U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual/Compounding Examples
The following examples are based on the rules for compounding found in chapter 6. Obviously, this list or any other list of compound words could not possibly be a complete reference due to sheer volume. However, an analogy of the words listed with like prefixes and suffixes together with an application of the rules will result in easier handling of those compound words not listed.
In order to keep the list from becoming cumbersome, certain restrictions had to be adopted.
The listing of hyphenated compounds ending in ed was kept to a minimum. The rationale was to provide one or two examples under a keyword rather than needless repetition.
Similarly, many two-word forms which create no difficulty were omitted.
Care was exercised to achieve fuller coverage of solid compounds, particularly when the adopted form is different than that of Webster's Third New International Dictionary. This dictionary is GPO's guide for spelling with the exception of those words listed in rule 5.2. It is not GPO's guide to compounding.
A distinction exists between words used in a literal sense and a non-literal sense. With few exceptions, one-word forms usually express a nonliteral interpretation, while two-word forms invariably convey a literal meaning. For example, a person may have an interesting sideline or hobby, but be forced to sit on the side line during periods of inactivity.
Distinction should also be made in the compounding of two words to form an adjective modifier and the use of the same words as a predicate adjective; e.g., "crystal-clear water," but "the water is crystal clear"; "fire-tested material," but "the material is fire tested."
Caution should be exercised when distinguishing whether a succession of words is being used as a compound or whether they simply appear together. Consider, for example, "We know someone should do it and who that some one ought to be."
For better appearance, it may sometimes be necessary to treat alike words which would have different forms when they appear separately; e.g., bumblebee and queen bee, farmhand and ranch hand. In juxtaposition, these and similar words should be made uniform by being printed as two words. This is only a temporary expedient and does not supersede the list.
Combining forms and prefixes are usually printed solid. For greater readability, the hyphen is sometimes used to avoid doubling a vowel (anti-inflation, naso-orbital); to facilitate a normally capitalized word (mid-April, non-European); to assure distinct pronunciation of each element of a compound or ready comprehension of intended meaning (contra-ion, un-ionized); or to join a combining form or prefix to a hyphenated compound (equi-gram-molar, pro-mother-in-law).
As nouns and adjectives, holdup, calldown, layout, makeup, and similar words should be printed solid. Their er derivatives, (holder-up, caller-down, layer-out, and maker-up) require hyphens. Such compounds as run-in, run-on, and tie-in resist quick comprehension when solid. They are therefore hyphenated.
Words spelled alike but pronounced differently, such as tear-dimmed and tearsheet, wind tunnel and windup, are listed under the same keyword.
Words printed flush in the following list combine with the words which follow to indicate solid or hyphenated compounds. A spacemark (#) appearing before an indented entry indicates a two-word form, but two-word forms appearing in the adjective position usually take a hyphen.
To indicate word function, several abbreviations have been appended. They are: adv., adverb; n., noun; v., verb; u.m., unit modifier; pref., prefix; c.f., combining form; and conj., conjunction.
- A
- A
- BC(s) (n.)
- -B-C (u.m.)
- -bomb
- -day
- -flat
- -frame
- -pole
- -sharp
- a
- borning, etc.
- foot
- while (adv.)
- abdomino (c.f.)
- all one word
- able
- -bodied (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- about-face
- above
- -cited (u.m.)
- deck
- -found (u.m.)
- -given (u.m.)
- ground (u.m.)
- -mentioned (u.m.)
- -named (u.m.)
- -said (u.m.)
- -water (u.m.)
- -written (u.m.)
- absentminded
- ace-high (u.m.)
- acid
- fast
- -treat (v.)
- works
- ack-ack
- acre
- -foot
- -inch
- actino (c.f.)
- all one word
- addle
- brain
- head
- pate
- add-on (n., u.m.)
- adeno (c.f.)
- all one word
- acro (c.f.)
- -otitis
- rest one word
- afore
- all one word
- after (c.f.)
- all one word
- agar-agar
- age
- less
- long
- -old (u.m.)
- -stricken (u.m.)
- -weary (u.m.)
- agribusiness
- ague
- -faced (u.m.)
- -plagued (u.m.)
- -sore (u.m.)
- aide-de-camp
- air
- bag
- base
- bill
- blast
- -blasted (u.m.)
- blown
- brake
- brush
- burst
- cargo
- -clear (u.m.)
- coach
- -condition (all forms)
- -cool (v.)
- -cooled (u.m.)
- course
- crew
- -dried (u.m.)
- -driven (u.m.)
- drome
- drop
- -dry (u.m., v.)
- fare
- -floated (u.m.)
- flow
- foil
- -formed (u.m.)
- frame
- freight
- gap
- glow
- hammer
- head
- hole
- hose
- lane
- lift
- #line (line for air)
- line (aviation)
- liner
- link
- locked
- mark (v.)
- marker
- mass
- minded
- park
- path
- photo
- port (all meanings)
- #raid
- scoop
- ship
- show
- sick
- -slaked (u.m.)
- sleeve
- space
- speed
- stream
- strike
- strip
- #time (radio and TV)
- wave
- woman
- worthy
- alder-leaved (u.m.)
- ale
- cup
- -fed (u.m.)
- glass
- alkali#land
- all
- -absorbing (u.m.)
- -aged (u.m.)
- -American
- -clear (n., u.m.)
- -fired (u.m.)
- -flotation (mining)
- #fours
- #in
- -inclusive (u.m.)
- mark (printing)
- -out (u.m.)
- -possessed (u.m.)
- -round (u.m.)
- spice
- -star (u.m.)
- time (u.m.)
- wise
- alleyway
- allo (c.f.)
- all one word
- almsgiver
- along
- ship
- shore
- side
- alpen
- glow
- stock
- alpha
- -cellulose
- -iron
- -naphthol
- also-ran (n., u.m.)
- alto
- cumulus
- relievo
- stratus
- amber
- -clear (u.m.)
- -colored (u.m.)
- -tipped (u.m.)
- ambi (c.f.)
- all one word
- amidships
- amino
- #acid
- as prefix, all one word
- ampere
- -foot
- -hour
- meter
- -minute
- -second
- amphi (pref.)
- all one word
- amylo (c.f.)
- all one word
- anchor
- hold
- #light
- plate
- angel
- cake
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -faced (u.m.)
- food
- angio (c.f.)
- all one word
- angle
- hook
- meter
- wing
- worm
- Anglo (c.f.)
- -American, etc.
- rest one word
- anhydr(o) (c.f.)
- all one word
- ankle
- bone
- -deep (u.m.)
- jack
- ant
- eater
- hill
- ante (pref.)
- #bellum, etc.
- -Christian, etc.
- #mortem
- mortem (nonliteral)
- rest one word
- antero (c.f.)
- all one word
- anthra (c.f.)
- all one word
- anthropo (c.f.)
- all one word
- anti (pref.)
- -American, etc.
- -choice
- christ
- god
- -hog-cholera (u.m.)
- -icer
- -imperial
- -inflation, etc.
- -life
- -missile-missile (u.m.)
- missile
- personnel
- trust, etc.
- -New#Deal, etc.
- rest one word
- antro (c.f.)
- all one word
- anvil
- -faced (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- any
- body
- how
- one
- #one (one thing or one of a group)
- place (adv.)
- aorto (c.f.)
- all one word
- apo (pref.)
- all one word
- apple
- cart
- jack
- #juice
- sauce
- -scented (u.m.)
- April-fool (v.)
- aqua
- culture
- lung
- marine
- meter
- puncture
- tint
- tone
- aquo (c.f.)
- -ion
- rest one word
- arc
- -over (n., u.m.)
- -weld (v.)
- arch (pref.)
- band
- bishop
- duke
- enemy
- -Protestant
- archeo (c.f.)
- all one word
- archi (pref.)
- all one word
- archo (c.f.)
- all one word
- areo (c.f.)
- all one word
- aristo (c.f.)
- all one word
- arithmo (c.f.)
- all one word
- arm
- band
- bone
- chair
- hole
- lift
- pit
- plate
- rack
- rest
- -shaped (u.m.)
- armor
- -clad (u.m.)
- -piercing (u.m.)
- plate
- -plated (u.m.)
- smith
- arm's-length (u.m.)
- arrow
- head
- -leaved (u.m.)
- plate
- -shaped (u.m.)
- shot
- -toothed (u.m.)
- arseno (c.f.)
- all one word
- art-colored (u.m.)
- arterio (c.f.)
- all one word
- arthro (c.f.)
- all one word
- artillery
- man
- woman
- asbestos
- -covered (u.m.)
- -packed (u.m.)
- ash
- bin
- can
- -colored (u.m.)
- -free (u.m.)
- -gray (u.m.)
- #heap
- pan
- pile
- pit
- tray
- assembly
- #line
- man
- #room
- astro (c.f.)
- all one word
- attorney#at#law
- audio
- frequency
- gram
- meter
- tape
- visual
- auri (c.f.)
- -iodide
- rest one word
- authorship
- auto (c.f.)
- -logon
- matic#backup
- -objective
- -observation
- -omnibus
- -ophthalmoscope
- rest one word
- awe
- -bound (u.m.)
- -filled (u.m.)
- -inspired (u.m.)
- some
- ax
- -adz
- -grinding (u.m.)
- hammer
- head
- -shaped (u.m.)
- axletree
- axo (c.f.)
- all one word
- azo (c.f.)
- -orange
- -orchil
- -orseilline
- rest one word
- B
- B-flat
- baby
- #boomer
- face (n.)
- #food
- sit (v.)
- sitter
- back
- ache
- band
- bite (v.)
- biter
- bone
- breaker
- cap
- chain
- charge
- -country (u.m.)
- cross
- date
- down (n., u.m.)
- drop
- face
- feed
- fill
- fire
- flap
- flash
- flow
- -focus (v.)
- furrow
- ground
- hand
- haul
- -in (n., u.m.)
- lash
- list (v.)
- log
- lotter
- packer (n.)
- paddle (v.)
- pay
- payment
- pedal (v.)
- plate
- rest
- road
- run
- saw
- scatter
- set
- shift
- slide
- space
- spin
- spread
- staff
- stage
- stairs
- stamp
- stay
- stitch
- stop
- strap
- -streeter
- stretch (n.)
- string
- strip (book)
- stroke
- -swath (v.)
- swept
- swing
- tack
- talk
- tender
- tenter
- -titrate (v.)
- track (v.)
- trail
- up (n., u.m.)
- wall
- wash
- water
- backer
- -down
- -off
- -up
- bag
- boy
- -cheeked (u.m.)
- girl
- pipe
- -shaped (u.m.)
- baggage
- man
- #rack
- #room
- #train
- bailout (n., u.m.)
- bake
- oven
- pan
- shop
- bald
- faced
- head (n.)
- pate
- ball
- field
- #game
- -like
- park (nonliteral)
- #park (literal)
- player
- point (n., u.m.)
- stock
- ballot#box
- band
- aid
- box
- cutter
- saw
- stand
- string
- -tailed (u.m.)
- wagon
- width
- bandy
- ball
- -legged (u.m.)
- bangup (n., u.m.)
- bank
- hook
- note
- #paper
- side (stream)
- bantamweight
- bar
- #bit
- code
- keeper
- maid
- post
- tender
- -wound (u.m.)
- bare
- -armed (u.m.)
- hack
- bone
- faced
- foot
- handed
- legged
- necked
- worn
- barge -laden (u.m.)
- bark
- cutter
- peel
- -tanned (u.m.)
- barley
- corn
- mow
- #water
- barnstormer
- barrel
- head
- -roll (v.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- base
- ball
- ball#hat
- line
- #line (surveying)
- -minded (u.m.)
- basi (c.f.)
- all one word
- basketball
- bas -relief
- bat
- blind
- -eyed (u.m.)
- fowl
- wing
- batch#file
- bath
- mat
- robe
- #towel
- tub
- batswing (cloth)
- battercake
- battle
- ax
- -fallen (u.m.)
- front
- ground
- -scarred (u.m.)
- ship
- stead
- wagon
- baud#rate
- baybolt
- beach
- comber
- head
- wagon
- bead
- flush
- roll
- beak
- head
- iron
- -shaped (u.m.)
- beam
- filling
- -making (u.m.)
- bean
- bag
- cod
- -fed (u.m.)
- pole
- pot
- setter
- -shaped (u.m.)
- stalk
- bear
- baiting
- herd
- hide
- hound
- off (n., u.m.)
- trap
- beater
- -out
- -up
- beauty
- -blind (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- #shop
- beaverpelt
- bed
- board
- chair
- chamber
- clothes
- cord
- cover
- -fallen (u.m.)
- fast
- fellow
- frame
- lamp
- linen
- pad
- pan
- plate
- post
- quilt
- rail
- #rest
- ridden
- rock
- sheet
- sick
- side
- sore
- space
- spread
- spring
- stand
- stead
- straw
- time
- bee
- bread
- -eater
- herd
- hive
- keeper
- line
- way
- beechnut
- beef
- eater
- #extract
- -faced (u.m.)
- head
- steak
- tongue
- bees
- wax
- wing
- beet
- field
- #sugar
- beetle
- -browed (u.m.)
- head
- stock
- before
- -cited (u.m.)
- hand
- -mentioned (u.m.)
- -named (u.m.)
- behindhand
- bell
- -bottomed (u.m.)
- crank
- -crowned (u.m.)
- hanger
- hop
- mouthed
- ringer
- wether
- belly
- ache
- band
- buster
- button
- fed (u.m.)
- pinch
- belowstairs
- belt
- -driven (u.m.)
- saw
- bench
- fellow
- -hardened (u.m.)
- made (u.m.)
- mark (nonliteral)
- #mark (surveying)
- warmer
- bentwing (n., u.m.)
- benzo (c.f.)
- all one word
- berry-brown (u.m.)
- best
- #man
- seller (n.)
- beta
- -glucose
- tron
- between
- decks
- whiles
- bi (pref.)
- -iliac
- rest one word
- big
- -eared (u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- head (ego)
- horn (sheep)
- -horned (u.m.)
- -leaguer
- mouthed
- name (top rank) (n., u.m.)
- bill
- back
- beetle
- broker
- fold
- head
- hook
- poster
- sticker
- billet
- -doux
- head
- billingsgate
- bio (c.f.)
- -aeration
- -osmosis
- rest one word
- birchbark
- bird
- bath
- bander
- cage
- call
- catcher
- #dog (literal)
- dog (nonliteral)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -faced (u.m.)
- life
- lime
- lore
- mouthed
- seed
- shot
- watcher
- bird's
- -eye
- #nest (literal) (n.)
- -nest (n.,u.m., v.)
- birth
- bed
- #date
- day
- mark
- place
- right
- #year
- biscuit-shaped (u.m.)
- bismuto (c.f.)
- all one word
- bit
- stock
- -mapped
- bitter
- -ender
- head
- sweet
- -tongued (u.m.)
- black
- ball (nonliteral)
- -bordered (u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- guard
- jack
- leg
- list
- mark
- #market (n.)
- -market (u.m., v.)
- -marketer
- out (n., u.m.)
- plate (printing)
- -robed (u.m.)
- #sheep (all meanings)
- shirted
- snake
- strap (n.)
- -tie (u.m.)
- top
- #widow
- blast
- hole
- plate
- blasto (c.f.)
- all one word
- bleach
- ground
- works
- blear
- eye
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -witted (u.m.)
- blepharo (c.f.)
- all one word
- blight-resistant (u.m.)
- blind
- -bomb (v.)
- -flying (u.m.)
- fold
- -loaded (u.m.)
- #man
- spot
- stitch
- story
- blink-eyed (u.m.)
- blithe-looking (u.m.)
- blitz
- buggy
- krieg
- block
- buster
- head
- hole (v.)
- ship
- blood
- -alcohol (u.m.)
- bath
- beat
- curdling
- -drenched (u.m.)
- -giving (u.m.)
- guilty
- -hot (u.m.)
- hound
- letting
- mobile
- -red (u.m.)
- ripe
- shed
- shot
- spiller
- spot
- stain
- stock
- stream
- sucker
- thirsty
- -warm (u.m.)
- bloody
- -nosed (u.m.)
- -red (u.m.)
- blossom
- -bordered (u.m.)
- -laden (u.m.)
- blow
- back
- by (n., u.m.)
- cock
- down (n., u.m.)
- gun
- hard (n.)
- hole
- iron
- lamp
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- pipe
- spray
- through (u.m.)
- torch
- tube
- up (n., u.m.)
- blue
- -annealed (u.m.)
- beard (n.)
- blood
- bonnet
- book (nonliteral)
- bottle
- coat (n.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- gill
- grass
- -gray (u.m.)
- -green (u.m.)
- -hot (u.m.)
- jack
- jacket
- nose
- -pencil (v.)
- point (oyster)
- stocking
- streak (nonliteral)
- tongue (n.)
- blunder
- buss
- head
- blunt
- -edged (u.m.)
- -spoken (u.m.)
- boar
- spear
- staff
- board
- #foot
- rack
- walk
- boat
- builder
- crew
- head
- hook
- house
- loader
- owner
- #people
- setter
- shop
- side
- swain
- wright
- yard
- bob
- cat
- sled
- stay
- tail
- white
- bobby
- pin
- -soxer
- body
- bearer
- bending
- builder
- -centered (u.m.)
- guard
- -mind
- plate
- bog
- -eyed (u.m.)
- land
- man
- trot (v.)
- boil
- down (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- boiler
- -off
- -out
- plate
- works
- boiling#house
- bold
- face (printing)
- -spirited (u.m.)
- bolt
- cutter
- head
- hole
- -shaped (u.m.)
- strake
- bomb
- drop
- fall
- shell
- sight
- thrower
- -throwing (u.m.)
- bone
- ache
- #ash
- black
- breaker
- -bred (u.m.)
- -dry (u.m.)
- -eater
- -hard (u.m.)
- head
- lace
- meal
- set
- shaker
- -white (u.m.)
- boobytrap
- boogie -woogie
- book
- binder
- case
- dealer
- #end
- fair
- -fed (u.m.)
- fold
- -learned (u.m.)
- -lined (u.m.)
- list
- lore
- lover
- mark
- mobile
- plate
- rack
- rest
- sale
- seller
- shelf
- stack
- stall
- stamp
- stand
- stitch
- -stitching (u.m.)
- -taught (u.m.)
- wright
- boom
- town
- truck
- boondoggling
- boot
- black
- hose
- jack
- lace
- last
- leg
- lick
- strap
- bore
- hole
- safe
- sight
- bosom
- -deep (u.m.)
- -folded (u.m.)
- -making (u.m.)
- bottle
- -fed (u.m.)
- neck
- -nosed (u.m.)
- bottom#land
- boughpot
- bow
- back
- bent
- grace
- head
- knot
- legged
- -necked (u.m.)
- pin
- shot
- sprit
- stave
- string
- wow
- box
- car
- haul
- head (printing)
- truck
- boxer
- -off
- -up
- brachio (c.f.)
- all one word
- brachy (c.f.)
- all one word
- brain
- cap
- child
- -cracked (u.m.)
- pan
- sick
- -spun (u.m.)
- storm
- -tired (u.m.)
- wash
- brake
- drum
- head
- meter
- shoe
- brandnew (u.m.)
- brandy
- -burnt (u.m.)
- wine
- brass
- -armed (u.m.)
- -bold (u.m.)
- -smith
- works
- brave
- hearted
- -looking (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- brazen
- -browed (u.m.)
- face
- bread
- basket
- crumb
- earner
- fruit
- #knife
- liner
- plate
- seller
- stuff
- #tray
- winner
- break
- away (n., u.m.)
- ax
- back (n., u.m.)
- bone (fever)
- #circuit
- down (n., u.m.)
- -even (u.m.)
- fast
- fast#room
- front
- -in (n., u.m.)
- neck
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- point
- through (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- wind (n.)
- breaker
- -down
- -off
- -up
- breast
- band
- beam
- bone
- -deep (u.m.)
- -fed (u.m.)
- feed
- -high (u.m.)
- hook
- mark
- piece
- pin
- plate
- plow
- rail
- rope
- work
- breath
- -blown (u.m.)
- -tainted (u.m.)
- taking
- breech
- block
- cloth
- loader
- -loading (u.m.)
- lock
- pin
- plug
- sight
- breeze
- -borne (u.m.)
- -lifted (u.m.)
- -swept (u.m.)
- way
- bribe
- -free (u.m.)
- giver
- taker
- bric-a-brac
- brick
- bat
- -built (u.m.)
- -colored (u.m.)
- kiln
- layer
- liner
- mason
- -red (u.m.)
- setter
- work
- yard
- bride
- bed
- bowl
- cake
- chamber
- cup
- groom
- knot
- lace
- maiden
- stake
- bridge
- builder
- head
- pot
- tree
- #wall
- work
- briefcase
- bright
- -covered (u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- brilliant
- -cut (u.m.)
- -green (u.m.)
- brine-soaked (u.m.)
- bringer-up
- bristle
- cone (u.m.)
- -pointed (u.m.)
- broad
- acre
- ax
- band (n., u.m.)
- -beamed (u.m.)
- brim
- cast
- cloth
- head
- #jump
- leaf(n.)
- -leaved (u.m.)
- loom
- minded
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- share (n., v.)
- sheet (n.)
- side
- sword
- wife
- woven
- broken
- -down (u.m.)
- -legged (u.m.)
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- bromo (c.f.)
- all one word
- bronchio (c.f.)
- all one word
- broncho (c.f.)
- all one word
- broncobuster
- bronze
- -clad (u.m.)
- -colored (u.m.)
- -red (u.m.)
- broom
- #handle
- -leaved (u.m.)
- -making (u.m.)
- stick
- brother
- -german
- hood
- -in-law
- brow
- beat
- point
- post
- brown
- back
- -eyed (u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- brush
- ball
- #holder
- off (n., u.m.)
- -treat (v.)
- brusher
- -off
- -up
- buck
- eye
- -eyed (u.m.)
- horn
- hound
- passer
- plate
- pot
- saw
- shot
- skinned
- stall
- stay
- stove
- tooth
- wagon
- wash
- bucket-shaped (u.m.)
- buff
- -tipped (u.m.)
- ware
- -yellow (u.m.)
- bug
- bear
- bite
- -eyed (u.m.)
- build
- down (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- built
- -in (u.m.)
- -up (u.m.)
- bulb -tee (u.m.)
- bulbo (c.f.)
- all one word
- bulk
- head
- -pile (v.)
- weigh (v.)
- bull
- baiting
- dog
- doze
- -faced (u.m.)
- fight
- frog
- head
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- neck
- nose
- pen
- ring
- #terrier
- toad
- -voiced (u.m.)
- whack
- whip
- bullet
- head
- maker
- proof
- bull's
- -eye (nonliteral)
- -foot
- bumble
- bee
- foot
- kite
- bung
- hole
- start
- burn
- -in (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- burned -over (u.m.)
- burner -off
- burnt
- -out (u.m.)
- -up (u.m.)
- bus
- boy
- #conductor
- driver
- fare
- girl
- line
- load
- bush
- beater
- buck
- fighter
- -grown (u.m.)
- hammer
- -leaguer
- ranger
- whacker
- wife
- bustup (n., u.m.)
- busy
- body
- -fingered (u.m.)
- head
- butt
- -joint (v.)
- saw
- stock
- strap
- -weld (v.)
- butter
- ball
- -colored (u.m.)
- fat
- fingers
- head
- milk
- mouth
- nut
- -rigged (u.m.)
- scotch
- -smooth (u.m.)
- wife
- -yellow (u.m.)
- button
- -eared (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- hold
- hole
- hook
- mold
- buzzerphone
- by
- -and -by
- -the -way (n., u.m.)
- -your -leave (n., u.m.)
- rest one word
- C
- C
- -sharp
- -star
- -tube
- cab
- driver
- fare
- #owner
- stand
- cabbagehead
- cabinet
- maker
- making
- cable -laid (u.m.)
- caco (c.f.)
- all one word
- cage#bird
- cake
- baker
- bread
- -eater
- mixer
- -mixing (u.m.)
- pan
- walk
- calci (c.f.)
- all one word
- calk -weld (v.)
- call
- back (n., u.m.)
- box
- down (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- note
- -off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- -over (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- camshaft
- camel
- back (rubber)
- -backed (u.m.)
- driver
- -faced (u.m.)
- camel's -hair (u.m.)
- camp
- fire
- ground
- stool
- can
- capper
- not
- #opener
- canalside
- candle
- bomb
- -foot
- holder
- -hour
- lighter
- lit
- -meter
- power
- -shaped (u.m.)
- stand
- stick
- wick
- wright
- candystick
- cane
- -backed (u.m.)
- brake
- crusher
- cutter
- #sugar
- canker
- -eaten (u.m.)
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- cannonball
- canvas -covered (u.m.)
- cap
- -flash (v.)
- nut
- screw
- sheaf
- shore
- car
- barn
- break
- builder
- fare
- goose
- hop
- jacker
- lot
- -mile
- owner
- pool
- port
- sick
- wash
- carbo (c.f.)
