United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/25th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 186
Chap. CLXXXVI.—An Act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated,Appropriations. for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, for the purpose of paying the current expenses of the Indian department, fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, and contingent expenses, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated:
For the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, viz:
Sup’t. of Indian affairs at St. Louis, and Indian agents.For the pay of the superintendent of Indian affairs at St. Louis, and the several Indian agents, as provided by the acts of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and of March third, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars;
Pay of sub-agents.For the pay of sub-agents, authorized by the act of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, thirteen thousand dollars;
Pay of interpreters.For the pay of interpreters, as authorized by the same act, nine thousand three hundred dollars;
Presents to Indians.For presents to Indians, authorized by the same act, five thousand dollars;
Provisions for Indians.For the purchase of provisions for Indians, at the distribution of annuities, while on visits of business with the superintendents and agents, and when assembled on public business, eleven thousand eight hundred dollars;
Buildings at the agencies.For the necessary buildings required at the several agencies, and repairs thereof, ten thousand dollars;
Cont. exp. of Indian dep’t.For postages, rents, stationery, fuel for officers, and other contingencies of the Indian department, and for the transportation and incidental expenses, thirty-six thousand five hundred dollars;
Clerk in office of Governor of Wisconsin.For the salary of one clerk in the office of the Governor of Wisconsin Territory, who is ex-officio superintendent of Indian affairs, eight hundred dollars;
Clerk in Sup’t Western Territory.For the salary of one clerk in the office of the acting superintendent of the Western Territory, one thousand dollars;
Carrying into effect treaty stipulations, &c.For carrying into effect the stipulations of certain Indian treaties and the laws connected therewith, viz:
Six nations of New York.For the Six Nations of New York, four thousand five hundred dollars;
Senecas of New York.For the Senecas of New York, six thousand dollars;
Ottawas.For the Ottawas, twenty-six thousand eight hundred dollars;
Wyandots.For the Wyandots, six thousand eight hundred and forty dollars;
Wyandots, Munsees, and Delawares.For the Wyandots, Munsees, and Delawares, one thousand dollars;
Christian Indians.For the Christian Indians, four hundred dollars;
Miamies.For the Miamies, one hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and ten dollars;
Eel Rivers.For the Eel Rivers, one thousand one hundred dollars;
Pottawatamies.For the Pottawatamies, eighty-eight thousand one hundred and twenty dollars;
Pottawatamies of Huron.For the Pottawatamies of Huron, four hundred dollars;
Pottawatamies of the Prairie.For the Pottawatamies of the Prairie, sixteen thousand dollars;
Pottawatamies of the Wabash.For the Pottawatamies of the Wabash, twenty thousand dollars;
Pottawatamies of Indiana.For the Pottawatamies of Indiana, seventeen thousand dollars;
Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatamies.For the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatamies, forty-two thousand four hundred and ninety dollars; Winnebagoes.For the Winnebagoes, thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars;
Menomonies.For the Menomonies, thirty-two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;
Chippewas of Swan creek and Black river.For the Chippewas of Swan creek and Black river, one thousand dollars;
Chippewas of Saginaw.For the Chippewas of Saginaw, six thousand five hundred dollars;
Chippewas, Menomonies, &c.For the Chippewas, Menomonies, Winnebagoes and New York Indians, fifteen hundred dollars;
Sioux of the Mississippi.For the Sioux of the Mississippi, seven thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars;
Yancton and Santie Sioux.For the Yancton and Santie Sioux, four thousand three hundred and forty dollars;
Omahas.For the Omahas, three thousand nine hundred and forty dollars;
Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri.For the Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri, four thousand seven hundred dollars;
Iowas.For the Iowas, eight thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars;
Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi.For the Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi, forty-one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars;
Sacs, Foxes, Sioux, Iowas, &c.For the Sacs, Foxes, Sioux, Iowas, Omahas and Ottoes and Missourias, three thousand dollars;
Ottoes and Missourias.For the Ottoes and Missourias, five thousand six hundred and forty dollars;
Kanzas.For the Kanzas, six thousand and forty dollars;
Osages.For the Osages, seventeen thousand and forty dollars;
