U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual/Spelling
(See also Chapter 7 "Compounding Examples" and Chapter 9 "Abbreviations and Letter Symbols")
In addition to indicating the preferred forms of words with variant spellings, the list also contains other words frequently misspelled or causing uncertainty. (See also "Word Division," a supplement to the GPO Style Manual.)
- A
- abattoir
- aberration
- abetter
- abettor (law)
- abridgment
- absorb (take in)
- adsorb (adhesion)
- abysmal
- a cappella
- accede (yield)
- exceed (surpass)
- accepter
- acceptor (law)
- accessory
- accommodate
- accordion
- accouter
- accursed
- acetic (acid)
- ascetic (austere)
- acknowledgment
- acoustic
- adapter
- adjurer
- adjuster
- ad nauseam
- adviser
- advisor (law)
- adz
- aegis
- aesthetic
- affect (influence, v.)
- effect (result, finish, n., v.)
- afterward(s)
- afterword
- aging
- aid (n., v.)
- aide
- aide-de-camp
- albumen (egg)
- albumin (chemistry)
- align
- allottee
- all ready (prepared)
- already (previous)
- all right
- altogether (completely)
- all together (collectively)
- aluminum
- ambidextrous
- amoeba
- ampoule
- analog
- analogous
- anemia
- anesthetic
- aneurysm
- anomalous
- anonymous
- antediluvian
- antibiotics (n.)
- antibiotic (adj.)
- anyway (adv.)
- anywise (adv.)
- appall, -ed, -ing
- appareled, -ing
- aquatic
- aqueduct
- archaeology
- arrester
- artifact
- artisan
- ascendance, -ant
- ascent (rise)
- assent (consent)
- assassinate
- athenaeum
- attester
- autogiro
- awhile (for some time)
- a while (a short time)
- ax
- aye
- B
- backward
- baloney (nonsense)
- bologna (sausage)
- bandanna
- bargainer
- bargainor (law)
- baritone
- bark (boat)
- barreled, -ing
- bastille
- bathyscaph
- battalion
- bazaar (event)
- bizarre (strange on absurd)
- behoove
- beneficent
- benefited, -ing
- bettor (wagerer)
- beveled, -ing
- biased, -ing
- blessed
- bloc (group)
- block (grants)
- blond (masc, fem.)
- bluing
- born (birth)
- borne (carried)
- bouillon (soup)
- bullion (metal)
- boulder
- bourgeoisie
- breach (gap)
- breech (lower part)
- brier
- briquet, -ted, -ting
- Britannia
- broadax
- bronco
- brunet (masc, fern.)
- buccaneer
- buncombe
- bunion
- bur
- burned
- bus, bused, buses, busing
- butadiene
- C
- caffeine
- calcareous
- calcimine
- caldron
- calendar
- calender (paper finish)
- caliber
- caliper
- calk (spike)
- caulk (seal)
- calligraphy
- callus (n.)
- callous (adj.)
- calorie
- canceled, -ing
- cancellation
- candor
- canister
- cannot
- canoeing
- cantaloupe
- canvas (cloth)
- canvass (solicit)
- capital (city, money)
- capitol (building)
- carabao (sing., pi.)
- carat (gem weight)
- caret (omission mark)
- karat (gold weight)
- carbureted, -ing
- carburetor
- Caribbean
- caroled, -ing
- carotene
- carrot
- cartilage
- caster (roller)
- castor (oil)
- casual (informal)
- causal (cause)
- catalog, -ed, -ing
- cataloger
- catsup
- caviar
- caviled, -er, -ing
- center
- centipede
- centrifugal
- cesarean
- chairmaned
- chaise longue
- chancellor
- channeled, -ing
- chaperon
- chautauqua
- chauvinism
- chiffonier
- chile con carne
- chili (pepper)
- chiseled, -ing
- chlorophyll
- cigarette
- citable
- cite (quote)
- site (place)
- clamor
- climactic (climax)
- climatic (climate)
- cocaine
- coconut
- cocoon
- coleslaw
- colloquy
- colossal
- combated, -ing
- commenter
- commentor (law)
- commingle
- commiserate
- complement (complete)
- compliment (praise)
- confectionery
- confidant (masc, fem.)