- all one word
- carbol (c.f.)
- all one word
- carcino (c.f.)
- all one word
- card
- case
- -index (u.m., v.)
- player
- sharp
- stock
- cardio (c.f.)
- -aortic
- rest one word
- care
- free
- giver
- -laden (u.m.)
- taker
- -tired (u.m.)
- worn
- carpet
- bagger
- beater
- #cleaner
- -cleaning (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- fitter
- layer
- -smooth (u.m.)
- -sweeping (u.m.)
- weaver
- -weaving (u.m.)
- web
- woven
- carpo (c.f.)
- -olecranal
- rest one word
- carriage -making (u.m.)
- carrot
- -colored (u.m.)
- head (nonliteral)
- juice
- top (nonliteral)
- carry
- all (n.,u.m.)
- around (n., u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- forward (n.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- cart
- load
- wheel (coin)
- whip
- wright
- case
- bearer
- finding
- hammer
- harden
- load
- mated
- worker
- caser -in
- cashflow
- cast
- away (n.,u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- -by (u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n, u.m.)
- -ridden (u.m.)
- -weld (v.)
- caster
- -off
- -out
- castlebuilder (nonliteral)
- cat
- back
- beam
- bird
- call
- -eyed (u.m.)
- face (n.)
- fall
- gut
- head
- hole
- hook
- -ion
- like
- nap
- nip
- -o' -nine -tails
- stitch
- walk
- CAT scan
- catch
- all (n.,u.m.)
- -as -catch -can (u.m.)
- cry
- penny
- plate
- up (n., u.m.)
- weight
- word
- cater
- corner
- wauling
- cat's
- -eye (nonliteral)
- -paw (nonliteral
- cattle
- #boat
- feed
- -raising (u.m.)
- yak
- cauliflower
- -eared (u.m.)
- #ware
- causeway
- cave
- dweller
- -dwelling (u.m.)
- #fish
- -in (n., u.m.)
- cease -fire (n., u.m.)
- cedar -colored (u.m.)
- celi (c.f.)
- all one word
- celio (c.f.)
- all one word
- cell
- cement
- -covered (u.m.)
- mason
- -temper (v.)
- census
- #taker
- -taking
- center
- #field (sports)
- head (printing)
- line
- most
- piece
- -second
- centi (c.f.)
- all one word
- centimeter -gram -second
- centri (c.f.)
- all one word
- centro (c.f.)
- all one word
- cephalo (c.f.)
- all one word
- cerato (c.f.)
- all one word
- cerebro (c.f.)
- -ocular
- rest one word
- certificate holder
- cervico (c.f.)
- -occipital
- -orbicular
- rest one word
- cess
- pipe
- pit
- pool
- chaffcutter
- chain
- #belt
- -driven (u.m.)
- #gang
- stitch
- chair
- fast
- mender
- person
- -shaped (u.m.)
- warmer
- chalk
- cutter
- line
- -white (u.m.)
- chamber
- maid
- woman
- changeover
- chapfallen
- chapelgoing
- char
- broiler
- coal
- pit
- woman
- charge
- #book
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- chartbook
- chattermark
- cheapskate
- check
- bite
- forger
- hook
- -in (n., u.m.)
- list
- mark
- nut
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- passer (n.)
- point
- rack
- rail
- rein
- ring
- roll
- rope
- row
- sheet
- strap
- string
- up (n., u.m.)
- washer
- weigher
- writer
- checker
- -in
- -off
- -out
- -up
- cheek
- bone
- strap
- cheerleader
- cheese
- burger
- cake
- cloth
- curd
- cutter
- head
- lip
- parer
- plate
- chemico (c.f.)
- all one word
- chemo (c.f.)
- all one word
- cherry
- -colored (u.m.)
- stone (nonliteral)
- #stone (literal)
- chestnut
- -colored (u.m.)
- -red (u.m.)
- chicken
- bill
- -billed (u.m.)
- #breast
- breasted
- #coop
- #farm
- feed
- heart
- pox
- #yard
- chief
- #justice
- -justiceship
- #mate
- child
- bearing
- bed
- birth
- care
- crowing
- hood
- kind
- life
- -minded (u.m.)
- ridden
- wife
- chill-cast (u.m., v.)
- chin
- band
- -bearded (u.m.)
- -chin
- cloth
- cough
- -high (u.m.)
- rest
- strap
- china
- -blue (u.m.)
- #shop
- ware
- Chinatown
- chipmunk
- chiro (c.f.)
- all one word
- chisel
- -cut (u.m.)
- -edged (u.m.)
- #maker
- chitchat
- chitter-chatter
- chloro (c.f.)
- all one word
- chock
- ablock
- -full (u.m.)
- chocolate
- -brown (u.m.)
- -coated (u.m.)
- #maker
- choir
- boy
- #master
- choke
- bore
- chain
- damp
- out (n., u.m.)
- point
- strap
- chole (c.f.)
- all one word
- chondro (c.f.)
- -osseous
- rest one word
- chop
- -chop
- stick
- chowchow
- Christ
- -given (u.m.)
- -inspired (u.m.)
- like
- chromo (c.f.)
- all one word
- chrono (c.f.)
- all one word
- chuck
- hole
- plate
- wagon
- chucklehead
- chunkhead
- church
- #choir
- goer
- like
- work
- yard
- churn
- -butted (u.m.)
- milk
- cigar
- case
- cutter
- -shaped (u.m.)
- cigarette
- #holder
- #maker
- -making (u.m.)
- cine (c.f.)
- all one word
- circuitbreaker
- circum (pref.)
- arctic, pacific, etc.
- -Saturnal, etc.
- rest one word
- cirro (c.f.)
- all one word
- cis (pref.)
- alpine
- atlantic
- -trans (u.m.)
- rest one word
- city
- -born (u.m.)
- -bred (u.m.)
- folk
- #man
- scape
- clam
- bake
- shell
- clampdown (n., u.m.)
- clap
- net
- trap
- clasphook
- class
- book
- -conscious (u.m.)
- #consciousness
- #day
- work
- claw
- bar
- -footed (u.m.)
- hammer
- hatchet
- -tailed (u.m.)
- clay
- bank
- -colored (u.m.)
- pan
- pit
- works
- clean
- -cut (u.m.)
- handed
- out (n., u.m.)
- -shaved (u.m.)
- -smelling (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- clear
- cole
- -cut (u.m.)
- cut (forestry) (n., v.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- headed
- -sighted (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- wing
- clearinghouse
- cleft
- -footed (u.m.)
- -graft (v.)
- client/server
- cliff
- dweller
- -dwelling (u.m.)
- hanger
- side
- top
- -worn (u.m.)
- clinch-built (u.m.)
- clink-clank
- clinker-built (u.m.)
- clip
- -clop
- -edged (u.m.)
- sheet
- clipper-built (u.m.)
- cloak
- -and-dagger (n., u.m.)
- room
- clock
- case
- face
- -minded (u.m.)
- setter
- #speed
- watcher
- clod
- head
- hopping
- pate
- close
- bred
- -connected (u.m.)
- cross
- -cut (u.m.)
- down (n.)
- -fertilize (v.)
- fisted
- handed
- -knit
- minded
- mouthed
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- closed
- -circuit (u.m.)
- #end
- #shop
- cloth-hacked (u.m.)
- clothes
- bag
- basket
- brush
- #closet
- horse
- pin
- line
- press
- rack
- #tree
- cloud
- base
- burst
- cap
- -hidden (u.m.)
- clover
- bloom
- leaf
- seed
- sick
- club
- #car
- foot
- hand
- haul
- mobile
- ridden
- room
- root
- -shaped (u.m.)
- co (pref.)
- -op
- exist, operate, etc.
- processor
- rest one word
- coach
- -and -four
- builder
- whip
- coal
- bag
- bed
- bin
- -black (u.m.)
- breaker
- #car
- dealer
- digger
- -faced (u.m.)
- hole
- -laden (u.m.)
- #loader
- #mine
- #oil
- pit
- rake
- sack (astron. only)
- shed
- ship
- #tar
- #truck
- yard
- coastside
- coat
- hanger
- rack
- tailed
- cob
- head
- meal
- shed
- web
- cock
- bill
- brain
- crow
- eye
- fight
- head
- pit
- #robin
- spur
- sure
- -tailed (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- cockleshell
- cockscomb
- cod
- bank
- fishing
- head
- #liver
- piece
- pitchings
- smack
- code
- #name
- -named (u.m.)
- coffee
- break
- cake
- -colored (u.m.)
- -growing (u.m.)
- pot
- room
- cofferdam
- coffin-headed (u.m.)
- cogwheel
- coin-operated (u.m.)
- cold
- blooded
- -chisel (v.)
- cuts
- -draw (v.)
- finch
- -flow (v.)
- -forge (v.)
- frame
- -hammer (v.)
- -hammered (u.m.)
- pack
- -press (v.)
- -roll (v.)
- -rolled (u.m.)
- -short (u.m.)
- -shortness
- -shoulder (v.)
- type (printing)
- #war
- #wave
- -work (v.)
- cole
- seed
- slaw
- coli (c.f.)
- all one word
- collar
- bag
- band
- bone
- colo (c.f.)
- all one word
- color
- bearer
- blind
- #blindness
- fast
- -free (u.m.)
- #line
- type (printing) (n.)
- -washed (u.m.)
- comb-toothed (u.m.)
- come
- -along (tool)
- back (n., u.m.)
- -between (n.)
- down (n.)
- -off (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- -out (n.)
- -outer
- uppance
- comic#book
- command
- -line
- #prompt
- commander#in#chief
- common
- -carrier
- #law
- place
- #sense (n.)
- sense (u.m.)
- weal
- wealth
- companionship
- compressed#file
- comptime
- cone
- -shaped (u.m.)
- speaker
- conference#room
- Congressman#at#Large
- contra (pref.)
- -acting
- -approach
- -ion
- rest one word
- cook
- book
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- shack
- stove
- coolheaded
- cooped
- -in (u.m.)
- -up (u.m.)
- cop
- #out (v.)
- out (n.)
- copper
- -bottomed (u.m.)
- -colored (u.m.)
- head
- -headed (u.m.)
- #mine
- nose
- plate
- -plated (u.m.)
- smith
- works
- copy
- cat
- cutter
- desk
- #editor
- fitter
- holding
- reader
- right
- writer
- coral
- -beaded (u.m.)
- -red (u.m.)
- cork
- -lined (u.m.)
- screw
- corn
- bin
- bread
- cake
- cob
- cracker
- crib
- crusher
- cutter
- dodger
- -fed (u.m.)
- husk
- loft
- meal
- #pone
- stalk
- starch
- corner
- bind
- post
- corpsmember
- cost
- #effective (n.)
- -effectiveness
- wise
- costo (c.f.)
- all one word
- cotton
- -clad (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- -growing (u.m.)
- #mill
- mouth (snake)
- packer
- picker, ing
- seed
- sick
- countdown (n., u.m.)
- counter
- #check (banking)
- #septum
- -off
- act, propaganda, top, etc.
- as combining form, one word
- country
- -born (u.m.)
- -bred (u.m.)
- folk
- people
- side
- wide
- county
- #seat
- wide
- court
- bred
- -martial
- ship
- cousin
- -german
- hood
- -in-law
- cover
- alls
- let
- side
- up (n., u.m.)
- cow
- barn
- bell
- catcher
- -eyed (u.m.)
- gate
- hand
- herd
- hide
- hitch
- lick
- path
- pen
- #pony
- pox
- puncher
- shed
- sucker
- crab
- cake
- catcher
- eater
- faced
- hole
- meat
- stick
- crack
- down (n., u.m.)
- house (slang)
- jaw
- pot
- -the-whip (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- cradle
- side
- #snatcher
- song
- cranio (c.f.)
- all one word
- crank
- case
- -driven (u.m.)
- pin
- pit
- shaft
- crapehanger
- crashdive (v.)
- crawlup (n., u.m.)
- crazy
- bone
- cat
- cream
- cake
- -colored (u.m.)
- creditworthiness
- creek
- bed
- side
- creep
- hole
- mouse
- crepe#de#chine
- crestfallen
- crew
- cut
- member
- cribstrap
- crime
- fighter
- solver
- wave
- crisscross
- crook
- all one word
- crooked
- -foot (n.)
- -legged (u.m.)
- -nosed (u.m.)
- crop
- -bound (u.m.)
- -haired (u.m.)
- head
- mark
- -year
- cross
- -appeal
- arm
- band
- bar
- beam
- bearer
- bedded
- belt
- bench
- -bidding
- bill (bird)
- #bill (legal)
- bind
- bolt
- bond
- bones
- bred
- breed
- -bridge (v.)
- -brush (v.)
- -carve (v.)
- -channel (u.m.)
- -check
- -claim
- -compound (v.)
- -connect (v.)
- -country (u.m.)
- -cultivate (v.)
- current
- -curve (math.) (n.)
- cut
- -date (v.)
- -drain (v.)
- -dye (v.)
- -dyeing (n.)
- -examine (v.)
- -eye (n., u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- fall
- feed
- -fertile (u.m.)
- -fertilize (v.)
- -fiber (u.m.)
- file
- fire
- flow
- foot
- -grained (u.m.)
- hair
- hand
- hatch
- haul
- head
- -immunity
- -index (u.m.)
- -interrogate (v.)
- -interrogatory
- -invite (v.)
- legged
- legs
- -level (v.)
- -license (v.)
- lift (v.)
- lock
- lots
- mark
- member
- patch
- path
- plow (v.)
- -pollinate (v.)
- -purpose (n.)
- -question
- rail
- -reaction
- -refer (v.)
- -reference
- road
- row
- -service
- -shaft
- -slide
- -staff
- -sterile
- -stitch
- -stone
- -stratification
- -sue (v.)
- -surge (v.)
- talk
- tie
- town
- track
- trail
- tree
- under (n., u.m.)
- -vote
- walk
- web
- wind
- word
- crow
- bait
- bar
- foot
- crownbar
- crow's
- -foot (nonliteral)
- -nest (nonliteral)
- crybaby
- crypto (c.f.)
- -Christian, etc.
- rest one word
- crystal
- -clear (u.m.)
- -girded (u.m.)
- -smooth (u.m.)
- cubbyhole
- cumulo (c.f.)
- all one word
- cup
- bearer
- cake
- ful
- head
- curb
- side
- stoner
- cure-all (n., u.m.)
- curly
- head
- locks (n.)
- currycomb
- cussword
- custom
- -built (u.m.)
- -made (u.m.)
- -tailored (u.m.)
- cut
- away (n.,u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- glass
- -in (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- rate (u.m.)
- throat
- -toothed (u.m.)
- -under (u.m.)
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- cutter
- -built (u.m.)
- -down
- head
- -off
- -out
- -rigged (u.m.)
- -up
- cuttlebone
- cyano (c.f.)
- all one word
- cyber
- cyclecar
- cyclo (c.f.)
- -olefin
- rest one word
- cysto (c.f.)
- all one word
- cyto (c.f.)
- all one word
- D
- D
- -day
- -major
- -plus-4-day
- dairy
- -fed (u.m.)
- -made (u.m.)
- daisy#chain
- damp
- proofing
- -stained (u.m.)
- damping-off (n., u.m.)
- dancehall
- danger#line
- dare
- -all (n., u.m.)
- devil
- say
- dark
- -eyed (u.m.)
- horse (nonliteral)
- room (n.)
- -skinned (u.m.)
- dash
- plate
- wheel
- data
- bank
- base
- set
- date
- lined
- mark
- daughter-in-law
- dawn
- -gray (u.m.)
- streak
- day
- beam
- bed
- break
- -bright (u.m.)
- care
- dawn
- dream
- -fly (aviation) (v.)
- -flying (u.m.)
- going
- lighted
- lit
- long (u.m.)
- mark
- side
- star
- -to-day (u.m.)
- worker
- de (pref.)
- -air
- icer
- -ink
- -ion
- centralize, energize, etc.
- rest one word
- dead
- -alive
- beat (n.)
- born
- -burn (v.)
- #center
- -cold (u.m.)
- -dip (v.)
- -drunk (u.m.)
- -ender
- eye (n.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- fall
- head
- -heated (u.m.)
- -heater
- -heavy (u.m.)
- latch
- #load
- lock
- pan
- -roast (v.)
- weight (n., u.m.)
- wood
- death
- bed
- blow
- day
- -divided (u.m.)
- -doom (v.)
- #house
- -struck (u.m.::)
- trap
- watch
- -weary (u.m.)
- decisionmaking
- deckhand
- deep
- -affected (u.m.)
- -cut (u.m.)
- -felt (u.m.)
- -freeze (u.m., v.)
- -frying (u.m.)
- going
- -grown (u.m.)
- -laid (u.m.)
- most
- mouthed
- -rooted (u.m.)
- #sea
- -seated (u.m.)
- -set (u.m.)
- -sunk (u.m.)
- -voiced (u.m.)
- water (u.m.)
- deer
- drive (n.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- food
- herd
- horn
- hound
- meat
- stalker
- stand
- tick
- dehydr(o) (c.f)
- all one word
- demi (pref.)
- -Christian, etc.
- -incognito
- rest one word
- dermato (c.f.)
- all one word
- desk
- #room
- top (n., u.m.)
- dessert
- #fork
- #knife
- spoon
- deutero (c.f.)
- all one word
- devil
- -devil
- dog (a marine)
- -inspired (u.m.)
- -ridden (u.m.)
- dew
- beam
- cap
- -clad (u.m.)
- claw
- damp
- -drenched (u.m.)
- drop
- fall
- -fed (u.m.)
- -laden (u.m.)
- lap
- point
- dextro (c.f.)
- all one word
- di (pref.)
- all one word
- dia (pref.)
- all one word
- dialog#box
- dial-up
- diamond
- back
- -backed (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- diazo (c.f.)
- -oxide
- rest one word
- dice
- cup
- play
- die
- -away (u.m.)
- back
- case
- -cast (u.m., v.)
- caster
- -cut (u.m., v.)
- cutter
- hard (n.,u.m.)
- head
- #proof (philately) (n.)
- setter
- sinker
- -square (u.m.)
- stock
- diesel
- -driven (u.m.)
- -electric (u.m.)
- dillydally
- dim
- -lighted (u.m.)
- lit
- out (n., u.m.)
- diner-out
- ding
- bat
- dong
- dining#room
- dinitro (c.f.)
- #spray
- rest one word
- dip
- -dye (v.)
- -grained (u.m.)
- head
- stick
- dipper-in
- direct
- -connected (u.m.)
- -indirect
- direction-finding (u.m.)
- dirt
- -cheap (u.m.)
- fast
- -incrusted (u.m.)
- plate
- dirty
- -faced (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- #work
- dis (pref.)
- all one word
- dish
- cloth
- #cover
- pan
- rack
- rag
- #towel
- washer
- disk
- #drive
- jockey
- pack
- plow
- -shaped (u.m.)
- ditch
- bank
- digger
- rider
- side
- dive
- -bomb (v.)
- #bomber
- do
- -all (n., u.m.)
- -gooder
- -little (n.,u.m.)
- -nothing (n., u.m.)
- dock
- hand
- head
- side
- worker
- dog
- bite
- -bitten (u.m.)
- breeder
- cart
- catcher
- #days
- -drawn (u.m.)
- -ear (v.)
- -eared (u.m.)
- face (soldier)
- -faced (u.m.)
- fall
- fight
- food
- -headed (u.m.)
- hole
- leg
- #owner
- race
- shore
- sled
- -tired (u.m.)
- tooth
- -toothed (u.m.)
- trick
- trot
- watch
- -weary (u.m.)
- doll
- face
- -faced (u.m.)
- dollyhead
- donkey
- back
- -drawn (u.m.)
- -eared (u.m.)
- doomsday
- door
- bed
- bell
- case
- check
- frame
- head
- jamb
- keeper
- knob
- knocker
- mat
- nail
- #opener
- plate
- post
- -shaped (u.m.)
- sill
- step
- stop
- dope
- fiend
- passer
- pusher
- sheet
- dorsi (c.f.)
- all one word
- dorso (c.f.)
- -occipital
- rest one word
- dot
- -matrix
- #pitch
- double
- -barrel (n., u.m.)
- -barreled (u.m.)
- -bitt (v.)
- -breasted (u.m.)
- -charge (v.)
- check (n., v.)
- checked (u.m., v.)
- -chinned (u.m.)
- -click
- cross (nonliteral)
- deal (v.)
- -decker
- dipper (nonliteral)
- -duty (u.m.)
- -dye (v.)
- -edged (u.m.)
- -ender
- -entendre
- handed
- -headed (u.m.)
- header
- -jointed
- -leaded (u.m.)
- -quick (u.m.)
- -sided
- #space (v.)
- #take
- talk
- tone (printing)
- tree
- -trouble
- -up (u.m., v.)
- #work
- dough
- boy
- -colored (u.m.)
- face
- -faced (u.m.)
- head
- mixer
- nut
- down
- beat
- by
- cast
- check
- coast
- come
- -covered (u.m.)
- crier
- cry
- curved
- cut
- dale
- draft
- drag
- face
- fall
- feed
- filled
- flow
- fold
- grade
- gradient
- growth
- hanging
- haul
- hearted
- hill
- lead
- load
- lock (n.)
- look
- most
- payment
- pour
- rate
- right
- river
- rush
- shore
- side
- sitting
- slip
- slope
- -soft (u.m.)
- spout
- stage
- stairs
- state
- stream
- street
- stroke
- sun (adv., u.m.)
- swing
- take
- throw
- thrust
- time
- town
- trampling
- trend
- trodden
- turn
- valley
- weigh
- weight
- wind
- draft
- age (allowance)
- #age
- -exempt (u.m.)
- drag
- bar
- bolt
- net
- pipe
- rope
- saw
- staff
- wire
- dragger
- -down
- -in
- -out
- -up
- dragon
- -eyed (u.m.)
- fly
- #piece
- drain
- cleaner
- pipe
- plug
- tile
- drainage
- #area
- #basin
- way
- draw
- -arch (n.)
- back
- bar
- beam
- bench
- bolt
- bore
- bridge
- cut
- down (n., u.m.)
- file
- gate
- gear
- glove
- head
- horse
- knife
- knot
- link
- loom
- net
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- pin
- plate
- point
- sheet
- span
- stop
- string
- tongs
- tube
- drawer
- -down
- -in
- -off
- -out
- drawing
- #board
- #room
- dream
- -haunted (u.m.)
- land
- lore
- world
- dredge#net
- dressup (n., u.m.)
- dressing#room
- drift
- #boat
- bolt
- meter
- -mining (u.m.)
- #net
- pin
- wind
- drill
- case
- -like
- stock
- drip
- cock
- -drip
- -dry (u.m., v.)
- sheet
- stick
- drive
- away (n.,u.m.)
- belt
- bolt
- by (n., u.m.)
- cap
- head
- -in (n., u.m.)
- pipe
- screw
- #shaft
- way
- drop
- away (n.,u.m.)
- bolt
- cloth
- -down
- -forge (v.)
- front
- hammer
- head
- kick
- leaf (n., u.m.)
- leg
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- sonde
- stitch
- drug
- -addicted (u.m.)
- mixer
- passer
- pusher
- seller
- #user
- drum
- beat
- fire
- head
- stick
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- dry
- -burnt (u.m.)
- #cell
- clean
- -cure (v.)
- dock
- -dye (v.)
- -farm (v.)
- farming (n., u.m.)
- gulch (nonliteral)
- lot
- -pack (u.m., v.)
- -rotted (u.m.)
- -salt (v.)
- wash
- duck
- bill
- -billed (u.m.)
- bore
- #breast
- foot (tool)
- -footed (u.m.)
- pin
- pond
- walk
- due
- -in (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- duffelbag
- dug
- out (n.)
- -up (u.m.)
- dull
- -edged (u.m.)
- head
- -looking (u.m.)
- -witted (u.m.)
- dumdum
- dumb
- bell
- head
- waiter
- dump
- car
- cart
- site
- dunderhead
- duo (c.f.)
- all one word
- dust
- bag
- bin
- brush
- cloth
- -covered (u.m.)
- fall
- -gray (u.m.)
- -laden (u.m.)
- pan
- storm
- duty
- bound
- -free (u.m.)
- dwelling#house
- dye
- mixer
- stuff
- works
- dys (pref.)
- all one word
- E
- E-minor
- e
- file
- Government
- Library
- eagle
- #eye
- -eyed (u.m.)
- ear
- ache
- cap
- drop
- drum
- flap
- guard
- hole
- lap
- lobe
- mark
- #muff
- phone
- -piercing (u.m.)
- plug
- ring
- screw
- shot
- sore
- splitting
- tab
- wax
- wig
- witness
- earth
- bank
- born
- -bred (u.m.)
- fall
- fast
- -fed (u.m.)
- fill
- grubber
- #house
- kin
- lit
- mover
- nut
- quake
- -shaking (u.m.)
- slide
- -stained (u.m.)
- wall
- east
- bound
- -central (u.m.)
