United States Statutes at Large/Volume 3/Lists and Tables/14th
Acts of the Fourteenth Congress of the United States.
STATUTE Ⅰ.—1815, 1816.
Lease of new building on Capitol Hill for the accomodation of Congress. An act to authorize the President of the United States to lease, for the time therein mentioned, the new building on Capitol Hill, which the appurtenances, for the better accomodation of Congress. (Obsolete.)Dec. 8, 1815.
251 |
Appropriation Act. An act making additional appropriations to defray the expenses of the army and militia, during the late war with Great Britain. Dec. 21, 1815.
251 |
Direct Taxes. An act to enlarge the time for ascertaining the annual transfers and changes of property subject to the direct tax, and for other purposes. (Repealed.)Jan. 17, 1816.
252 |
Repeal of additional Duties on Postage. An act to repeal so much of an act; passed on the twenty-third day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, as imposes additional duties on postage. Feb. 1, 1816
252 |
Duties on Bank Notes and refined Sugar. An act continuing in force certain acts, laying duties on bank notes, refined sugars, and for other purposes. (Repealed.)Feb. 1, 1816.
253 |
Duties on imported Merchandise. An act to continue in force an act entitled "An act imposing additional duties upon all goods, wares, and merchandise, imported from any foreign port or place, and for other purposes." (Repealed.)Feb. 5, 1816.
253 |
Fisheries of the United States. An act to continue in force an act entitled "An act laying a duty on imported salt, granting a bounty on pickled fish exported, and allowances to certain vessels employed in the fisheries." Feb. 9, 1816.
254 |
Courts in the State of New York. An act concerning certain courts of the United States in the State of New York. Feb. 16, 1816.
254 |
Repeal of Duties on certain Articles of Domestic Manufacture. An act to repeal the duties on certain articles manufactured within the United States. (Obsolete.)Feb. 22, 1816.
254 |
Rewards to the Officers and Crew of the Sloop of War Hornet. An act rewarding the officers and crew of the sloop of war Hornet, for the capture and destruction of the British sloop of war Penguin. Feb. 28, 1816.
254 |
Duties on Tonnage or Impost on British Vessels and Articles imported therein. An act conerning the convention to regulate the commerce between the territories of the United States and his Britannic majesty. (Obsolete.)March 1, 1816.
255 |
Direct Taxes. An act to reduce the amount of direct tax upon the United States and the District of Columbia, for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen; and to repeal in part the act entitled "An act to provide additional revenue for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying a direct tax upon the United States, and to provide for the assessing and collecting the same;" and also the act entitled "An act to provide additional revenue for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying a direct tax upon the District of Columbia." (Repealed.)March 5, 1816.
256 |
Canadian Volunteers. An act granting bounties in land and extra pay to certain Canadian volunteers. March 5, 1816.
257 |
Approprations for Ordnance and Ordnance Stores. An act making approprations for ordnance and ordnance stores, for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. (Obsolete.)March 18, 1816.
257 |
Compensation to the Members of Congress. An act to change the mode of compensation to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and the delegates from the territories. March 19, 1816.
258 |
Circuit and District Courts in Vermont. An act to alter the times of holding the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the district of Vermont. March 22, 1816.
258 |
Naturalization. An act relative to evidence in cases of naturalization. March 22, 1816.
258 |
Public Documents. An act authorizing a subscription for the printing of the second edition of the public documents. (Obsolete.)March 25, 1816.
259 |
Settlers on the Public Lands. An act relating to settlers on the lands of the United States. (Expired.) March 25, 1816.
260 |
Courts in the District of Columbia. An act to limit the right of appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Columbia. April 2, 1816
261 |
Payment for Property lost, destroyed or captured by the Enemy. An act to authorize the payment for property lost, captured, or destroyed by the enemy, while in the military service of the United States, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)April 9, 1816.
261 |
Repeal of the Duties on Household Furniture and Watches. An act to repeal the act entitled "An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on household furniture and on gold and silver watches." April 9, 1816.
