convention:
- 89th National Convention of the American Legion
- Constitutional (United States, 1787); the Convention
- Democratic National; Democratic
- Genocide (international)
- on International Civil Aviation
- Republican National; Republican
- Universal Postal Union; Postal Union
- also International Postal; Warsaw
- copper age (see Ages)
- Corporation, if part of name; the Corporation, if referring to unit of Federal Government:
- Commodity Credit
- Federal Deposit Insurance
- National Railroad Passenger (Amtrak)
- Rand Corp.; the corporation
- St. Lawrence Seaway Development
- Union Carbide Corp.; the corporation
- Virgin Islands
- Corps, if part of name; the corps, all other uses:
- Adjutant General's
- Army Reserve
- Chemical
- diplomatic
- Finance
- Foreign Service Officer (see Foreign Service)
- Job
- Judge Advocate General's
- Marine (see Marine Corps)
- Medical
- Military Police
- Nurse
- of Cadets (West Point)
- of Engineers; Army Engineers; the Engineers; but Army engineer; the corps
- Ordnance
- Peace; Peace Corpsman; the corpsman
- Quartermaster
- Reserve Officers' Training (ROTC)
- VII Corps, etc.
- Signal
- Transportation
- Youth
- but diplomatic corps
- corpsman; hospital corpsman
- corridor, Northeast
- Council, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal or international unit (see also United Nations):
- Boston City; the council
- Choctaw, etc.; the council
- Her Majesty's Privy Council; the Privy Council; the Council
- National Security; the Council
- of Foreign Ministers (NATO); the Council
- of the Organization of American States; the Council
- Philadelphia City; the council
- counsel; general counsel
- County, Prince George's; county of Prince George's; County Kilkenny, etc.; Loudoun and Fairfax Counties; the
- Court (of law) capitalized if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to the Supreme Court of the United States, to the Court of Impeachment (U.S. Senate), or to an international court:
- Circuit Court of the United States for the Tenth Circuit; Circuit Court for the Tenth Circuit; the circuit court; the court; the tenth circuit
- Court of Appeals for the State of North Carolina, etc.; the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals; the court of appeals; the court
- Court of Claims; the court
- Court of Impeachment, the Senate; the Court
- District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Missouri; the district court; the court
- International Court of Justice; the Court
- Permanent Court of Arbitration; the Court
- Superior Court of the District of Columbia; the superior court; the court
- Supreme Court of the United States (see Supreme Court). ::Supreme Court of Virginia, etc.; the supreme court; the court. ::Tax Court; the court
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia; the court. :Covenant, League of Nations; the covenant
- Creed, Apostles'; the Creed
- Crown, if referring to a ruler; but crown colony, lands, etc.
- cruise missile
- Current, if part of name; the current:
- Arctic
- Humboldt
- Japan
- North Equatorial
- customhouse; customs official
- czar; czarist.
- D.
- Dalai Lama.
- Dalles, The; but the Dalles region
- Dark Ages (see Ages)
- Daughters of the American Revolution; a Daughter
- daylight saving time
- Declaration, capitalized with name: of Independence; the Declaration of Panama; the declaration
- decorations, medals, etc., awarded by United States or any foreign national government; the medal, the cross, the ribbon (see also Award):
- Air Medal
- Bronze Star Medal
- Commendation Ribbon
- Congressional Medal of Honor
- Croix de Guerre
- Distinguished Flying Cross
- Distinguished Service Cross
- Distinguished Service Medal
- Good Conduct Medal
- Legion of Merit
- Medal for Merit
- Medal of Freedom
- Medal of Honor
- Mother of the Year
- Purple Heart
- Silver Star Medal
- Soldier's Medal
- Victoria Cross
- Victory Medal
- but oakleaf cluster
- also Carnegie Medal; Olympic Gold Medal; but gold medal. :Decree (see Executive); Royal Decree
- Deep South
- Defense Establishment (see Establishment)
- Deity, words denoting, capitalized
- Delegate (U.S. Congress)
- Delegates, Virginia House of
- delegate (to a conference); the delegate; the delegation
- Delta, Mississippi River; the delta
- Democratic Party; a Democrat
- Department, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to a Federal or international unit:
- of Agriculture
- of the Treasury
- of Veterans Affairs
- Yale University Department of Economics; the department of economics; the department
- Department of New York, American Legion
- department:
- executive
- judicial
- legislative
- Depot, if part of name; the depot (see also Station)
- Depression, Great
- Deputy, if part of capitalized title; but the deputy
- derivatives of proper names:
- alaska seal (fur)
- angora wool
- angstrom unit
- argyle wool
- artesian well
- astrakhan fabric
- babbitt metal
- benday process
- bologna
- bordeaux
- bourbon whiskey
- bowie knife
- braille
- brazil nut
- brazilwood
- brewer's yeast
- bristolboard
- brussel sprouts
- brussels carpet
- bunsen burner
- burley tobacco
- Canada balsam (microscopy)
- carlsbad twins (petrography)
- cashmere shawl
- castile soap
- cesarean section
- chantilly lace
- chesterfield coat
- china clay
- chinese blue
- collins (drink)
- congo red
- cordovan leather
- coulomb
- curie
- degaussing apparatus
- delft ware
- derby hat
- diesel engine, dieselize
- dixie cup
- dotted swiss
- epsom salt
- fedora hat
- frankfurter
- french chalk
- french dressing
- french-fried potatoes
- fuller's earth
- gargantuan
- gauss
- georgette crepe
- german silver
- gilbert
- glauber salt
- gothic type
- graham cracker
- herculean task
- hessian fly
- holland cloth
- hoolamite detector
- hudson seal (fur)
- india ink
- india rubber
- italic type
- Jamaica ginger
- japan varnish
- jersey fabric
- johnin test
- joule
- knickerbocker
- kraft paper
- lambert
- leghorn hat
- levant leather
- levantine silk
- lilliputian
- logan tent
- london purple
- lyonnaise potatoes
- macadamized road
- mach (no period) number
- madras cloth
- maginot line (non literal)
- manila paper
- maraschino cherry
- mason jar
- maxwell
- melba toast
- mercerized fabric
- merino sheep
- molotov cocktail
- morocco leather
- morris chair
- murphy bed
- navy blue
- nelson, half nelson, etc.