- going
- -northeast
- #side
- -sider
- -southeast
- Eastertime
- easy
- going
- mark (n.)
- -rising (u.m.)
- -spoken (u.m.)
- eavesdrop
- ebbtide
- edge
- #plane
- shot
- ways
- wise
- eel
- cake
- catcher
- fare
- pot
- pout
- skin
- spear
- egg
- beater (all meanings)
- cup
- eater
- fruit
- head (nonliteral)
- hot (n.)
- nog
- plant
- -shaped (u.m.)
- shell
- -white (u.m.)
- eight
- -angled (u.m.)
- #ball
- fold
- penny (nail)
- -ply (u.m.)
- score
- -wheeler
- elbowchair
- elder
- #brother
- -leaved (u.m.)
- electro (c.f.)
- -optics
- -osmosis
- -ultrafiltration
- rest one word
- embryo (c.f.)
- all one word
- empty
- handed
- -looking (u.m.)
- en
- #banc
- #gros
- #route
- encephalo (c.f.)
- all one word
- end
- -all (n., u.m.)
- bell
- brain
- gate
- lap
- long
- -match (v.)
- matcher
- -measure (v.)
- most
- -shrink (v.)
- ways
- ender
- -on
- -up
- endo (c.f.)
- all one word
- engine
- #shop
- -sized (u.m.)
- work
- #worker
- #yard
- entero (c.f.)
- all one word
- entry
- #book
- way
- envelope
- #holder
- #maker
- epi (pref.)
- all one word
- equi (c.f.)
- -gram-molar
- rest one word
- ere
- long
- now
- errorproof
- erythro (c.f.)
- all one word
- even
- glow
- handed
- minded
- -numbered (u.m.)
- song
- -tempered (u.m.)
- ever
- -abiding (u.m.)
- bearing
- blooming
- -constant (u.m.)
- -fertile (u.m.)
- glade
- going
- green
- lasting
- more
- -normal (u.m.)
- -present (u.m.)
- -ready (u.m.)
- sporting (biol.)
- which
- every
- day (n., u.m.)
- #day (each day)
- how
- one (all)
- #one (distributive)
- #time
- evil
- doer
- #eye
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -faced (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- minded (u.m.)
- sayer
- speaker
- wishing
- ex
- #cathedra
- cathedral
- communicate
- -Governor
- #libris
- #officio
- #post#facto
- #rights
- -serviceman
- -trader
- -vice-president
- extra
- -alimentary
- -American
- bold
- -Britannic
- -condensed (u.m.)
- curricular
- -fine (u.m.)
- hazardous
- judicial
- -large (u.m.)
- -long (u.m.)
- marginal
- mural
- ordinary
- polar
- -strong (u.m.)
- territorial
- vascular
- eye
- #appeal
- ball
- bank
- bar
- blink
- -blurred (u.m.)
- bolt
- brow
- -conscious (u.m.)
- cup
- flap
- glance
- glass
- hole
- lash
- lens
- lid
- mark
- -minded (u.m.)
- #opener
- peep
- pit
- point
- service
- shade
- shield
- shot
- sick
- sight
- sore
- spot
- -spotted (u.m.)
- stalk
- strain
- string
- tooth
- wash
- #weariness
- wink
- witness
- F
- F
- -flat
- -horn
- -sharp
- fable
- #book
- teller
- face
- about (n., u.m., v.)
- -arbor (v.)
- cloth
- -harden (v.)
- -hardened (u.m.)
- lifting
- mark
- -off(n.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- plate
- up (n., u.m.)
- fact
- book
- finding
- sheet
- fade
- away (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- fail-safe
- faint
- heart
- -voiced (u.m.)
- fair
- ground
- -lead (n., u.m.)
- minded
- play
- -skinned (u.m.)
- #trade
- fairy
- folk
- hood
- tale
- faithbreaker
- fall
- away (n.,u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- #guy
- -in (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- -plow (v.)
- -sow (v.)
- trap
- fallow#land
- false
- -bottomed (u.m.)
- #face
- -faced (u.m.)
- hood
- -tongued (u.m.)
- fame
- -crowned (u.m.)
- -thirsty (u.m.)
- fan
- back
- bearer
- #belt
- fare
- fold
- foot
- -jet
- -leaved (u.m.)
- marker
- -shaped (u.m.)
- -tailed (u.m.)
- fancy
- -free (u.m.)
- -loose (u.m.)
- -woven (u.m.)
- -wrought (u.m.)
- far
- -aloft (u.m.)
- away (n., u.m.)
- -borne (u.m.)
- -distant (u.m.)
- -eastern (u.m.)
- -famed (u.m.)
- fetched
- flung (u.m.)
- gone
- -off (u.m.)
- #out
- -reaching (u.m.)
- seeing
- -seen (u.m.)
- -set (u.m.)
- sight
- farm
- -bred (u.m.)
- hand
- hold
- people
- place
- stead
- worker
- fashion
- -led (u.m.)
- #piece (naut.)
- #plate
- -setting (u.m.)
- fast
- -anchored (u.m.)
- back
- -dyed (u.m.)
- going
- hold
- -moving (u.m.)
- -read (v.)
- -reading (u.m.)
- #time (daylight saving)
- fat
- back
- -bellied (u.m.)
- -free (u.m.)
- head
- -soluble (u.m.)
- father
- -confessor
- -in-law
- land
- fault
- finder
- line
- slip
- faux#pas
- fax
- -and-voice#
- mailbox
- #modern
- -on-demand
- fear
- -free (u.m.)
- nought
- -pursued (u.m.)
- -shaken (u.m.)
- feather
- bed (v.)
- bedding
- bone
- brain
- edge
- -footed (u.m.)
- head
- -leaved (u.m.)
- stitch
- -stitched (u.m.)
- -stitching
- -tongue (v.)
- weight
- wing (moth)
- fed-up (u.m.)
- feeble
- -bodied (u.m.)
- minded
- feed
- back (n., u.m.)
- bag
- bin
- box
- crusher
- cutter
- head
- lot
- mixer
- pipe
- rack
- store
- stuff
- feeder
- -in
- -up
- fellow
- craft
- ship
- rest two words
- felt
- cutter
- -lined (u.m.)
- packer
- fenbank
- fence
- post
- #row
- fern
- -clad (u.m.)
- leaf
- -leaved (u.m.)
- ferro (c.f.)
- -carbon-titanium
- -uranium
- rest one word
- ferry
- boat
- #car
- #slip
- fever
- less
- -stricken (u.m.)
- trap
- -warm (u.m.)
- fiber
- -faced (u.m.)
- glass
- #optics
- stitch
- Fiberglas (copyright)
- fibro (c.f.)
- -osteoma
- rest one word
- fickleminded
- fiddle
- back
- -faddle
- head
- -shaped (u.m.)
- stick
- string
- field
- ball
- glass
- goal
- -strip
- fierce
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- fiery
- -flaming (u.m.)
- -hot (u.m.)
- -red (u.m.)
- -tempered (u.m.)
- fig
- bar
- eater
- leaf
- shell
- figure
- head
- -of-eight (u.m.)
- #work (printing)
- file
- card
- -hard (u.m.)
- name
- setter
- -soft (u.m.)
- fill
- -in (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- filler
- cap
- -in
- -out
- -up
- film
- cutter
- goer
- going
- #paper
- slide
- strip
- -struck (u.m.)
- fin
- back
- -shaped (u.m.)
- fine
- -cut (u.m., v.)
- -draw (v.)
- -drawn (u.m.)
- -featured (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- -set (u.m.)
- finger
- breadth
- -cut (u.m.)
- hold
- hole
- hook
- mark
- nail
- parted
- post
- shell
- spin
- stall
- tip
- fire
- arm
- back (n.)
- ball
- bell
- bolt
- bomb
- brand
- brat
- break
- brick
- -burnt (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- coat
- cracker
- crest
- -cure (v.)
- damp
- #drill
- -eater
- fall
- fang
- fighter
- guard
- -hardened (u.m.)
- horse
- hose
- lit
- pit
- place
- plow
- plug
- -polish (v.)
- power
- proof
- -red (u.m.)
- -resistant (u.m.)
- safe
- side
- spout
- trap
- truck
- wall
- warden
- firm
- -footed (u.m.)
- -set (u.m.)
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- first
- #aid
- -aider
- -born (u.m.)
- -class (u.m.)
- comer
- hand (u.m.)
- -made (u.m.)
- -named (u.m.)
- -nighter
- -rate (u.m.)
- fish
- back
- bed
- -bellied (u.m.)
- bolt
- bone
- bowl
- cake
- eater
- eye
- -eyed (u.m.)
- fall
- #farm
- -fed (u.m.)
- food
- garth
- hook
- -joint (v.)
- kill
- #ladder
- meal
- mouth
- plate
- pond
- pool
- pot
- pound
- trap
- weir
- works
- fisher
- folk
- man
- people
- fishyback (n., u.m.)
- fit
- out (n.)
- strip
- five
- bar
- fold
- -ply (u.m.)
- -pointed (u.m.)
- -reeler
- score
- flag
- bearer
- pole
- post
- -raising (u.m.)
- ship
- -signal (v.)
- staff
- stick
- flame
- -colored (u.m.)
- -cut (v.)
- out (n.)
- proof
- thrower
- flannelmouth
- flap
- cake
- doodle
- -eared (u.m.)
- jack
- flare
- back (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- path
- up (n., u.m.)
- flash
- back (n., u.m.)
- bulb
- card
- cube
- gun
- lamp
- pan
- point
- flat
- back (bookbinding)
- bed (printing)
- -bottomed (u.m.)
- -compound (v.)
- fold
- foot (n.)
- hat
- head
- iron
- nose
- out (n., u.m.)
- -rolled (u.m.)
- sawn
- top
- -topped (u.m.)
- woods
- flax
- drop
- -leaved (u.m.)
- -polled (u.m.)
- seed
- flea
- bite
- -bitten (u.m.)
- trap
- fleet
- foot
- -footed (u.m.)
- wing
- flesh
- brush
- hook
- -pink (u.m.)
- pot
- fleur-de-lis
- flextime
- flight
- crew
- -hour
- path
- -test (v.)
- flimflam
- flip
- -flap
- -flop
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- flood
- cock
- flow
- gate
- lamp
- lighting
- mark
- #plain
- tide
- wall
- water
- floor
- beam
- cloth
- head
- lamp
- mat
- mop
- #show
- space
- stain
- walker
- #wax
- -waxing (u.m.)
- flophouse
- floppy#disk
- flour
- bag
- bin
- #mill
- sack
- #sifter
- flow
- chart
- meter
- off (n., u.m.)
- sheet
- through (n., u.m.)
- flower
- bed
- bud
- -crowned (u.m.)
- #grower
- -hung (u.m.)
- #piece
- pot
- -scented (u.m.)
- #shop
- flue-cure (v.)
- fluid
- -compressed (u.m.)
- extract (pharm.) (n.)
- glycerate
- fluo (c.f.)
- all one word
- fluoro (c.f.)
- all one word
- flush
- -cut (u.m.)
- -decked (u.m.)
- -decker
- gate
- fluvio (c.f.)
- all one word
- fly
- away
- back
- ball
- -bitten (u.m.)
- blow
- blown
- -by-night (n., u.m.)
- catcher
- eater
- -fish (v.)
- -fisher
- -fisherman
- #fishing
- flap
- -free (u.m.)
- leaf
- paper
- sheet
- speck
- -specked (u.m.)
- tier
- trap
- weight
- wheel
- winch
- flying
- #boat
- #fish
- foam
- bow
- -crested (u.m.)
- -white (u.m.)
- fog
- bound
- bow
- dog
- eater
- -hidden (u.m.)
- horn
- #light
- -ridden (u.m.)
- fold
- -in
- up (n., u.m.)
- folk
- #dance
- lore
- song
- follow
- -on
- through (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- follower-up
- food
- -fasted (u.m.)
- -fasting (v.)
- packer
- store
- stuff
- foolhardy
- foolscap
- foot
- -and-mouth (u.m.)
- ball
- band
- bath
- blower
- board
- brake
- breadth
- bridge
- candle
- fall
- -free (u.m.)
- gear
- -grain
- hill
- hold
- lambert
- licker
- light(s)
- lining
- locker
- loose
- mark
- note
- pad
- path
- pick
- plate
- -pound
- -pound-second
- race
- rail
- rest
- rope
- scald
- -second
- slogger
- sore
- stalk
- stall
- step
- stick
- stock
- stool
- -ton
- walk
- wall
- -weary (u.m.)
- worn
- for (pref.)
- all one word
- fore
- -age
- -and-aft (n.,u.m.)
- -and-after (n.)
- -edge
- -end
- -exercise
- word
- rest one word
- forest
- -clad (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- #land
- side
- fork
- head
- lift
- -pronged (u.m.)
- tail
- -tailed (u.m.)
- form
- fitting
- #work (printing)
- forth
- coming
- right
- with
- fortune
- #hunter
- teller
- forty-niner
- foul
- #line
- -looking (u.m.)
- mouthed
- -spoken (u.m.)
- -tongued (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- fountainhead
- four
- -bagger
- -eyed (u.m.)
- flusher
- fold
- -footed (u.m.)
- -in-hand (n., u.m.)
- -masted (u.m.)
- -master
- penny (nail)
- -ply (u.m.)
- score
- some
- square
- -wheeler
- fox
- -faced (u.m.)
- hole
- hound
- #hunting
- skinned
- tailed
- trot
- fracto (c.f.)
- all one word
- frameup (n., u.m.)
- free
- booter
- born
- drop
- -for-all (n.,u.m.)
- -grown (u.m.)
- hand (drawing)
- handed
- hold
- lance
- loader
- -minded
- masonry
- #post
- -spoken (u.m.)
- standing (u.m.)
- thinker
- trader
- wheel (u.m., v.)
- wheeler (n.)
- #will (n.)
- will (u.m.)
- freedom#fighter
- freeze
- down (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- freight
- #house
- -mile
- #room
- #train
- fresh
- -looking (u.m.)
- -painted (u.m.)
- water
- frog
- belly
- eater
- -eyed (u.m.)
- face
- mouth
- nose
- pond
- tongue (medicine)
- front
- -end (u.m.)
- -focused (u.m.)
- runner
- stall
- -wheel (u.m.)
- fronto (c.f.)
- -occipital
- -orbital
- rest one word
- frost
- bite
- bow
- -free (u.m.)
- -hardy (u.m.)
- -heaving (u.m.)
- -killed (u.m.)
- lamp
- line
- fruit
- cake
- #fly
- growing
- #shop
- stalk
- frying#pan
- fuel
- #line
- #oil
- full
- back
- -bellied (u.m.)
- blood
- -bound (u.m.)
- -duplex
- face
- -fashioned (u.m.)
- -flowering (u.m.)
- -grown (u.m.)
- -handed (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- -lined (u.m.)
- #load
- mouth
- -strength (u.m.)
- -text
- -time (u.m.)
- fundraising
- funlover
- funnel
- form
- -shaped (u.m.)
- fur
- -clad (u.m.)
- coat
- -lined (u.m.)
- skin
- -trimmed (u.m.)
- fuse
- box
- #gauge
- plug
- G
- G
- -major
- -man
- -minor
- -sharp
- gabfest
- gad
- about (n., u.m.)
- fly
- gaff-topsail
- gag
- -check (v.)
- #order
- root
- #rule
- gaugepin
- gain
- say
- -sharing (u.m.)
- galact(o) (c.f.)
- all one word
- gallbladder
- galley#proof (printing)
- galvano (c.f.)
- all one word
- game
- bag
- cock
- gang
- boss
- plank
- saw
- gapeseed
- garnet-brown (u.m.)
- gas
- bag
- bomb
- -driven (u.m.)
- field
- -fired (u.m.)
- firing
- fitter
- -heated (u.m.)
- -laden (u.m.)
- lamp
- lighted
- line (auto)
- #line (queue)
- lock
- #main
- #mask
- meter
- works
- gastro (c.f.)
- -omental
- rest one word
- gate
- house
- keeper
- leg (u.m.)
- pin
- post
- tender
- works
- gay
- #blade
- cat
- -colored (u.m.)
- #dog
- -looking (u.m.)
- gear
- box
- case
- -driven (u.m.)
- fitter
- -operated (u.m.)
- set
- shift
- wheel
- gelatin
- -coated (u.m.)
- -making (u.m.)
- gelatino (c.f.)
- bromide
- chloride
- gem
- cutter
- -set (u.m.)
- #stone
- genito (c.f.)
- all one word
- gentle
- folk
- -looking (u.m.)
- man
- -mannered (u.m.)
- mouthed
- -spoken (u.m.)
- woman
- geo (c.f.)
- all one word
- germ-free (u.m.)
- gerrymander
- get
- -at-able
- away (n.,u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- -together (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- ghost
- -haunted (u.m.)
- write (v.)
- giddy
- brain
- head
- -paced (u.m.)
- gilt-edge (u.m.)
- gin-run (u.m.)
- ginger
- #ale
- bread
- -colored (u.m.)
- snap
- spice
- give
- -and-take (n., u.m.)
- away (n.,u.m.)
- glacio (c.f.)
- all one word
- glass
- blower
- #ceiling
- cutter
- -eater
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -hard (u.m.)
- house
- works
- glauco (c.f.)
- all one word
- glidepath
- globetrotter
- glosso (c.f.)
- all one word
- glow
- lamp
- meter
- gluc(o) (c.f.)
- all one word
- glue
- pot
- stock
- glycero (c.f.)
- all one word
- glyco (c.f.)
- all one word
- go
- -ahead (n., u.m.)
- -around (n., u.m.)
- -as-you-please (u.m.)
- -back (n., u.m.)
- -between (n.)
- by(n.)
- cart
- -devil (n.)
- -getter
- -getting (n., u.m.)
- -off (n., u.m.)
- goal
- post
- #setter
- goat
- -bearded (u.m.)
- -drunk (u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- herd
- goat's
- -hair
- -horn
- God
- -conscious (u.m.)
- -fearing (u.m.)
- -forsaken (u.m.)
- -given (u.m.)
- head
- -man
- -ordained (u.m.)
- -sent (u.m.)
- -sped (u.m.)
- speed
- -taught (u.m.)
- god
- child
- daughter
- father
- head
- hood
- less
- mother
- parent
- send
- ship
- son
- sonship
- goggle-eyed (u.m.)
- goings-on
- gold
- beater
- brick (shirker)
- #brick (of real gold)
- -bright (u.m.)
- -brown (u.m.)
- digger
- #dust
- -filled (u.m.)
- foil
- -inlaid (u.m.)
- leaf
- plate (v.)
- -plated (u.m.)
- -plating (u.m.)
- smithing
- -wrought (u.m.)
- golden
- -fingered (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- good
- -bye
- -for-nothing (n., u.m.)
- -looker
- -looking (u.m.)
- -natured (u.m.)
- #will (kindness)
- will (salable asset)
- goose
- bone
- bumps
- -cackle
- #egg
- -eyed (u.m.)
- flesh
- -footed (u.m.)
- herd
- mouth
- neck
- pimples
- rump
- step
- wing
- gospel
- like
- -true (u.m.)
- gourdhead
- Government (U.S. or foreign)
- -in-exile
- -owned (u.m.)
- wide
- governmentwide (State, city, etc.)
- grab
- -all (n., u.m.)
- #bag
- hook
- rope
- grade
- finder
- mark
- grain
- -cut (u.m.)
- field
- -laden (u.m.)
- mark
- sick
- gram
- -fast (u.m.)
- -meter
- -molecular
- -negative (u.m.)
- -positive (u.m.)
- grand
- aunt
- child, etc.
- stand
- grant-in-aid
- grape
- fruit
- #juice
- -leaved (u.m.)
- seed
- stalk
- vine
- graph
- alloy
- #paper
- grapho (c.f.)
- all one word
- grass
- -clad (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- cutter
- flat
- -green (u.m.)
- hop
- nut
- plot
- roots (nonliteral)
- #roots (literal)
- widow
- grave
- clothes
- digger
- side
- stead
- gravel
- -blind (u.m.)
- stone
- gray
- back (n., u.m.)
- beard (n.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- coat (n.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -haired (u.m.)
- head
- -headed (u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- grease
- #gun
- #pit
- proof
- great
- -aunt
- coat
- -eared (u.m.)
- -grandchild, etc.
- -headed (u.m.)
- heart
- mouthed
- green
- back (n., u.m.)
- belt (community)
- -clad (u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- gage (plum)
- gill
- grocer
- horn
- keeper
- -leaved (u.m.)
- sand (geology)
- sick
- stuff
- sward
- town (community)
- #wood (literal)
- wood (forest)
- greyhound
- grid
- iron
- lock
- griddlecake
- grillroom
- grip
- sack
- wheel
- gross
- -minded (u.m.)
- #weight
- ground
- breaking
- hog
- mass
- nut
- path
- plot
- -sluicer
- speed
- #water
- wave
- work
- group-connect (v.)
- grownup (n., u.m.)
- grubstake
- guard
- house
- plate
- rail
- guest
- chamber
- house
- room
- guided-missile (u.m.)
- guidepost
- guider-in
- gum
- boil
- chewer
- digger
- drop
- -gum
- lac
- -saline (n.)
- shoe
- gun
- #barrel
- bearer
- blast
- builder
- cotton
- crew
- deck
- fight
- fire
- flint
- lock
- paper
- pit
- play
- point
- powder
- rack
- -rivet (v.)
- runner
- shop
- shot
- -shy (u.m.)
- sight
- stock
- wale
- gut
- less
- string
- gutter
- blood
- -bred (u.m.)
- snipe
- spout
- gymno (c.f.)
- all one word
- gyneco (c.f.)
- all one word
- gyro
- #horizon
- #mechanism
- #pelorus
- plane, compass, etc.
- H
- H
- -bar
- -beam
- -bomb
- -hour
- hack
- barrow
- hammer
- log
- saw
- hailstorm
- hair
- band
- breadth
- brush
- -check (n.)
- cloth
- cut (n.)
- do
- dresser
- -fibered (u.m.)
- lock
- pin
- #ribbon
- space (printing)
- splitting
- spring
- streak
- stroke (printing)
- #trigger
- half
- -and-half (n., u.m.)
- -afraid
- -alive
- -angry
- back (football)
- -backed (u.m.)
- -baked (u.m.)
- -bound (u.m.)
- caste
- -clear
- cock (v.)
- cocked (nonliteral)
- -dark
- #day
- deck
- -decked (u.m.)
- -decker
- -feed (v.)
- hearted
- -hourly (u.m.)
- -life
- #load
- -loaded (u.m.)
- -mast
- -miler
- -monthly (u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- pace
- penny
- -ripe
- -shy
- -sole (v.)
- staff
- stitch
- -strength (u.m.)
- title
- tone (printing)
- track
- -true
- -truth
- -weekly (u.m.)
- wit
- -witted (u.m.)
- -yearly (u.m.)
- hallmark
- ham
- shackle
- string
- hammer
- cloth
- dress (v.)
- -hard (u.m.)
- -harden (v.)
- -hardened (u.m.)
- head
- lock
- #thrower
- toe
- -weld (v.)
- -wrought (u.m.)
- hand
- bag
- ball
- bank (v.)
- barrow
- bill
- book
- -bound (u.m.)
- bow
- brake
- breadth
- brush
- -built (u.m.)
- car
- -carry (v.)
- cart
- -carve (v.)
- clap
- clasp
- -clean (v.)
- crank
- cuff
- -cut (v.)
- -embroidered (u.m.)
- -fed (v.)
- fold
- grasp
- grenade
- grip
- guard
- gun
- -held (u.m.)
- -high (u.m.)
- hold
- hole
- -in-hand (u.m.)
- kerchief
- -knit (v.)
- -knitter
- laid
- -letter (v.)
- lift (truck)
- liner
- made
- -me-down (n., u.m.)
- mix (v.)
- mold (v.)
- mower
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- pick (v.)
- post
- press
- rail
- reading
- saw
- scrape (v.)
- set
- shake
- spade
- spike
- splice
- split
- spring
- spun
- -stamp (v.)
- stand
- stitch
- stroke
- stuff
- -tailored (u.m.)
- tap
- tool
- -tooled (u.m.)
- -tooling (u.m.)
- truck
- weave
- wheel
- worked
- woven
- write (v.)
- written
- wrought
- hands#free
- handlebar
- hang
- dog
- nail
- net
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n.)
- hanger
- -back
- -on
- -up
- happy-go-lucky
- hara-kiri
- harbor
- master
- side
- hard
- -and-fast (u.m.)
- back (beetle)
- -baked (u.m.)
- -bitten (u.m)
- -boiled (u.m.)
- case
- copy(n.)
- core
- #disk
- #drive
- fist (n.)
- handed
- hat (n.)
- head
- -hit (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- mouthed
- nose
- pan
- -pressed (u.m.)
- -set (u.m.)
- #shell (n.)
- ship
- spun
- stand
- tack
- top (auto)
- ware
- -won (u.m.)
- #work
- -working (u.m.)