264 |
Post-office. An act in addition to an act to regulate the post-office establishment. (Repealed.) April 10, 1816.
264 |
Incorporation of the Bank of the United States. An act to incorporate the subscribers of the Bank of the United States. (Expired.)April 10, 1816.
266 |
Appropriations for the Support of Government in 1816. An act making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. (Obsolete.)April 16, 1816.
277 |
Library of Congress. An act providing for the settlement of certain accounts against the library of Congress, for extending the privileges of using the books therein, and for establishing the salary of the librarian. (Obsolete.)April 16, 1816.
283 |
Roads in the District of Columbia. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to incorporate a company for making certain turnpike roads within the District of Columbia." April 16, 1816
284 |
Military Land Warrants. An act further extending the time for issuing and locating military land warrants, and for other purposes. (Expired.)April 16, 1816.
284 |
Public Lands in the District of Vincennes. An act for the relief of certain claimants to land in the district of Vincennes. (Obsolete.)April 16, 1816.
285 |
Road from the Rapids of Miami of Lake Erie. An act to authorize the President of the United States to alter the road laid out from the foot of the rapids of the river Miami of Lake Erie, to the western line of the Connecticut reserve. (Obsolete.) April 16, 1816.
285 |
Appropriations for Military Services in the late War. An act making further provision for military services during the late war, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)April 16, 1816.
285 |
Pensions. An act in addition to an act entitled "An act in relation to the navy pension fund." April 19, 1816.
287 |
The People of the Territory of Indiana authorized to form a State Government. An act to enable the people of Indiana territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States. April 19, 1816.
289 |
Duties on Distilled Spirits and on Licenses to Distillers. An act to abolish the existing duties on spirits distilled within the United States, and to lay other duties, in lieu of those at present imposed, on licenses to distillers of spirituous liquors. (Repealed.)April 20, 1816.
291 |
Indemnification of Claimants of Public Lands in the Mississippi Territory. Proceedings of the Commissioners. An act further supplementary to the act entitled "An act providing for the indemnification of certain claimants of public lands in the Mississippi territory." (Obsolete.)April 20, 1816.
294 |
Officers of the Militia. An act concerning the field-officers of the militia. (Obsolete.)April 20, 1816
295 |
Prize money to the Officers and Crew of the Sloop of War Wasp. An act respecting the late officers and crew of the sloop of war Wasp. (Obsolete.)April 20, 1816.
295 |
Lease of the Saline near the Wabash River. An act authorizing the President of the United States to lease the saline near the Wabash river, for a term not exceeding seven years. (Obsolete.)April 24, 1816.
296 |
Pensions. An act to increase the pensions of invalids in certain cases, for the relief of invalids of the militia; and for the appointment of pension agents in those States where there is no commissioner of loans. April 24, 1816.
296 |
General Staff of the Army of the United States. An act for organizing the general staff, and making further provisions for the army of the United States. (Repealed.)April 24, 1816.
297 |
Ports of Entry at Middletown and Plymouth. An act concerning the entry of vessels at the ports of Middletown and Plymouth. (Obsolete.)April 24, 1816.
299 |
Appropriations for the Support of the Navy for the Year 1816. An act making approprations for the support of the navy of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. (Obsolete.)April 24, 1816.
299 |
Circuit Courts in South Carolina and Georgia. An act for the more convenient arrangement of the times and places of holding the Circuit Courts of the United States for the districts of South Carolina and Georgia. April 24, 1816.
300 |
Relief of Purchasers of Public Lands in the Mississippi Territory. An act for the relief of certain purchasers of public lands in the Mississippi territory. April 24, 1816.
300 |
Bounties in Land and Extra Pay to Canadian Volunteers. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act granting bounties in lands and extra pay to certain Canadian volunteers." (Obsolete.)April 26, 1816.
301 |
Assent of Congress to an Act of Virginia for improving James River. An act declaring the assent of Congress to an act of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia. April 26, 1816.
301 |
Reward of the Officers and Crew of the Constitution for the Capture of the Levant. An act rewarding the officers and crew of the Constitution for the capture of the British sloop of war Levant April 26, 1816.