- neon light
- newton
- nissen hut
- norfolk jacket
- oriental rug
- oxford shoe
- panama hat
- parianware
- paris green
- parkerhouse roll
- pasteurized milk
- persian lamb
- petri dish
- pharisaic
- philistine
- photostat
- pitman arm
- pitot tube
- plaster of paris
- prussian blue
- quisling
- quixotic idea
- quonset hut
- rembert wheel
- roentgen
- roman candle
- roman cement
- roman type
- russia leather
- russian bath
- rutherford
- sanforize
- saratoga chips
- scotch plaid, but Scotch tape (trademark)
- shanghai
- siamese twins
- spanish omelet
- stillson wrench
- surah silk
- swiss cheese
- timothy grass
- turkey red
- turkish towel
- utopia, utopian
- vandyke collar
- vaseline
- venetian blind
- venturi tube
- victoria (carriage)
- vienna bread
- virginia reel
- wedgwoodware
- wheatstone bridge
- wilton rug
- zeppelin
- dial-up
- Diet, Japanese (legislative body)
- diplomatic corps (see also Corps; service)
- Director, if referring to head of Federal or international unit; the Director:
- District Director of Internal Revenue
- of Fish and Wildlife Service
- of National Geodetic Survey
- of the Mint
- Office of Management and Budget
- but director, board of directors (nongovernmental)
- Director General of Foreign Service; the Director General; the Director
- diseases and related terms:
- AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
- Alzheimer's disease
- cerebral palsy
- Down syndrome
- German measles
- HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
- Hodgkin's disease
- Lyme disease
- Marfan's syndrome
- Ménière's syndrome
- myasthenia gravis
- Parkinson's disease
- Reye's syndrome
- spina bifida
- Distinguished Service Medal, etc. (see decorations)
- District, if part of name; the district:
- Alexandria School District No. 4; school district No. 4
- Congressional (with number)
- Federal (see Federal)
- Los Angeles Water; the water district
- but customs district No. 2; first assembly district; public utility district
- District of Columbia; the District:
- Anacostia Flats; the flats
- Arlington Memorial Bridge; the Memorial Bridge; the bridge
- Children's Hospital; the hospital
- District jail; the jail; DC jail
- Ellipse, the
- Mall, The National; The Mall
- Mayor (when pertaining to the District of Columbia only)
- Metropolitan Police; Metropolitan policeman; the police
- police court
- Public Library; the library
- Reflecting Pool; the pool
- Tidal Basin; the basin
- Washington Channel; the channel
- Divide, Continental (Rocky Mountains); the divide
- Divine Father; but divine guidance, divine providence, divine service
- Division, Army, if part of name: 1st Cavalry Division; 1st Air Cavalry Division; the division
- Division, if referring to Federal governmental unit; the Division:
- Buick Division; the division; a division of General Motors
- Passport; the Division
- but Trinity River division (reclamation); the division
- Dixie
- docket No. 66; dockets Nos. 76 and 77
- Doctrine, Monroe; the doctrine; but Truman, Eisenhower doctrine
- doctrine, fairness
- Document, if part of name; the document:
- Document No. 130
- Document Numbered One Hundred Thirty
- draconian
- drawing II, A, 3, etc.; but Drawing 2 when part of title: Drawing 2.—Hydroelectric Power Development
- Dust Bowl (see Bowl)
- E
- Earth (planet)
- East:
- Coast (Africa)
- Middle, Mideast (Asia)
- Near (Balkans)
- Side of New York
- South Central States
- the East (section of United States)
- east:
- Africa
- coast (U.S.)
- Pennsylvania
- Eastern:
- Gulf States
- Middle, Mideastern (Asia)
- North Central States
- Shore (Chesapeake Bay)
- States
- United States
- eastern:
- France
- seaboard
- Wisconsin
- easterner
- EE-bond
- electoral college; the electors
- Elizabethan Age (see Ages)
- email (lowercase within a sentence)
- Email (uppercase "E" to start a sentence)
- Emancipation Proclamation (see Proclamation)
- Embassy, British, etc.; the Embassy
- Emperor, Japanese, etc.; the Emperor
- Empire, Roman; the empire
- Engine Company, Bethesda; engine company No. 6; No. 6 engine company; the company
- Engineer officer, etc. (of Engineer Corps); the Engineers
- Engineers, Chief of (Army)
- Engineers, Corps of (see Corps)
- Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary; the Envoy; the
- Equator, the; equatorial
- Establishment, if part of name; the establishment:
- Army
- Army Field
- Defense
- Federal
- Military
- Naval; but naval establishment; Naval Establishments Regs
- Navy
- Postal
- Regular
- Reserve
- Shore
- but civil establishment; legislative establishment
- Estate, Girard (a foundation); the estate
- estate, third (the commons); fourth (the press); tax; etc.
- Eurodollar, euro
- Excellency, His, Her; Their Excellencies
- Exchange, New York Stock; the stock exchange; the exchange
- Executive (President of United States):
- Chief
- Decree No. 100; Decree 100; but Executive decree; direction
- Mansion; the mansion; the White House
- Office; the Office
- Order No. 34; Order 34; but Executive order
- power
- executive:
- agreement
- branch
- communication
- department
- document
- paper
- privilege
- exhibit 2, A, II, etc.; but Exhibit 2, when part of title: Exhibit 2: Capital Expenditures, 1935-49
- Expedition, Byrd; Lewis and Clark; the expedition
- Exposition, California-Pacific
- International, etc.; the exposition
- F
- Fair Deal
- Fair, World's, etc.; the fair; Texas State Fair
- fall (season)
- Falls, Niagara; the falls
- Far East, Far Eastern; Far West (U.S.); but far western
- Farm, if part of name; the farm:
- Johnson Farm; but Johnson's farm
- San Diego Farm
- Wild Tiger Farm
- Fascist; fascism
- Father of his Country (Washington)
- Fed, the (no period)
- Federal (synonym for United States or other sovereign power):
- Depository Library Program but Federal depository library, libraries
- District (Mexico)
- Establishment
- Government (of any national government)
- grand jury; the grand jury
- land bank (see Bank)
- Register (publication); the Register
- Reserve Board, the Board; also Federal
- Reserve System, the System; Federal
- Reserve Board Regulation W, but regulation W but a federal form of government
- federally
- fellow, fellowship (academic)
- Field, Byrd, Stewart, etc.; the field
- figure 2, A, II, etc. (illustration); but Figure 2, when part of legend: Figure 2.—Market scenes
- firewall
- firm names:
- ACDelco
- America Online (AOL)
- Bausch & Lomb Inc.
- BP
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.
- Coldwell Banker
- Colgate-Palmolive Co.
- Comcast
- Dow Jones & Co., Inc.
- Dun & Bradstreet
- eBay
- E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
- FedEx
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. (A&P)
- Hamilton Beach/Proctor Silex, Inc.
- Hartmarx Corp.
- Hewlett-Packard
- Houghton Mifflin Co.
- Ingersoll-Rand Co.
- Intel Corp.
- J.C. Penney Co., Inc.
- Johns-Manville Corp.
- Kennecott Exploration Co.
- Kmart
- Libbey-Owens-Ford Co.
- Macmillan Co.
- Merck & Co., Inc.
- Merrill Lynch
- Microsoft
- Pfizer Inc.
- Phelps Dodge Corp.
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Procter & Gamble Co.
- Rand McNally & Co.
- Rolls-Royce
- Sun Microsystems
- 3M
- Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
- US Airways
- Wal-Mart
- Weyerhaeuser Co.
- Xerox Corp.
- First Family (Presidential)
- First Lady (wife of President)
- First World War (see War)
- flag code
- flag, U.S.:
- Old Flag, Old Glory
- Stars and Stripes
- Star-Spangled Banner
- flags, foreign:
- Tricolor (French)
- Union Jack (British)
- United Nations
- Fleet, if part of name; the fleet:
- Atlantic
- Channel
- Grand
- High Seas
- Marine Force
- Naval Reserve
- Pacific, etc. (naval)
- 6th Fleet, etc.
