United States Statutes at Large/Volume 2/9th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 2
Chap. II.—An Act making appropriations for the support of the Navy of the United States, during the year one thousand eight hundred and seven.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for defraying the expenses of the navy of the United States, during the year one thousand eight hundred and seven, the following sums be, and the same hereby are, respectively, appropriated; that is to say:
Specific appropriations.For the pay and subsistence of the officers and pay of the seamen, two hundred and ninety-six thousand and forty-eight dollars.
For provisions, one hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars and three cents.
For medicines, instruments, and hospital stores, five thousand dollars.
Specific appropriations.For repairs of vessels, one hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and eight dollars and sixty-seven cents.
For freight, store rent, commissions to agents, and other contingent expenses, seventy-five thousand dollars.
For pay and subsistence of the marine corps, including provisions for those on shore, and forage for the staff, seventy-eight thousand six hundred and seventy-eight dollars and thirty cents.
For clothing for the same, fourteen thousand three hundred and sixty dollars.
For military stores for the same, five hundred and sixty dollars.
For medicine, medical services, hospital stores, and all other expenses on account of the sick belonging to the marine corps, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.
For quartermaster’s and barrack master’s stores, officers’ travelling expenses, armorer’s and carpenter’s bills, fuel, premium for enlisting, musical instruments, bounty to music, and other contingent expenses, eight thousand one hundred and forty-five dollars.
For the expense of navy yards, comprising docks and other improvements, pay of superintendents, store-keepers, clerks and labourers, sixty thousand dollars.
For ordnance, fifty thousand dollars.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several sums herein specifically appropriated, shall be paid out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Approved, January 7, 1807.