301 |
A Port of Delivery established at the Town of the Bayou St. John. An act establishing a port of delivery at the town of the Bayou St. John. April 26, 1816.
302 |
Direct Taxes. An act supplementary to the act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying a direct tax upon the United States, and to provide for assessing and collecting the same. (Obsolete.)April 26, 1816.
302 |
Compensations to Officers of the Customs. An act to increase the compensations now allowed by law to inspectors, measurers, weighers, and gaugers, employed in the collection of the customs. (Obsolete.)April 26, 1816.
306 |
Court-house at Hamilton, Ohio. An act authorizing the payment for the court-house of Hamilton, in the State of Ohio. (Obsolete.)April 26, 1816.
306 |
Claims to Land in the Illinois Territory. An act making further provision for settling claims to land in the territory of Illinois. April 27, 1816.
307 |
Sale of Land at the Lower Rapids of Sandusky River. An act providing for the sale of the tract of land at the lower rapids of Sandusky river. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
308 |
Salaries of Certain Officers continued. An act continuing the salaries of certain officers of government. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
309 |
Employment of the Militia. An act for the payment of the militia, in the case therein mentioned. April 27, 1816.
310 |
Duties on Imports and Tonnage. An act to regulate the duties on imports and tonnage. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
310 |
Compensation of Collectors of Duties and Internal Taxes, &c.. An act to fix the commissions of the collectors of the direct tax and internal duties, and to revive and continue in force "An act furhter to provide for the collection of duties on imports and tonnage." April 27, 1816.
315 |
Repairing the Roads in Tennessee, &c.. An act making appropriations for repairing certain roads therein described. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
315 |
Distribution of Prize Money among the Captors of the Algerine Vessels. An act providing for the distribution of one hundred thousand dollars among the captors of the Algerine vessels captured and restored to the Dey of Algiers. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
315 |
Light-houses. An act making appropriations for rebuilding light-houses, and for completing the plan of lighting them according to the improvements of Winslow Lewis, for placing beacons and buoys, for preserving Little Gull Island, and for surveying the coast of the United States. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
316 |
Light-houses. An act to authorize the building of three light-houses, viz., one on Race Point, one on Point Gammon, and one on the Island of Petite Manon, in the State of Massachusetts. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
316 |
Sale of forfeited Lands. An act to authorize the sale of lands forfeited to the United States in the district of Jeffersonville, at the land-office in the said district. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
317 |
Lost Military Land Warrants and Discharges for faithful Services. An act providing for cases of lost military land warrants, and discharges for faithful services. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
317 |
District Judge of the southern District of New York. An act providing an additional compensation to the district judge of the southern district of New York. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
318 |
Levy Court of Alexandria to lay a Tax for building a Jail and Court-house. An act to enable the Levy Court of the county of Alexandria to lay a tax for the purpose of defraying the expense of erecting a jail and court-house. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
318 |
A Road to be made in the Illinois Territory. An act to authorize the surveying and making a road in the territory of Illinois. April 27, 1816.
318 |
Sale of Land at the Foot of the Rapids at Miami of the Lakes. An act providing for the sale of the tract of land at the British fort of the Miami of the Lakes, at the foot of the rapids, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)April 27, 1816.
319 |
Annual Appropriation for arming, &c., the Militia. An act conerning the annual sum appropriated for arming and equipping the militia. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1816.
320 |
Duties on Licenses to Retailers of Wines &c., reduced. An act for reducing the duties on licenses to retailers of wines, spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandise. (Repealed.)April 29, 1816.
320 |
Navy of the United States. Provision for building Ships and Vessels of War, &c.. An act for the gradual increase of the navy of the United States. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1816.
321 |
Currency of Foreign Coins regulated. An act regulating the currency within the United States of the gold coins of Great Britain, France, Portugal, and Spain, and the crowns of France and five franc pieces. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1816.