- U.S.
- flex fuel
- floor (House or Senate)
- fly way; Canadian flyway, etc.
- Force(s), if part of name; the force(s):
- Active Forces
- Active-Duty
- Air (see also Air Force)
- All-Volunteer
- Armed Forces (synonym for overall
- U.S. Military Establishment)
- Army Field Forces; the Field Forces
- Fleet Marine
- Navy Battle (see Navy)
- Navy Scouting (see Navy); Reserve Force Rapid Deployment
- Task Force 70; the task force; but task force report
- United Nations Emergency; the Emergency Force; the Force; but United Nations police force
- foreign cabinets:
- Minister of Foreign Affairs; Foreign Minister; the Minister
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Ministry
- Office of Foreign Missions; the Office
- Minister Plenipotentiary
- Premier
- Prime Minister
- Foreign Legion (French); the legion
- Foreign Service; the Service:
- officer
- Officer Corps; the corps
- Reserve officer; the Reserve officer
- Reserve Officer Corps; the Reserve Corps; the corps
- Staff officer; the Staff officer
- Staff Officer Corps; the Staff Corps; the corps
- Forest, if part of name; the national forest; the forest:
- Angeles National
- Black
- Coconino and Prescott National Forests
- but State and National forests (see System)
- Forester (Chief of Forest Service); the Chief; also Chief Forester
- form 2, A, II, etc.; but Form 2, when part of title: Form 1040: Individual Income Tax Return; but withholding tax form
- Fort McHenry, etc.; the fort
- Foundation, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal unit:
- Chemical; the foundation
- Ford; the foundation
- National Science; the Foundation
- Russell Sage; the foundation
- Founding Fathers; Founders/Founder (of this Nation, Country)
- four freedoms
- Framers (of the U.S. Constitution; of the Bill of Rights)
- free world
- Frisco (for San Francisco; no apostrophe)
- Fritalux (see alliances)
- Fund, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to international or United Nations fund:
- Democracy (United Nations); the Fund
- International Monetary; the Fund
- but civil service retirement fund; highway trust fund; mutual security fund; national service life insurance fund; revolving fund
- G
- Gadsden Purchase
- Gallery of Art, National (see National)
- Gallup Poll; the poll
- GAO (Government Accountability Office)
- Geiger counter
- General Order No. 14; General Orders No. 14; a general order
- General Schedule
- gentile
- Geographer, the (State Department)
- geographic terms (terms, such as those listed below,[2] are capitalized if part of name; are lowercased in general sense (rivers of Virginia and Maryland)):
- Archipelago
- Area
- Arroyo
- Atoll
- Bank
- Bar
- Basin, Upper (Lower) Colorado River, etc. (legal entity); but Hansen flood-control basin; Missouri River basin (drainage); upper Colorado River storage project
- Bay
- Bayou
- Beach
- Bench
- Bend
- Bight
- Bluff
- Bog
- Borough (boro)
- Bottom
- Branch (stream)
- Brook
- Butte
- Canal; the canal (Panama)
- Canyon
- Cape
- Cascade
- Cave
- Cavern
- Channel; but Mississippi River channel(s)
- Cirque
- Coulee
- Cove
- Crag
- Crater
- Creek
- Crossroads
- Current (ocean feature)
- Cut
- Cutoff
- Dam
- Delta
- Desert
- Divide
- Dome (not geologic)
- Draw (stream)
- Dune
- Escarpment
- Estuary
- Falls
- Fault
- Flat(s)
- Floodway
- Ford
- Forest
- Fork (stream)
- Gap
- Geyser
- Glacier
- Glen
- Gorge
- Gulch
- Gulf
- Gut
- Harbor
- Head
- Hill
- Hogback
- Hollow
- Hook
- Horn
- Hot Spring
- Icefield
- Ice Shelf
- Inlet
- Island
- Isle
- Islet
- Keys {Florida only)
- Knob
- Lagoon
- Lake
- Landing
- Ledge
- Lowland
- Marsh
- Massif
- Mesa
- Monument
- Moraine
- Mound
- Mount
- Mountain
- Narrows
- Neck
- Needle
- Notch
- Oasis
- Ocean
- Oxbow
- Palisades
- Park
- Pass
- Passage
- Peak
- Peninsula
- Plain
- Plateau
- Point
- Pond
- Pool
- Port (water body)
- Prairie
- Range (mountain)
- Rapids
- Ravine
- Reef
- Reservoir
- Ridge
- River
- Roads (anchorage)
- Rock
- Run (stream)
- Sea
- Seaway
- Shoal
- Sink
- Slough
- Sound
- Spit
- Spring
- Spur
- Strait
- Stream
- Summit
- Swamp
- Terrace
- Thoroughfare
- Trench
- Trough
- Valley
- Volcano
- Wash
- Waterway
- Woods
- Geological Survey (see Survey)
- GI bill of rights
- Girl Scouts (organization); a Girl Scout; a Scout; Scouting
- G-man
- Gold Star Mothers (see American)
- Golden Age (see Ages)
- Golden Rule
- Gospel, if referring to the first four books of the New Testament; but gospel music
- Government:
- British, etc.; the Government
- department, officials, -owned, publications, etc. (U.S. Government)
- National and State Governments
- Printing Office (see Office)
- U.S.; National; Federal
- Government information product
- government:
- Churchill
- Communist
- District (of Columbia)
- European governments
- Federal, State, and municipal
- governments
- insular; island
- military
- seat of
- State
- State and Provincial governments
- Territorial
- governmental
- Governor:
- of Louisiana, etc.; the Governor; a Governor; State Governor(s); Governors' conference
- of Puerto Rico; the Governor
- of the Federal Reserve Board; the Governor
- Governor General of Canada; the Governor General
- GPO Access
- grand jury (see Federal)
- Grange, the (National)
- grant, Pell
- graph 2, A, II, etc.; but Graph 2, when part of title: Graph 2.—Production levels
- Great:
- Basin
- Depression
- Divide
- Lakes; the lakes; lake(s) traffic
- Plains; but southern Great Plains
- Seal (any nation)
- Society
- War (see War)
- White Way (New York City)
- great circle (navigation)
- Greater Los Angeles, Greater New York
- gross national product (GNP)
- Group:
- G8 (Group of 8) (representatives of the eight leading industrial nations)
- Helsinki Monitoring; the group
- Military Advisory Group; the group
- Standing (see Organization)
- World Bank
- group 2, II, A, etc.; but Group 2, when part of title: Group II: List of Counties by States
- Guard, National (see National) guardsman (see Coast Guard; National Guard)
- Gulf:
- Coast States; but gulf coast
- of Mexico; the gulf
- States
- Stream; the stream
- H
- Hall (U.S. Senate or House)
- Halls of Congress
- H-bomb; H-hour
- Headquarters:
- Alaskan Command; the command headquarters
- 4th Regiment Headquarters; regimental headquarters
- 32d Division Headquarters; the division headquarters
- hearing examiner
- Heaven (religious); heaven (place)
- Heimlich maneuver
- hell (place)
- Hells (no apostrophe) Canyon
- Hemisphere, Eastern; Western; etc.; the hemisphere
- Hezbollah
- High Church
- High Commissioner
- High Court (see Supreme Court)
- high definition
- High School, if part of name: Western; the high school
- Highway No. 40; Route 40; State Route 9; the highway
- Hill (the Capitol)
- Hispanic
- Holocaust, the (World War II); a holocaust
- Holy Scriptures; Holy Writ (Bible)
- home page
- Hospice, if part of name
- Hospital, if part of name; the hospital:
- Howard University
- St. Elizabeths (no apostrophe)
- but naval (marine or Army) hospital
- hospital corpsman (see corpsman)
- House, if part of name:
- Blair
- Johnson house (private residence)
- of Representatives; the House (U.S.)