- confident (sure)
- confirmer
- confirmor (law)
- conjurer
- connecter
- connector (road)
- connoisseur
- consecrator
- consensus
- consignor
- consulter
- consummate
- contradicter
- control, -lable, -ling
- converter
- conveyor
- cookie
- cornetist
- corollary
- corvette
- councilor (of council)
- counselor (adviser)
- counseled, -ing
- cozy
- crawfish
- creneled, -ing
- crystaled, -ing
- crystalline
- crystallize
- cudgeled, -ing
- cyclopedia
- czar
- D
- darndest
- debarkation
- decaffeinated
- decalogue
- defense
- deliverer
- deliveror (law)
- demagogue
- demarcation
- dependent
- descendant (n., adj.)
- desecrater
- desiccate
- desuetude (suspended)
- destitute (bereft)
- detractor
- develop, -ment
- device (contrivance)
- devise (convey)
- dextrous (syllable division)
- diaeresis
- diaeretic
- diuretic (water pill)
- diagramed, -ing
- diagrammatic
- dialed, -ing
- dialogue
- dialysis
- diaphragm
- diarrhea
- dickey
- dietitian
- diffuser
- dike
- dilettante
- dinghy (boat)
- diphtheria
- discreet (prudent)
- discrete (distinct)
- disheveled, -ing
- disk
- dispatch
- dissension
- distention
- distill, -ed, -ing, -ment
- distributor
- diverter
- divorcee
- doctoral
- doctrinaire
- doggerel
- dossier
- doweled, -ing
- downward
- dreadnought
- dreamed
- drought
- dueled, -ing
- duffelbag
- dullness
- dumfound
- dwelt
- dyeing (coloring)
- dying (death)
- E
- eastward
- ecstasy
- edema
- edgewise
- electronics (n.)
- electronic (adj.)
- eleemosynary
- elicit (to draw)
- illicit (illegal)
- embarrass
- embed
- embellish
- emboweled, -ing
- emboweler
- emigrant (go from)
- immigrant (go into)
- emigree
- eminent (famous)
- imminent (soon)
- employee
- enameled, -ing
- encage
- encase
- encave
- enclasp
- enclose
- enclosure
- encumber
- encumbrance
- encyclopedia
- endorse, -ment
- endwise
- enfeeble
- enforce, -ment
- engraft
- enroll, -ed, -ing, -ment
- en shade
- en sheathe
- ensnare
- ensure (guarantee)
- insure (protect)
- entrench
- entrepreneur
- entrust
- entwine
- envelop (v.)
- envelope (n.)
- enwrap
- eon
- epaulet, -ed, -ing
- epiglottis
- epilogue
- equaled, -ing
- erysipelas
- escallop
- escapable
- esophagus
- etiology
- evacuee
- evanescent
- eviscerate
- evocative
- exhibitor
- exhilarate
- exonerate
- exorbitant
- expellant
- exposé (n., exposure)
- expose (v., to lay open)
- exsiccate
- extant (in existence)
- extent (range)
- extoll, -ed, -ing
- eying
- eyrie
- F
- fantasy
- farther (distance)
- further (degree)
- favor
- fecal
- feces
- fetal
- fetish
- fetus
- fiber
- fiche (microfiche)
- filigree
- finable
- finagle
- financier
- fjord
- flammable (not inflammable)
- flection
- fledgling
- flexitime
- flier
- flotage
- flotation
- fluorescent
- focused, -ing
- folderal
- forbade
- forbear (endurance)
- forebear (ancestor)
- foresee
- forgettable
- forgo (relinquish)
- forego (precede)
- format, formatted,
- formatting
- forswear
- fortissimo
- forward (ahead)
- foreword (preface)
- fricassee
- fuchsia
- fueler
- fulfill, -ed, -ing, -ment
- fulsome
- fungus (n., adj.)
- funneled, -ing
- furor
- fuse (all meanings)
- fuselage
- fusillade
- G
- gaiety
- gaily
- galosh
- gamboled, -ing
- garrote
- gauge
- gazetteer
- gelatin
- genealogy
- generalissimo
- germane
- glamorous
- glamour
- glycerin
- gobbledygook
- goodbye
- graveled, -ing
- gray
- grievous
- groveled, -ing
- gruesome
- guarantee (n., v.)