322 |
An Accountant of the War Department to be appointed, &c.. An act supplementary to an act making alterations in the Treasury and War Departments, passed on the eighth day of May, 1792. (Repealed.)April 29, 1816.
322 |
A Land District north of Kaskaskia, Illinois Territory, established. An act to establish a land district in Illinois territory, north of the district of Kaskaskia. April 29, 1816.
323 |
Compensation of the Superintendents of the Manufactory of Arms at Springfield and Harper's Ferry increased. An act to increase the compensation of the superintendents of the manufactories of arms at Springfield and Harper's Ferry. April 29, 1816.
323 |
The Judges of the Circuit Court and the Attorney of the District of Columbia authorized to prepare a Code of Jurisprudence. An act authorizing the judges of the Circuit Court and the attorney for the District of Columbia to prepare a code of jurisprudence for the said district. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1816.
323 |
Payment authorized for Prisoners captured by private armed Vessels. An act authorizing payment for prisoners captured by private armed vessels. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1816.
323 |
Compensation of the Commissioners, Clerk, and Translator of the Board for Land Claims in the Territory of Orleans. An act for settling the compensation of the commissioners, clerk, and translator of the board for land claims in the eatern and western districts of the territory of Orleans, not State of Louiaiana. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1816.
324 |
Appropriations for the Improvement of the public Squares in Washington, and Appointment of a Commissioner of public Buildings. An act making an appropriation for enclosing and improving the public square near the Capitol; and to abolish the office of commissioners of the public buildings, and of superindendent, and for the appointment of one commissioner for the public buildings. April 29, 1816.
324 |
Appointment of a Surveyor of Public Lands in the Territories of Illinois and Missouri. An act to provide for the appointment of a surveyor of the public lands in the territories of Illinois and Missouri. April 29, 1816.
325 |
Appropriations for carrying into Effect a Treaty with the Cherokee Indians. An act making appropriations for carrying into effect a treaty between the United States and the Cherokee tribe of Indians, concluded at Washington, on the twenty-second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. April 29, 1816.
326 |
Sale of Public Lands in Ohio, formerly set apart for Refugees from Canada and Nova Scotia. An act providing for the sale of certain lands in the State of Ohio, formerly set apart for refugees from Canada and Nova Scotia. April 29, 1816.
326 |
Courts in the Illinois Territory. An act supplemental to the act entitled "An act regulating and defining the duties of the judges of the territory of Illinois," and for vesting in the courts of the territory of Indiana a jurisdiction in chancery cases, arising in the said territory. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1816.
327 |
Territory of Missouri. An act to alter certain parts of the act providing for the government of the territory of Missouri. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1816.
328 |
Land Claims in the State of Louisiana and Territory of Missouri. An act for the confirmation of certain claims to land in the western district of the State of Louisiana and in the territory of Missouri. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1816.
328 |
Appropriations for the Military Establishment. An act making appropriations for the support of the military establishment for the year 1816. April 29, 1816.
330 |
Public Lands in Louisiana and Missouri. An act conerning the pre-emption rights givern in the purchase of lands to certain settlers in the State of Louisiana, and the territory of Missouri and Illinois. April 29, 1816.
330 |
The Consent of Congress given to Acts of South Carolina and Georgia. An act declaring the consent of Congress to acts of the State of South Carolina, authorizing the city council of Charleston to impose and collect a duty on the tonnage of vessels from foreign ports; and to acts of the State of Georgia, authorizing the imposition of a collection of a duty on the tonnage of vessels in the port of Savannah, and St. Mary's. April 29, 1816.
331 |
Survey of Military Bounty Lands. An act to authorize the survey of two millions of acres of the public lands, in lieu of that quantity heretofore authorized to be surveyed, in the territory of Michigan, as military bounty lands. April 29, 1816.
332 |
Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes. An act supplementary to the act passed the thirtieth of March, one thousand eight hundred and two, to regulate trade and intercourse with the indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers. April 29, 1816.
332 |
Increase of the Salary of the Register of the Treasury. An act to increase the salary of the register of the treasury. (April 30, 1816.