- Office Building (see Building)
- Ohio (State); the house
- but both Houses; lower (or upper) House (Congress)
- House of Representatives (U.S.), titles of officers standing alone capitalized:
- Chairman (Committee of the Whole)
- Chaplain
- Clerk; but legislative clerk, etc.
- Doorkeeper
- Official Reporter(s) of Debates
- Parliamentarian
- Postmaster
- post office
- Sergeant at Arms
- Speaker pro tempore
- Speaker; speakership
- HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
- Hudson's Bay Co.
- Hurricane Andrew, Katrina, Rita, etc.
- I
- ice age (see Ages)
- imam
- Independent Party; an Independent
- Indians:
- Absentee Shawnee
- Alaska (see Native)
- Eastern (or Lower) Band of Cherokee; the band
- Five Civilized Tribes; the tribes
- Native Americans
- Shawnee Tribe; the tribe
- Six Nations (Iroquois Confederacy)
- Initiative, Caribbean Basin; but strategic defense initiative
- Inquisition, Spanish; the Inquisition
- inspector general
- Institute, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal or international organization:
- National Cancer; the Cancer Institute; the Institute
- National Institutes of Health; the Institutes
- of International Law; the Institute
- Woman's; the institute
- Institution, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal unit:
- Brookings; the institution
- Carnegie; the institution
- Smithsonian; the Institution
- insular government; island government
- intercoastal waterway (see waterway)
- interdepartmental
- interface
- International Court of Justice; the Court
- international:
- banks (see Bank)
- boundary
- dateline
- law
- Morse code (see Code)
- Internet, Intranet
- Interstate 95; 1-95; the interstate
- Intracoastal Waterway; the waterway (see also waterway)
- intrastate
- Irish potato
- Iron Curtain; the curtain
- Islam; Islamic
- Isthmian Canal (see Canal)
- Isthmus of Panama; the isthmus
- J
- Japan Current (see Current)
- Java (computer language)
- Jersey cattle
- Job Corps
- Joint Chiefs of Staff; Chiefs of Staff
- Joint Committee on Printing (see Committee)
- Journal clerk; the clerk
- Journal (House or Senate)
- Judge Advocate General, the
- judge; chief judge; circuit judge; district judge; but Judge Judy
- judiciary, the
- Justice; Justice Stevens, etc.
- K
- kaffiyeh (Arabic headdress)
- King of England, etc.; the King
- Koran, the; Koranic
- Krugerrand
- L
- Laboratory, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal unit: Forest Products; the Laboratory; but laboratory (non-Federal)
- Lake: Erie, of the Woods, Great Salt; the lake
- Lane, if part of name: Maiden; the lane
- Latter-day Saints
- law, copyright law; Ohm's, etc.
- League, Urban; the league
- Legion:
- American; the Legion; a Legionnaire;
- French Foreign; the legion
- Legislative Assembly, if part of name: of New York; of Puerto Rico, etc.; the legislative assembly; the assembly
- legislative branch, clerk, session, etc.
- Legislature:
- National Legislature (U.S. Congress); the Legislature
- Ohio Legislature; Legislature of Ohio; the State legislature; the legislature
- Letters Patent No. 378,964; but patent No. 378,964; letters patent
- Liberal Party; a Liberal
- Libertarian Party; a Libertarian
- Liberty Bell; Liberty ship
- Librarian of Congress; the Librarian
- Library:
- Army; the library
- Harry S. Truman; the library
- of Congress; the Library
- Hillsborough Public; the library
- Lieutenant Governor of Idaho, etc.; the Lieutenant Governor
- Light, if part of name; the light:
- Boston
- Buffalo South Pier Light 2; but light No. 2; light 2
- but Massachusetts Bay lights
- Lighthouse (see Light Station)
- Lightship, if part of name; the lightship:
- Grays Reef
- North Manitou Shoal
- Light Station, if part of name; the light station; the station:
- Minots Ledge
- Watch Hill
- Line(s), if part of name; the line(s):
- Greyhound (bus)
- Holland-America (steamship)
- Maginot (fortification)
- line:
- Mason-Dixon line or Mason and Dixon's line
- State
- listserv
- Local:
- Columbia Typographical Union, Local 101
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 180; but local No. 180
- local time, local standard time (see time)
- locator service
- Loop, the (see cities)
- Louisiana Purchase
- Low Church
- Lower, if part of name:
- California (Mexico)
- Colorado River Basin
- Egypt
- Peninsula (of Michigan)
- lower:
- 48 (States)
- House of Congress
- Mississippi
- M
- Madam:
- Chair
- Chairman
- Chairwoman
- Magna Carta
- Majesty, His, Her, Your; Their Majesties
- Majority Leader Reid; Majority Leader Hoyer; but the majority leader (U.S. Congress)
- Mall, The National; The Mall (District of Columbia)
- Mansion, Executive (see Executive)
- map 3, A, II, etc.; but Map 2, when part of title: Map 2.—Railroads of Middle Atlantic States
- mariculture
- Marine Corps; the corps:
- Marines (the corps); but marines (individuals)
- Reserve; the Reserve
- also a marine; a woman marine; the women marines (individuals); soldiers, sailors, coastguardsmen, and marines
- Maritime Provinces (Canada) (see Province)
- Marshal (see Supreme Court)
- marshal (U.S.)
- medals (see decorations)
- Medicaid
- MediCal
- Medicare Act; Medicare plan
- Medicare Plus
- Medicare Program
- Medigap
- Member, if referring to Senator, Representative, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner of U.S. Congress; also Member at Large; Member of Parliament, etc.; but membership; member of U.S. congressional committee
- Memorial:
- Jefferson
- Lincoln
- Vietnam
- Korean
- Franklin D. Roosevelt etc.; the memorial
- Merchant Marine Reserve; the Reserve; but U.S. merchant marine; the merchant marine
- Metroliner
- Metropolitan Washington, etc.; but Washington metropolitan area
- midcontinent region
- Middle Ages (see Ages)
- Middle Atlantic States
- Middle East; Mideast; Mideastern; Middle Eastern (Asia)
- Midwest (section of United States);
- Midwestern States; but midwestern farmers, etc.
- Military Academy (see Academy)
- Military Establishment (see Establishment)
- milkshed, Ohio, etc. (region)
- millennium
- Minister Plenipotentiary; the Minister; Minister Without Portfolio (see also foreign cabinets)
- Ministry (see foreign cabinets)
- Minority Leader McConnell; Minority Leader Boehner; but the minority leader (U.S. Congress)
- Mint, Philadelphia, etc.; the mint
- minutemen (colonial)
- missiles: capitalize such missile names as Hellfire, Sparrow, Tomahawk, Scud, Trident, etc.; but cruise missile, air-to-air missile, surface-to-air missile, etc.
