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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/27th Congress/3rd Session/Chapter 32

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4051626United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Seventh Congress, Third Session, Chapter 32United States Congress

Feb. 15, 1843.

Chap. XXXII.An Act to change the place of holding the circuit and district courts in the district of Maine.[1]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Circuit court to be held at Portland on 1st October. That the term of the circuit court of the United States, for the district of Maine, heretofore held at Wiscasset, in and for said district, on the first day of October, shall hereafter be held at Portland, in said district, on the first day of October, and that all writs, pleas, and recognizances and indictments, and all other proceedings, both civil and criminal, pending in said court, shall be returnable to and have day and be heard, tried, and proceeded in at Portland, in the same manner s they might have been done at Wiscasset, had the place of holding said court not been changed:Proviso. Provided, however, if the first day of October happen on Sunday, then the court shall be held on the second day of said month.

District court to be held at Portland on first Tuesday of February.
And at Bangor on fourth Tuesday of June.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the term of the district court of the United States for the district of Maine, heretofore held at Wiscasset, on the fourth Tuesday of February, shall hereafter be held at Portland on the first Tuesday of February, and that the term of said court heretofore held at Portland on the first Tuesday of June, shall hereafter be held at Bangor in said district, on the fourth Tuesday of June.

Approved, February 15, 1843.

  1. District Court of Maine, vol. 3, 413.

    Notes of the acts relating to the circuit court of the district of Maine, vol. 3, 773.