United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/14th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 6
Chap. VI.—An Act for the relief of Joseph Anderson.
Payment to be placed to his credit, and patent to issue.Be it enacted, &c., That the sum of three hundred and twenty-two dollars and sixty-eight cents, paid by Joseph Anderson, on the fifth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and five, on account of the purchase money of the north-west quarter section of land number eleven, in township seven, and range four, in the Steubenville district, shall, by the register and receiver of public moneys of the land office for the district aforesaid, be placed to the credit of the said Joseph Anderson, and be considered as the fourth instalment of the purchase money due for said quarter section; and that the said Joseph Anderson, his heirs or assigns, shall be entitled to a patent for the same.
Approved, January 22, 1816.