- guaranty (n., law)
- guerrilla (warfare)
- gorilla (ape)
- guesstimate
- guttural
- gypsy
- H
- hallelujah
- hara-kiri
- harass
- harebrained
- healthful (for health)
- healthy (with health)
- heinous
- hemoglobin
- hemorrhage
- heterogeneous
- hiccup
- highfalutin
- hijack
- homeopath
- homogeneity
- homologue
- hors d'oeuvre
- hypocrisy
- hypotenuse
- I
- idiosyncrasy
- idle (inactive)
- idol (statue)
- idyll
- imminent (soon)
- eminent (famous)
- impaneled, -ing
- impasse
- imperiled, -ing
- impostor
- impresario
- imprimatur
- inculcate
- indict (to accuse)
- indite (to compose)
- inequity (unfairness)
- iniquity (sin)
- inferable
- infold
- ingenious (skillful)
- ingenuous (simple)
- innocuous
- innuendo
- inoculate
- inquire, inquiry
- install, -ed, -ing, -ment
- installation
- instill, -ed, -ing
- insure (protect)
- ensure (guarantee)
- intelligentsia
- interceptor
- interment (burial)
- internment (jail)
- intern
- intervener
- intervenor (law)
- intransigent (n., adj.)
- iridescent
- italic
- J
- jalopy
- jalousie
- jerry-(built)
- jury- (rigged)
- jeweled, -ing, -er
- jewelry
- judgeship
- judgment
- jujitsu
- juxtaposition
- K
- karat
- kerneled, -ing
- kerosene
- kidnapped, -ing
- kidnapper
- kilogram
- knapsack
- kopek
- kumquat
- L
- labeled, -ing
- lacquer
- landward
- lath (wood)
- lathe (machine)
- laureled
- leukemia
- leveled, -ing
- leveler
- liable (responsible)
- libel (legal)
- liaison
- libelant
- libeled, -ing
- libelee
- libeler
- license
- licenser (issuer)
- licensor (grantor)
- licorice
- likable
- lilliputian
- linage (lines)
- lineage (descent)
- liquefy
- liquor
- liqueur
- liter
- livable
- loath (reluctant)
- loathe (detest)
- lodestar
- lodgment
- lodestone
- logistics (n.)
- logistic (adj.)
- louver
- luster
- lyonnaise
- M
- madam
- Mafia
- maim
- maize (corn)
- maze (labyrinth)
- maneuver
- manifold
- manikin (dwarf)
- mannequin (model)
- mantel (shelf)
- mantle (cloak)
- marbleize
- marijuana
- marshaled, -ing
- marshaler
- marveled, -ing
- marvelous
- material (goods)
- materiel (military)
- meager
- medaled, -ing
- medalist
- medieval
- metaled, -ing
- metalize
- meteorology (weather)
- metrology (weights and measures)
- meter
- mil (1⁄1000 inch)
- mill (1⁄1000 dollar)
- mileage
- miliary (tuberculosis)
- milieu
- milk cow
- millenary (1,000)
- millinery (hats)
- millennium
- minable
- missilery
- misspell
- miter
- moccasin
- modeled, -ing
- modeler
- mold
- mollusk
- molt
- moneys
- monogramed, -ing
- monologue
- mortise
- movable
- mucilage
- mucus (n.)
- mucous (adj.)
- Muslim
- mustache
- N
- naphtha
- Navajo
- nazism
- neophyte
- niacin
- nickel
- niter
- nonplused
- northward
- Novocain (trademark)
- novocaine (anesthetic)
- numskull
- O
- obbligato
- obloquy
- ocher
- octet
- offal
- offense
- omelet
- ophthalmology
- opossum
- orangutan
- orbited, -ing
- ordinance (law)
- ordnance (military)
- organdy
- overseas or oversea
- P
- pajamas
- paleontology
- paneled, -ing
- paraffin
- paralleled, -ing
- parallelepiped
- parceled, -ing
- partisan
- pastime
- patrol, -led, -ling
- peccadillo
- pedant (n.)
- pedantic (adj.)
- peddler
- penciled, -ing
- pendant (n.)