- wrought
- hare
- brain
- foot
- hound
- lip
- -mad (u.m.)
- harness-making (u.m.)
- harum-scarum
- harvesttime
- has-been (n.)
- hashmark
- hat
- band
- box
- brim
- brush
- cleaner
- pin
- rack
- rail
- stand
- #tree
- hatchback
- hatchet-faced (u.m.)
- haul
- about (n., u.m.)
- away (n., u.m.)
- back (n.)
- have-not (n.,u.m.)
- haversack
- hawk
- bill
- -billed (u.m.)
- head
- -nosed (u.m.)
- hawse
- hole
- pipe
- hay
- band
- cap
- cart
- cock
- #fever
- field
- fork
- lift
- loft
- market
- mow
- rack
- rake
- rick
- -scented (u.m.)
- seed
- stack
- wire
- hazardous#waste#site
- hazel
- -eyed (u.m.)
- nut
- he-man
- head
- ache
- achy
- band
- bander
- block
- cap
- chair
- cheese
- chute
- cloth
- count
- dress
- -ender
- first
- frame
- gate
- gear
- hunter
- lamp
- ledge
- lighting
- liner
- lock
- long
- master
- mistress
- mold
- most
- note
- -on (u.m.)
- phone
- plate
- post
- quarters
- rail
- reach
- rest
- ring
- rope
- set
- shake
- sill
- space
- spin
- spring
- stall
- stand
- start
- stick
- stock
- stream
- strong
- waiter
- wall
- wind
- header-up
- heal-all (n., u.m.)
- heart
- ache
- aching
- beat
- block
- blood
- break
- burn
- deep
- felt
- free (u.m.)
- grief
- heavy
- leaf
- -leaved (u.m.)
- nut
- quake
- seed
- sick
- sore
- string
- struck
- throb
- -throbbing (u.m.)
- -weary (u.m.)
- hearth
- rug
- warming
- heat
- drops
- #pump
- #rash
- -resistant (u.m.)
- stroke
- treat (v.)
- -treating (u.m.)
- #wave
- heaven
- bound
- -inspired (u.m.)
- -sent (u.m.)
- heaver
- -off
- -out
- -over
- heavy
- back
- -duty (u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -footed (u.m.)
- handed
- -looking (u.m.)
- -set (u.m.)
- #water
- weight (n., u.m.)
- hecto (c.f.)
- all one word
- hedge
- born
- breaker
- hog
- hop
- pig
- row
- #trimmer
- heel
- ball
- band
- block
- cap
- fast
- grip
- pad
- path
- plate
- post
- ring
- stay
- strap
- tap
- helio (c.f.)
- all one word
- hell
- bender
- bent
- born
- bound
- bred
- cat
- diver
- dog
- fire
- hole
- hound
- -red (u.m.)
- helpmeet
- helter-skelter
- hemstitch
- hema (c.f.)
- all one word
- hemato (c.f.)
- all one word
- hemi (pref.)
- all one word
- hemo (c.f.)
- all one word
- hemp
- seed
- string
- hen
- bill
- coop
- -feathered (u.m.)
- house
- pecked
- roost
- hence
- forth
- forward
- hepato (c.f.)
- all one word
- hepta (c.f.)
- all one word
- here
- about
- after
- at
- by
- from
- in
- inabove
- inafter
- inbefore
- into
- of
- on
- to
- tofore
- under
- unto
- upon
- with
- herringbone
- hetero (c.f.)
- -ousia, etc.
- rest one word
- hexa (c.f.)
- all one word
- hi-fi
- hide
- -and-seek (n., u.m.)
- away (n.,u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- high
- ball
- binder
- born
- bred
- brow (nonliteral)
- -caliber (u.m.)
- -class (u.m.)
- -density
- flier (n.)
- flying (u.m.)
- -foreheaded (u.m.)
- #frequency
- handed
- -hat (v.)
- jinks
- lander
- #light (literal)
- light (nonlit.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- -power (u.m.)
- -pressure (u.m., v.)
- -priced (u.m.)
- #proof
- -reaching (u.m.)
- -rigger (n.)
- rise (building)
- road
- #seas
- -speed (u.m.)
- stepper
- -tension (u.m.)
- #tide
- -up (u.m.)
- #water
- higher-up (n.)
- hill
- culture (farming)
- side
- top
- hind
- brain
- cast
- gut (n.)
- head
- leg
- most
- quarter
- saddle
- sight
- wing
- hip
- bone
- mold
- shot
- hippo (c.f.)
- all one word
- histo (c.f.)
- all one word
- hit
- -and-miss (u.m.)
- -and-run (u.m.)
- -or-miss (u.m.)
- hitchhiker
- hoarfrost
- hoary-haired (u.m.)
- hob
- goblin
- nail
- nob
- hobbyhorse
- hockshop
- hocus-pocus
- hod#carrier
- hodgepodge
- hog
- back
- -backed (u.m.)
- -faced (u.m.)
- fat
- frame
- hide
- nose (machine)
- -nosed (u.m.)
- pen
- sty
- -tie (v.)
- wash
- -wild (u.m.)
- hog's-back (geol.)
- hogshead
- hoistaway (n.)
- hold
- all (n.,u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- -clear (n., u.m.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- fast (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- holder
- -forth
- -on
- -up
- hole
- #in#one
- -high (u.m.)
- -in-the-wall (n.)
- through
- hollow
- back (bookbinding)
- -backed (u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- faced
- -ground (u.m.)
- holo (c.f.)
- all one word
- holy
- #day
- stone
- home
- -baked (u.m.)
- body
- born
- bred
- brew
- builder
- #buyer
- comer
- coming
- -fed (u.m.)
- felt
- folk
- freeze (u.m., v.)
- front
- furnishings (n.)
- going
- grown
- lander
- life
- made
- maker
- owner
- #ownership
- plate
- #rule
- seeker
- sick
- spun
- stead
- stretch
- town
- woven
- homeo (c.f.)
- all one word
- home#page
- homo
- #legalis
- #sapiens
- homo (c.f.)
- -ousia, etc.
- rest one word
- honey
- -colored (u.m.)
- comb
- -cured (u.m.)
- dew
- drop
- eater
- -laden (u.m.)
- lipped
- moon
- mouthed
- pot
- sucker
- sweet
- honor
- bound
- #guard
- #man
- hood
- cap
- mold
- wink
- hoof
- beat
- mark
- -printed (u.m.)
- hook
- ladder
- nose
- -nosed (u.m.)
- pin
- up (n., u.m.)
- hooker
- -off
- -on
- -out
- -over
- -up
- hoopstick
- hop
- about (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- scotch
- toad
- hope#chest
- hopper
- burn
- dozer
- horehound
- hormono (c.f.)
- all one word
- horn
- bill
- blende
- blower
- -eyed (u.m.)
- pipe
- stay
- tip
- hornyhanded
- horse
- back
- breaker
- car
- cloth
- dealer
- fair
- fight
- flesh
- hair
- head
- herd
- hide
- hoof
- -hour
- jockey
- laugh
- meat
- mint
- play
- pond
- power-hour
- power-year
- pox
- race
- #sense (n.)
- shoe
- thief
- #trade
- whip
- hot
- bed
- blood
- -blooded (u.m.)
- brain
- cake
- -cold
- dog
- foot
- head (n.)
- -mix (u.m.)
- pack
- patch
- plate
- -press (v.)
- rod (nonliteral)
- -roll (v.)
- -rolled (u.m.)
- spot
- -work (v).
- hotelkeeper
- houndshark
- hourglass
- house
- breaking
- broken
- builder
- #call
- cleaner
- -cleaning (u.m.)
- coat
- dress
- father
- furnishing(s) (n.)
- guest
- hold
- husband
- mother
- owner
- parent
- pest
- plant
- -raising (u.m.)
- ridden
- top
- trailer
- warming
- wife
- how
- -do-you-do (n.)
- ever
- soever
- hub
- cap
- -deep (u.m.)
- humankind
- humble
- bee
- -looking (u.m.)
- mouthed
- -spirited (u.m.)
- humdrum
- hump
- back
- -shouldered (u.m.)
- humpty-dumpty
- hunchback
- hundred
- fold
- -legged (u.m.)
- -percenter
- -pounder
- weight
- hung-up (u.m.)
- hunger
- -mad (u.m.)
- -worn (u.m.)
- hurly-burly
- hush
- -hush
- #money
- up (n., u.m.)
- hydro (c.f.)
- all one word
- hydro#station
- hygro (c.f.)
- all one word
- hyper (pref.)
- -Dorian, etc.
- linked
- text
- rest one word
- hypo (c.f.)
- all one word
- hystero (c.f.)
- -oophorectomy
- -salpingo-oophorectomy
- rest one word
- I
- I
- -bar
- -beam
- -iron
- -rail
- ice
- berg
- blind
- #blindness
- blink
- block
- bone
- breaker
- cap
- -clad (u.m.)
- -cold (u.m.)
- -cooled (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- #cream
- fall
- #fishing
- floe (island)
- flow (current)
- -free (u.m.)
- maker
- melt
- pack
- plant
- plow
- quake
- #storm
- #water
- ideo (c.f.)
- -unit
- rest one word
- idle
- headed
- -looking (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- ileo (c.f.)
- all one word
- ilio (c.f.)
- all one word
- ill
- -advised (u.m.)
- -being (n.)
- -born (u.m.)
- -bred (u.m.)
- #breeding (n.)
- -doing (n.,u.m.)
- -fated (u.m.)
- -humored (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- -treat (v.)
- -use (v.)
- #will
- -wisher
- -wishing (u.m.)
- in
- -and-in (u.m.)
- -and-out (u.m.)
- -and-outer
- -being (u.m.)
- -flight (u.m.)
- -house
- -law (n.)
- asmuch, sofar
- #re, #rem, #situ, etc.
- in (pref.)
- active (u.m.)
- breeding
- depth (u.m.)
- hospital (u.m.)
- migration (u.m.)
- service (u.m.), etc.
- inch
- -deep (u.m.)
- -long (u.m.)
- meal
- -pound
- -ton
- worm
- index-digest
- indigo
- -blue (u.m.)
- -carmine (u.m.)
- Indo (c.f.)
- chinese
- -European, etc.
- infra (pref.)
- -anal
- -auricular
- -axillary
- -esophageal
- -umbilical
- rest one word
- ink
- -black (u.m.)
- mixer
- pot
- slinger
- spot
- -spotted (u.m)
- stain
- stand
- well
- inner
- -city (u.m.)
- #man
- spring
- ino (c.f.)
- all one word
- insect-borne (u.m.)
- inter (pref.)
- -American, etc.
- rest one word
- intra (pref.)
- -atomic, etc.
- rest one word
- intro (pref.)
- all one word
- Irish
- -American (u.m.)
- -born (u.m.)
- iron
- #age
- back
- -braced (u.m.)
- clad
- fisted
- -free (u.m.)
- handed
- hard
- -lined (u.m.)
- mold
- -red (u.m.)
- shod
- shot (mineral) (u.m.)
- #shot (golf)
- side
- -willed (u.m.)
- works
- ironer-up
- island
- -born (u.m.)
- -dotted (u.m.)
- iso (c.f.)
- -octane
- -oleic
- -osmosis
- rest one word
- ivory
- -tinted (u.m.)
- type (photog.)
- -white (u.m.)
- ivy
- -clad (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- J
- J-bolt
- jack
- ass
- hammer
- head
- -in-the-box
- knife
- -of-all-trades
- -o'-lantern
- -plane (v.)
- pot
- rabbit
- screw
- jail
- bird
- house
- jam
- nut
- packed
- Java
- #applets
- Beans
- Script
- jaw
- bone
- breaker
- -locked (u.m.)
- twister
- jay
- hawk
- walk
- jelly
- bean
- roll
- jerry
- -build (v.)
- builder
- -built (u.m.)
- jet
- #airliner
- #airplane
- -black (u.m.)
- lag
- liner
- port
- -powered (u.m.)
- prop
- -propelled (u.m.)
- #propulsion
- stream
- wash
- jewel
- -bright (u.m.)
- -studded (u.m.)
- jib
- head
- -o-jib
- stay
- jig
- -a-jig
- back
- -drill (v.)
- saw
- job
- #lot
- seeker
- #shop
- site
- joggle#piece
- joint#owner
- joulemeter
- joy
- hop
- ride
- stick
- jump
- master
- off (n., u.m.)
- rock
- jungle
- -clad (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- #gym
- side
- junkpile
- jury
- #box
- -fixing (u.m.)
- -rigged (u.m.)
- just#in#time
- juxta (c.f.)
- -ampullar
- -articular
- rest one word
- K
- K
- #car
- -ration
- -term
- keel
- block
- fat
- haul
- -laying (u.m.)
- #line
- keepsake
- kerato (c.f.)
- all one word
- kettle
- drum
- stitch
- key
- board
- bolt
- hole
- lock
- note
- punch
- ring
- seat
- stone
- stop
- word
- worker
- kick
- about (n., u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- killjoy
- kiln
- -dry (u.m., v.)
- eye
- hole
- rib
- stick
- tree
- kilo (pref.)
- gram-meter
- voltampere
- watthour
- rest one word
- kindheart
- king
- bolt
- #crab
- head
- hood
- hunter
- maker
- piece
- pin
- kins
- folk
- people
- kiss-off (n., u.m.)
- kite
- flier
- flying
- knapsack
- knee
- -braced (u.m.)
- brush
- cap
- -deep (u.m.)
- -high (u.m.)
- hole
- -jerk (u.m.)
- pad
- pan
- strap
- knick
- knack
- point
- knight
- -errant
- head
- hood
- knitback
- knock
- about (n., u.m.)
- away (n.,u.m.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- -knee (n.)
- -kneed (u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- knocker
- -off
- -up
- knot
- hole
- horn
- know
- -all (n., u.m.)
- -how (n., u.m.)
- -it-all (n., u.m.)
- -little (n.,u.m.)
- -nothing (n., u.m.)
- knuckle
- bone
- buster
- -deep (u.m.)
- -kneed (u.m.)
- L
- L
- -bar
- -beam
- -block
- -shaped
- -square
- labio (c.f.)
- all one word
- laborsaving
- lace
- -edged (u.m.)
- #edging
- wing (insect)
- -winged (u.m.)
- worked
- lackluster
- ladder-backed (u.m.)
- lady
- beetle
- finger
- killer
- ship
- lake
- bed
- front
- lander
- shore
- side
- lameduck (nonliteral) (n., u.m.)
- lamp
- black
- -blown (u.m.)
- -foot
- hole
- -hour
- house
- lighter
- lit
- post
- shade
- stand
- wick
- land
- #base
- -based (u.m.)
- #bird
- borne
- fall
- fast
- fill
- flood
- form
- grabber
- -grant (u.m.)
- holding
- lady
- locked
- look
- lord
- lubber
- mark
- mass
- mine
- #office
- owner
- -poor (u.m.)
- right
- scape
- sick
- side
- slide
- slip
- spout
- storm
- wash
- wire
- wrack
- lantern-jawed (u.m.)
- lap
- belt
- -lap
- robe
- streak
- top
- weld (v.)
- -welded (u.m.)
- -welding (u.m.)
- large
- -eyed
- -handed (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- mouthed
- -scale (u.m.)
- lark
- -colored (u.m.)
- spur
- laryngo (c.f.)
- all one word
- last
- -born (u.m.)
- -cited (u.m.)
- -ditcher
- -named (u.m.)
- latch
- bolt
- key
- string
- late
- -born (u.m.)
- comer
- -lamented (u.m.)
- -maturing (u.m.)
- latero (c.f.)
- all one word
- lath-backed (u.m.)
- lathe-bore (v.)
- latter
- -day (u.m.)
- most
- lattice
- #stitch
- work
- laughing
- #gas
- stock
- launch
- #pad
- site
- laundry#room
- law
- -abiding (u.m.)
- book
- breaker
- -fettered (u.m.)
- giver
- #office
- suit
- lawnmower
- lay
- away (n.,u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- -by (n.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- on (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- layer
- -on
- -out
- -over
- -up
- lazy
- bones
- boots
- #guy
- legs
- lead
- -alpha
- -burn (v.)
- -filled (u.m.)
- -gray (u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- line
- #line (medical, naut. only)
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- #pencil
- time
- leaden
- -eyed (u.m.)
- pated
- -souled (u.m.)
- leader#line
- leaf
- bud
- -clad (u.m.)
- -eating (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- stalk
- lean
- -faced (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- -to (n.,u.m.)
- leap
- frog
- #year
- lease
- back (n., u.m.)
- hold
- leased-line
- leather
- back
- -backed (u.m.)
- -bound (u.m.)
- -brown (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- head
- neck
- side
- ware
- leavetaking
- lee-bow (v.)
- leech
- eater
- #rope
- left
- -bank (v.)
- #field (sports)
- -hand (u.m.)
- -handed (u.m.)
- -hander
- most
- -sided (u.m.)
- wing (political)
- leg
- band
- puller
- rope (v.)
- work
- lend-lease (n., u.m.)
- length
- ways
- wise
- lepto (c.f.)
- all one word
- let
- off (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- letter
- bomb
- #carrier
- drop
- gram
- head
- -perfect (u.m.)
- press
- space
- writer
- leuc(o) (c.f.)
- all one word
- liberal-minded (u.m.)
- lieutenant
- #colonel
- -colonelcy
- #governor
- -governorship
- life
- belt
- blood
- boat
- #buoy
- #cycle
- -cycle (u.m.)
- drop
- float
- giver
- giving
- guard
- hold
- jacket
- long
- #net
- raft
- ring
- saver
- -size (u.m.)
- -sized (u.m.)
- span
- spring
- stream
- style
- tide
- time
- vest
- weary (u.m.)
- lift-off (n., u.m.)
- light
- -armed (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- -colored (u.m.)
- -drab (u.m.)
- -draft (u.m.)
- face (printing)
- -footed (u.m.)
- handed
- house#keeping (nautical)
- #housekeeping (domestic)
- mouthed
- -producing (u.m.)
- ship
- -struck (u.m.)
- weight (n., u.m.)
- -year
- lighter-than-air (u.m.)
- like
- -looking (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- lily
- handed
- -shaped (u.m.)
- -white (u.m.)
- lime
- #juice
- kiln
- lighter
- pit
- quat
- stone
- wash
- water
- linch
- bolt
- pin
- line
- -bred (u.m.)
- -breed (v.)
- casting
- crew
- cut (printing)
- finder
- -item (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- walker
- link
- up (n., u.m.)
- #up (v.)
- lion
- -bold (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- hearted
- -maned (u.m.)
- lip
- read
- service
- stick
- listener-in
- litho (c.f.)
- -offset
- rest one word
- little
- -known (u.m.)
- neck (clam)
- -used (u.m.)
- live
- #load
- long
- stock
- #wire
- down (n., u.m.)
- wire (nonliteral)
- liver
- -brown (u.m.)
- -colored (u.m.)
- wurst
- living#room
- loadmeter
- loanword
- lob
- fig
- lolly
- lobster-tailed (u.m.)
- lock
- box
- fast
- hole
- jaw
- nut
- out (n., u.m.)
- pin
- ring
- step
- stitch
- up (n., u.m.)
- washer
- locker#room
- lode
- star
- stone
- log
- book
- in
- jam
- on
- off
- roll
- sheet
- loggerhead
- logo (c.f.)
- all one word
- long
- -awaited (u.m.)
- beard (n.)
- -bearded (u.m.)
- -billed (u.m.)
- bow
- cloth
- -distance (u.m.)
- -drawn (u.m.)
- felt
- hair (n.)
- -haired (u.m.)
- hand (nonliteral)
- -handed (u.m.)
- -handled (u.m.)
- head (n.)
- horn (cattle)
- -horned (u.m.)
- johns
- #jump
- leaf
- -leaved (u.m.)
- -legged (u.m.)
- legs (n.)
- -lived (u.m.)
- mouthed
- -necked (u.m.)
- nose (n.)
- -nosed (u.m.)
- -past (u.m.)
- play (records)
- playing (u.m.)
- run (u.m.)
- shoreman
- spun
- standing (u.m.)
- stitch
- #term (n.)
- -term (u.m.)
- wave (radio)
- ways
- wool (sheep)
- look
- down (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- #over (v.)
- through (n., u.m.)
- looker-on
- loop
- hole
- #knot
- stitch
- loose
- leaf (u.m.)
- mouthed
- -tongued (u.m.)
- lop
- -eared (u.m.)
- sided
- loud
- mouthed
- #speaker (orator)
- speaker (radio)
- -voiced (u.m.)
- love
- bird
- born
- -inspired (u.m.)
- #knot
- lorn
- seat
- sick
- low
- born
- boy
- bred
- brow (nonliteral)
- browed (nonliteral)
- -built (u.m.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- -downer
- -lander
- -lived (u.m.)
- -lying (u.m.)
- -power (u.m.)
- -pressure (u.m.)
- rise
- #water
- lower
- case (printing)
- #deck
- most
- lug
- bolt
- mark
- sail
- lukewarm
- lumber
- jack
- #room
- lumbo (c.f.)
- -ovarian
- rest one word
- lumen-hour
- lunch
- box
- #hour
- room
- time
- lying-in (n., u.m.)
- M
- M-day
- macebearer
- machine
- -finished (u.m.)
- gun
- -hour
- -made (u.m.)
- #shop
- #work
- macro (c.f.)
- all one word
- mad
- brain
- cap
- man (n.)
- #money
- made
- -over (u.m.)
- -up (u.m.)
- magnetite
- -basalt
- -olivinite
- -spinellite
- magneto (c.f.)
- -optics
- rest one word
- mahjong
- maid
- #of#honor
- servant
- maiden
- hair
- head
- hood
- #name
- mail
- bag
- clad
- clerk
- guard
- -order (u.m.)
- pouch
- room
- slot
- truck
- main
- frame
- mast
- pin
- sail
- sheet
- spring
- stay
- stream (nonliteral)
- top
- topmast
- #yard
- major
- -domo
- #league
- -leaguer
- -minor
- make
- -believe (n., u.m.)
- fast (n.)
- over
- ready (printing)
- shift
- up (n., u.m.)
- weight
- maker
- -off
- -up
- making#up
- mal (c.f.)
- all one word
- man
- back
- -child
- -created (u.m.)
- -day
- eater
- -fashion (u.m.)
- -grown (u.m.)
- handle
- hater
- -high (u.m.)
- hole
- -hour
- killer
- kind
- made (u.m.)
- -minute
- -of-war (ship)
- power
- servant
- -size (u.m.)
- slaughter
- slayer
- stealer
- stopper
- trap
- -woman
- -year
- manic-depressive
- manifold
- mantel
- piece
- shelf
- tree
- many
- -colored (u.m.)
- -folded (u.m.)
- -layered (u.m.)
- plies
- -sided (u.m.)
- mapreader
- marble
- head
- -looking (u.m.)
- -topped (u.m.)
- -white (u.m.)
- mare's
- -nest
- -tail
- mark
- down (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- shot
- up (n., u.m.)
- marker
- -down
- -off
- -up
- marketplace
- marrowbone
- marsh
- buck
- mallow (confection)
- #mallow (plant)
- mass
- -minded (u.m.)
- -produce (v.)
- mast
- -brown (u.m.)
- head
- master
- #at#arms
- mind
- #of#ceremonies
- piece
- ship
- #stroke
- #workman
- mat-covered (u.m.)
- match
- book
- head
- -lined (u.m.)
- mark
- safe
- stick
- maxi (n.)
- maxi (pref.)
- all one word
- May
- #Day
- -day (u.m.)
- pole
- tide
- may
- be (adv.)
- beetle
- day (distress call)
- hap
- mealymouth
- mean
- -acting (u.m.)
- -spirited (u.m.)
- time (meanwhile)
- #time (astronomical)
- tone (u.m.)
- while
- meat
- ball
- cutter
- -eater
- -fed (u.m.)
- hook
- -hungry (u.m.)
- packer
- works
- wrapper
- mechanico (c.f.)
- all one word
- medico (c.f.)
- all one word
- medio (c.f.)
- all one word
- medium
- -brown (u.m.)
- -size(d) (u.m.)
- weight (n., u.m.)
- meek
- -eyed (u.m.)
- hearted
- -spirited (u.m.)
- meetingplace
- megalo (c.f.)
- all one word
- melon
- grower
- -laden (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- melt
- down (n., u.m.)
- water
- men
- folk
- kind
- meningo (c.f.)
- all one word
- menu-driven
- merry
- -go-round
- meeting
- -minded (u.m.)
- meshbag
- meso (c.f.)
- all one word
- mess
- hall
- kit
- room
- tin
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- meta (pref.)
- all one word
- metal
- ammonium
- -clad (u.m.)
- -coated (u.m.)
- -lined (u.m.)
- works
- meter
- -amperes
- gram
- -kilogram
- -kilogram-second
- -millimeter
- metro (c.f.)
- all one word
- mezzo
- graph
- relievo
- soprano
- tint
- micro (c.f.)
- -organism
- rest one word
- mid (c.f.)