333 |
Compensation of the Officers of Congress. An act fixing the compensation of the secretary of the Senate and clerk of the House of Representatives, and making provision for the clerks employed in their offices. (Expired.)April 30, 1816.
334 |
Compensation of the Chaplains of Congress. An act fixing the compensation of the chaplains of Congress. April 30, 1816.
334 |
Post-roads. An act to establish post-roads. April 30, 1816.
334 |
Drawback on Spirits distilled within the United States. An act allowing drawback on duties on spirits distilled, and sugars refined within the United States, and for other purposes. April 30, 1816.
338 |
Appropriations for the Year 1816. An act making furhter appropriations for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. (Obsolete.)April 30, 1816.
340 |
1. Directing a copy of the documents printed by a resolve of Congress, on the 27th of December, 1813, to be transmitted to each of the judges of the Supreme Court. Feb. 6, 1816.
341 |
2. Requesting the President to present medals to Captain Steward and the officers of the frigate Constellation. Feb. 22, 1816.
341 |
3. Requesting the President to present medals to Captain James Biddle, and the officers of the sloop of war Hornet. Feb. 22, 1816.
341 |
4. For printing the laws relative to naturalization. April 16, 1816.
341 |
5. Requiring the Secretary of State to compile and pring, once in every two years, a register of all officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in the services of the United States. April 27, 1816.
342 |
6. Authorizing the President of the United States to employ a skillful assistant in the corps of engineers. April 29, 1816.
342 |
7. Relative to the more effectual collection of the public revenue. April 30, 1816.
343 |
Duties on Imports and Tonnage. An act supplementary to an act to regulate duties on imports and tonnage. Jan. 14, 1817.
344 |
Laws relating to the Public Lands. An act to authorize a new edition of the collection of laws respecting the public lands. (Obsolete.)Jan. 20, 1817.
344 |
Appropriation for the Army in 1817. An act making a partial appropriation for the subsistence of the army during the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. (Obsolete.)Jan. 22, 1817.
345 |
Compensation of the Members of Congress. An act to repeal, after the close of the present session of Congress, the act entitled "An act to change the mode of compensation to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and the delegates from the territories," passed the nineteenth of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. Feb. 6, 1817.
345 |
The Chairman of any Standing Committee of Congress authorized to administer Oaths, &c.. An act to extend the provisions of the act to authorize certain officers and other persons to administer oaths, approved May third, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight. Feb. 8, 1817.
345 |
The Authority given to the President to increase the Pay of Officers, &c., of the Navy, revoked. An act to repeal the second section of an act entitled "An act concerning the pay of officers, seamen, and marines, in the navy of the United States. (Obsolete.)Feb. 22, 1817.
345 |
The Public Lands, when sold, may be divided into Half Sections and Quarter Sections. An act providing for the division of certain quarter sections, in future sales of the public lands. Feb. 22, 1817.
346 |
Parts of the Reservations of the public Grounds may be sold in Lots. An act authorizing the sale of certain grounds belonging to the United States in the City of Washington. (Obsolete.)Feb. 24, 1817.
346 |
Entry of Vessels at the Port of New Orleans. An act authorizing vessels departing from the town of Bayou St. John and Basin of the Canal de Carondelet for foreign ports, to clear out at the custom-hosue in the City of New Orleans. (Obsolete.)March 1, 1817.
347 |
Reservation of Public Lands for the Supply of Timber for the Navy. An act making reservation of certain public lands to supply timber for naval purposes. March 1, 1817.
347 |
The People of the western Part of Mississippi authorized to form a State Government. An act to enable the people of the western part of Mississippi territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States. March 1, 1817.
358 |
Security to be given by Pursers in the Navy. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act concerning the naval establishment." March 1, 1817.
350 |
Franking Privilege given to James Madison. An act freeing from postage all letters to and from James Madison. (Obsolete.)March 1, 1817.
350 |
Ransom of American Captives. An act relating to the ransom of American captives of the late war. (Obsolete.)March 1, 1817.