- pendent (u.m.)
- percent
- peremptory (decisive)
- preemptory (preference)
- perennial
- periled, -ing
- permittee
- perquisite (privilege)
- prerequisite (requirement)
- personal (individual)
- personnel (staff)
- perspective (view)
- prospective (expected)
- petaled, -ing
- pharaoh
- pharmacopeia
- phoenix
- phlegm
- phony
- phosphorus (n.)
- phosphorous (adj.)
- photostated
- pickax
- picnicking
- pipet
- plaque
- plastics (n.)
- plastic (adj.)
- pledger
- pledgor (law)
- plenitude
- pliers
- plow
- poleax
- pollination
- pommeled, -ing
- pontoon
- porcelaneous
- practice (n., v.)
- precedence (priority)
- precedents (usage)
- prerogative
- pretense
- preventive
- principal (chief)
- principle (proposition)
- privilege
- proffer
- programmatic
- programmed, -mer, -ming
- prologue
- promissory
- pronunciation
- propel, -led, -ling
- propellant (n.)
- propellent (adj.)
- prophecy (n.)
- prophesy (v.)
- ptomaine
- pubic (anatomy)
- pulmotor
- pusillanimous
- Q
- quarreled, -ing
- quartet
- quaternary
- questionnaire
- queue
- R
- raccoon
- racket (all meanings)
- rapprochement
- rarefy
- rarity
- ratable
- rational (adj.)
- rationale (n.)
- rattan
- raveled, -ing
- reconnaissance
- reconnoiter
- recyclable
- referable
- refuse
- registrar
- reinforce
- relater
- relator (law)
- remodeler
- renaissance
- reparable
- repellant (n.)
- repellent (adj.)
- requester
- requestor (law)
- rescission
- responder (electronics)
- responser (electronics)
- reveled, -er, -ing
- rhyme, rhythmic
- RIFing, RIFed, RIFs
- rivaled, -ing
- roweled, -ing
- ruble
- S
- saccharin (n.)
- saccharine (adj.)
- sacrilegious
- salable
- sandaled, -ing
- savable
- savanna
- savior
- Saviour (Christ)
- scalloped, -ing
- schizophrenia
- scion (horticulture)
- scurrilous
- seismology
- selvage (edging)
- salvage (save)
- sentineled, -ing
- separate (v., adj.)
- sepulcher
- seriatim
- settler
- settlor (law)
- sewage (waste)
- sewerage (drain system)
- sextet
- Shakespearean
- shellacking
- shoveled, -ing
- shriveled, -ing
- sideward
- signaled, -ing
- siphon
- site (place)
- cite (quote)
- sizable
- skeptic
- skillful
- skulduggery
- sleight (deft)
- slight (meager)
- smolder
- sniveled, -ing
- snorkel
- soliloquy
- sometime (formerly)
- some time (some time ago)
- some times (at times)
- southward
- spacious (space)
- specious (deceptive)
- specter
- spirituous (liquor)
- spirochete
- spoliation
- stationary (fixed)
- stationery (paper)
- statue (sculpture)
- stature (height)
- statute (law)
- staunch
- stenciled, -ing
- stenciler
- stifling
- stratagem
- stubbornness
- stultify
- stupefy
- subpoena, -ed
- subtlety
- succor
- sulfur (also derivatives)
- sulfanilamide
- sulfureted, -ing
- supererogation
- surfeit
- surreptitious
- surveillance
- swiveled, -ing
- sylvan
- synonymous
- syrup
- T
- taboo
- tactician
- tasseled, -ing
- tattoo
- taxied, -ing
- technique
- teetotaler
- tercentenary
- theater
- therefor (for it)
- therefore (for that reason)
- thiamine
- thralldom
- thrash (beat)
- thresh (grain)
- threshold
- tie, tied, tying
- timber (wood)
- timbre (tone)
- tinseled, -ing
- titer
- tonsillitis
- tormenter
- totaled, -ing
- toward
- toweled, -ing
- toxemia