- -American, etc.
- -April
- day
- -decade
- -dish
- -ice
- -level
- -1958
- -Pacific, etc.
- -Victorian, etc.
- rest one word
- middle
- -aged (u.m.)
- breaker
- brow (nonliteral)
- -burst (v.)
- buster
- #ear
- #ground
- man (nonliteral)
- most
- -of-the-roader
- -sized (u.m.)
- splitter
- weight
- midi (n.)
- midi (pref.)
- all one word
- mighty-handed (u.m.)
- mil-foot
- mild
- -cured (u.m.)
- -mannered (u.m.)
- -spoken (u.m.)
- mile
- -long (u.m.)
- -ohm
- post
- -pound
- -ton
- -wide (u.m.)
- milk
- -fed (u.m.)
- head
- #run
- shake
- shed
- sick
- sop
- -white (u.m.)
- mill
- cake
- course
- dam
- feed
- hand
- -headed (u.m.)
- pond
- post
- race
- ring
- stock
- stream
- wright
- milli (c.f.)
- gram-hour
- rest one word
- mincemeat
- mind
- #healer
- -healing (u.m.)
- reader
- set (n.)
- sight
- mine
- field
- layer
- ship
- sweeper
- thrower
- works
- mini (n.)
- mini (pref.)
- all one word
- minor
- #league
- -leaguer
- minute#book
- mirror
- -faced (u.m.)
- scope
- mis (pref.)
- all one word
- mischiefmaking
- mist
- bow
- -clad (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- fall
- miter
- #box
- -lock (v.)
- mix
- blood
- up (n.)
- mixing#room
- mizzenmast
- mock
- -heroic (u.m.)
- #turtle
- up (n., u.m.)
- mocker-up
- mocking
- stock
- -up (u.m.)
- mold
- made (u.m.)
- #shop
- mole
- catcher
- -eyed (u.m.)
- head
- hill
- money
- bag
- changer
- getter
- grubber
- lender
- -mad (u.m.)
- maker
- saver
- monkey
- -faced (u.m.)
- nut
- pod
- pot
- shine
- #wrench
- mono (c.f.)
- -ideistic
- -iodo
- -iodohydrin
- -ion
- -ousian
- rest one word
- month
- end
- long (u.m.)
- moon
- beam
- blind
- #blindness
- blink
- born
- -bright (u.m.)
- eye
- face
- gazing
- glow
- head
- lighter
- lit
- -mad (u.m.)
- path
- rise
- sail
- set
- shade
- shine
- shot
- sick
- struck
- tide
- walker
- -white (u.m.)
- moosecall
- mop
- head
- stick
- up (n., u.m.)
- mopper-up
- mopping-up (u.m.)
- morning
- #sickness
- #star
- tide
- mosquito
- -free (u.m.)
- #net
- moss
- back
- -clad (u.m.)
- -green (u.m.)
- -grown (u.m.)
- head
- -lined (u.m.)
- most-favored-nation (u.m.)
- moth
- ball
- -eaten (u.m.)
- hole
- proof
- mother
- board
- hood
- -in-law
- -of-pearl
- moto (c.f.)
- all one word
- motor
- bike
- bus
- cab
- cade
- car
- coach
- cycle
- -driven (u.m.)
- jet
- -minded (u.m.)
- #scooter
- ship
- truck
- van
- moundbuilder
- mountain
- -high (u.m.)
- side
- top
- -walled (u.m.)
- mouse
- -brown (u.m.)
- -eared (u.m.)
- -eaten (u.m.)
- hole
- trap
- mouth
- -filling (u.m.)
- -made (u.m.)
- piece
- wash
- muck
- rake (v.)
- raker
- sweat
- muco (c.f.)
- all one word
- mud
- bank
- bath
- -colored (u.m.)
- flat
- flow
- guard
- head
- hole
- lark
- sill
- slinger
- -splashed (u.m.)
- stain
- sucker
- track
- #turtle
- muddlehead
- mule
- back
- #deer
- skinner
- multi (c.f.)
- all one word
- multiple-purpose (u.m.)
- muscle
- bound
- power
- music
- lover
- -mad (u.m.)
- maker
- room
- musico (c.f.)
- all one word
- musk
- #deer
- melon
- #ox
- rat
- mutton
- #chop (meat)
- chop (shape)
- fist
- head
- myria (c.f.)
- all one word
- mytho (c.f.)
- all one word
- myxo (c.f.)
- all one word
- N
- nail
- bin
- brush
- head
- -headed (u.m.)
- #hole
- puller
- rod
- -shaped (u.m.)
- -studded (u.m.)
- name
- -calling (u.m.)
- -dropping (u.m.)
- plate
- sake
- nano (c.f.)
- all one word
- naptime
- narco (c.f.)
- all one word
- narrow
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- minded
- naso (c.f.)
- -occipital
- -orbital
- rest one word
- nationwide
- native-born (u.m.)
- navy-blue (u.m.)
- naysayer
- near
- by
- sighted
- neat's-foot (u.m.)
- neck
- band
- bone
- -breaking (u.m.)
- cloth
- -deep (u.m.)
- fast
- guard
- -high (u.m.)
- hole
- lace
- line
- mold
- tie
- necro (c.f.)
- all one word
- needle
- bill
- case
- -made (u.m.)
- nose (pliers)
- point
- -shaped (u.m.)
- -sharp (u.m.)
- worked
- ne'er-do-well
- neo (c.f.)
- -Greek, etc.
- rest one word
- nephro (c.f.)
- all one word
- nerve
- ache
- -celled (u.m.)
- -racked (u.m.)
- net
- ball
- braider
- -veined (u.m.)
- work
- #worth
- nettle
- fire
- foot
- some
- neuro (c.f.)
- all one word
- never
- -ending (u.m.)
- more
- theless
- new
- born
- -car (u.m.)
- comer
- -created (u.m.)
- fangled
- -fashioned (u.m.)
- -front (v.)
- -made (u.m.)
- -mown (u.m.)
- -rich (u.m.)
- newlywed
- news
- boy
- case
- cast
- clip
- dealer
- #editor
- letter
- paper
- paper#work
- photo
- reader
- reel
- sheet
- stand
- story
- teller
- nick
- -eared (u.m.)
- name
- nickel
- plate (v.)
- -plated (u.m.)
- -plating (u.m.)
- type
- night
- -black (u.m.)
- #blindness
- cap
- -clad (u.m.)
- clothes
- club
- dress
- fall
- -fly (aviation) (v.)
- -flying (u.m.)
- gown
- -grown (u.m.)
- hawk
- long (u.m.)
- mare
- #school
- shade
- #shift
- shirt
- side
- tide
- walker
- nimble
- -fingered (u.m.)
- footed
- nimbostratus (clouds)
- nine
- fold
- #holes
- -lived (u.m.)
- pin
- score
- nitpicker
- nitro (c.f.)
- -hydro-carbon
- rest one word
- no
- -account (n., u.m.)
- -fault
- -fee
- -good (n., u.m.)
- -hitter (n.)
- how
- #man's land
- #one
- -par (u.m.)
- -par-value (u.m.)
- -show (n., u.m.)
- -thoroughfare (n.)
- whit
- -year (funds)
- noble
- -born (u.m.)
- -featured (u.m.)
- heartedness
- -looking (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- nol-pros (v.)
- non
- -civil-service (u.m.)
- -European, etc.
- -interactive
- -pros (v.)
- #sequitur, etc.
- -tumor-bearing (u.m.)
- as prefix, one word
- none
- such
- theless
- noon
- day
- tide
- time
- north
- -central (u.m.)
- east
- going
- most
- -northeast
- -sider
- nose
- bag
- bleed
- bone
- dive
- down (n., u.m.)
- gay
- guard
- -high (u.m.)
- hole
- -led (u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- pipe
- ring
- -thumbing (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- wheel
- note
- book
- #paper
- worthy
- notwithstanding
- novel
- -reading (u.m.)
- #writer
- -writing (u.m.)
- nucleo (c.f.)
- all one word
- nut
- breaker
- -brown (u.m.)
- cake
- cracker
- hatch
- hook
- pecker
- pick
- -shaped (u.m.)
- shell
- sweet
- O
- oak
- -beamed (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- -green (u.m.)
- #leaf
- -leaved (u.m.)
- oar
- -footed (u.m.)
- lock
- oarsman
- oat
- bin
- cake
- -fed (u.m.)
- meal
- seed
- oathbreaker
- object-oriented
- oblong
- -elliptic (u.m.)
- -leaved (u.m.)
- -linear (u.m.)
- -ovate (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- -triangular (u.m.)
- occipito (c.f.)
- -otic
- rest one word
- ocean
- -born (u.m.)
- borne
- -girdled (u.m.)
- going
- side
- -spanning (u.m.)
- octo (c.f.)
- all one word
- odd
- -jobber
- -job man
- -looking (u.m.)
- man (arbiter)
- -numbered (u.m.)
- off
- -and-on (u.m.)
- beat
- cast
- center (u.m.)
- color (u.m.)
- -colored (u.m.)
- cut (printing)
- day
- -fall (v.)
- -flavor (n., u.m.)
- -flow
- -go (n.)
- going
- grade
- hand
- -hours
- line
- loading
- look
- -lying (u.m.)
- peak
- put
- -reckoning (n.)
- saddle
- scape
- scour
- scum
- -season
- set
- shoot
- shore
- side
- site
- -sorts (n.)
- spring
- stage
- street
- take
- -the-record (u.m.)
- type
- -wheel (n.)
- -wheeler (n.)
- -white (u.m.)
- #year
- office
- #boy
- holder
- seeker
- -seeking (u.m.)
- oftentimes
- ofttimes
- ohm
- -ammeter
- meter
- -mile
- oil
- #burner
- cake
- can
- cloth
- coat
- cup
- -driven (u.m.)
- -fed (u.m.)
- field
- -forming (u.m.)
- -harden (v.)
- hole
- meal
- paper
- proofing
- seed
- #shale
- skinned
- -soaked (u.m.)
- spill (n.)
- stove
- -temper (v.)
- tightness
- #well
- old
- -fashioned (u.m.)
- -fogy (u.m.)
- -growing (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- #maid
- -maidish (u.m.)
- #man
- -new
- style (printing)
- timer
- #woman
- -young
- oleo
- #butter
- #gear
- #oil
- #strut
- as combining form, one word
- olive
- -brown (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- -drab (u.m.)
- -growing (u.m.)
- #oil
- -skinned (u.m.)
- wood
- #wood (color)
- omni (c.f.)
- -ignorant
- rest one word
- on
- -and-off (n., u.m.)
- board (u.m.)
- -go (n.)
- going
- line#service
- site
- noun, adjective, one word
- once
- -over (n.)
- -run (u.m.)
- one
- -armed (u.m.)
- -decker
- -eyed (u.m.)
- fold
- -half
- -handed (u.m.)
- ness
- -piece (u.m.)
- self
- -sided (u.m.)
- -sidedness
- signed (u.m.)
- -step (dance)
- -striper
- time (formerly) (u.m.)
- -time (one action) (u.m.)
- -two-three
- -way (u.m.)
- onion
- peel
- skin
- op-ed (newspaper)
- open
- -air (u.m.)
- -armed (u.m.)
- -back (u.m.)
- -backed (u.m.)
- band (yarn)
- cast
- cut (mining)
- -end (u.m.)
- -ended
- -faced (u.m.)
- handed
- #house
- minded
- mouthed
- #shop
- side (u.m.)
- -sided (u.m.)
- worked
- opera
- goer
- going
- #house
- operating#system
- ophthalmo (c.f.)
- all one word
- orange
- ade
- colored (u.m.)
- peel
- -red (u.m.)
- stick
- orchard#house
- orderly#room
- organo (c.f.)
- all one word
- ornitho (c.f.)
- all one word
- orrisroot
- ortho (c.f.)
- all one word
- osteo (c.f.)
- all one word
- other
- wise
- #world
- worldly
- oto (c.f.)
- all one word
- out
- -and-out (u.m.)
- -and-outer (n.)
- -loud (u.m.)
- -Machiavelli, etc.
- migration
- -of-date (u.m.)
- -of-door(s) (u.m.)
- -of-State (u.m.)
- -of-the-way (u.m.)
- placement
- -to-out (u.m.)
- as prefix, one word
- outer
- -city (u.m.)
- #man
- most
- wear
- outward
- -bound (u.m.)
- -bounder
- ovate
- -acuminate (u.m.)
- -oblong (u.m.)
- ovato (c.f.)
- -oblong
- -orbicular
- rest one word
- oven
- baked
- dried
- peel
- ware
- over
- age (surplus)
- age (older) (n., u.m.)
- all (n., u.m.)
- -the-counter (u.m.)
- as combining form, one word
- owl-eyed (u.m.)
- ox
- biter
- blood (color)
- bow
- brake
- cart
- cheek
- eye
- -eyed (u.m.)
- gall
- harrow
- hide
- horn
- shoe
- tail
- #team
- oxy (c.f.)
- all one word
- oyster
- bed
- #crab
- house
- root
- seed
- shell
- -white (u.m.)
- P
- pace
- maker
- #setter
- -setting (u.m.)
- pachy (c.f.)
- all one word
- pack
- builder
- cloth
- horse
- -laden (u.m.)
- sack
- saddle
- staff
- thread
- up (n., u.m.)
- packing#box
- padlock
- paddlefoot
- page
- -for-page (u.m.)
- #proof (printing)
- painkiller
- painstaking
- paint
- box
- brush
- mixer
- pot
- spray
- stained (u.m.)
- pale
- belly
- -blue (u.m.)
- buck
- -cheeked (u.m.)
- face (n.)
- -faced (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- -reddish (u.m.)
- paleo (c.f.)
- -Christian, etc.
- rest one word
- pallbearer
- palm
- -green (u.m.)
- #leaf
- #oil
- -shaded (u.m.)
- palmi (c.f.)
- all one word
- pan
- -American, etc.
- -broil (v.)
- #ice
- rest one word
- Pan
- #American Union
- hellenic
- panel-lined (u.m.)
- panic-stricken (u.m.)
- panto (c.f.)
- all one word
- panty hose
- paper
- back (n.)
- #box
- #carrier
- cutter
- hanger
- shell (n., u.m.)
- -shelled (u.m.)
- -thin (u.m.)
- weight
- -white (u.m.)
- papier#mache
- para (c.f. or pref.)
- -analgesia
- -anesthesia
- legal
- medic
- rest one word
- parcel
- #carrier
- -plate (v.)
- #post
- parchment
- -covered (u.m.)
- #maker
- -making (u.m.)
- parieto (c.f.)
- -occipital
- rest one word
- parimutuel
- park
- #forest
- land
- way
- part
- -finished (u.m.)
- #owner
- -time (u.m.)
- -timer (n.)
- #way
- parti (c.f.)
- all one word
- party#line
- parvi (c.f.)
- all one word
- pass
- back (n.)
- book
- key
- out (n., u.m.)
- port
- through (n., u.m.)
- way
- word
- passenger-mile
- passer(s)-by
- passion
- -driven (u.m.)
- -feeding (u.m.)
- -filled (u.m.)
- #play
- paste
- down (n., u.m.)
- pot
- up (n., u.m.)
- pastureland
- patent-in-fee
- path
- breaker
- finder
- way
- patho (c.f.)
- all one word
- patri (c.f.)
- all one word
- patrol
- man
- #wagon
- pattycake
- pawn
- broker
- shop
- pay
- back (n., u.m.)
- check
- #cut
- day
- dirt
- load
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- #raise
- roll
- sheet
- -TV
- pea
- #coal
- coat
- cod
- -green (u.m.)
- hen
- jacket
- nut
- pod
- shooter
- -sized (u.m.)
- stick
- peace
- -blessed (u.m.)
- breaker
- -loving (u.m.)
- maker
- #pipe
- time
- peach
- bloom
- blow (color)
- -colored (u.m.)
- pear-shaped (u.m.)
- pearl
- -eyed (u.m.)
- fishing
- -pure (u.m.)
- -set (u.m.)
- -studded (u.m.)
- -white (u.m.)
- peat
- -roofed (u.m.)
- moss
- stack
- pebble
- -paved (u.m.)
- -strewn (u.m.)
- peeloff (n., u.m.)
- peep
- eye
- hole
- show
- sight
- peer-to-peer
- pegleg
- pellmell
- pen
- -cancel (v.)
- head
- knife
- manship
- #name
- point
- pusher
- rack
- script
- -shaped (u.m.)
- stock
- trough
- pencil
- #box
- holder
- -mark (v.)
- penny
- -a-liner
- pincher
- weight
- winkle
- worth
- pent-up (u.m.)
- penta (c.f.)
- -acetate
- rest one word
- pepper
- corn
- #jelly
- mint
- pot
- -red (u.m.)
- peptalk
- per
- #annum
- cent
- #centum
- compound (chemical)
- current (botanical)
- #diem
- salt (chemical)
- #se
- sulfide
- peri (pref.)
- -insular
- rest one word
- permafrost
- pest
- hole
- -ridden (u.m.)
- petcock
- petit
- grain
- #jury
- #larceny
- #point
- petro (c.f.)
- -occipital
- rest one word
- pharmaco (c.f.)
- -oryctology
- rest one word
- pharyngo (c.f.)
- -esophageal
- -oral
- rest one word
- phase
- -in (n., u.m.)
- meter
- out (n., u.m.)
- -wound (u.m.)
- pheno (c.f.)
- all one word
- philo (c.f.)
- -French, etc.
- rest one word
- phlebo (c.f.)
- all one word
- phonebook
- phono (c.f.)
- all one word
- phospho (c.f.)
- all one word
- photo (c.f.)
- -offset
- -oxidation
- -oxidative
- rest one word
- phrasemark (music)
- phreno (c.f.)
- all one word
- phyllo (c.f.)
- all one word
- phylo (c.f.)
- all one word
- physico (c.f.)
- all one word
- physio (c.f.)
- all one word
- phyto (c.f.)
- all one word
- piano
- forte
- graph
- #player
- pick
- aback
- ax
- lock
- -me-up (n., u.m.)
- off (n.,u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- #over (v.)
- pole
- shaft
- up (n., u.m.)
- picker-up
- picket#line
- pickle-cured (u.m.)
- picture
- #book
- #writing
- pie
- bald
- crust
- -eater
- -eyed
- marker
- pan
- plant
- #plate
- -stuffed (u.m.)
- #tin
- piece
- -dye (v.)
- #goods
- meal
- mold
- piezo (c.f.)
- -oscillator
- rest one word
- pig
- -back (v.)
- -backed (u.m.)
- -bellied (u.m.)
- belly
- -eyed (u.m.)
- face
- -faced (u.m.)
- foot
- -footed (u.m.)
- headed
- herd
- #iron
- out
- pen
- root
- stick
- sty
- tailed
- wash
- pigeon
- gram
- hole
- -toed (u.m.)
- wing
- piggyback
- pike
- -eyed (u.m.)
- staff
- pile
- driver
- -driving (u.m.)
- hammer
- up (n., u.m.)
- #weave
- woven
- pill
- pusher
- rolling
- taker
- pillow
- case
- made
- slip
- top
- pilot
- #boat
- house
- #light
- pin
- ball
- block
- bone
- case
- cushion
- -eyed (u.m.)
- fall
- feather
- fire
- fold
- head
- hold
- hole
- hook
- lock
- paper
- point
- prick
- rail
- setter
- spot
- stripe
- -tailed (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- wheel
- pinch
- back
- bar
- beck
- cock
- fist
- -hit (v.)
- -hitter
- penny
- pine
- apple
- -bearing (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- #cone
- -fringed (u.m.)
- #needle
- #oil
- -shaded (u.m.)
- #tar
- pink
- -blossomed (u.m.)
- eye (n.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- pipe
- -drawn (u.m.)
- dream
- fitter
- layer
- line
- -shaped (u.m.)
- stem
- walker
- welder
- pisci (c.f.)
- all one word
- pistol-whipped (v.)
- piston
- head
- #pin
- #rod
- #valve
- pit
- #boss
- #bull
- -eyed (u.m.)
- fall
- head
- -headed (u.m.)
- hole
- mark
- -marked (u.m.)
- -rotted (u.m.)
- saw
- side
- pitch
- -black (u.m.)
- blende
- #box
- -colored (u.m.)
- -dark (u.m.)
- #darkness
- fork
- hole
- -lined (u.m.)
- man
- -marked (u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- #pipe
- up (n., u.m.)
- place
- card
- kick
- plague-infested (u.m.)
- plain
- back (fabric)
- -bodied (u.m.)
- clothes (u.m.)
- clothesman
- -headed (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- -spoken (u.m.)
- woven (u.m.)
- plane
- #curve
- load
- -mile
- -parallel (u.m.)
- table (surveying)
- plani (c.f.)
- all one word
- piano (c.f.)
- all one word
- plant
- #food
- life
- site
- plasterboard
- plate
- cutter
- #glass
- -incased (u.m.)
- layer
- mark
- #proof (printing)
- -roll (v.)
- -rolled (u.m.)
- platy (c.f.)
- all one word
- play
- -act (v.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- bill
- book
- boy
- broker
- day
- down (n., u.m.)
- fellow
- goer
- going
- ground
- mate
- off (n., u.m.)
- pen
- reader
- room
- script
- suit
- thing
- time
- wright
- #yard
- pleasure
- -bent (u.m.)
- #boat
- -seeking (u.m.)
- -tired (u.m.)
- -weary (u.m.)
- pleo (c.f.)
- all one word
- pleuro (c.f.)
- all one word
- plow
- back (n., u.m.)
- -bred (u.m.)
- hand
- horse
- pan
- point
- -shaped (u.m.)
- share
- shoe
- sole
- staff
- #tail
- wright
- plug
- -and-play
- hole
- -in (n., u.m.)
- tray
- -ugly (n., u.m.)
- plumbline
- plume-crowned (u.m.)
- pluri (c.f.)
- all one word
- pluto (c.f.)
- all one word
- pneumato (c.f.)
- -hydato-genetic (u.m.)
- rest one word
- pneumo (c.f.)
- all one word
- pock
- mark
- -marked (u.m.)
- -pit (v.)
- pocket
- book (purse)
- #book (book)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- knife
- -sized (u.m.)
- -veto (v.)
- poet
- -artist
- #laureate
- -painter
- pointblank
- Point-to -Point
- poison-dipped (u.m.)
- pole
- arm
- -armed (u.m.)
- ax
- burn
- cat
- -dried (u.m.)
- horse
- -pile (v.)
- setter
- -shaped (u.m.)
- sitter
- -stack (v.)
- star
- timber
- trap
- -vault (v.)
- #vaulter
- politico (c.f.)
- -orthodox
- rest one word
- poll
- book
- #parrot
- #tax
- poly (c.f.)
- all one word
- poor
- -blooded (u.m.)
- farm
- -spirited (u.m.)
- pop
- corn
- eye
- gun
- up (n., u.m.)
- poppy
- -bordered (u.m.)
- cock
- -red (u.m.)
- seed
- pork
- barrel (n., u.m.)
- #chop
- fish
- #pie
- port
- cullis
- fire
- folio
- hole
- hook
- manteau
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- side
- #wine
- post
- #bellum
- #boat
- card
- -Christian, etc.
- -cold-war (u.m.)
- #diem
- -free (u.m.)
- haste
- #hospital (military)
- #meridiem
- #mortem (literal)
- mortem (nonliteral)
- #partum
- #school (military)
- audit, graduate, etc.
- as prefix, one word
- postal#card
- pot
- ash
- bellied
- boil
- eye
- hanger
- head
- herb
- hole
- hook
- hunter
- latch
- lid
- luck
- pie
- pourri
- rack
- #roast
- shot
- potato#field
- poultry
- #keeper
- -keeping (u.m.)
- #raiser
- -raising (u.m.)
- #yard
- pound
- cake
- -foolish (u.m.)
- -foot
- worth
- powder
- -blue (u.m.)
- box
- #house
- #keg
- #mill
- #room
- -scorched (u.m.)
- power
- boat
- #mower
- -operated (u.m.)
- pack
- plant
- praise
- -deserving (u.m.)
- -spoiled (u.m.)
- worthiness
- pre (pref.)
- -Incan, etc.
- audit, existing, etc.
- rest one word
- president
- -elect
- #pro#tempore
- press
- #agent
- -agentry
- board
- feeder
- -forge (v.)
- -made (u.m.)
- mark
- pack (v.)
- plate
- #proof (printing)
- preter (pref.)
- all one word
- price
- #cutter
- -cutting (u.m.)
- #fixer
- -fixing (u.m.)
- #index
- list
- -support (u.m.)
- tag
- prick
- -eared (u.m.)
- mark
- seam
- priesthood
- prime
- #minister
- -ministerial (u.m.)
- -ministership
- -ministry
- prince
- hood
- -priest
- print
- cloth
- out
- script
- printing
- -in (n., u.m.)
- #ink
- #office
- -out (n., u.m.)
- prison
- bound
- -free (u.m.)
- -made (u.m.)