- Mission, if part of name; the mission:
- Gospel
- but diplomatic mission; military mission; Jones mission
- Monument:
- Bunker Hill; the monument
- Grounds; the grounds (Washington Monument)
- National (see National)
- Washington; the monument (District of Columbia)
- Mountain States
- mountain time, mountain standard time (see time)
- Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG)
- Mr. Chairman; Mr. Secretary; etc.
- Mujahedeen
- mullah
- Museum, capitalize with name; the museum:
- Field
- National
- National Air and Space; the Air Museum
- National Museum of the American Indian
- N
- Nation (synonym for United States); but a nation; nationwide; also French nation, Balkan nations
- Nation, Creek; Osage; etc.; the nation
- nation, in general, standing alone
- National, in conjunction with capitalized name:
- Academy of Sciences (see Academy) and State institutions, etc.
- Archives and Records Administration
- Capital (Washington); the Capital; but national capital area
- Endowment for the Arts; the Endowment
- Gallery of Art; the National Gallery; the gallery
- Grange; the Grange
- Guard, Ohio, etc.; Air National; the National Guard; the Guard; a guardsman; Reserve; but a National Guard man; National Guardsman
- Institute (see Institute)
- Legislature (see Legislature)
- Muir Woods National Monument etc.; the national monument; the monument
- Museum (see Museum)
- Naval Medical Center (Bethesda, MD)
- Park, Yellowstone, etc.; Yellowstone Park; the national park; the park
- Treasury; the Treasury
- War College
- Woman's Party
- Zoological Park (see Zoological)
- national:
- agency check (NAC)
- anthem, customs, spirit, etc.
- British, Mexican, etc.
- defense agencies
- stockpile
- water policy
- Native: Alaska; American; but Ohio native, etc. (see Alaska)
- Naval, if part of name:
- Academy (see Academy)
- Air Station (NAS) Patuxent River; Pensacola; etc.
- Base, Guam Naval; the naval base
- Establishment (see Establishment)
- Observatory (see Observatory)
- Reserve; the Reserve; a reservist
- Reserve Force; the force
- Reserve officer; a Reserve officer
- Shipyard (if preceding or following name): Brooklyn Naval Shipyard; Naval Shipyard, Brooklyn; but the naval shipyard
- Volunteer Naval Reserve
- War College; the War College; the college
- naval, in general sense:
- command (see Command)
- expenditures, maneuvers, officer,
- service, stores, etc.
- petroleum reserves; but Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2 (Buena
Vista Hills Naval Reserve); reserve No. 2
- navel orange
- Navy, American or foreign, if part of name; capitalized standing alone only if referring to U.S. Navy:
- Admiral of the; the admiral
- Battle Force; the Battle Force; the force
- Establishment; the establishment
- Hospital Corps; hospital corpsman; the corps
- Regular
- Seabees (construction battalion); a Seabee
- navy yard
- Nazi; nazism
- Near East (Balkans, etc.)
- Negro (see African-American; Black)
- network
- New Deal; anti-New Deal
- New England States
- New Federalism
- New Frontier
- New World; but new world order
- North:
- Atlantic
- Atlantic States
- Atlantic Treaty (see Treaty)
- Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (see Organization)
- Equatorial Current (see Current)
- Korea
- Pole
- Slope (Alaska)
- Star (Polaris)
- the North (section of United States)
- north:
- Africa
- Ohio, Virginia, etc.
- north-central region, etc.
- Northeast corridor
- northern Ohio
- Northern States
- northerner
- Northwest Pacific
- Northwest Territory (1799)
- Northwest, the (section of the United States)
- Northwest Washington (see cities)
- Northwestern:
- States
- United States
- numbers capitalized if spelled out as part of a name:
- Air Force One (Presidential plane)
- Charles the First
- Committee of One Hundred
- Twenty-third Census (see Census)
- O
- Observatory, capitalized with name:
- Astrophysical; the Observatory
- Lick; the observatory (nongovernmental)
- Naval; the Observatory
- Occident, the; occidental
- Ocean, if part of name; the ocean:
- Antarctic
- Arctic
- Atlantic
- North Atlantic, etc.
- Pacific
- South Pacific, etc.
- Southwest Pacific, etc.
- Oceanographer (the Hydrographer), Navy
- Office, if referring to unit of Federal Government; the Office:
- Executive
- Foreign and Commonwealth (U.K.)
- Government Printing; the Printing Office; the Office
- Naval Oceanographic
- of Chief of Naval Operations
- of General Counsel
- of Management and Budget
- of Personnel Management
- of the Secretary (Defense); Secretary's Office
- Patent and Trademark
- but New York regional office (including branch, division, or section therein); the regional office; the office
- officer:
- Army
- Marine; font naval and marine officers
- Navy; Navy and Marine officers
- Regular Army; Regular; a Regular
- Reserve
- Old Dominion (Virginia)
- Old South
- Old World
- Olympic Games; Olympiad; XXIX Olympic Games
- ombudsman, Maryland (State)
- online
- Operation Iraqi Freedom, Desert Storm
- Order of Business No. 56 (congressional calendar)
- Ordnance:
- Corps (see Corps)
- Department; the Department
- Organization, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to international unit:
- International Labour (ILO)
- North Atlantic Treaty (NATO):
- Chiefs of Staff
- Committee of Defense Ministers
- Council
- Council of Foreign Ministers
- Defense Committee
- Military Committee
- of American States (OAS)
- Pact
- Regional Planning Group; the Group
- Standing Group; the Group
- United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO)
- Orient, the; oriental (see Asian)
- Osama bin Laden
- Outer Continental Shelf (see Continental)
- P
- Pacific (see also Atlantic):
- Basin
- coast
- Coast (or slope) States
- Northwest
- rim
- seaboard
- slope
- South
- States
- time, Pacific standard time (see time)
- but cispacific; transpacific
- pan-American games; but Pan American Day
- Pan American Union (renamed; see Organization of American States)
- Panel, the Federal Service Impasses (Federal), etc.; the Panel
- Panhandle of Texas; Texas Panhandle; the panhandle; etc.
- papers, Woodrow Wilson, etc.; the papers; but white paper
- Parish, Caddo, etc.; but parish of Caddo (Louisiana civil division); the parish
- Park, Fairmount, etc.; the park (see also National)
- Park Police, U.S.; park policeman
- Park, Zoological (see Zoological)
- Parkway, George Washington Memorial; the memorial parkway; the parkway
- Parliament, Houses of; the Parliament
- Parliamentarian (U.S. Senate or House)
- part 2, A, II, etc.; but Part 2, when part of title: Part 2: Iron and Steel Industry
- Party, if part of name; the party
- Pass, Brenner, capitalized if part of name; the pass
- patent (see Letters Patent)
- Peninsula Upper (Lower) (Michigan); the peninsula
- Penitentiary, Atlanta, etc.; the penitentiary
- petrodollar
- phase 2; phase I
- Philippines, Republic of the
- Pilgrim Fathers (1620); the Pilgrims; a Pilgrim
- Place, if part of name: Jefferson Place; the place
- Plains (Great Plains), the
- plan:
- Colombo
- controlled materials
- 5-year
- Marshall (European Recovery Program)
- Planetarium, Fels, Hayden; the planetarium
- Plant, Picatinny Arsenal; the plant; but United States Steel plant
- plate 2, A, II, etc.; but Plate 2, when part of title: Plate 2.—Rural Structures
- Plaza, Union Station (Washington, DC); the plaza
- Pledge of Allegiance; the pledge
- Pole: North, South; the pole; subpolar
- Pole Star (Polaris); polar star
- Police, if part of name; the police:
- Capitol
- Park, U.S.