- trafficking
- trammeled, -ing
- tranquilize(r)
- tranquillity
- transcendent
- transferable
- transferor
- transferred
- transonic
- transponder (electronics)
- transshipment
- traveled, -ing
- traveler
- travelogue
- triptych
- trolley
- troop (soldiers)
- troupe (actors)
- troweled, -ing
- tryptophan
- tularemia
- tunneled, -ing
- tunneler
- turquoise
- typify
- tyrannical
- tyro
- U
- unctuous
- unwieldy
- upward
- uremia
- usable
- V
- vacillate
- valance (drape)
- valence (chemistry)
- veld
- veranda
- vermilion
- vicissitude
- victualed, -ing
- victualer
- vilify
- villain
- visa, -ed, -ing
- vitamin
- vitrify
- volcanism
- voluntarism
- votable
- vying
- W
- wainscoting
- warranter
- warrantor (law)
- warranty
- weeviled, -ing
- welder
- westward
- whimsy
- whiskey, -s
- willful
- withe
- woeful
- woolen
- woolly
- worshiped, -er, -ing
- A
- abaca
- aide memoire
- a la carte
- a la king
- a la mode
- angstrom
- aperitif
- applique
- apropos
- auto(s)-da-fe
- B
- blase
- boutonniere
- brassiere
- C
- cabana
- cafe
- cafeteria
- caique
- canape
- cause celebre
- chateau
- cliche
- cloisonne
- comedienne
- comme ci
- comme ca
- communique
- confrere
- consomme
- cortege
- coulee
- coup de grace
- coup d'etat
- coupe
- creme
- crepe
- crepe de chine
- critique
- critiquing
- D
- debacle
- debris
- debut
- debutante
- decollete
- dejeuner
- denouement
- depot
- dos-a-dos
- E
- eclair
- eclat
- ecru
- elan
- elite
- entree
- etude
- F
- facade
- faience
- faux pas
- fete
- fiance (masc, fem.)
- frappe
- G
- garcon
- glace
- grille
- gruyere
- H
- habitue
- I
- ingenue
- J
- jardiniere
- L
- laissez faire
- litterateur
- M
- materiel
- matinee
- melange
- melee
- menage
- mesalliance
- metier
- moire
- N
- naive
- naivete
- nee
- O
- opera bouffe
- opera comique
- P
- papier mache
- piece de resistance
- pleiade
- porte cochere
- porte lumiere
- portiere
- pousse cafe
- premiere
- protege (masc, fem.)
- puree
- R
- rale
- recherche
- regime
- risque
- role
- rotisserie
- roue
- S
- saute
- seance
- senor
- smorgasbord
- soiree
- souffle
- suede
- T
- table d'hote
- tete-a-tete
- tragedienne
- V
- vicuna
- vis-a-vis
- à l'américaine
- attaché
- béton
- blessé
- calèche
- cañada
- cañon
- chargé
- chargé d'affaires
- congé
- crédit foncier
- crédit mobilier
- curé
- déjà vu
- détente
- doña
- entrepôt
- exposé
- longéron
- mañana
- maté
- mère
- nacré
- outré
- passé (masc, fem.)
- pâté
- père
- piña
- précis
- raisonné
- résumé
- touché
- albinos
- armadillos
- avocados
- banjos
- cantos
- cascos
- centos
- didos
- duodecimos
- dynamos
- escudos
- falsettos
- gauchos
- ghettos
- halos
- indigos
- infernos
- juntos
- kimonos
- lassos
- magnetos
- mementos
- merinos
- mestizos
- octavos
- octodecimos
- pianos
- piccolos
- pomelos
- provisos
- quartos
- salvos
- sextodecimos
- sextos
- siroccos
- solos
- tangelos
- tobaccos
- twos
- tyros
- virtuosos
- zeros
When a noun is hyphenated with an adverb or preposition, the plural is formed on the noun.
- comings-in
- fillers-in
- goings-on
- hangers-on
- listeners-in
- lookers-on
- markers-up
- passers-by
- swearers-in
When neither word is a noun, the plural is formed on the last word.