350 |
Commissions of Bail. An act in addition to an act entitled "An act for the more convenient taking of affidavits and bail in civil causes, depending in the courts of the United States." March 1, 1817.
350 |
Regulation of Importations into the United States. An act concerning the navigation of the United States. March 1, 1817.
351 |
Appropriations for the Support of Government in 1817. An act making approprations for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
352 |
Prisoners of War. Repeal of the Act of 1812. An act repealing an act entitled "An act for the safe keeping and accomodation of prisoners of war," passed July the sixth, one thousand eight hundred and twelve. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
358 |
Appropriation for the Military Establishment in 1817. An act making provision for the support of the military establishment for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
359 |
Payment to Georgia equal to the Amount of certain Mississippi Stock. An act authorizing the payment of a sum of money to the State of Georgia, under the articles of agreement and cession between the United States and that State. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
359 |
A Light-house in Massachusetts. An act for erecting a light-house on the west chop of Holmes's Hole Harbour, in the State of Massachusetts. March 3, 1817.
360 |
Duties of the Commissioners of Loans transferred to the Bank of the United States. An act transferring the duties of commissioner of loans to the Bank of the United States, and abolishing the office of commissioner of loans. March 3, 1817.
360 |
Trade in Plaster of Paris. An act to regulate the trade in plaster of Paris. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
361 |
The Papers of Foreign Vessels to be deposited with the Consuls of their respective Nations. An act authorizing the deposit of the papers of foreign vessels with the consul fo their respective nations. March 3, 1817.
362 |
Furnishing the House of the President of the United States. An act to provide for furnishing the house of the President of the United States. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
362 |
Regulation of Election of Delegates from the Territories. An act further to regulate the territories of the United States, and their electing delegates to Congress. March 3, 1817.
363 |
Trading Houses with the Indians. An act to continue in force an act entitled "An act for establishing trading houses with the Indian tribes. March 3, 1817.
363 |
Post-roads. An act to alter and establish certain post-roads. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
363 |
Provisions for the prompt Settlement of public Accounts. An act to provide for the prompt settlement of public accounts. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
366 |
Compensation to certain Collectors of the Customs. An act respecting the compensation of the collectors therein mentioned. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
368 |
Additional Tonnage Duty on certain Foreign Vessels. An act to continue in force the second section of the act entitled "An act supplementary to an act to regulate the duties on imports and tonnage." (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
369 |
Regulation of the Calculation of ad valorem Duties. An act supplementary to "An act to regulate the duties on imports and tonnage." (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
369 |
Pensions. An act for the relief of the widows and orphans of the officers, seamen, and marines, who were lost in the United States brig Epervier. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
369 |
Remission of the Duties on certain Stills. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to remit the duties therein mentioned. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
369 |
Direct Taxes. Payment to be made to the State of Georgia. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to the State of Georgia fifteen per centum upon the quota of direct tax, for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, assumed and paid by that State. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
370 |
Prohibition of fitting out Vessels to be employed against Nations with whom the United States are friendly.. An act more effectually to preserve the neutral relations of the United States. (Repealed.)March 3, 1817.
370 |
A Territory established in the eastern Part of Mississippi. An act to establish a separate territorial government for the eastern part of the Mississippi territory. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
371 |
Pensions. An act to amend and explain "An act giving pensions to the orphans and widows of persons slain in the public or private armed vessels of the United States. March 3, 1817.
373 |
Lands set apart for the Cultivation of the Vine and the Olive. An act to set apart and dispose of certain public lands, for the encouragement of the cultivation of the vine and olive. March 3, 1817.
374 |
Public Lands. An act to authorize the appointment of a surveyor for the lands in the northern part of the Mississippi territory, and the sale of certain lands therein described. March 3, 1817.
375 |
Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court. An act to provide for reports of the decisions of the Supreme Court. March 3, 1817.