- prisoner-of-war (u.m.)
- prize
- fighter
- #ring
- taker
- winner
- -winning (u.m.)
- pro
- -Ally, etc.
- -choice
- #football, etc.
- #forma
- -life
- #rata
- #tem
- #tempore
- as prefix, one word
- problem-solver
- procto (c.f.)
- all one word
- profit
- -and-loss (u.m.)
- -sharing (u.m.)
- prong
- buck
- -hoe (v.)
- horn
- -horned (u.m.)
- proof
- #press
- read
- reader
- sheet
- prop
- jet
- wash
- proso (c.f.)
- all one word
- proto (c.f.)
- -Egyptian, etc.
- rest one word
- proud
- hearted
- -looking (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- psalmbook
- pseudo (c.f.)
- -Messiah, etc.
- -occidental
- -official
- -orientalism
- -orthorhombic
- -osteomalacia
- -owner
- rest one word
- psycho (c.f.)
- -organic
- rest one word
- ptero (c.f.)
- all one word
- public
- hearted
- -minded (u.m.)
- -spirited (u.m.)
- #works
- pug
- nose
- -pile (v.)
- pull
- back (n., u.m.)
- #box
- down (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- -push (u.m.)
- through (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- puller
- -in
- -out
- pulp
- board
- wood
- punch
- board
- bowl
- card
- -drunk (u.m.)
- mark
- -marked (u.m.)
- out (n.)
- punctureproof
- pup#tent
- pure
- blood
- bred
- #line (biological)
- purple
- -blue (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- -colored (u.m.)
- heart (wood)
- purse
- making
- -proud (u.m.)
- #strings
- push
- button
- card
- cart
- off (n., u.m.)
- -pull (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- pussy
- cat
- foot
- #willow
- put
- back (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- -put (n.)
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- putter
- -forth
- -in
- -off
- -on
- -out
- -through
- -up
- pyo (c.f.)
- all one word
- pyro (c.f.)
- all one word
- Q
- Q
- -boat
- -fever
- quadri (c.f.)
- -invariant
- rest one word
- quarrystone
- quarter
- -angled (u.m.)
- back
- -bloom (u.m.)
- #boards
- -bound (u.m.)
- -breed (u.m.)
- -cast (u.m.)
- -cut (u.m.)
- deck
- -miler
- #note
- pace
- -phase (u.m.)
- saw (v.)
- staff
- stretch
- -yearly (u.m.)
- quartermaster
- #general
- -generalship
- quasi
- all hyphened
- queen#bee
- quick
- -change (u.m., v.)
- -drawn (u.m., v.)
- freeze (u.m., v.)
- lime
- sand
- set
- silver
- step
- #time
- -witted (u.m.)
- quin (c.f.)
- all one word
- quit
- claim
- rent
- R
- rabbit
- -backed (u.m.)
- -eared (u.m.)
- #fever
- #foot
- mouth
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- skin
- race
- about (n., u.m.)
- course
- goer
- horse
- track
- way
- radarscope
- radio
- generally two words except the following forms
- frequency
- isotope
- telegraph
- telephone
- rag
- bolt
- #doll
- -made (u.m.)
- sorter
- tag
- time
- rail
- bird
- car
- guard
- head
- -ridden (u.m.)
- road
- setter
- splitter
- #train
- way#maker
- wayman
- rain
- band
- -beaten (u.m.)
- bow
- check
- coat
- drop
- fall
- #forest
- -soft (u.m.)
- spout
- storm
- wash
- water
- rakeoff (n.,u.m.)
- ram
- jet
- rod
- shackle
- ranch
- #hand
- house
- Random-access
- range
- finder
- flight
- rider
- rapid
- #fire
- #transit
- rash
- -brained (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- -hearted (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- rat
- bite
- catcher
- hole
- -infested (u.m.)
- #race
- -tailed (u.m.)
- -tight (u.m.)
- trap
- rate
- #cutter
- -cutting (u.m.)
- -fixing (u.m.)
- payer
- -raising (u.m.)
- setting
- rattle
- brain
- snake
- trap
- raw
- boned
- -edged (u.m.)
- hide
- -looking (u.m.)
- razor
- back
- -billed (u.m.)
- #blade
- edge
- -keen (u.m.)
- -sharp (u.m.)
- strop
- razzle-dazzle
- re (pref.)
- -cover (cover again)
- -create (create again), etc.
- -cross-examination
- -ice
- -ink
- -redirect
- evaluate, process, etc.
- rest one word
- reading#room
- read
- out (n.)
- through (n., u.m.)
- ready
- -built (u.m.)
- -handed (u.m.)
- made (u.m.)
- -mix (u.m.)
- #reference
- room
- -witted (u.m.)
- rear
- #end
- guard
- most
- view (u.m.)
- ward
- reception#room
- recordbreaker
- recti (c.f.)
- all one word
- recto (c.f.)
- all one word
- red
- bait (v.)
- -billed (u.m.)
- -blooded (u.m.)
- bone
- buck
- cap (porter)
- coat (n.)
- eye (n.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -faced (u.m.)
- -haired (u.m.)
- handed
- head (n.)
- -hot (u.m.)
- -legged (u.m.)
- #line (literal)
- #man
- out (n., u.m.)
- -skinned (u.m.)
- tape (nonliteral)
- #tape (literal)
- -throated (u.m.)
- -yellow (u.m.)
- reformat
- regionwide
- religio (c.f.)
- all one word
- remote-access
- repair#shop
- representative
- #at#large
- -elect
- research#worker
- resino (c.f.)
- all one word
- retro (c.f.)
- -ocular
- -omental
- -operative
- -oral
- rest one word
- rheo (c.f.)
- all one word
- rhino (c.f.)
- all one word
- rhizo (c.f.)
- all one word
- rhod(o) (c.f.)
- all one word
- rhomb(o) (c.f.)
- all one word
- rice
- growing
- #water
- rich
- -bound (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- rickrack
- ridge
- band
- pole
- top
- riffraff
- rifleshot
- rig
- out (n., u.m.)
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- right
- about
- about-face
- -angle (u.m., v.)
- -angled (u.m.)
- #away
- #field (sports)
- -handed (u.m.)
- -hander
- -headed (u.m.)
- most
- -of-way
- wing (political)
- rim
- -deep (u.m.)
- fire
- lock
- rock
- ring
- -adorned (u.m.)
- -banded (u.m.)
- -billed (u.m.)
- bolt
- giver
- head
- -in (n., u.m.)
- lead (v.)
- leader
- -necked (u.m.)
- -off (n., u.m.)
- pin
- -porous (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- side
- sight
- stand
- stick
- -tailed (u.m.)
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- worm
- rip
- cord
- -off (n., u.m.)
- rap
- roaring
- sack
- saw
- snorter
- tide
- -up (n., u.m.)
- river
- bank
- bed
- #bottom
- flow
- -formed (u.m.)
- front
- head
- scape
- side
- wash
- -worn (u.m.)
- road
- bank
- bed
- block
- builder
- head
- hog
- kill
- map
- #runner (bird)
- #show
- side
- -test (v.)
- way
- -weary (u.m.)
- rock
- abye
- bottom (nonliteral)
- #climber
- -climbing (u.m.)
- fall (n.)
- -fallen (u.m.)
- fill
- firm
- pile
- -ribbed (u.m.)
- #salt
- shaft
- slide
- rod-shaped (u.m.)
- roe
- buck
- #deer
- roentgeno (c.f.)
- all one word
- roll
- about (n., u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- call
- -fed (v.)
- film
- off (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- top
- up (n., u.m.)
- roller
- #blade
- #coaster
- -made (u.m.)
- -milled (u.m.)
- #skate
- Romano (c.f.)
- -canonical, etc.
- -Gallic, etc.
- roof
- garden
- line
- top
- tree
- room
- #clerk
- keeper
- mate
- roominghouse
- root
- bound
- cap
- -cutting (u.m.)
- fast
- hold
- #mean#square
- #rot
- stalk
- stock
- rope
- dance
- layer
- stitch
- walk
- rose
- -bright (u.m.)
- bud
- bush
- head
- -headed (u.m.)
- -scented (u.m.)
- -sweet (u.m.)
- tan
- #water
- rotor
- craft
- ship
- rotten
- -dry (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- rough
- -and-ready (u.m.)
- -and-tumble (n., u.m.)
- cast (u.m., v.)
- -coat (v.)
- -cut (u.m.)
- draw (v.)
- dress (v.)
- dry (u.m., v.)
- -face (v.)
- -faced (u.m.)
- hew
- house
- -legged (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- neck
- rider
- setter
- shod
- -sketch (v.)
- stuff
- tailed
- #work (n.)
- work (v.)
- wrought
- rougher
- -down
- -out
- -up
- roughing-in (u.m.)
- round
- about (n., u.m.)
- about-face
- -faced (u.m.)
- head
- -made (u.m.)
- mouthed
- nose (tool)
- out (n., u.m.)
- robin (petition)
- seam
- table (panel)
- -tailed (u.m.)
- -topped (u.m.)
- #trip
- -tripper
- up (n., u.m.)
- rub
- -a-dub
- down (n., u.m.)
- rubber
- band
- -down
- -lined (u.m.)
- neck
- -off
- -set (u.m.)
- stamp (nonliteral) (n., u.m.,v.)
- #stamp (n.)
- -stamped (u.m.)
- ruby
- -hued (u.m.)
- -red (u.m.)
- -set (u.m.)
- -throated (u.m.)
- rudder
- head
- hole
- post
- stock
- rule#of#thumb
- rum
- -crazed (u.m.)
- runner
- seller
- rumpus#room
- run
- about (n., u.m.)
- around (n., u.m.)
- away (n.,u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- by(n.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- through (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- runner-up
- Russo (c.f.)
- -Chinese, etc.
- rest one word
- rust
- -brown (u.m.)
- -eaten (u.m.)
- proofing
- -resistant (u.m.)
- -stained (u.m.)
- rye#field
- S
- S
- -bend
- -brake
- -iron
- -ray
- -shaped
- -trap
- -wrench
- saber
- -legged (u.m.)
- tooth
- -toothed (u.m.)
- sable-cloaked (u.m.)
- Sabrejet
- saccharo (c.f.)
- all one word
- sack
- bearer
- cloth
- #coat
- -coated (u.m.)
- -making (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- sacro (c.f.)
- all one word
- sad
- -eyed (u.m.)
- iron
- #sack
- -voiced (u.m.)
- saddle
- back
- -backed (u.m.)
- bag
- bow
- cloth
- -graft (v.)
- #horse
- -making (u.m.)
- nose
- -nosed (u.m.)
- sore
- -stitched (u.m.)
- tree
- -wire (u.m.)
- safe
- blower
- cracker
- -deposit (u.m.)
- guard
- hold
- #house
- #site
- sage
- brush
- leaf
- -leaved (u.m.)
- sail
- cloth
- -dotted (u.m.)
- flying
- saintlike
- sales
- book
- clerk
- manship
- people
- person
- salmon
- -colored (u.m.)
- -red (u.m.)
- salpingo (c.f.)
- -oophorectomy
- -oophoritis
- -ovariotomy
- -ovaritis
- rest one word
- salt
- box
- cellar
- -cured (u.m.)
- #lick
- mouth
- pack
- pan
- peter
- pit
- pond
- shaker
- spoon
- sprinkler
- water
- works
- salver
- form
- -shaped (u.m.)
- sample
- #book
- #box
- maker
- -making (u.m.)
- sand
- bag
- bank
- bar
- bath
- bin
- blast
- blown
- box
- -built (u.m.)
- -buried (u.m.)
- -cast (u.m., v.)
- culture
- #dune
- fill
- flea
- glass
- heat
- hill
- -hiller
- hog
- hole
- lapper
- lot
- paper
- pile
- pipe
- pit
- -pump (u.m., v.)
- shoe
- spit
- storm
- table
- weld (v.)
- -welded (u.m.)
- -welding (u.m.)
- sandy-bottomed (u.m.)
- sangfroid
- sans
- #serif
- #souci
- sapphire
- -blue (u.m.)
- -colored (u.m.
- sarco (c.f.)
- all one word
- sashcord
- satin
- #cloth
- -lined (u.m.)
- -smooth (u.m.)
- sauce
- dish
- pan
- sauer
- braten
- kraut
- save-all (n., u.m.)
- saw
- back
- belly
- bill (bird)
- -billed (u.m.)
- bones (n.)
- buck
- dust
- -edged (u.m.)
- horse
- setter
- timber
- tooth
- -toothed (u.m.)
- sax
- cornet
- horn
- tuba
- say
- -nothing (n., u.m.)
- -so (n.)
- scale
- bark
- down (n., u.m.)
- pan
- -reading (u.m.)
- scapegoat
- scapulo (c.f.)
- all one word
- scar
- -clad (u.m.)
- face
- -faced (u.m.)
- #tissue
- scare
- crow
- head
- scarfpin
- scarlet
- -breasted (u.m.)
- #fever
- -red (u.m.)
- scatter
- brain
- good
- #rug
- scene
- shifter
- wright
- schisto (c.f.)
- all one word
- schizo (c.f.)
- all one word
- school
- bag
- #board
- book
- bus
- children
- day
- -made (u.m.)
- mate
- ship
- teacher
- -trained (u.m.)
- #year
- scientifico (c.f.)
- all one word
- scissor
- bill
- -tailed (u.m.)
- -winged (u.m.)
- scissors
- hold
- -shaped (u.m.)
- #smith
- sclero (c.f.)
- -oophoritis
- -optic
- rest one word
- score
- board
- book
- card
- sheet
- scot-free
- Scoto (c.f.)
- -Britannic, etc.
- Scotsman
- scout
- #badge
- #car
- hood
- master
- scrap
- basket
- book
- #paper
- works
- scratch
- brush
- -brusher
- -coated (u.m.)
- #pad
- #test
- screen
- out (n., u.m.)
- play
- screw
- ball
- bolt
- cap
- down (u.m.)
- drive (v.)
- -driven (u.m.)
- driver
- head
- hook
- jack
- -lifted (u.m.)
- nut
- ship
- #thread
- -threaded (u.m.)
- -turned (u.m.)
- scroll
- -back
- head
- work
- scuttlebutt
- scythe-shaped (u.m.)
- sea
- #base
- -based (u.m.)
- -bathed (u.m.)
- beach
- -beaten (u.m.)
- bed
- #bird
- -blue (u.m.)
- board
- #boat
- -born (u.m.)
- borne
- bound
- -bred (u.m.)
- coast
- -deep (u.m.)
- dog
- -driven (u.m.)
- drome
- -encircled (u.m.)
- fare (food)
- fighter
- #floor
- folk
- food
- front
- girt
- goer
- going
- hound
- lane
- #level
- lift
- #lion
- mark
- port
- quake
- #room
- scape
- #scout
- scouting
- shell
- shine
- shore
- sick
- side
- stroke
- #time (clock)
- wall
- weed
- wing
- worn
- worthiness
- -wrecked (u.m.)
- seam
- blasting
- rend (v.)
- stitch
- weld (v.)
- -welded (u.m.)
- search
- #engine
- light
- plane
- seat
- belt
- #cover
- -mile
- second
- -class (u.m.)
- -degree (u.m.)
- -foot
- -guess (v.)
- hand (adv., u.m.)
- #hand (n.)
- #in#command
- -rate (u.m.)
- #sight
- -sighted (u.m.)
- Secret Service
- secretary
- #general
- -generalcy
- -generalship
- section#man
- seed
- bed
- cake
- case
- coat
- kin
- stalk
- seer
- band
- hand
- sucker
- seesaw
- seismo (c.f.)
- all one word
- self
- dom
- -extracting
- hood
- less
- ness
- same
- reflexive prefix, use hyphen
- sell
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- semi (pref.)
- -armor-piercing (u.m.)
- -Christian, etc.
- -idleness
- -indirect, etc.
- annual, arid, etc.
- rest one word
- send
- off (n., u.m.)
- senso (c.f.)
- all one word
- septi (c.f.)
- all one word
- septo (c.f.)
- all one word
- sergeant#at#arms
- serio (c.f.)
- all one word
- sero (c.f.)
- all one word
- serrate
- -ciliate (u.m.)
- -dentate (u.m.)
- server-based
- service
- -connected (u.m.)
- man
- #man#and#woman
- member
- person
- wide
- woman
- servo
- accelerometer
- amplifier
- control
- mechanism
- motor
- system
- sesqui (c.f.)
- all one word
- set
- -aside (n., u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- bolt
- down (n., u.m.)
- -fair (n.)
- head
- -in (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- pin
- screw
- -stitched (u.m.)
- -to (n.,u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- setter
- -forth
- -in
- -on
- -out
- -to
- -up
- seven
- -branched (u.m.)
- fold
- penny (nail)
- score
- -shooter
- -up (n.)
- severalfold
- shade
- -giving (u.m.)
- -grown (u.m.)
- shadow
- boxing
- gram
- graph
- #line
- shag
- bark
- -haired (u.m.)
- #rug
- shake
- down (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- shallow
- -draft (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- shame
- -crushed (u.m.)
- faced
- shank
- bone
- #mill
- shapeup (n., u.m.)
- share
- bone
- broker
- cropper
- holder
- out (n., u.m.)
- ware
- sharp
- -angled (u.m.)
- -cut (u.m.)
- -edged (u.m.)
- -freeze (u.m., v.)
- -freezer
- -looking (u.m.)
- naysayer
- -set (u.m.)
- shod
- shooter
- -tailed (u.m.)
- -witted (u.m.)
- shavetail
- shear
- pin
- waters
- shedhand
- sheep
- biter
- crook
- dip
- #dog
- faced
- #farm
- fold
- gate
- herder
- hook
- kill
- -kneed (u.m.)
- nose (apple)
- pen
- shank
- shear (v.)
- shearer (n.)
- shed
- stealer
- walk
- -white (u.m.)
- sheer
- off (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- sheet
- block
- flood
- #glass
- rock
- ways
- shell
- back
- burst
- fire
- fishery
- #game
- hole
- -like
- shocked
- shelterbelt
- shield-shaped (u.m.)
- shilly-shally
- shin
- bone
- guard
- plaster
- shiner-up
- ship
- breaker
- broken
- broker
- builder
- lap
- mast
- owning
- -rigged (u.m.)
- shape
- side
- wreck
- shipping
- #master
- #room
- shirt
- band
- #sleeve
- tail
- waist
- shock
- #therapy
- #troops
- #wave
- shoe
- black
- brush
- horn
- lace
- pack
- scraper
- shine
- store
- string
- tree
- shootoff (n.,u.m.)
- shop
- folk
- lifter
- -made (u.m.)
- mark
- owner
- -soiled (u.m.)
- talk
- walker
- window
- shore
- #bird
- #boat
- fast
- going
- #leave
- side
- short
- -armed (u.m.)
- bread
- cake
- change (v.)
- changer
- #circuit
- -circuited (u.m.)
- coming
- cut (n., u.m., v.)
- fall (n.)
- -fed (u.m.)
- hand (writing)
- -handed (u.m.)
- head (whale)
- horn (n., u.m.)
- -horned (u.m.)
- -lasting (u.m.)
- leaf (u.m.)
- -lived (u.m.)
- rib
- run (u.m.)
- sighted
- staff
- stop
- #term
- -term (u.m.)
- wave (radio)
- shot
- gun
- hole
- put
- star
- shoulder
- #belt
- #blade
- -high (u.m.)
- #strap
- show
- boat
- card
- case
- down (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- piece
- place
- room
- through (printing) (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- shredout (n., u.m.)
- shroud
- -laid (u.m.)
- plate
- shut
- away (n.,u.m.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- eye (n., u.m.)
- -in (n„ u.m.)
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (u.m.)
- shuttlecock
- sick
- bay
- bed
- #call
- #leave
- list
- room
- sickle-cell (u.m.)
- side
- arms
- band
- board
- bone
- burns
- car
- check
- -cut (u.m.)
- dress (v.)
- flash
- head (printing)
- hill
- hook
- kick
- lap
- #light (literal)
- light (nonliteral)
- #line (literal)
- line (nonliteral)
- long
- note
- plate
- play
- saddle
- show
- slip
- splitting
- step
- stitch
- -stitched (u.m.)
- sway
- swipe
- track
- walk
- wall
- -wheeler
- winder
- sight
- hole
- read
- saver
- seeing
- setter
- sign
- off (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- post
- up (n., u.m.)
- silico (c.f.)
- all one word
- silk
- #screen
- -stockinged (u.m.)
- works
- siltpan
- silver
- -backed (u.m.)
- beater
- -bright (u.m.)
- fish
- -gray (u.m.)
- -haired (u.m.)
- -lead (u.m.)
- -leaved (u.m.)
- plate (v.)
- -plated (u.m.)
- point (drawing)
- tip
- -tongued (u.m.)
- top
- simon-pure (u.m.)
- simple
- -headed (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- -rooted (u.m.)
- -witted (u.m.)
- simulcast
- sin
- -born (u.m.)
- -bred (u.m.)
- sine#die
- single
- bar
- -breasted (u.m.)
- -decker
- -edged (u.m.)
- handed
- hood
- -loader
- -minded (u.m.)
- -phase (u.m.)
- -seater
- stick
- #stitch
- tree
- singsong
- sink
- head
- hole
- Sino (c.f.)
- -Japanese, etc.
- sister
- -german
- hood
- -in-law
- sit
- down (n., u.m.)
- -downer
- fast (n., u.m.)
- -in
- up (n., u.m.)
- sitter
- -by
- -in
- -out
- sitting#room
- sitz
- #bath
- mark
- six
- -cylinder (u.m.)
- fold
- penny (nail)
- -ply (u.m.)
- -shooter
- -wheeler
- sizeup (n.,u.m.)
- ski
- #jump
- #lift
- plane
- #suit
- skid
- lift (truck)
- road
- #row
- skin
- -clad (u.m.)
- deep
- diver
- flint
- -graft (v.)
- skipjack
- skirtmarker
- skullcap
- skunk
- head
- top
- sky
- -blue (u.m.)
- gazer
- -high (u.m.)
- jacker
- lift
- look (v.)
- rocket
- sail
- scape
- scraper
- shine
- writer
- slab-sided (u.m.)
- slack
- -bake (v.)
- -filled (u.m.)
- #water
- slambang
- slant-eyed (u.m.)
- slap
- bang
- dab
- dash
- down (n., u.m.)
- happy
- jack
- stick
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- slate
- -blue (u.m.)
- -colored (u.m.)
- works
- slaughter
- house
- pen
- slave
- -born (u.m.)
- -deserted (u.m.)
- holding
- #market
- owner
- pen
- Slavo (c.f.)
- -Hungarian, etc.
- sledge
- #hammer
- -hammered (u.m.)
- meter
- sleep
- -filled (u.m.)
- talker
- walker
- sleepy
- -eyed (u.m.)
- head
- -looking (u.m.)
- sleetstorm
- sleeveband
- sleuthhound
- slide
- film
- knot
- #rule
- sling
- ball
- shot
- slip
- along (u.m.)
- band
- case
- cover
- knot
- #law
- -on (n., u.m.)
- #proof (printing)
- proof
- ring
- sheet
- shod
- sole
- step
- stitch
- stream
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- washer
- slit
- -eyed (u.m.)
- shell
- #skirt
- slop
- -molded (u.m.)
- seller
- slopeways
- slow
- belly
- down (n., u.m.)
- -footed (u.m.)
- going
- -motion (u.m.)
- mouthed
- poke
- #time
- up (n., u.m.)
- -witted (u.m.)
- sluice
- box
- #gate
- slum
- dweller
- gullion
- gum
- lord
- slumber-bound (u.m.)
- small
- #arms
- #businessman
- pox
- -scale (u.m.)
- sword
- talk
- -time (u.m.)
- town (u.m.)
- smart
- #aleck
- -alecky (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- #set
- -tongued (u.m.)
- smashup (n., u.m.)
- smearcase
- smoke
- -blinded (u.m.)
- bomb
- chaser
- -dried (u.m.)
- -dry (v.)
- -dyed (u.m.)
- -filled (u.m.)
- house
- jack
- jumper
- -laden (u.m.)
- pot
- screen
- stack
- smoking#room
- smooth
- bore
- -browed (u.m.)
- -cast (u.m.)
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- -tongued (u.m.)
- -working (u.m.)
- snackbar
- snail
- -paced (u.m.)
- -slow (u.m.)
- snail's#pace
- snake
- bite
- -bitten (u.m.)
- -eater
- -eyed (u.m.)
- head
- hole
- pit
- snap
- dragon
- head
- hook
- -on (n., u.m.)
- out (n.)
- ring
- roll
- shooter
- shot
- -up (u.m.)
- snapper
- -back
- -up
- snipe
- bill
- #eel
- -nosed (u.m.)
- sniperscope
- snooperscope
- snow
- ball
- bank
- berg
- blind
- #blindness
- blink
- block
- -blocked (u.m.)
- blower
- break
- capped
- -choked (u.m.)
- clad (u.m.)
- #cover
- -covered (u.m.)