- also-rans
- come-ons
- go-betweens
- higher-ups
- run-ins
- tie-ins
- Significant word first:
- adjutants general
- aides-de-camp
- ambassadors at large
- attorneys at law
- attorneys general
- billets-doux
- bills of fare
- brothers-in-law
- charges d'affaires
- chiefs of staff
- commanders in chief
- comptrollers general
- consuls general
- courts-martial
- crepes suzette
- daughters-in-law
- governors general
- grants-in-aid
- heirs at law
- inspectors general
- men-of-war
- ministers-designate
- mothers-in-law
- notaries public
- pilots-in-command
- postmasters general
- presidents-elect
- prisoners of war
- reductions in force
- rights-of-way
- secretaries general
- sergeants at arms
- sergeants major
- solicitors general
- surgeons general
- Significant word in middle:
- assistant attorneys general
- assistant chiefs of staff
- assistant comptrollers general
- assistant surgeons general
- Significant word last:
- assistant attorneys
- assistant commissioners
- assistant corporation counsels
- assistant directors
- assistant general counsels
- brigadier generals
- deputy judges
- deputy sheriffs
- general counsels
- judge advocates
- judge advocate generals
- lieutenant colonels
- major generals
- provost marshals
- provost marshal generals
- quartermaster generals
- trade unions
- under secretaries
- vice chairmen
- men employees
- secretaries-treasurers
- women aviators
- Both words equally significant:
- Bulletins Nos. 27 and 28 not Bulletin Nos. 27 and 28 but Bulletin No. 27 or 28
- coats of arms
- masters at arms
- men buyers
- No word significant in itself:
- forget-me-nots
- hand-me-downs
- jack-in-the-pulpits
- man-of-the-earths
- pick-me-ups
- will-o'-the-wisps
Nouns ending with ful form the plural by adding s at the end; if it is necessary to express the idea that more than one container was filled, the two elements of the solid compound are printed as separate words and the plural is formed by adding s to the noun.
- five bucketfuls of the mixture (one bucket filled five times)
- five buckets full of earth (separate buckets)
- three cupfuls of flour (one cup filled three times)
- three cups full of coffee (separate cups)
- addendum, addenda
- adieu, adieus
- agendum, agenda
- alga, algae
- alumnus, alumni (masc); alumna, alumnae (fern.)
- antenna, antennas (antennae, zoology)
- appendix, appendixes
- aquarium, aquariums
- automaton, automatons
- axis, axes
- bandeau, bandeaux
- basis, bases
- bateau, bateaux
- beau, beaus
- cactus, cactuses
- calix, calices
- cargo, cargoes
- chassis (singular and plural)
- cherub, cherubs
- cicatrix, cicatrices
- Co., Cos.
- coccus, cocci
- consortium, consortia
- corrigendum, corrigenda
- crisis, crises
- criterion, criteria
- curriculum, curriculums
- datum (singular), data (plural, but singular in collective sense)
- desideratum, desiderata
- dilettante, dilettanti
- dogma, dogmas
- ellipsis, ellipses
- equilibrium, equilibriums (equilibria, scientific)
- erratum, errata
- executrix, executrices
- flambeau, flambeaus
- focus, focuses
- folium, folia
- formula, formulas
- forum, forums
- fungus, fungi
- genius, geniuses
- genus, genera
- gladiolus (singular and plural)
- helix, helices
- hypothesis, hypotheses
- index, indexes (indices, scientific)
- insigne, insignia
- italic (singular and plural)
- Kansas Citys
- lacuna, lacunae
- larva, larvae
- larynx, larynxes
- lens, lenses
- lira, lire
- locus, loci
- madam, mesdames
- Marys
- matrix, matrices
- maximum, maximums
- medium, mediums or media
- memorandum, memorandums
- minimum, minimums
- minutia, minutiae
- monsieur, messieurs
- nucleus, nuclei
- oasis, oases
- octopus, octopuses
- opus, opera
- parenthesis, parentheses
- phenomenon, phenomena
- phylum, phyla
- plateau, plateaus
- podium, podiums
- proces-verbal, proces-verbaux
- radius, radii
- radix, radixes
- referendum, referendums
- sanatorium, sanatoriums
- sanitarium, sanitariums
- septum, septa
- sequela, sequelae
- seraph, seraphs
- seta, setae
- ski, skis
- stadium, stadiums
- stimulus, stimuli
- stratum, strata
- stylus, styluses
- syllabus, syllabuses
- symposium, symposia
- synopsis, synopses
- tableau, tableaus
- taxi, taxis
- terminus, termini
- testatrix, testatrices
- thesaurus, thesauri
- thesis, theses
- thorax, thoraxes
- vertebra, vertebras (vertebrae, zoology)
- virtuoso, virtuosos
- vortex, vortexes
The following words end in ible; other words in this class end in able.