376 |
Peace Establishment of the Marine Corps. An act to fix the peace establishment of the marine corps. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
376 |
A Road to be opened from Reynoldsburg to the Chickasaw old Town. An act making for opening and cutting out a road therein described. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
377 |
Alien Duties to be repaid on certain British Vessels. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to cause repayments to be made to certain alien duties. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
377 |
Repeal of Act relating to the Issuing of Treasury Notes. An act to repeal so much of any acts now in force as authorizes a sum of money, or an issue of treasury notes. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
377 |
Appropriations for the Expenses of the Army and Militia during the Late War. An act making additional appropriations to defray the expenses of the army and militia during the late war with Great Britain. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
378 |
Redemption of the Public Debt. An act to provide for the redemption of the public debt. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
379 |
Public Lands. An act making provisions for the location of the lands reserved by the first article of the treaty of the ninth of August, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, between the United States and the Creek Nation, to certain chiefs and warriors of that nation, and for other purposes. March 3, 1817.
380 |
Indians or others committing Crimes in Indian Territories, &c.. An act to provide for the punishment of crimes and offences committed within the Indian boundaries. March 3, 1817.
382 |
Appropriations for the Support of the Navy in 1817. An act making appropriations for the support of the Navy for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
383 |
Incorporation of certain Banks in the District of Columbia. An act to incorporate the subscribers to certain banks in the District of Columbia, and to prevent the circulation of the notes of the unincoroporated associations within the said district. March 3, 1817.
383 |
Repairs of public Buildings. An act making further provision for repairing the public buildings and improving the public square. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
389 |
The President restrained from making Transfers of Appropriations. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act further to amend the several acts for the establishment and regulation of the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments." March 3, 1817.
390 |
Further Time allowed for Entries of Donation Right in the District of Detroit. An act allowing further time for entering donation rights to lands in the district of Detroit. March 3, 1817.
390 |
Laws of the United States in Force in Indiana. An act to provide for the due extantion of the laws of the United States within the State of Indiana. March 3, 1817.
390 |
Columbia Turnpike Company. An act to authorize the extension of the Columbia turnpike road within the District of Columbia. March 3, 1817.
391 |
Courts of the United States in New York. An act respecting the District Court of the United States in the northern district of New York. (Expired.)March 3, 1817.
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Direct Taxes. An act respecting the assessment and collection of the direct tax. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
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Appropriations for Indian Treaties. An act making appropriations for carrying into effect certain Indian Treaties, and for other purposes. March 3, 1817.
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Public Lands. An act to continue in force an act entitled "An act relating to settlers on lands of the United States." (Expired.)March 3, 1817.
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Canadian Volunteers. An act to amend the act entitled "An act granting bounties in land and extra pay to certain Canadian Volunteers," passed the fifth of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. (Expired.)March 3, 1817.
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Pensions. An act to amend an act entitled "An act making further provision for military services during the late war, and for other purposes." (Obsolete.)March 3, 1817.
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Money paid into the Courts of the United States. The branch banks of the United States. An act supplementary to the act entitled "An act directing the disposition of money paid into the courts of the United States." March 3, 1817.
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Suits in State Courts against Collectors to be removed to Circuit Courts of the United States. Regulations as to Steamboats, Deputies of Collectors. An act to continue in force an act entitled "An act further to provide for the collection of duties on importa and tonnage," passed the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and for other purposes. March 3, 1817.
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Payment of Property lost during the War with Great Britain. An act to amend the act entitled "Authorizing the payment for property lost, captured, or destroyed by the enemy, while in the military service of the United States, and for ohter purposes," passed the ninth of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. March 3, 1817.
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Publication of the Public Documents. An act authorizing a subscription for the printing of the tenth volume of the public documents. March 3, 1817.
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General Staff of the Governor of the Illinois Territory to be paid. An act for the relief of certain officers. March 3, 1817.
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Relief of Persons imprisoned for Debt. An act supplementary to "An act for the relief of persons imprisoned for debts due to the United States." March 3, 1817.
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1. For admitting the State of Indiana into the Union. Dec. 11, 1816.
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2. To employ John Trumbull to compose and execute certain paintings. Feb. 6, 1817.
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3. Respecting contracts for the printing of Congress. March 3, 1817.
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