Kickapoos.For the Kickapoos, five thousand five hundred dollars;
Kaskaskias and Peorias.For the Kaskaskias and Peorias, three thousand dollars;
Piankeshaws.For the Piankeshaws, eight hundred dollars;
Weas.For the Weas, three thousand dollars;
Delawares.For the Delawares, eight thousand one hundred and forty dollars;
Shawnees.For the Shawnees, seven thousand one hundred and eighty dollars;
Senecas and Shawnees.For the Senecas and Shawnees, two thousand two hundred and forty dollars;
Senecas.For the Senecas, two thousand six hundred and sixty dollars;
Choctaws.For the Choctaws, seventy-two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars;
Chickasaws.For the Chickasaws, six thousand dollars;
Creeks.For the Creeks, four hundred and thirteen thousand nine hundred and forty dollars;
Quapaws.For the Quapaws, four thousand six hundred and sixty dollars;
Florida Indians.For the Florida Indians, two hundred and eighty thousand six hundred and ten dollars;
Pawnees.For the Pawnees, twelve thousand dollars;
Cherokees.For the Cherokees, fifteen thousand one hundred and forty dollars;
Ottawas and Chippewas.For the Ottawas and Chippewas, sixty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-five dollars;
Caddoes.For the Caddoes, ten thousand dollars;
Miscellaneous.For various miscellaneous expenses, viz:
Indian Biography.For completing payments for subscription to “Indian Biography,” three thousand dollars;
Casting dies, &c.For expenses of casting dies and striking off medals for Indians, two thousand five hundred dollars;
Mission to the tribes of the Southwest, &c.For expenses of mission of A. P. Chouteau among the wild tribes of the Southwest, including his outfit, and the expenditures growing out of and connected with bringing on deputations of said tribes, which he has been authorized to do, twenty thousand dollars;
Boundary line between the Choctaws and Chickasaws.For deficiency in the appropriation of eighteen hundred and thirty-four for running the boundary line between the Choctaws and Chickasaws, one thousand and eighty-five dollars; Provisions to the Seneca, Seneca and Shawnee, and Osage Indians.For cost of sundry articles of provisions furnished to the Seneca, Seneca and Shawnee, and Osage Indians, while in a destitute condition, in eighteen hundred and thirty-four, by the commissioners west, &c., as per statement rendered and on file in the office of the Second Auditor, to reimburse the appropriation for Indian annuities out of which the same was paid, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars;
Visit of delegations of Ioways, &c.For expenses of delegations of Ioways, Yancton Sioux, and Sacs and Foxes of Missouri, who visited this and the Northern cities in eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, by invitation, including the usual presents and contingent expenditures, nine thousand dollars;
Visit of delegations of Pawnees, Ottoes, &c.For expenses of delegations of Pawnees, Ottoes and Missourias, and Omahas, who visited this and the Northern cities in eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, by invitation, including the usual presents and contingent expenditures, twelve thousand five hundred dollars;
Visit of delegations of Choctaws, Creeks, and Osages.For expenses of delegations of not exceeding three Choctaws, three Creeks, and five Osages, who have obtained permission to visit this city, including the usual presents and contingent expenditures, five thousand dollars;
Buildings and improvements on lands ceded by the Miamies.For the value of the buildings and improvements of the Miamies on the lands ceded by them in the treaty of twenty-third October, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, per sixth article, as ratified by the Senate, five thousand six hundred and seven dollars;
Treaties with the Chippewas of Saginaw.For carrying into effect the treaties with the Chippewas of Saganaw, of the fourteenth January, and twentieth December, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and twenty-third January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, eighty-one thousand dollars;
Treaty with the Chippewas of the Mississippi.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Chippewas of the Mississippi of the twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, two hundred and eight thousand five hundred dollars;
Treaty with the Sioux of the Mississippi.For carrying into effect the Treaty with the Sioux of the Mississippi of the twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, as ratified by the Senate, two hundred and fifty eight thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;
Treaty with the Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi of the twenty-first October, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, as ratified by the Senate, one hundred and eighty-four thousand three hundred and fifty dollars;
Treaty with the Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri of the twenty-first October, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, twelve thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars;