- abhorrible
- accendible
- accessible
- addible
- adducible
- admissible
- appetible
- apprehensible
- audible
- avertible
- bipartible
- circumscriptible
- coctible
- coercible
- cognoscible
- cohesible
- collapsible
- collectible(s)
- combustible
- comestible
- commonsensible
- compactible
- compatible
- competible
- compossible
- comprehensible
- compressible
- conducible
- conductible
- confluxible
- congestible
- contemptible
- controvertible
- conversable (oral)
- conversible
- convertible
- convincible
- corrigible
- corrodible
- corrosible
- corruptible
- credible
- crucible
- cullible
- decoctible
- deducible
- deductible
- defeasible
- defectible
- defensible
- delible
- deprehensible
- depressible
- descendible
- destructible
- diffrangible
- diffusible
- digestible
- dimensible
- discernible
- discerpible
- discerptible
- discussible
- dispersible
- dissectible
- distensible
- distractible
- divertible
- divestible
- divisible
- docible
- edible
- educible
- effectible
- effervescible
- eligible
- eludible
- erodible
- evasible
- eversible
- evincible
- exemptible
- exhaustible
- exigible
- expansible
- explosible
- expressible
- extensible
- fallible
- feasible
- fencible
- flexible
- fluxible
- forcible
- frangible
- fungible
- fusible
- gullible
- horrible
- ignitible
- illegible
- immersible
- immiscible
- impartible
- impatible
- impedible
- imperceptible
- impermissible
- imperscriptible
- impersuasible
- implausible
- impossible
- imprescriptible
- imputrescible
- inaccessible
- inadmissible
- inapprehensible
- inaudible
- incircumscriptible
- incoercible
- incognoscrible
- incombustible
- incommiscible
- incompatible
- incomprehensible
- incompressible
- inconcussible
- incontrovertible
- inconvertible
- inconvincible
- incorrigible
- incorrodible
- incorruptible
- incredible
- indefeasible
- indefectible
- indefensible
- indelible
- indeprehensible
- indestructible
- indigestible
- indiscernible
- indivertible
- indivisible
- indocible
- inducible
- ineffervescible
- ineligible
- ineludible
- inevasible
- inexhaustible
- inexpansible
- inexpressible
- infallible
- infeasible
- inflexible
- infractible
- infrangible
- infusible
- innascible
- inscriptible
- insensible
- instructible (convertible)
- insubmergible
- insuppressible
- insusceptible
- intactible
- intangible
- intelligible
- interconvertible
- interruptible
- intervisible
- invendible
- invertible
- invincible
- invisible
- irascible
- irreducible
- irrefrangible
- irremissible
- irreprehensible
- irrepressible
- irresistible
- irresponsible
- irreversible
- legible
- mandible
- marcescible
- misicible
- negligible
- nexible
- omissible
- ostensible
- partible
- passable (open)
- passible (feeling)
- perceptible
- perfectible
- permissible
- persuasible
- pervertible
- plausible
- possible
- prehensible
- prescriptible
- producible
- productible
- protrusible
- putrescible
- receptible
- redemptible
- reducible
- reflectible
- reflexible
- refrangible
- remissible
- renascible
- rendible
- reprehensible
- repressible
- reproducible
- resistible
- responsible
- reversible
- revertible
- risible
- runcible
- sconcible
- seducible
- sensible
- sponsible
- suasible
- subdivisible
- submergible
- submersible
- subvertible
- suggestible
- supersensible
- suppressible
- susceptible
- suspensible
- tangible
- tensible
- terrible
- thurible
- traducible
- transmissible
- transvertible
- tripartible
- unadmissible
- uncorruptible
- unexhaustible
- unexpressible
- unintelligible
- unresponsible
- unsusceptible
- vendible
- vincible
- visible
- vitrescible
A large number of words have the termination ise, ize, or yze. The letter l is followed by yze if the word expresses an idea of loosening or separating, as analyze; all other words of this class, except those ending with the suffix wise and those in the following list, end in ize.