- White House
- political action committee (PAC)
- political parties and adherents (see specific political party)
- Pool, Northwest Power, etc.; the pool
- Pope; but papal, patriarch, pontiff, primate
- Port, if part of name; Port of Norfolk; Norfolk Port; the port (see Authority)
- Post Office, Chicago, etc.; the post office
- P.O. Box (with number); but post office box (in general sense)
- Postmaster General
- PostScript; but a postscript
- Powers, if part of name; the powers (see also alliances):
- Allied (World Wars I and II)
- Axis (World War I)
- Western
- but European powers
- precinct; first, 10th precinct
- Premier (see foreign cabinets)
- Preserve, Sullys Hill, National Game
- Presidency (office of the head of Government)
- President:
- of the United States; the Executive; the Chief Magistrate; the Commander in Chief; the President-elect; exPresident; former President; also preceding name
- of any other country; the President of Federal or international unit
- but president of the Norfolk Southern Railroad; president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Presidential assistant, authority, order, proclamation, candidate, election, timber, year, etc.
- Prime Minister (see foreign cabinets)
- Prison, New Jersey State; the prison
- Privy Council, Her Majesty's (see Council)
- Prize, Nobel, Pulitzer, etc.; the prize
- Proclamation, Emancipation; Presidential Proclamation No. 24; Proclamation No. 24; the proclamation; but Presidential proclamation
- Program, if part of name:
- European Recovery
- Food for Peace
- Fulbright
- Head Start
- Mutual Defense Assistance
- Social Security
- but universal military training; government bailout
- Progressive Party; a Progressive
- Project:
- Gutenberg
- Manhattan
- Vote Smart
- Proposition 13
- Prosecutor; Special Prosecutor (Federal)
- Province, Provincial, if referring to an administrative subdivision: Ontario Province; Province of Ontario; Maritime Provinces (Canada); the Province
- Proving Ground, Aberdeen, etc.; the proving ground
- Public Law; Public Law 110-161, etc.
- Public Printer; the Government Printer; the Printer
- public utility district (see District)
- Pueblo, Santa Clara; the pueblo
- Purchase, Gadsden, Louisiana, etc.
- Puritan; puritanical
- Pyrrhic victory
- Q
- Quad Cities (Davenport, Rock Island, Moline, East Moline, and Bettendorf)
- query
- queue
- R
- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
- Railroad, Alaska; the Railroad
- Ranch, King, etc.; the ranch
- Range, Cascade, etc. (mountains); the range
- Rebellion, if part of name; the rebellion:
- Boxer
- Whisky
- Reconstruction period (post-Civil War)
- Red army
- Red Cross, American (see American)
- Reds, the; a Red (political)
- Reformatory, Michigan; the reformatory
- Refuge, Blackwater National Wildlife, etc.; Blackwater Refuge; the refuge
- region, north-central, etc.; first region, 10th region; region 7; midcontinent
- Regular Army, Navy; a Regular (see also officer)
- regulation:
- greenhouse gas
- W (see also Federal Reserve Board)
- but Veterans Entitlements Regulations
- religious terms:
- Baha'i
- Baptist
- Brahman
- Buddhist
- Catholic; Catholicism; but catholic (universal)
- Christian
- Christian Science
- Evangelical United Brethren
- Hindu; Hinduism
- Islam; Islamic
- Jewish
- Latter-day Saints
- Muslim: Shiite; Sikh; Sunni
- New Thought
- Protestant; Protestantism
- Scientology
- Seventh-day Adventists
- Seventh-Day Baptists
- Zoroastrian
- Renaissance, the (era)
- Report, if part of name (with date or number); the annual report; the report:
- 2007 Report of the Chief of the Forest Service
- 9/11 Commission Report
- Annual Report of the Secretary of Defense for the year ended September 30, 2008
- Grace Commission report
- President's Economic Report; the Economic Report
- Railroad Retirement Board Annual
- Report, 2007; but annual report of the Railroad Retirement Board
- Report No. 31
- United States Reports (publication)
- Reporter, the (U.S. Supreme Court)
- Representative; Representative at Large (U.S. Congress); U.N.
- Republic, capitalized if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to a specific government:
- Czech
- French
- Irish
- of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- of Panama
- of the Philippines
- Slovak (Slovakia)
- United States
- also the American Republics; South American Republics; the Latin American Republics; the Republics
- Republican Party; a Republican
- Reservation (forest, military, or Indian), if part of name; the reservation:
- Hill Military
- Standing Rock
- Reserve, if part of name; the Reserve (see also Air Force; Army Corps; Coast Guard; Foreign Service; Marine Corps; Merchant Marine; Naval; National Guard):
- Active
- Air Force
- Army
- bank (see Bank)
- Board, Federal (see Federal)
- city (see Bank)
- components
- Enlisted
- Establishment
- Inactive
- Naval
- officer
- Officers' Training Corps
- Ready
- Retired
- Standby
- Strategic
- Reserves, the; reservist
- Resolution, with number; the resolution:
- House Joint Resolution 3
- Senate Concurrent Resolution 18
- War Powers Resolution (short title)
- but Tonkin resolution
- Revised Statutes (U.S.); Supplement to the Revised Statutes; the statutes; Statutes at Large (U.S.)
- Revolution, Revolutionary (if referring to the American, French, or English Revolution) (see also War)
- rim; the Pacific rim
- Road, if part of name: Benning; the road
- Roman numerals, common nouns used with, not capitalized:
- book II; chapter II; part II; etc.
- but Book II: Modern Types (complete heading); Part XI: Early Thought (complete heading)
- Route 66, State Route 9 (highways)
- rule 21; rule XXI; but Rule 21, when part of title: Rule 21: Renewal of Motion
- Rules:
- of the House of Representatives; but rules of the House; House rule X
- Standing Rules of the Senate (publication); but rules of the Senate
- also Commission rules
- S
- Sabbath; Sabbath Day
- savings bond (see bond)
- schedule 2, A, II, etc.; but Schedule 2, when part of title; Schedule 2: Open and Prepay Stations
- School, if part of name; the school:
- any school of U.S. Armed Forces
- Hayes
- Pawnee Indian
- Public School 13; PS. 13
- school district (see District)
- Scriptures; Holy Scriptures (the Bible)
- Seabees (see Navy)
- seaboard, Atlantic, eastern, etc.