- drift
- fall
- field
- flake
- line
- melt
- -melting (u.m.)
- mobile
- pack
- pit
- plow
- scape
- shade
- shed
- shine
- shoe
- sled
- slide
- slip
- storm
- suit
- -topped (u.m.)
- #water
- -white (u.m.)
- snuffbox
- so
- -and-so
- beit (n., conj.)
- -called (u.m.)
- -seeming (u.m.)
- -so
- soap
- box
- bubble
- dish
- flakes
- #opera
- rock
- stock
- suds
- sob
- #sister
- #story
- sober
- -minded (u.m.)
- sides
- social
- #work
- #worker
- socio (c.f.)
- -official
- economic, etc.
- sod
- buster
- culture
- #house
- soda
- jerk
- #pop
- #water
- sofa
- #bed
- #maker
- -making (u.m.)
- -ridden (u.m.)
- soft
- ball
- -boiled (u.m.)
- #coal
- #copy
- #drink
- #goods
- head
- -pedal (v.)
- -shelled (u.m.)
- -soap (nonliteral) (v.)
- -soaper (nonliteral) (n.)
- -spoken (u.m.)
- tack
- ware
- wood
- sole
- cutter
- plate
- somato (c.f.)
- all one word
- some
- day
- how
- one (anyone)
- #one (distributive)
- place (adv.)
- time (adv., u.m.)
- #time (some time ago)
- what
- son-in-law
- song
- bird
- fest
- writer
- sonobuoy
- sooth
- fast
- sayer
- sore
- -eyed (u.m.)
- foot (n.)
- footed (u.m.)
- head (n., u.m.)
- sorry-looking (u.m.)
- soul
- -deep (u.m.)
- mate
- -searching (u.m.)
- sick
- sound
- -absorbing (u.m.)
- #field
- film
- -minded (u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- track
- #wave
- soup
- bone
- #bowl
- #kitchen
- #plate
- spoon
- sour
- belly
- bread
- dough (n.)
- faced
- -natured (u.m.)
- -sweet
- source
- book
- #file
- south
- -born (u.m.)
- bound
- -central (u.m.)
- east
- going
- lander
- paw
- #side
- -sider
- -southeast
- west
- soybean
- sow
- back
- belly
- space
- bar
- craft
- -cramped (u.m.)
- #key
- mark
- ship
- #time
- spade
- -dug (u.m.)
- foot
- -footed (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- Spanish
- -American
- -born (u.m.)
- -speaking (u.m.)
- spare
- -bodied (u.m.)
- rib
- #room
- spark
- #plug (literal)
- plug (nonliteral)
- speakeasy (n.)
- spear
- cast
- head
- -high (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- spectro (c.f.)
- all one word
- speech
- -bereft (u.m.)
- -read (v.)
- speed
- boating
- letter
- trap
- up (n., u.m.)
- spell
- binding
- check
- down (n., u.m.)
- -free (u.m.)
- spend
- -all (n.)
- thrift
- spermato (c.f.)
- all one word
- spermo (c.f.)
- all one word
- spheno (c.f.)
- -occipital
- rest one word
- sphygmo (c.f.)
- all one word
- spice
- -burnt (u.m.)
- cake
- -laden (u.m.)
- spider
- #crab
- -legged
- -spun (u.m.)
- #web (n.)
- web (u.m., v.)
- spike
- horn
- -kill (v.)
- -pitch (v.)
- spill
- over (n., u.m.)
- way
- spin
- back
- #doctor (slang)
- off
- spindle
- -formed (u.m.)
- head
- -legged (u.m.)
- legs
- shanks
- spine
- bone
- -broken (u.m.)
- -pointed (u.m.)
- spino (c.f.)
- -olivary
- rest one word
- spirit
- -born (u.m.)
- -broken (u.m.)
- #writing
- spit
- ball
- fire
- stick
- splanchno (c.f.)
- all one word
- splay
- footed
- mouthed
- spleen
- -born (u.m.)
- sick
- -swollen (u.m.)
- spleno (c.f.)
- all one word
- split
- finger (crustacean)
- fruit
- mouth
- saw
- #second
- -tongued (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- spoilsport
- spondylo (c.f.)
- all one word
- sponge
- #bath
- cake
- diver
- -diving (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- spongio (c.f.)
- all one word
- spoolwinder
- spoon
- -beaked (u.m.)
- -billed (u.m.)
- bread
- -fed (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- ways
- sporeformer
- sporo (c.f.)
- all one word
- sports
- #editor
- person
- wear
- writer
- spot
- #check
- -checked (u.m.)
- -face (v.)
- light
- weld (v.)
- welded (u.m.)
- -welding (u.m.)
- spray-washed (u.m.)
- spread
- -eagle (u.m., v.)
- head
- out (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- -set (v.)
- spring
- back (bookbinding)
- bok
- -born (u.m.)
- buck
- -clean (v.)
- #fever
- finger
- -grown (u.m.)
- halt
- head
- -plow (v.)
- -plowed (u.m.)
- tide (season)
- time
- trap
- spritsail
- spur
- -clad (u.m.)
- -driven (u.m.)
- gall
- -galled (u.m.)
- -heeled (u.m.)
- spy
- glass
- hole
- tower
- square
- -bottomed (u.m.)
- -built (u.m.)
- -faced (u.m.)
- flipper
- head
- -headed
- #mile
- -rigged (u.m.)
- #root
- -set (u.m.)
- shooter
- squeeze
- -in (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- squirrel-headed (u.m.)
- stackup (n.,u.m.)
- staff
- -herd (v.)
- -hour
- time
- stag
- -handled (u.m.)
- head
- -headed (u.m.)
- horn
- -horned (u.m.)
- hound
- hunter
- stage
- coach
- hand
- #set
- -struck (u.m.)
- stair
- case
- head
- step
- #well
- stake
- head
- out (n.)
- stale-worn (u.m.)
- stall
- -fed (u.m.)
- -feed (v.)
- stand
- by (n., u.m.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- fast (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- offish
- out (n., u.m.)
- pat
- pipe
- point
- post
- still (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- standard
- #bearer
- bred
- #gauge
- #time
- staphylo (c.f.)
- all one word
- star
- blind
- bright
- dust
- gazer
- -led (u.m.)
- light
- lit
- lite (gem)
- nose (mole)
- shake
- shine
- shoot
- -spangled (u.m.)
- stroke
- -studded (u.m.)
- #time
- starchworks
- stark
- -blind (u.m.)
- -mad (u.m.)
- -naked (u.m.)
- -raving (u.m.)
- starter-off
- start-stop
- startup (n., u.m.)
- stat (pref.)
- all one word
- State
- -aided (u.m.)
- #line
- -owned (u.m.)
- state
- hood
- -of-the-art (u.m.)
- quake
- room
- side
- station#house
- stato (c.f.)
- all one word
- statute
- -barred (u.m.)
- #book
- stay
- -at-home (n., u.m.)
- bar
- bolt
- boom
- lace
- log
- pin
- plow
- sail
- wire
- steam
- boating
- car
- -cooked (u.m.)
- -driven (u.m.)
- fitter
- pipe
- plant
- -pocket (v.)
- power (n.)
- #powerplant
- -propelled (u.m.)
- roll (v.)
- roller (u.m.,v.)
- ship
- table
- tightness
- steamer#line
- steel
- -blue (u.m.)
- -bright (u.m.)
- -cased (u.m.)
- clad
- -framed (u.m.)
- -hard (u.m.)
- head
- plate
- works
- steep
- -rising (u.m.)
- -to (u.m.)
- -up (u.m.)
- -walled (u.m.)
- steeple
- chase
- -high (u.m.)
- jack
- top
- stem
- head
- post
- sickness
- winder
- stencil-cutting (u.m.)
- steno (c.f.)
- all one word
- step
- aunt
- child, etc.
- dance
- down (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- ladder
- off (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- stepping
- -off (u.m.)
- -out (u.m.)
- stone
- stereo (c.f.)
- all one word
- stern
- castle
- -faced (u.m.)
- -heavy (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- most
- post
- #wheel
- -wheeler
- sterno (c.f.)
- all one word
- stetho (c.f.)
- all one word
- stew
- pan
- pot
- stick
- -at-it (n., u.m.)
- fast (n.)
- -in-the-mud (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- pin
- -to-it-iveness (n.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- sticker
- -in
- -on
- -up
- stiff
- -backed (u.m.)
- neck
- -necked (u.m.)
- still
- -admired (u.m.)
- birth
- born
- -burn (v.)
- -fish (v.)
- -hunt (v.)
- #life
- -recurring (u.m.)
- stand
- stink
- ball
- bomb
- bug
- damp
- pot
- stir
- about (n., u.m.)
- fry
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- stitch
- down (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- stock
- breeder
- broker
- #car
- feeder
- holding
- jobber
- judging
- list
- pile
- pot
- rack
- raiser
- -still (u.m.)
- taker
- truck
- wright
- stoke
- hold
- hole
- stomach
- #ache
- -filling (u.m.)
- #pump
- -shaped (u.m.)
- -sick (u.m.)
- -weary (u.m.)
- stomato (c.f.)
- all one word
- stone
- biter
- blind
- brash
- breaker
- broke
- brood
- cast
- -cold (u.m.)
- #crab
- crusher
- cutter
- -dead (u.m.)
- -deaf (u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- head
- layer
- lifter
- mason
- shot
- #wall (n.)
- wall (u.m., v.)
- #writing
- stony
- -eyed (u.m.)
- #land
- stop
- back (n.)
- block
- clock
- cock
- gap
- hound
- list
- log
- -loss (u.m.)
- off (n.,u.m.)
- watch
- storage#room
- store
- front
- house
- storm
- -beaten (u.m.)
- cock
- flow
- -laden (u.m.)
- -swept (u.m.)
- -tossed (u.m.)
- #trooper
- wind
- #window
- storyteller
- stout
- -armed (u.m.)
- heartedness
- -minded (u.m.)
- stove
- brush
- -heated (u.m.)
- pipe
- stow
- away (n.,u.m.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- straddle
- back
- -face (v.)
- -legged (u.m.)
- straight
- away
- -backed (u.m.)
- -cut (u.m.)
- edge
- -edged (u.m.)
- #face
- -faced (u.m.)
- forward
- head
- -legged (u.m.)
- #line
- -lined (u.m.)
- -out (n., u.m.)
- -spoken (u.m.)
- #time
- -up (u.m.)
- -up-and-down (u.m.)
- strainslip
- strait
- -chested (u.m.)
- jacket
- laced
- stranglehold
- strap
- -bolt (v.)
- hanger
- head
- -shaped (u.m.)
- watch
- strato (c.f)
- all one word
- straw
- berry#field
- boss
- -built (u.m.)
- hat
- -roofed (u.m.)
- splitting
- stack
- -stuffed (u.m.)
- #vote
- walker
- -yellow (u.m.)
- stray
- away (n.,u.m.)
- #line
- mark
- stream
- bank
- bed
- flow
- head
- lined
- side
- street
- -bred (u.m.)
- car
- cleaner
- -cleaning (u.m.)
- sweeper
- walker
- strepto (c.f.)
- all one word
- stretchout (n., u.m.)
- strike
- breaker
- -in (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- -over (n., u.m.)
- striker
- -in
- -out
- -over
- string
- course
- halt
- #proof (density)
- ways
- strip
- cropping
- #mine
- tease
- strong
- -arm (u.m., v.)
- back (nautical)
- -backed (u.m.)
- box
- hold
- #man (literal)
- man (nonliteral)
- -minded (u.m.)
- point (n.)
- stub
- runner
- -toed (u.m.)
- wing
- stubble
- #field
- -mulch (u.m.)
- stubbornminded
- stucco-fronted (u.m.)
- stuck
- up (n., u.m.)
- -upper
- -uppish (u.m.)
- stud
- bolt
- horse
- mare
- stuntman
- stupid
- head
- -headed (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- sturdy-limbed (u.m.)
- stylebook
- stylo (c.f.)
- all one word
- sub (pref)
- -Himalayan, etc.
- machinegun
- #rosa, #specie, etc.
- -subcommittee
- polar, standard, etc.
- rest one word
- subject
- -object
- -objectivity
- subter (pref.)
- all one word
- such-and-such
- suck
- -egg (n., u.m.)
- hole
- -in (n., u.m.)
- sugar
- #beet
- #bowl
- cake
- cane
- -coat (v.)
- -coated (u.m.)
- -cured (u.m.)
- loaf
- plum
- spoon
- sweet
- #water
- works
- sulfa (c.f.)
- all one word
- sulfo (c.f.)
- all one word
- sulfon (c.f.)
- all one word
- sullen
- hearted
- -natured (u.m.)
- summer
- -clad (u.m.)
- -dried (u.m.)
- -fallow (v.)
- -made (u.m.)
- tide
- time (season)
- #time (daylight saving)
- sun
- -baked (u.m.)
- bath
- -bathed (u.m.)
- beam
- blind
- #blindness
- bonnet
- bow
- break
- burn
- burst
- -cured (u.m.)
- dial
- dog
- down
- dress
- -dried (u.m.)
- -dry (v.)
- fall
- fast
- glade
- glare
- glow
- #hat
- lamp
- lit
- quake
- ray
- rise
- scald
- set
- shade
- shine
- -shot (u.m.)
- shower
- spot
- stricken
- stroke
- struck
- tan
- #time (measure)
- time (dawn)
- up
- sunny
- -looking (u.m.)
- -natured (u.m.)
- super (pref.)
- -Christian, etc.
- #high frequency
- -superlative
- highway, market, etc.
- rest one word
- Super Bowl
- supra (pref.)
- -abdominal
- -acromial
- -aerial
- anal
- -angular
- -arytenoid
- -auditory
- -auricular
- -axillary
- -Christian, etc.
- rest one word
- sur (pref.)
- all one word
- sure
- -fire (u.m.)
- -footed (u.m.)
- -slow
- surf
- -battered (u.m.)
- board
- #fish
- -swept (u.m.)
- swallow
- pipe
- -tailed (u.m.)
- swampside
- swan
- -bosomed (u.m.)
- dive
- herd
- mark
- neck
- song
- swansdown
- swash
- buckler
- plate
- sway
- back (n., u.m.)
- -backed (u.m.)
- bar
- -brace (v.)
- swearer-in
- sweat
- band
- #gland
- #shirt
- shop
- sweep
- back (aviation) (n., u.m.)
- forward (aviation) (n., u.m.)
- stake
- through (n., u.m.)
- washer
- sweet
- bread
- -breathed (u.m.)
- brier
- faced
- heart
- meat
- mouthed
- -pickle (v.)
- -sour
- -sweet
- swell
- -butted (u.m.)
- head
- toad
- swelled-headed (u.m.)
- swept
- back (n., u.m.)
- forward (n., u.m.)
- wing (n., u.m.)
- swift
- foot
- -footed (u.m.)
- -handed (u.m.)
- -running (u.m.)
- swill
- bowl
- tub
- swimsuit
- swine
- -backed (u.m.)
- bread
- head
- herd
- pox
- sty
- swing
- back (n., u.m.)
- bar
- dingle
- #gate
- #shift
- stock
- -swang
- tree
- swingle
- bar
- tree
- switch
- back
- blade
- box
- gear
- plate
- plug
- rail
- tender
- swivel
- #chair
- eye
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -hooked (u.m.)
- sword
- -armed (u.m.)
- bearer
- #belt
- bill
- fishing
- play
- -shaped (u.m.)
- stick
- syn (pref.)
- all one word
- synchro
- cyclotron
- flash
- mesh
- tron
- Syro (c.f.)
- -Arabian, etc.
- phenician
- T
- T
- -ball
- -bandage
- -beam
- -boat
- -bone
- -cloth
- -iron
- -man
- -rail
- -scale (score)
- -shape
- -shaped
- -shirt
- -square
- table
- cloth
- -cut (u.m.)
- cutter
- -cutting (u.m.)
- -formed (u.m.)
- #linen
- -shaped (u.m.)
- spoon
- talk
- top
- ware
- tachy (c.f.)
- all one word
- tag
- -affixing (u.m.)
- lock
- rag
- sore
- tail
- band
- #coat
- -cropped (u.m.)
- #end
- -ender
- first
- foremost
- gate
- head
- -heavy (u.m.)
- hook
- lamp
- pin
- pipe
- race
- spin
- stock
- -tied (u.m.)
- twister
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- wheel
- wind
- tailor
- -cut (u.m.)
- made (u.m.)
- -suited (u.m.)
- take
- -all (n.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- -home (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- taker
- -down
- -in
- -off
- -over
- -up
- tale
- bearer
- carrier
- teller
- talkfest
- talking-to (n.)
- tall
- boy (n.)
- -built (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- tallow
- -faced (u.m.)
- -pale (u.m.)
- tally
- #board
- #clerk
- ho
- #room
- #sheet
- tame
- -grown (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- tan
- bark
- works
- tangent
- -cut (v.)
- -saw (v.)
- tangle
- foot
- -haired (u.m.)
- tank
- #car
- farm
- ship
- town
- tap
- bolt
- dance
- hole
- net
- off (n., u.m.)
- -riveted (u.m.)
- room
- root
- -tap
- water
- tape
- #deck
- #drive
- #measure
- string
- -tied (u.m.)
- taper
- bearer
- -fashion (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- tapestry
- -covered (u.m.)
- #maker
- -making (u.m.)
- #work
- tapper-out
- tar
- -brand (v.)
- brush
- -coal (u.m.)
- -dipped (u.m.)
- #paper
- -paved (u.m.)
- pot
- -roofed (u.m.)
- works
- tariff-protected (u.m.)
- tarpaulin
- -covered (u.m.)
- #maker
- -making (u.m.)
- tarso (c.f.)
- all one word
- task
- #force
- setter
- tattletale
- tauro (c.f.)
- all one word
- tax
- -burdened (u.m.)
- #collector
- eater
- -exempt (u.m.)
- -free (u.m.)
- gatherer
- -laden (u.m.)
- paid
- payer
- #roll
- -supported (u.m.)
- taxi
- auto
- bus
- cab
- meter
- stand
- tea
- ball
- cake
- cart
- -colored (u.m.)
- cup
- dish
- kettle
- #party
- pot
- room
- -scented (u.m.)
- spoon
- taster
- teamplay
- tear
- bomb
- -dimmed (u.m.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- drop
- #gas
- -off (n., u.m.)
- -out (n., u.m.)
- pit
- sheet
- stain
- -stained (u.m.)
- teen
- age (u.m.)
- ager
- teeter-totter
- tele (c.f.)
- all one word
- teleo (c.f.)
- all one word
- tell
- tale
- truth
- telo (c.f.)
- all one word
- tempest-rocked (u.m.)
- temporo (c.f.)
- -occipital
- rest one word
- ten
- fold
- penny (nail)
- pins
- tender
- #boat
- -faced (u.m.)
- foot
- -footed (u.m.)
- footish
- -handed (u.m.)
- heart
- loin
- -looking (u.m.)
- tenement#house
- tent
- -dotted (u.m.)
- pole
- -sheltered (u.m.)
- #show
- terra
- #cotta
- #firma
- mara
- terrace-fashion (u.m.)
- test-fly (v.)
- tetra (c.f.)
- all one word
- thanksgiving
- thatch-roofed (u.m.)
- text
- -based
- #file
- #mode
- theater
- goer
- going
- thenceforth
- theo (c.f.)
- all one word
- theologico (c.f.)
- all one word
- there
- about(s)
- above
- across
- after
- against
- among
- around
- at
- away
- before
- between
- by
- for
- fore
- from
- in
- inafter
- inbefore
- into
- on
- over
- through
- tofore
- under
- until
- unto
- upon
- with
- thermo (c.f.)
- all one word
- thick
- -blooded (u.m.)
- head
- -looking (u.m.)
- pated
- set (n., u.m.)
- skinned
- skull (n.)
- skulled
- -tongued (u.m.)
- wit
- -witted (u.m.)
- -wooded (u.m.)
- -woven (u.m.)
- thin
- -clad (u.m.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- set (u.m.)
- -voiced (u.m.)
- thio (c.f.)
- all one word
- third
- -class (u.m.)
- -degree (u.m.)
- hand (adv., u.m.)
- #house
- -rate (u.m.)
- -rater
- thistledown
- thoraco (c.f.)
- all one word
- thorn
- back
- bill
- -covered (u.m.)
- -set (u.m.)
- -strewn (u.m.)
- tail
- thorough
- -bind (v.)
- bred
- -dried (u.m.)
- fare
- going
- -made (u.m.)
- paced
- pin
- thought
- -free (u.m.)
- -out (u.m.)
- -provoking (u.m.)
- thousand
- fold
- -headed (u.m.)
- -legged (u.m.)
- legs (worm)
- thrall
- born
- dom
- -less
- thread
- bare
- -leaved (u.m.)
- worn
- three
- -bagger
- -cornered (u.m.)
- -dimensional (u.m.)
- fold
- -in-hand
- -master
- penny (nail)
- -piece (u.m.)
- -ply (u.m.)
- score
- some
- -spot
- -square
- -striper
- throat
- band
- cutter
- latch
- strap
- thrombo (c.f.)
- all one word
- through
- out
- put
- #road
- way
- throw
- away (n.,u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- #line
- off (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- -weight
- thrust-pound
- thumb
- #hole
- -made (u.m.)
- mark
- -marked (u.m.)
- nail
- screw
- stall
- string
- sucker
- tack
- worn
- thunder
- bearer
- blast
- bolt
- clap
- cloud
- head
- peal
- shower
- storm
- struck
- thymo (c.f.)
- all one word
- thyro (c.f.)
- all one word
- tibio (c.f.)
- all one word
- tick
- #feed
- seed
- tacktoe
- tick
- tock
- ticket
- #seller
- -selling (u.m.)
- #writer
- tidal#wave
- tiddlywink
- tide
- flat
- head
- mark
- -marked (u.m.)
- race
- table
- -tossed (u.m.)
- waiter
- -worn (u.m.)
- tie
- back (n.)
- #bar
- #beam
- down (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- -out (n., u.m.)
- pin
- -plater
- #rod
- #tack
- up (n., u.m.)
- tierlift (truck)
- tiger
- eye
- #lily
- #shark
- -striped (u.m.)
- tight
- -belted (u.m.)
- fisted
- -fitting (u.m.)
- lipped
- rope
- -set (u.m.)
- -tie (v.)
- wad
- wire
- tile
- -clad (u.m.)
- #drain
- -red (u.m.)
- setter
- works
- wright
- tilt
- hammer
- rotor
- up (n.)
- timber
- -built (u.m.)
- head
- -headed (u.m.)
- jack
- line
- -propped (u.m.)
- #wolf
- wright
- time
- bomb
- born
- card
- clerk
- clock
- -consuming (u.m.)
- frame
- -honored (u.m.)
- keeper
- killer
- lag
- lock
- outs (n., u.m.)
- piece
- pleaser
- saver
- server
- sheet
- slip
- slot
- span
- -stamp (v.)
- study
- table
- taker
- waster
- worn
- tin
- -bearing (u.m.)
- #can
- -capped (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- cup
- #fish (torpedo)
- foil
- horn
- kettle
- -lined (u.m.)
- man
- pan
- plate
- -plated (u.m.)
- pot
- -roofed (u.m.)
- type
- -white (u.m.)
- tinsel
- -bright (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- #town
- tintblock (printing)
- tip
- burn
- cart
- -curled (u.m.)
- head
- -in (n., u.m.)
- most
- off (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- staff
- stock
- tank
- -tap
- toe
- top
- -up (u.m.)
- tire
- changer
- dresser
- fitter
- #gauge
- #iron
- -mile
- #rack
- shaper
- some
- tit
- bit
- #for#tat
- mouse
- titano (c.f.)
- all one word
- tithe
- book
- -free (u.m.)
- payer
- right
- title
- holder
- -holding (u.m.)
- #page
- winner
- -winning (u.m.)
- to
- -and-fro
- -do (n.)
- #wit
- toad
- back
- -bellied (u.m.)
- blind
- fish
- -green (u.m.)
- stool
- tobacco
- #grower
- -growing (u.m.)
- #shop
- toe
- cap
- #dance
- hold
- -in (n., u.m.)
- -mark (v.)
- nail
- plate
- toil
- -beaten (u.m.)
- some
- -stained (u.m.)
- -weary (u.m.)
- worn
- toilet#room
- toll
- bar
- #bridge
- #call
- gate
- gatherer
- house
- #line
- payer
- road
- taker
- torn
- boy
- cat
- foolery
- -torn
- tommy
- gun
- rot
- ton
- -hour
- -kilometer
- -mile
- -mileage
- -mile-day
- tone
- -deaf (u.m.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- -producing (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- tongue
- -baited (u.m.)
- -bound (u.m.)
- -free (u.m.)
- -lash (v.)
- #lashing
- play
- gate
- -shaped (u.m.)
- shot
- sore
- tack
- tied
- tip
- #twister
- -twisting (u.m.)
- tool
- bag
- #belt
- box
- builder
- #chest
- crib
- dresser
- fitter
- #grinder
- -grinding (u.m.)