- advertise
- advise
- affranchise
- apprise (to inform)
- apprize (to appraise)
- arise
- chastise
- circumcise
- comprise
- compromise
- demise
- despise
- devise
- disenfranchise
- disfranchise
- disguise
- emprise
- enfranchise
- enterprise
- excise
- exercise
- exorcise
- franchise
- improvise
- incise
- merchandise
- misadvise
- mortise
- premise
- prise (to force)
- prize (to value)
- reprise
- revise
- rise
- supervise
- surmise
- surprise
- televise
A single consonant following a single vowel and ending in a monosyllable or a final accented syllable is doubled before a suffix beginning with a vowel.
- bag, bagging
- format, formatting
- input, inputting
- red, reddish
- rob, robbing
- transfer, transferred
- but
- total, totaled, totaling
- travel, traveled, traveling
If the accent in a derivative falls upon an earlier syllable than it does in the root word, the consonant is not doubled.
- refer, reference
- prefer, preference
- infer, inference
The indefinite article a is used before a consonant and an aspirated h; an is used before a silent h and all vowels except u pronounced as in visual and o pronounced as in one.
- a historic occasion
- a hotel
- a human being
- a humble man
- a union
- an herb seller
- an hour
- an honor
- an onion
- an oyster
- but
- an H-U-D directive
- a HUD directive
When a group of initials begins with b, c, d, g,j, k, p, q, t, u, v, w, y, or z, each having a consonant sound, the indefinite article a is used.
- a BLS compilation
- a CIO finding
- a GAO limitation
- a UFO sighting
- a WWW search
When a group of initials begins with a, e,f, h, i, I, m, n, o, r, s, or x, each having a vowel sound, the indefinite article an is used.
- an AEC report
- an FCC (ef) ruling
- an NSC (en) proclamation
- an RFC (ahr) loan
Use of the indefinite article a or an before a numerical expression is determined by the consonant or vowel sound of the beginning syllable.
- an 11-year-old
- a onetime winner
- a III (three) group
- an VIII (eight) classification
- a IV-F (four ef) category (military draft)
- a 4-H Club
The spelling of geographic names must conform to the decisions of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) (http://geonames.usgs.gov). In the absence of such a decision, the U.S. Directory of Post Offices is to be used.
If the decisions or the rules of the BGN permit the use of either the local official form or the conventional English form, it is the prerogative of the originating office to select the form which is most suitable for the matter in hand; therefore, in marking copy or reading proof, it is required only to verify the spelling of the particular form used. GPO's preference is for the conventional English form. Copy will be followed as to accents, but these should be consistent throughout the entire job.
The table on Demonyms in Chapter 17 "Useful Tables" shows forms to be used for nouns and adjectives denoting nationality.
In designating the natives of the States, the following forms will be used.
- Alabamian
- Alaskan
- Arizonan
- Arkansan
- Californian
- Coloradan
- Connecticuter
- Delawarean
- Floridian
- Georgian
- Hawaiian
- Kentuckian
- Idahoan
- Illinoisan
- Indianian
- Iowan
- Kansan
- Louisianian
- Mainer
- Marylander
- Massachusettsan
- Michiganian
- Minnesotan
- Mississippian
- Missourian
- Montanan
- Nebraskan
- Nevadan
- New Hampshirite
- New Jerseyan
- New Mexican
- New Yorker
- North Carolinian
- North Dakotan
- Ohioan
- Oklahoman
- Oregonian
- Pennsylvanian
- Rhode Islander
- South Carolinian
- South Dakotan
- Tennessean
- Texan
- Utahn
- Vermonter
- Virginian
- Washingtonian
- West Virginian
- Wisconsinite
- Wyomingite
Observe the following forms:
- African-American
- Alaska Native (Aleuts, Eskimos, Indians of Alaska)
- Amerindian
- Native American (American Indian)
- Puerto Rican
- Part-Hawaiian (legal status)
but part-Japanese, etc.
Words, including tribal and other proper names of Indian, Aleut, Hawaiian, and other groups, are to be followed literally as to spelling and the use of spaces, hyphens, etc.