- seasons:
- autumn (fall)
- spring
- summer
- winter
- seaway (see geographic terms; Authority; Corporation)
- Second World War (see War)
- Secretariat (see United Nations)
- Secretaries of the Army and the Navy; but Secretaries of the military departments; secretaryship
- Secretary, head of national governmental unit:
- of Defense; of State; etc.; the Secretary
- of State for Foreign Affairs (British); for the Commonwealth, etc.; the Secretary
- of the Smithsonian Institution; the Secretary
- also the Assistant Secretary; the Executive Secretary
- Secretary General; the Secretary General:
- Organization of American States
- United Nations
- section 2, A, II, etc.; but Section 2, when part of title: Section 2: Test Construction Theory
- Selective Service (see Service; System)
- Senate (U.S.), titles of officers standing alone capitalized:
- Chaplain
- Chief Clerk
- Doorkeeper
- Official Reporter(s)
- Parliamentarian
- Postmaster
- President of the
- President pro tempore
- Presiding Officer
- Secretary
- Sergeant at Arms
- Senate, Ohio (State); the senate
- Senator (U.S. Congress); but lowercased if referring to a State senator, unless preceding a name
- senatorial
- Sergeant at Arms (U.S. Senate or House)
- Sermon on the Mount
- server
- Service, if referring to Federal unit; the Service:
- Extension
- Federal Mediation and Conciliation
- Fish and Wildlife
- Foreign (see Foreign Service)
- Forest
- Internal Revenue
- Marshals
- National Park
- Natural Resources Conservation
- Postal
- Secret (Homeland Security)
- Selective (see also System); but selective service, in general sense; selective service classification 1-A, 4-F, etc.
- Senior Executive
- service:
- airmail
- Army
- city delivery
- consular
- customs
- diplomatic
- employment (State)
- extension (State)
- general delivery
- naval
- Navy
- parcel post
- postal field
- rural free delivery; rural delivery; free delivery
- special delivery
- star route
- Shelf, Continental (see Continental)
- ship of state (unless personified)
- Sister(s) (adherent of religious order)
- Six Nations (see Indians)
- Smithsonian Institution (see Institution)
- Social Security Administration (U.S.),
- application, check, number, pension,
- trust fund, system, etc.
- Socialist Party; a Socialist
- Society, if part of name; the society:
- American Cancer Society, Inc.
- of the Cincinnati
- soil bank
- soil orders:
- Alfisols
- Andisols
- Aridisols
- Entisols
- Gelisols
- Histosols
- Inceptisols
- Mollisols
- Oxisols
- Spodosols
- Ultisols
- Vertisols
- Soldiers' Home; the soldiers' home; (see Armed Forces Retirement Home)
- Solicitor for the Department of Labor, etc.; the Solicitor
- Solicitor General (Department of Justice)
- Son of Man (Christ)
- Sons of the American Revolution (organization); a Son; a Real Son
- South:
- American Republics (see Republic)
- American States
- Atlantic
- Atlantic States
- Deep South (U.S.)
- Korea
- Midsouth (U.S.)
- Pacific
- Pole
- the South (section of United States); Southland
- Southeast Asia
- southern California, southeastern California, etc.
- Southern States
- Southern United States
- southerner
- Southwest, the (section of United States)
- space shuttle; the shuttle
- space station
- Spanish-American War (see War)
- Speaker of the House of Representatives; the Speaker
- special agent
- specialist
- Special Order No. 12; Special Orders, No. 12; a special order
- Spirit of '76 (painting); but spirit of '76 (in general sense)
- Sputnik
- Square, Lafayette, etc.; the square
- Staff, Foreign Service (see Foreign Service); Air (U.K.)
- standard time (see time)
- Star of Bethlehem
- Star-Spangled Banner (see flag)
- State:
- Champion
- government
- legislature (see Legislature)
- line, Iowa; Ohio-Indiana, etc.
- New York
- of Israel
- of Maryland
- of the Union Message/Address
- of Veracruz
- out-of-State (adjective); but out-of-stater
- prison
- Vatican City
- state:
- church and
- of the art: state-of-the-art technology
- welfare
- also downstate, instate, multistate, statehood, statehouse, stateside, statewide, substate, tristate, upstate
- State's attorney
- state's evidence
- states' rights
- States:
- Arab
- Balkan
- Baltic
- East North Central
- East South Central
- Eastern; font eastern industrial States
- Eastern Gulf
- Eastern North Central, etc.
- Far Western
- Gulf; Gulf Coast
- Lake
- Latin American
- lower 48
- Middle
- Middle Atlantic
- Middle Western
- Midwestern
- Mountain
- New England
- North Atlantic
- Northwestern, etc.
- Organization of American
- Pacific
- Pacific Coast
- rights
- South American
- South Atlantic
- Southern
- the six States of Australia; a foreign state
- Thirteen Original; original 13 States
- Western; but western Gulf; western farming States
- Station, if part of name; the station; not capitalized if referring to surveying or similar work:
- Air Force base
- Grand Central
- Naval Air Engineering
- television station WSYR-TV
- Union; Union Depot; the depot
- WAMU station; station WMAL; radio station WSM; broadcasting station WJSV
- station 9; substation A
- Statue of Liberty; the statue
- Statutes at Large (U.S.) (see also Revised Statutes)
- Stealth: bomber, fighter
- Stockpile, Strategic National
- stone age (see Ages)
- storage facility
- Stream, Gulf (see Gulf; geographic terms)
- Street, if part of name; the street:
- I Street (not Eye Street)
- 110th Street
- U Street (not You Street)
- subcommittee (see Committee)
- subtropical, subtropic(s) (see tropical)
- summit meeting; Earth summit
- Sun; a sun
- Super Bowl
- Superfund; the fund
- Superintendent, if referring to head of Federal unit; the Superintendent:
- of Documents (Government Printing Office)
- of the Naval (or Military) Academy
- Supplement to the Revised Statutes (see Revised Statutes)
- Supreme Bench; the Bench; also High Bench; High Tribunal
- Supreme Court (U.S.); the Court; also High Court; titles of officers standing alone capitalized:
- Associate Justice
- Chief Justice
- Clerk
- Marshal
- Reporter
- but Ohio Supreme Court; the supreme court
- Surgeon General, the (Air Force, Army, Navy, and Public Health Service)
- Survey, if part of name of Federal unit; the Survey: Geodetic; Geological
- System, if referring to Federal unit; the System:
- Federal Home Loan Bank; the System
- Federal Reserve; the System
- National Forest; the System
- National Highway; Interstate Highway; the System
- National Park; the System
- National Trails; the System
- National Wild and Scenic Rivers; the System
- Regional Metro System; Metro system
- Selective Service (see also Service)
- State and National forests
- but Amtrak railway system; Amtrak system; the system
- also Federal land bank system
- T
- table 2, II, A, etc.; but Table 2, when part of title: Table 2: Degrees of Land Deterioration
- task force (see Force)
- Team, USAREUR Technical Assistance, etc.; the team
- television station (see Station)
- Telnet
- Ten Commandments
- Territorial, if referring to a political subdivision
- Territory:
- Northwest (1799); the territory
- Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; Pacific Islands Trust Territory; the trust territory; the territory
- Yukon, Northwest Territories; the Territory(ies), Territorial (Canada)
- but territory of: American Samoa, Guam, Virgin Islands
- The, part of name, capitalized:
- The Dalles; The Gambia; The Hague; The Weirs; but the Dalles Dam; the Dalles region; the Federal Bulletin Board; the Hague Conference; the Weirs streets
- but the Adjutant General; the National Archives; the Archives; the Times; the Mermaid; the Federal Express
- Third World
- Thirteen American Colonies, etc. (see Colonies)
- Thirteen Original States
- Thruway, New York State; the thruway
- time:
- Alaska, Alaska standard
- Atlantic, Atlantic standard
- central, central standard
- eastern, eastern daylight, eastern daylight saving (no s), eastern standard
- Greenwich mean time (GMT)
- Hawaii-Aleutian standard
- local, local standard
- mountain, mountain standard
- Pacific, Pacific standard
- universal
- title 2, II, A, etc.; but Title 2, when part of title: Title 2: General Provisions
- Tomb:
- Grant's; the tomb
- of the Unknowns; of the Unknown Soldier; Unknown Soldier's Tomb; the tomb (see also Unknown Soldier)
- Tower, Eiffel, etc.; the tower
- Township, Union; township of Union
- trade names and trademarks:
- Blu-Ray
- Coca-Cola
- Dr Pepper
- Hersheypark
- iPod
- iTunes
- MasterCard
- TiVo
- U-Haul
- WebTV
- Yahoo!