Treaty with the Yancton and Santie Sioux.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Yancton and Santie Sioux of the twenty-first October, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, seven thousand dollars;
Treaty with the Winnebagoes.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Winnebagoes of the first November, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, four hundred and forty-five thousand five hundred dollars;
Treaty with the Iowas.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Iowas of the twenty-third November, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, five thousand dollars;
Treaty with the Oneidas at Green Bay.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Oneidas at Green Bay of the third February, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, thirty-seven thousand and forty-seven dollars;
Appropriation to the Osages.To the Osages for interest at five per cent. on sixty-nine thousand one hundred and twenty dollars, being the value of the fifty-four sections of land set apart by the treaty of eighteen hundred and twenty-five, for education purposes, and for which they have agreed to accept two dollars per acre, as authorized by the Senate, in its resolution of the nineteenth January last, which resolution also provides for the investment of the amount, three thousand four hundred and fifty-six dollars; Appropriation to the Delawares.To the Delawares for interest at five per cent. on forty-six thousand and eighty dollars, being the value of thirty-six sections of land set apart by the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty-two, for education purposes, and for which they have agreed to accept two dollars per acre, as authorized by the Senate, in its resolution of the nineteenth January last, which resolution also provides for the investment of the amount, two thousand three hundred and four dollars;
Treaty with the Creeks.For holding a treaty with the Creeks for the purpose of adjusting their claims for property and improvements abandoned or lost on consequence of their emigration West of the Mississippi, two thousand dollars;
Depredations by the Osage and Camanche Indians.For payment of the amount of depredations committed by the Osage and Camanche Indians on the property of the Choctaw Indians, eight hundred and twenty-five dollars;
Treaty with the Wyandots of Ohio.For expenses of holding a treaty with the Wyandot Indians of the State of Ohio, one thousand five hundred dollars;
Visit of a delegation from the Seneca Indians.For payment of the expense of a delegation from the Seneca Indians who visited Washington, to protest against the ratification of a late treaty entered into with them by a commissioner acting under the authority of the United States, seven hundred and eighty-nine dollars and twenty-three cents;
Visit of a delegation of Senecas.For the expenses of the delegation of the Senecas, who visited Washington to urge the ratification of the late treaty with them and the other New York Indians, and the expenses of negotiating that Treaty with the Senecas and the other bands of New York Indians, including all the expenses incident thereto, nine thousand five hundred dollars.
Resubmitting to those Indians the treaty as amended.For the expenses of submitting again to those Indians the Treaty as amended and ratified by the Senate for the purpose of obtaining their assent to the amended Treaty, four thousand dollars.
Treaty with the Osages.For holding a treaty with the Osages for the extinguishment of their title to reservations in lands within other tribes and for other purposes, two thousand dollars.
Visit of Sac and Fox Indians to Washington.For defraying the expenses of fourteen Sac and Fox Indians, who were induced to visit Washington by the false representations of their conductor, two hundred and twenty-one dollars and fifty cents.
Negotiations with the Miamies.For the purposes of defraying expenses of negotiations with the Miami Indians, eight hundred and sixty dollars, to be paid to the following persons in the following proportions, to wit:
W. Marshall for service.To William Marshall for forty-two days’ service as Commissioner, three hundred and thirty-six dollars.
H. L. Ellsworth for service.To Henry L. Ellsworth for fifty-four days’ service as Commissioner, four hundred and thirty dollars, and to Allen Hamilton for seventeen days’ services as Secretary, one hundred and two dollars.
Exploring party of Miamies.To defray the expenses of an exploring party of Miamies Indians, the sum of nineteen hundred and ninety dollars.
Temporary subsistence to certain Indians west of the Mississippi.For affording temporary subsistence to such Indians west of the Mississippi, who, by reason of their recent emigration or the territorial arrangements incident to the policy of setting apart a portion of the public domain west of the Mississippi, for the residence of all the tribes residing east of that river, as are unable to subsist themselves, and for the expenses attending the distribution of the same, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War.
Approved, July 7, 1838.