- head
- holding
- kit
- mark
- plate
- post
- rack
- setter
- shed
- slide
- stock
- tooth
- ache
- #and#nail
- -billed (u.m.)
- brush
- drawer
- mark
- -marked (u.m.)
- paste
- pick
- plate
- powder
- puller
- -pulling (u.m.)
- -set (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- some
- wash
- top
- #brass
- cap (n.)
- coat
- cutter
- #dog
- -drain (v.)
- #drawer
- dress (v.)
- flight (u.m.)
- full
- gallant (n., u.m.)
- -graft (v.)
- hat
- -hatted (u.m.)
- heavy
- kick
- knot
- liner
- mark
- mast
- milk
- most
- notch (nonliteral)
- rail
- rope
- sail
- -secret (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- side (naut.)
- soil
- topo (c.f.)
- all one word
- topsy-turvy
- torch
- bearer
- #holder
- lighted
- lit
- torpedo
- #boat
- #room
- torquemeter
- toss
- pot
- up (n., u.m.)
- touch
- #and#go
- back (n., u.m.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- hole
- -me-not (n., u.m.)
- pan
- reader
- stone
- up (n., u.m.)
- tough
- -headed (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- -skinned (u.m.)
- tow
- away
- boat
- head
- line
- mast
- #net
- -netter
- path
- rope
- #truck
- tower
- -high (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- town
- -bred (u.m.)
- #clerk
- #crier
- -dotted (u.m.)
- folk
- going
- hall
- lot
- ship
- side
- site
- talk
- -weary (u.m.)
- towns
- fellow
- people
- toy
- #dog
- -sized (u.m.)
- town
- tracheo (c.f.)
- all one word
- trachy (c.f.)
- all one word
- track
- barrow
- hound
- layer
- mark
- -mile
- side
- walker
- tractor-trailer
- trade
- #board
- -in (n., u.m.)
- -laden (u.m.)
- -made (u.m.)
- mark
- #name
- off
- #union
- #wind
- tradespeople
- traffic-mile
- tragico (c.f.)
- all one word
- trail
- blazer
- breaker
- -marked (u.m.)
- side
- sight
- -weary (u.m.)
- train
- bearer
- bolt
- crew
- line
- -mile
- shed
- sick
- stop
- tram
- -borne (u.m.)
- car
- rail
- road
- way
- trans (pref.)
- alpine
- atlantic
- -Canadian, etc.
- pacific
- uranic
- rest one word
- transit#time
- trap
- door
- fall
- shoot
- trashrack
- travel
- -bent (u.m.)
- time
- -tired (u.m.)
- -worn (u.m.)
- trawlnet
- tread
- mill
- wheel
- treasure
- -filled (u.m.)
- #house
- -laden (u.m.)
- treaty
- breaker
- -sealed (u.m.)
- tree
- #belt
- -clad (u.m.)
- #line
- -lined (u.m.)
- nail
- -ripe (u.m.)
- scape
- top
- #trunk
- trellis-covered (u.m.)
- trench
- back
- coat
- foot
- #knife
- mouth
- #plow
- -plowed (u.m.)
- tri (c.f.)
- -iodide
- -ply (u.m.)
- state, etc.
- rest one word
- tribespeople
- tribo (c.f.)
- all one word
- tricho (c.f.)
- all one word
- trim
- -cut (u.m.)
- -dressed (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- trinitro (c.f.)
- all one word
- trip
- -free (u.m.)
- hammer
- wire
- triple
- -acting (u.m.)
- back (sofa)
- branched (u.m.)
- -edged (u.m.)
- fold
- #play
- -tailed (u.m.)
- tree (n.)
- trolley#line
- troop
- ship
- #train
- tropho (c.f.)
- all one word
- tropo (c.f.)
- all one word
- trouble
- -free (u.m.)
- -haunted (u.m.)
- maker
- shooter
- some
- truce
- breaker
- -seeking (u.m.)
- truck
- driver
- #farm
- -mile
- stop
- true
- -aimed (u.m.)
- -blue (u.m.)
- born
- bred
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -false
- love (n., u.m.)
- penny (n.)
- #time
- trunk
- back
- nose
- trust
- breaking
- buster
- -controlled (u.m.)
- -ridden (u.m.)
- worthy
- truth
- -filled (u.m.)
- lover
- seeker
- -seeking (u.m.)
- teller
- try
- -on (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- square
- works
- tube
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -fed (u.m.)
- head
- -nosed (u.m.)
- works
- tuberculo (c.f.)
- all one word
- tubo (c.f.)
- -ovarian
- rest one word
- tug
- boat
- #of#war
- tumbledown (n., u.m.)
- tune
- out (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- tunnel
- -boring (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- vision
- turbo (c.f.)
- -ramjet (u.m.)
- rest one word
- turf
- -built (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- #war
- turkey
- back
- #buzzard
- #gobbler
- #trot
- Turko (c.f.)
- -Greek, etc.
- rest one word
- turn
- about (n., u.m.)
- about-face
- again (n., u.m.)
- around (n., u.m.)
- back (n., u.m.)
- buckle
- cap
- coat
- cock
- down (n., u.m.)
- gate
- -in (n., u.m.)
- key
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n„ u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- pike
- pin
- plate
- round (n., u.m.)
- screw
- sheet
- sole
- spit
- stile
- stitch
- table
- tail
- -to (n.)
- under (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- turned
- -back (u.m.)
- -down (u.m.)
- -in (u.m.)
- -on (u.m.)
- -out (u.m.)
- -over (u.m.)
- turner-off
- turtle
- back
- dove
- -footed (u.m.)
- neck (u.m.)
- #shell
- twelve
- fold
- penny (nail)
- score
- twenty
- -first
- fold
- -one
- twice
- -born (u.m.)
- -reviewed (u.m.)
- -told (u.m.)
- twin
- #boat
- born
- -engined (u.m.)
- fold
- -jet (u.m.)
- -motor (u.m.)
- -screw (u.m.)
- two
- -a-day (u.m.)
- -along (n.) (bookbinding)
- -decker
- -faced (u.m.)
- fold
- -handed (u.m.)
- penny (nail)
- -piece (u.m.)
- -ply (u.m.)
- score
- -seater
- some
- -spot
- -step (dance)
- -striper
- -suiter
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- -way (u.m.)
- -wheeler
- tympano (c.f.)
- all one word
- type
- case
- cast
- cutter
- face
- foundry
- script
- set
- write (v.)
- typho (c.f.)
- all one word
- typo (c.f.)
- all one word
- tyro (c.f.)
- all one word
- U
- U
- -boat
- -cut
- -magnet
- -rail
- -shaped
- -tube
- ultra (pref.)
- -ambitious,
- -atomic, etc.
- -English, etc.
- high#frequency
- -high-speed (u.m.)
- #valorem, etc.
- rest one word
- un (pref.)
- -American, etc.
- called-for (u.m.)
- heard-of (u.m.)
- -ionized (u.m.)
- self-conscious
- sent-for (u.m.)
- thought-of (u.m.)
- rest one word
- under
- age (deficit)
- age (younger) (n., u.m.)
- #cultivation (tillage)
- cultivation (insufficient)
- #secretary
- -secretaryship
- way
- as prefix, one word
- uni (c.f.)
- -univalent
- rest one word
- union
- -made (u.m.)
- #shop
- unit-set (u.m.)
- up
- -anchor (u.m., v.)
- -and-coming (u.m.)
- #and#up
- beat
- coast
- country
- dip
- end (v.)
- front (n., u.m.)
- grade
- gradient
- keep
- lift
- load
- -over (u.m.)
- rate
- river
- stairs
- state
- stream
- swing
- take
- tight (n., u.m.)
- #tight (v.)
- -to-date (u.m.)
- #to#date
- town
- trend
- turn
- wind
- upper
- case (printing)
- #class
- classman
- crust (n., u.m.)
- cut
- #deck
- most
- urano (c.f.)
- all one word
- uretero (c.f.)
- all one word
- urethro (c.f.)
- all one word
- uro (c.f.)
- all one word
- used-car (u.m.)
- user
- #default
- -defined
- -friendly
- #group
- #interface
- utero (c.f.)
- all one word
- V
- V
- -connection
- -curve
- -engine
- -neck
- -shaped
- -type
- vacant
- -eyed (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- vagino (c.f.)
- all one word
- vainglorious
- valve
- -grinding (u.m.)
- -in-head (u.m.)
- van
- driver
- guard
- pool
- vapor
- -filled (u.m.)
- -heating (u.m.)
- #lock
- vase-shaped (u.m.)
- vaso (c.f.)
- all one word
- vegeto (c.f.)
- all one word
- vein
- -mining (u.m.)
- -streaked (u.m.)
- vellum
- -bound (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- velvet
- -crimson (u.m.)
- -draped (u.m.)
- -green (u.m.)
- -pile (u.m.)
- venthole
- ventri (c.f.)
- all one word
- ventro (c.f.)
- all one word
- vertebro (c.f.)
- all one word
- vesico (c.f.)
- all one word
- vibro (c.f.)
- all one word
- vice
- #admiral
- -admiralty
- #consul
- -consulate
- #governor
- -governorship
- #minister
- -ministry
- -presidency
- #president
- -president-elect
- -presidential
- #rector
- -rectorship
- regal
- -regency
- #regent
- royal
- #squad
- #versa
- #warden
- videotape
- Vietcong
- view
- finder
- point
- vile-natured (u.m.)
- vine
- -clad (u.m.)
- -covered (u.m.)
- dresser
- growing
- stalk
- vinegar
- -flavored (u.m.)
- -hearted (u.m.)
- -making (u.m.)
- -tart (u.m.)
- violet
- -blue (u.m.)'
- -colored (u.m.)
- -eared (u.m.)
- #ray
- -rayed (u.m.)
- #water
- violin-shaped (u.m.)
- vis-a-vis
- viscero (c.f.)
- all one word
- vitreo (c.f.)
- all one word
- vitro (c.f.)
- -clarain
- -di-trina
- rest one word
- vivi (c.f.)
- all one word
- voice
- -capable
- over (n.)
- volleyball
- volt
- ammeter
- -ampere
- -coulomb
- meter
- ohmmeter
- -second
- volta (c.f.)
- all one word
- vote
- -casting (u.m.)
- getter
- -getting (u.m.)
- vow
- -bound (u.m.)
- breaker
- -pledged (u.m.)
- vulvo (c.f.)
- all one word
- W
- W
- -engine
- -shaped
- -surface
- -type
- wage
- #earner
- -earning (u.m.)
- #scale
- worker
- waist
- band
- belt
- cloth
- coat
- -deep (u.m.)
- -high (u.m.)
- line
- waiting
- #list
- #man
- #room
- #woman
- walk
- around (n., u.m.)
- away (n., u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- over (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- way
- walkie-talkie
- wall
- board
- eyed
- flower
- -like
- -painting (u.m.)
- paper
- plate
- -sided (u.m.)
- walled
- -in (u.m.)
- -up (u.m.)
- war
- #dance
- -disabled (u.m.)
- -famed (u.m.)
- fare
- head
- horse (nonliteral)
- like
- monger
- -made (u.m.)
- path
- plane
- ship
- -swept (u.m.)
- #time (clock)
- time (duration)
- ward
- heeler
- robe
- ship
- warm
- blooded
- -clad (u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- warmed-over (u.m.)
- warpsetter
- wash
- basin
- basket
- board
- bowl
- cloth
- -colored (u.m.)
- day
- down (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- out (n., u.m.)
- pot
- rag
- #sale
- stand
- tray
- trough
- tub
- up (n., u.m.)
- washed
- -out (u.m.)
- -up (u.m.)
- waste
- basket
- land
- leaf (bookbinding)
- paper
- site
- word
- watch
- band
- case
- #chain
- cry
- dog
- -free (u.m.)
- glass
- tower
- water
- bag
- bank
- bearer
- -bearing (u.m.)
- -beaten (u.m.)
- -bind (v.)
- #blister
- bloom
- buck
- color
- -colored (u.m.)
- -cool (v.)
- -cooled (u.m.)
- #cooler
- course
- craft
- dog
- -drinking (u.m.)
- drop
- fall
- -filled (u.m.)
- finder
- flood
- flow
- fog
- -free (u.m.)
- front
- gate
- head
- hole
- horse
- -inch
- -laden (u.m.)
- lane
- leaf
- #line
- -lined (u.m.)
- locked
- log
- #main
- mark
- melon
- meter
- plant
- pot
- power
- proofing
- quake
- -rot (v.)
- scape
- shed
- shoot
- side
- -soak (v.)
- -soaked (u.m.)
- -soluble (u.m.)
- spout
- stain
- #table
- tight
- wall
- works
- worn
- watt
- -hour
- meter
- -second
- wave
- -cut (u.m.)
- form
- guide
- -lashed (u.m.)
- length
- mark
- meter
- -moist (u.m.)
- -on (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- -swept (u.m.)
- -worn (u.m.)
- wax
- bill
- -billed (u.m.)
- chandler
- cloth
- -coated (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- #paper
- #stone
- -yellow (u.m.)
- way
- back (n., u.m.)
- beam
- bill
- down (n., u.m.)
- farer
- fellow
- going
- laid
- lay
- mark
- post
- side
- -sore (u.m.)
- -up (n.,u.m.)
- worn
- weak
- -backed (u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- handed
- -kneed (u.m.)
- minded
- mouthed
- weather
- beaten
- blown
- -borne (u.m.)
- break
- cock
- glass
- going
- -hardened (u.m.)
- #house
- -marked (u.m.)
- most
- proofing
- -stain (v.)
- strip
- -stripped (u.m.)
- worn
- web
- -fingered (u.m.)
- foot
- -footed (u.m.)
- master
- #press
- Web#site
- wedge
- -billed (u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- weed
- -choked (u.m.)
- -hidden (u.m.)
- hook
- killer
- week
- day
- end
- -ender
- -ending (u.m.)
- long (u.m.)
- -old (u.m.)
- weigh
- bridge
- -in (n., u.m.)
- lock
- out (n., u.m.)
- shaft
- well
- -being (n.)
- -beloved (u.m.)
- -born (u.m.)
- -bound (u.m.)
- -bred (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- -deserving (u.m.)
- -doer
- -doing (n.,u.m.)
- -drained (u.m.)
- -drilling (u.m.)
- #field
- -grown (u.m.)
- head
- -headed (u.m.)
- hole
- -informed (u.m.)
- -known (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- -meaner
- -nigh (u.m.)
- -off (u.m.)
- -read (u.m.)
- -set-up (u.m.)
- -settled (u.m.)
- side
- -spoken (u.m.)
- spring
- stead
- -thought-of (u.m.)
- -thought-out (u.m.)
- -to-do (u.m.)
- -wisher
- -wishing (u.m.)
- -worn (u.m.)
- welterweight
- werewolf
- west
- bound
- -central (u.m.)
- #end
- -faced (u.m.)
- going
- most
- -northwest
- #side
- -sider
- wet
- #bar
- -cheeked (u.m.)
- -clean (v.)
- land
- -nurse (v.)
- pack
- wash
- whale
- back
- -backed (u.m.)
- bone
- -built (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- ship
- wharf
- #boat
- hand
- head
- side
- what
- abouts (n.)
- ever
- -is-it (n.)
- not (n.)
- soever
- -you-may-call-it (n.)
- wheat
- cake
- -colored (u.m.)
- ear
- -fed (u.m.)
- field
- grower
- -rich (u.m.)
- stalk
- wheel
- band
- barrow
- base
- chair
- -cut (u.m.)
- going
- horse (nonliteral)
- #load
- -made (u.m.)
- plate
- race
- spin
- stitch
- -worn (u.m.)
- wright
- when
- ever
- -issued (u.m.)
- soever
- where
- abouts
- after
- as
- at
- by
- for
- fore
- from
- in
- insoever
- into
- of
- on
- over
- soever
- through
- to
- under
- upon
- with
- withal
- wherever
- which
- ever
- soever
- whiffletree
- whip
- cord
- crack
- -graft (v.)
- #hand
- lash
- -marked (u.m.)
- post
- saw
- -shaped (u.m.)
- socket
- staff
- stalk
- stall
- stick
- stitch
- stock
- -tailed (u.m.)
- whipper
- -in
- snapper
- whirl
- about (n., u.m.)
- blast
- pool
- -shaped (u.m.)
- wind
- whirlybird
- whisk
- broom
- #tail
- whistle
- blower (nonliteral)
- #blower (literal)
- stop
- white
- back
- beard (n.)
- #book (diplomatic)
- cap (n.)
- coat (n.)
- -collar (u.m.)
- comb (n.)
- corn
- -eared (u.m.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- face
- -faced (u.m.)
- foot (n.)
- -footed (u.m.)
- handed
- -hard (u.m.)
- head
- -headed (u.m.)
- -hot (u.m.)
- #line
- out (u.m., v.)
- pot
- tail
- -tailed (u.m.)
- -throated (u.m.)
- top (n.)
- vein
- wash
- who
- ever
- soever
- whole
- -headed (u.m.)
- #hog
- -hogger
- sale
- some
- whomsoever
- whooping#cough
- wicker-woven (u.m.)
- wicket
- keeper
- keeping
- wide
- -angle (u.m.)
- -awake (u.m.)
- -handed (u.m.)
- mouthed
- -open (u.m.)
- spread
- -spreading (u.m.)
- widow
- #bird
- hood
- wife
- beater
- hood
- killer
- -ridden (u.m.)
- wigwag
- wild
- cat (n.)
- -eyed (u.m.)
- fire
- #land
- life
- #man
- wind
- will
- -less
- -o'-the-wisp
- power
- wilt-resistant (u.m.)
- wind (v.)
- down (n., u.m.)
- up (n., u.m.)
- bag
- ball
- blown
- brace
- breaker
- burn
- catcher
- -chapped (u.m.)
- chill
- fall
- fast
- -fertilized (u.m.)
- firm
- flow
- #force
- gall
- -galled (u.m.)
- #gauge
- hole
- -hungry (u.m.)
- jammer
- lass
- mill
- pipe
- -pollinated (u.m.)
- -rode (u.m.)
- row
- screen
- -shaken (u.m.)
- -shear (u.m.)
- shield
- shock
- side
- sleeve
- sock
- speed
- stop
- storm
- stream
- swept
- #tunnel
- worn
- window
- breaker
- -breaking (u.m.)
- #cleaner
- -cleaning (u.m.)
- #dresser
- -dressing (u.m.)
- pane
- peeper
- #shade
- -shop (v.)
- -shopping (u.m.)
- sill
- #work
- wine
- bag
- -black (u.m.)
- -drinking (u.m.)
- glass
- growing
- -hardy (u.m.)
- pot
- #press
- -red (u.m.)
- seller
- taster
- tester
- vat
- wing
- band
- bar
- beat
- bolt
- bone
- borne
- bow
- cut
- #flap
- -footed (u.m.)
- handed
- -heavy (u.m.)
- -loading (u.m.)
- -loose (u.m.)
- nut
- over (n., u.m.)
- -shaped (u.m.)
- -shot (u.m.)
- span
- -swift (u.m.)
- tip
- top
- wall
- -weary (u.m.)
- winter
- -beaten (u.m.)
- -clad (u.m.)
- -fallow (v.)
- -fed (u.m.)
- feed
- #green (color)
- green (plant, etc.)
- -hardy (u.m.)
- kill
- -made (u.m.)
- -sown (u.m.)
- tide
- time
- -worn (u.m.)
- wire
- bar
- -caged (u.m.)
- -cut (u.m.)
- cutter
- dancer
- draw (v.)
- -edged (u.m.)
- #gauge
- hair (dog)
- -haired (u.m.)
- less
- #line
- photo
- puller
- #rope
- spun
- stitch
- -stitched (u.m.)
- -tailed (u.m.)
- tap
- walker
- works
- -wound (u.m.)
- wise
- acre
- crack
- guy
- head (n.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- -spoken (u.m.)
- wishbone
- witch
- craft
- #hazel
- #hunt
- -hunting (u.m.)
- with
- draw
- hold
- in
- out
- stand
- within
- -bound (u.m.)
- -named (u.m.)
- woe
- begone
- worn
- wolf
- -eyed (u.m.)
- #fish
- hound
- pack
- woman
- folk
- hood
- kind
- womenfolk
- wonder
- land
- strong
- -struck (u.m.)
- wood
- bark (color)
- bin
- bined
- block
- -built (u.m.)
- -cased (u.m.)
- chipper
- chopper
- chuck
- craft
- cut
- grub
- hole
- horse
- hung (u.m.)
- land
- -lined (u.m.)
- lot
- -paneled (u.m.)
- pecker
- pile
- -planing (u.m.)
- pulp
- ranger
- rock
- #rot
- shed
- side
- stock
- turner
- -turning (u.m.)
- -walled (u.m.)
- wind (music)
- working (u.m.)
- wooden
- head (n.)
- -hulled (u.m.)
- wool
- fell
- gatherer
- grader
- growing
- head
- -laden (u.m.)
- -lined (u.m.)
- pack
- press
- shearer
- shed
- sorter
- stock
- washer
- wheel
- -white (u.m.)
- winder
- woolly
- -coated (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- -white (u.m.)
- word
- -blind (u.m.)
- book
- builder
- catcher
- -clad (u.m.)
- -deaf (u.m.)
- flow
- jobber
- list
- -perfect (u.m.)
- play
- seller
- smith
- work
- aday (n., u.m.)
- -and-turn (u.m.)
- away (n.,u.m.)
- bag
- basket
- bench
- book
- card
- day
- -driven (u.m.)
- fare
- flow
- folk
- force
- group
- hand
- -hardened (u.m.)
- horse
- -hour (u.m.)
- housed
- life
- load
- manship
- out (n., u.m.)
- pace
- pan
- paper
- people
- place
- room
- saving
- sheet
- shoe
- shop
- -shy (n.,u.m.)
- -shyness
- site
- slip
- space
- -stained (u.m.)
- stand
- station
- stream
- study
- tahle
- time
- up (n., u.m.)
- ways
- -weary (u.m.)
- week
- worn
- working
- #capital
- #load
- #room
- world
- beater
- -conscious (u.m.)
- #consciousness
- #line
- #power
- -shaking (u.m.)
- -weary (u.m.)
- worm
- -eaten (u.m.)
- -eating (u.m.)
- hole
- -riddled (u.m.)
- -ripe (u.m.)
- seed
- shaft
- wood
- worn
- #away
- down (u.m.)
- out (u.m.)
- outness
- worrywart
- worth
- less
- while (n., u.m.)
- whileness (n.)
- wrap
- around (n., u.m.)
- -up (n., u.m.)
- wreath-crowned (u.m.)
- wreck-free (u.m.)
- wring
- bolt
- staff
- wrist
- band
- bone
- drop
- fall
- lock
- #pin
- plate
- watch
- write
- back (n., u.m.)
- -in (n., u.m.)
- off (n., u.m.)
- -protect
- up (n., u.m.)
- writing#room
- wrong
- doer
- -ended (u.m.)
- -minded (u.m.)
- -thinking (u.m.)
- wrought
- #iron
- -up (u.m.)
- wry
- bill
- -billed (u.m.)
- -faced (u.m.)
- -looking (u.m.)
- -mouthed (u.m.)
- neck
- -set (u.m.)
- X
- X
- -body
- -chromosome
- -disease
- #rated
- -shaped
- -axis
- #ray (n.)
- -ray (u.m.)
- xantho (c.f.)
- all one word
- xeno (c.f.)
- all one word
- xero (c.f.)
- all one word
- xylo (c.f.)
- all one word
- Y
- Y
- -chromosome
- -joint
- -level
- -potential
- -shaped
- -track
- -tube
- Yankee-Doodle
- yard
- arm
- -deep (u.m.)
- -long (u.m.)
- stick
- -wide (u.m.)
- yaw
- meter
- -sighted (u.m.)
- year
- book
- day
- end
- -hour (u.m.)
- long (u.m.)
- -old (u.m.)
- -round (u.m.)
- yellow
- back
- -backed (u.m.)
- -bellied (u.m.)
- belly
- -billed (u.m.)
- brush
- #fever
- -headed (u.m.)
- -tailed (u.m.)
- -throated (u.m.)
- top
- yes
- -man
- -no
- yester
- day
- year
- yoke
- fellow
- mating
- -toed (u.m.)
- young
- eyed (u.m.)
- -headed (u.m.)
- -ladylike
- -looking (u.m.)
- -manlike
- -old
- -womanhood
- youthtide
- yuletide
- Z
- Z
- -bar
- zero
- axial
- -dimensional (u.m.)
- gravity
- #hour
- zigzag
- zinc
- -coated (u.m.)
- -white (u.m.)
- zip
- #gun
- line
- -lipped (u.m.)
- lock
- zoo (c.f.)
- all one word
- zoologico (c.f.)
- all one word
- zygo (c.f.)
- all one word
- zygomatico (c.f.)
- -orbital
- rest one word
- zymo (c.f.)
- all one word