- ZIP Code (Postal)
- Trade Representative (U.S.)
- transatlantic; transpacific; trans-Siberian, etc.; but Transjordan; Trans-Alaska
- Treasurer, Assistant, of the United States; the Assistant Treasurer; but assistant treasurer at New York, etc.
- Treasurer of the United States; the Treasurer
- Treasury notes; Treasurys
- Treasury, of the United States; General; National; Public
- Treaty, if part of name; the treaty:
- Jay Treaty
- North Atlantic; North Atlantic Defense
- of Versailles
- but treaty of 1919
- triad
- tribe (see Indians)
- Tribunal, standing alone capitalized only in minutes and official reports of a specific arbitration; also High Tribunal; the Tribunal (Supreme Court)
- Tropic of Cancer, of Capricorn; the Tropics
- tropical; neotropic, neotropical, subtropic(s), subtropical
- Trust, Power, etc.
- trust territory (see Territory)
- Tunnel, Lincoln, etc.; the tunnel; but irrigation, railroad, etc., tunnel
- Turnpike, Pennsylvania, etc.; the turnpike
- Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul)
- U
- U-boat
- Under Secretary, if referring to officer of Federal Government; the Under Secretary:
- of Agriculture
- of State
- of the Treasury
- Uniform Code of Military Justice (see Code)
- Union (if part of proper name; capitalized standing alone if synonym for United States or if referring to international unit):
- Columbia Typographical
- European
- Pan American (former name; see Organization of American States)
- Station; font union passenger station; union freight station
- Teamsters Union; the Teamsters; the union; also the Auto Workers, etc.
- Universal Postal; the Postal Union
- Western (see alliances)
- Woman's Christian Temperance
- but a painters union; printers union
- United Nations:
- Charter; the charter
- Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (see Organization)
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- General Assembly; the Assembly
- International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
- International Court of Justice; the Court
- Permanent Court of Arbitration (see Court)
- Secretariat, the
- Secretary General
- Security Council; the Council
- World Employment Conference
- World Health Organization (WHO); the Organization
- universal:
- military training (see Program)
- time (see time)
- University, if part of name: Stanford; the university
- Unknown Soldier; Unknown of World War II; World War II Unknown; Unknown of Korea; Korea Unknown; the Unknowns (see also Tomb)
- Upper, if part of name:
- Colorado River Basin
- Egypt
- Peninsula (of Michigan)
- but upper House of Congress
- U.S.S.R. (former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
- V
- Valley, Shenandoah, etc.; the valley; but the valleys of Virginia and Maryland
- V-E Day; V-J Day; V-chip
- veteran, World War II; Vietnam
- Veterans Affairs, Department of (see Department)
- Vice Chairman, etc. (same as Chairman)
- vice consul, British, etc.
- Vice President (same as President)
- Voice of America; the Voice
- volume 2, A, II, etc.; but Volume 2, when part of title; Volume 2: Five Rivers in America's Future
- W
- War, if part of formal name:
- Between the States
- Civil
- First World War; World War I; World War; Great War; Second World War; World War II
- for Independence (1776)
- French and Indian (1754-63)
- Mexican
- of 1812
- of the Rebellion; the rebellion
- on Crime
- on Drugs
- on Poverty
- on Terrorism, Global
- Revolutionary; of the Revolution; the Revolution
- Seven Years'
- Six-Day (Arab-Israeli)
- Spanish-American
- the two World Wars
- also post-World War II
- war, descriptive or undeclared:
- cold, hot
- European
- French and Indian wars
- Indian
- Korean
- Persian Gulf; gulf
- third world; world war III
- Vietnam
- with Mexico
- War College, National (see College)
- War Mothers (see American)
- ward 1, 2, etc.; first, 11th, etc.
- Washington's Farewell Address
- water district (see District)
- waterway, inland, intercoastal, etc.; but Intracoastal Waterway
- Web:
- page
- site
- Week, Fire Prevention; etc.
- welfare state
- West:
- Bank (Jordan)
- Coast (Africa); but west coast (U.S.)
- End, etc. (section of city)
- Europe (political entity)
- Far West; Far Western States
- Florida (1763-1819)
- Middle (United States); Midwest
- South Central States, etc.
- the West (section of United States; also world political entity)
- west, western Pennsylvania
- Western:
- bloc
- civilization
- countries
- Europe(an) (political entity)
- Hemisphere; the hemisphere
- ideas
- Powers
- States
- United States
- World
- but far western; western farming States (U.S.)
- westerner
- Whip, Majority; Minority
- Whisky Rebellion (see Rebellion)
- White (see Caucasian)
- White House:
- Blue Room
- East Room
- Oval Office
- Police (see Police)
- Red Room
- Rose Garden
- State Dining Room
- white paper, British, etc.
- Wilderness, capitalized with name; San Joaquin Wilderness, CA; the wilderness; but the Wilderness (Virginia battlefield)
- Wood, if part of name:
- Belleau
- County
- Fort Leonard
- World: New, Old, Third; but free world
- World Bank; the Bank
- World Series
- World War (see War)
- World War II veteran
- World Wide Web (WWW), the Web
- X
- x ray (note: no hyphen)
- Y
- year, calendar, fiscal
- Your Excellency; Your Honor; Your Majesty; etc.
- Youth Corps; the Corps
- Z
- ZIP Code number; ZIP+4
- Z39.50
- Zone, if part of name; the zone:
- British (in Germany)
- Canal (Panama)
- Eastern, Western (Germany)
- Frigid
- Hot (infectious area)
- of Interior (see Command)
- Temperate, Torrid; the zone
- U.S. Foreign Trade; Foreign Trade Zone; but the foreign trade zone, free trade zone
- zone:
- Arctic
- eastern standard time
- no-fly
- polar
- tropical
- Zoological Park (National); the zoo; the park